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How Do You Get Your High In DayZ

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So when I first started playing. This came was awesome, everything was new and scary.

Boom, someone shoot over your head and tells you to drop on the ground. So you drop to the ground think OMFG, what is going on. They take your blood and let you go.

You explore the map, and find more guns, food and ammo than you will ever need.

You get your first loaded gun, and thinking you are OP waltz into Electro. Heart pounding you see a player running and blast through your 60 round M4 clip shooting from the hip. You miss all the shots. Then you are dead.

You hold up your first person, a freshie, heart thudding in your chest. You panic and blow their head off.

You are armed and stalking another armed player. He sees you and starts shooting. Heart pounding, you take your time to line up your shot, and you win!!! You go to celebrate your victory by looting their body. You are dead.

Battles go by, you win some and you lose some... After a time, you discover where people like to camp other players, and you start camping there too...

But you have lost the fear, the adrenaline, the exhileration of the confrontation... Now there is only emptyness...

TL:DR - How do you keep the "feeling" of DayZ alive?

How do you keep the fear / thrill of combat?

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simple, I play it like the survival sim it is as opposed to CoD which it isn't.

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TL:DR - How do you keep the "feeling" of DayZ alive?


its gone since the mod. dayz is just running, looting and dying thats it.

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Does it make more sense to play Arma?

I assume the mechanics are similar to DayZ, with the exception that ammo is much more abundant.

(Is Arma just a BF / CoD product? Those games have their place, but I don't have the time for them)

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yeah playing arma is a lot of fun i think. Play arma 3´.

and no arma is not a Arcade product. it is an Military Simulation. the campain is a lot of fun to play

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By trying to be non-hostile. Interacting with an unknown and keeping yourself alive and maintaining the upper hand; that is what makes dayz worth playing.

The threat of permadeath gets you high for awhile, but like all highs you build a tolerance. You gotta drag out that exposure to the other player you cannot trust like you extend the lead up to a good orgasm. KOS is like masturbating and finishing in 30 seconds. Meh.

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Well if the only thing your seeking is combat with a large array of weapons vehicles using proper military tactics than yes i would say play some arma. Its not alot like BF or CoD as its a mil simulator sandbox . I have over 400 hours clocked on arma 3 and nearly 2000 on arma 2 ( thats not counting hours playing dayz mod.


For a purist pvp experience id say arma is hard to beat Dayz unlike many peoples beliefs was never intended as a pure pvp deathmatch (so many play it like it is ) its always ment to have PvP but to many it is all it is and i wonder why on earth are they not playing arma with the inclusion of mods there is hundreds of guns more than 100 vehicle types easily ( never actually counted them all).


Lots of very active clans hiting up the PvP scene hard and they are pretty full on first thing i notice when i am playing with people in dayz if they call out a bandit its like there over there by that tree ( like that helps) as in arma they are calling out degrees or clock there precise because they play hard they play to win .


Very different experiences i love my dayz ( i am hoping it becomes the survival game it was always ment to be) but i still love my arma calling out and laser designating targets for team mates to do bombing runs in planes ,combing the hills for mines trying to avoid heavy armour while sneaking on a base to c4 a a radio tower etc...

Edited by SoulFirez

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yeah man, you right.

what is even funnier is that dayz Player think they have to talk about every tiny move they do.

"man i am running down the street""i have found a banana"

who the f*** cares.

Edited by Ozar

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Gathering and looting and surviving. I take more pride in surviving on the outside looking in, than in finding someone to kill- when I've had combat, I've probably done something wrong. In the real world, with no respawning, being around lead flying ends one way - sooner rather than later. I'm making the most of the survival simulation...

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So from the sounds of it, there are two options:

1 - be friendly-ish, and see what happens, for good or ill. (Probably better to team up as freshies)

2 - actually take the time to hunt people, as opposed to the "fishing" approach.

I did enjoy my last rampage, as I limited my starting material to an FNX pistol, two mags, and 30 extra bullets. That was a challenge.

I don't really consider "surviving" to be a challenge, as all I need to do is _not_ log in to survive. That is why I still have a 2 month old hardcore character (didn't want to risk losing my LRS...)

How much did group play alter the balance in the Mod? I doubt I am a good match for a clan, as I have very sporadic availability. Does that even matter?

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Does it make more sense to play Arma?

I assume the mechanics are similar to DayZ, with the exception that ammo is much more abundant.

(Is Arma just a BF / CoD product? Those games have their place, but I don't have the time for them)


If you want a good game play wasteland...it has no zombies but at least everyone shares the KoS mentality and there are many guns and vehicles...but sometimes you find a whole server full of pve gamers sitting around a campfire singing kum ba yah and giving eachother a hj.

Edited by Enforcer

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TL:DR - How do you keep the "feeling" of DayZ alive?

How do you keep the fear / thrill of combat?



I get the biggest thrill when playing alone on full hardcore servers. No friends, no teamspeak. Just me trying to survive. The rush I get when I see another player(s) is one only DayZ has provided, whether we are both kitted or not. 

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If you want a good game play wasteland...it has no zombies but at least everyone shares the KoS mentality and there are many guns and vehicles...but sometimes you find a whole server full of pve gamers sitting around a campfire singing kum ba yah and giving eachother a hj.

LOL they share the kos mentality because your on one of 2 distinct sides or a 3rd kill everyone side the game scores your kills deaths and you get money to buy equipment from killing people it is its very idea of the game to death match in the wastland mod eg its very different from Dayz. Oh the other plus side to arma and its mods (wastland being one of the more popular game modes) is you get to play on alot of different maps including modder made maps (which are often better than BIS maps)

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simple, I play it like the survival sim it is as opposed to CoD which it isn't.

This. If you're playing this solely for combat you're doing it wrong. You can go for hours on a full server and not see even a single person.

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^^^not if you stay on those big hills right on the east coast between electro and berezino. Hence the setting for 90% of the dayz videos on the internet currently

So sad

Edited by Dagwood

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I just fantasize about what DayZ will ACTUALLY be once it enters beta/release.


Fun as it is, by virtue of being an Alpha, it's incomplete. Even the mod was incomplete. So I don't think any one of us can really know, yet, what would be a defining/exciting experience.


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Don't go camping. Engage in thrilling CQC. Perhaps stalk your targets and before you attack, let them know you're there by speaking to them or whatever. Then engage in a frantic firefight. With skilled players being your preferred target of course. A good fight never gets old

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LOL they share the kos mentality because your on one of 2 distinct sides or a 3rd kill everyone side the game scores your kills deaths and you get money to buy equipment from killing people it is its very idea of the game to death match in the wastland mod eg its very different from Dayz. Oh the other plus side to arma and its mods (wastland being one of the more popular game modes) is you get to play on alot of different maps including modder made maps (which are often better than BIS maps)



Aaaaaah...i should have added *sarcasm mode on*  <_<



I just fantasize about what DayZ will ACTUALLY be once it enters beta/release.


Fun as it is, by virtue of being an Alpha, it's incomplete. Even the mod was incomplete. So I don't think any one of us can really know, yet, what would be a defining/exciting experience.



If they removed things that don't make sense or should really be scarce in an apocalype everyone would trade a ton of their weapons for a single can of beans.

Edited by Enforcer

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