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I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

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Answer this....why not just change view on a 3rd server to have immersion and higher PvP challenge?

Because that is literally the exact same thing as playing a first person shooter against every single person on the other team using a wall hack ... not that hard to understand ... which you do yet know you're terrible and couldn't handle not having some way to cheat whether it's built into the game and everyone has the option to use it or not so you're sitting here pretending you're better at the game for using it which just makes you look like more of a scrub.


Man I can't wait for the ocean of tears if they make it like the one mod where you can't see what objects or players are around corners in 3rd person unless you actually go around them.



Edited by Weedz
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My I suggest that a tournament of 3P and 1P play a match to the death on both regular servers and hardcore?    The group agrees on a major city that the tournament will be held in, everyone gets there player there before the scheduled date. 


Could be an interesting match and might also answer some other questions...that seem to be in the middle of this discussion.

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Alls im saying is 3rd has its merits...and a place in dayz. Im not saying...nor ever have...that dayz should be 3rd only. I see a lot of it from the 1st camp though. And your last comment says it all....I feel like they cheatin, this implies its much harder to fight off a 3rd user in 1st....so if its really that YOU want more of a challenge, play 3rd servers exclusively in 1st.


If its an immersion issue you could do the same, or play hardcore, but that is a debatable increase imo. A lot of other games use 3rd for the very purpose of immersing the player You wont get any form of PvP challenge increace there either because you are enforcing the view on EVERYONE....hows that so hard to grasp. Its simply a matter of perspective.


Ive never claimed to be better at dayz for preferring 3rd on servers. Please do quote me saying anything like that. I play both modes due to friends differing tastes, and having 2 toons is a bit of a bonus.


Also im not against 1st at all, sometimes it seems people think I am. Im only against it being forced globally across dayz, I think it would be bad for the game. It would become just another FPS game, 3rd helps set the tone for the RPG elements. Personally id have liked 1st and 3rd to remain server settings, with a real hardcore mode based on gameplay tweaks that could be enjoyed by either user :)

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Because that is literally the exact same thing as playing a first person shooter against every single person on the other team using a wall hack ... not that hard to understand ... which you do yet know you're terrible and couldn't handle not having some way to cheat whether it's built into the game and everyone has the option to use it or not so you're sitting here pretending you're better at the game for using it which just makes you look like more of a scrub.


Man I can't wait for the ocean of tears if they make it like the one mod where you can't see what objects or players are around corners in 3rd person unless you actually go around them.




It's funny how they cling to their ways and keep it that way...i got a buddy i introduced to 1p and he only wants to play it that way from now on. I got another who is playing 3p with his buddies but always teasing me about i don't have as many players on the server i play on so i tell him to come over and i'll give him the fight of his life...buit he already fails with the v1.8.x zombies from the mod in 1p and 3p...how do you expect people like him to survive against a thinking opponent without even beeing able to peek?



Also im not against 1st at all, sometimes it seems people think I am. Im only against it being forced globally across dayz, I think it would be bad for the game. It would become just another FPS game, 3rd helps set the tone for the RPG elements. Personally id have liked 1st and 3rd to remain server settings, with a real hardcore mode based on gameplay tweaks that could be enjoyed by either user :)


What RPG elements? Torture, rape and force feeding? And BIS already admitted that adding 3p to the game was the worst thing they could do.

Edited by Enforcer
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Ive never claimed to be better at dayz for preferring 3rd on servers. Please do quote me saying anything like that. I play both modes due to friends differing tastes, and having 2 toons is a bit of a bonus.


Also im not against 1st at all, sometimes it seems people think I am. 



"Playing a 3pp server is more challenging for PvP....Hardcore = safety blanket for those AFRAID of peekers" - Sir Kermaterror less than 1 hour ago


You're a perfect example of the people I was talking about before.


I love the people who act like every single shooter ever made wasn't 1st person only for the first 30 years shooters existed yet people seemed to manage and that 1st or 3rd person / hardcore or casual weren't even words to describe a game ... you were just playing a shooter. People who act like it's impossible to play a shooter in 1st person view are HIGHlarious.

If they had originally released DayZ without 3rd person nobody would ever even have given it a thought and nobody would have ever asked for it.
Edited by Weedz
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That's a blanket assessment of difficulty....not a statement that has anything to do with my skill level....try again.

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Lets rename all the Hardcore servers to 'Regular'.

And all the Regular servers to 'Pussy mode'

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^^why not just play in first person and avoid all of that intensive programming when this game is already biting off as much as the devs can chew?

You want to see your character? Use the inventory screen or logout and play Barbie there.

I like playing barbie with my character. :P


I prefer 1st person although I like looking at my character when travelling since it can get tedious and I want to distract myself.

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I like playing barbie with my character. :P


I prefer 1st person although I like looking at my character when travelling since it can get tedious and I want to distract myself.

I like it for then too when I'm running through woods or something. Good thing there was a mod for the mod that made it so you could use 3rd person but objects / players that weren't actually in your view you couldn't see until they got into your direct line of sight (not your magic floating cameras sight your actual characters eyes). But I'm sure you can imagine the QQQQQ fest that would cause from all these scrubs if they added it to this game because it would force them to admit they want 3rd person to play like a pansy not to look at their character.



That's one thing Kermaterror has going for him he actually says it like it is doesn't try to lie and say he only wants 3rd person to play DayZ barbie dress-up like everyone else. I dub thee king of the pansies and award you the medal of thruth!

Edited by Weedz
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What both of you write is really stupid.


Grrr again? really? AGAIN?!?!


3rd is no exploit....everyone has it

Playing a 3pp server is more challenging for PvP....Hardcore = safety blanket for those AFRAID of peekers

If it was really about a higher degree of difficulty then youd just hit that button and play away

Its the cries of "level playing field" that show its a safety blanket

If it was really an immersion thing...again....insta immersion button right there.


Just because you carnt get your friends to play hardcore with you dosent mean whole game should go 1st only. Try harder to move your mates.....if you really believe its better show the devs by actually playing it and making it populated. That's the best way to sell them on this idea.


Personally I love what 3rd adds to the game. Really makes me feel connected to my character, and seeing him interact with the world all helps to tell "his story". I love the extra fear looting through towns knowing that someone could be behind any wall...any window...silently watching me preparing for the kill.


"Safety blanket" is bollocks...

Both game modes are exactly the same challenge for PVP because the set of rules are the same for every participant.



Man you scrubs sure are desperately trying to hold onto that crutch that makes you feel like you aren't terrible at the game because you can kill fresh spawns by magically seeing around corners huh?


Pretty funny that someone with a sig about choking combat loggers is so adamantly defending the game's built in wall hack claiming that using it makes you better than people who don't need to "cheat".


Calling others scrubs for using a crutch...You are the one that refuses to play hardcore because you need your 3pp for "immersion" and "awareness"...

You just want your crutch tailored to your specific needs.

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Calling others scrubs for using a crutch...You are the one that refuses to play hardcore because you need your 3pp for "immersion" and "awareness"...

You just want your crutch tailored to your specific needs.

.... lolwut? When did I ever say I refuse to play hardcore or that I use 3rd person for immersion .....? I said 3rd person kills immersion because you don't feel like you are your character you feel like you're controlling an avatar ..... Can I have some of what you're smoking please?


I don't want any crutches in this game because this isn't Hello Kitty Online this is a sandbox apocalypse survival game.

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.... lolwut? When did I ever say I refuse to play hardcore or that I use 3rd person for immersion .....? I said 3rd person kills immersion because you don't feel like you are your character you feel like you're controlling an avatar ..... Can I have some of what you're smoking please?


I don't want any crutches in this game because this isn't Hello Kitty Online this is a sandbox apocalypse survival game.


Then play hardcore - and leave people that don't want to play hardcore the fuck alone.

Since they will be on other servers / hive they will not bother anyone on hardcore.


Seriously you behave like someone who tries to dictate what kind of difficulty setting people "have to" use in games.

Sure no one can stop you to do it - but nevertheless it makes you look like a self centered, entitled, childish "vaginal cleansing product"

Edited by Rauchsauger
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Then play hardcore - and leave people that don't want to play hardcore the fuck alone.

Since they will be on other servers / hive they will not bother anyone on hardcore.


Seriously you behave like someone who tries to dictate what kind of difficulty setting people "have to" use in games.

Actually I behave like an adult who grew up playing multiplayer games that didn't have "difficulty" settings because there used to be no such thing as casual gamer scrubs

Idk where you are from, but there was this thing called segregation in the United States in the 20th century. Separate but equal. It was abolished because one side was clearly ruining the "game" for the other, and it caused/maintained a schism between the two communities.

Quit being a racist  ;)


^ ... quit being a racist

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Your all missing my point.....the only thing that hardcore servers offer now is THE GARANTEE YOU WONT BE PEEKED ON.


That's it.....nothing else.....not one single thing that cant be achieved on a 3rd server with the push of a button. Immersion and challenge are smokescreen arguments, masking the one true reason anyone goes to hardcore.....see caps above^


And I have no problem with that, its fine. But that's why I say its a safety blanket :)

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Whats the point of this post even?


First-person-only is available for quite a time now. Everyone can choose the type he prefers. Not choosing the one you personally prefer is nothing but your own mistake...

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Your all missing my point.....the only thing that hardcore servers offer now is THE GARANTEE YOU WONT BE PEEKED ON.


That's it.....nothing else.....not one single thing that cant be achieved on a 3rd server with the push of a button. Immersion and challenge are smokescreen arguments, masking the one true reason anyone goes to hardcore.....see caps above^


And I have no problem with that, its fine. But that's why I say its a safety blanket :)

You're making our argument for us not yourself. That is exactly our point you can't play in 1st person on a 3rd person server because it is the same exact thing as playing Call of Duty against an entire team of wall-hackers. Stop pretending like you're retarded and don't get this it's not making you look cool. You wanting people to play in first person as you're corner camping isn't them wanting a safety blanket it's you admitting you're bad at the game and want an unfair advantage over people who want it to be more immersive and actually have PvP not [corner camping baddie] v [guy you are KoSing with no chance of taking return fire]


Whats the point of this post even?


First-person-only is available for quite a time now. Everyone can choose the type he prefers. Not choosing the one you personally prefer is nothing but your own mistake...

If you bothered to read the post you would see OP said the 1st person servers are dead all the time because everyone has become too reliant on the corner camping crutch. What's the point of replying to something you didn't even read?

Edited by Weedz

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Actually I behave like an adult who grew up playing multiplayer games that didn't have "difficulty" settings because there used to be no such thing as casual gamer scrubs


If you think that is behaving mature you really need to think again - hard. You behave exactly like the edit I did to my post after you started quoting it.


You're making our argument for us not yourself. That is exactly our point you can't play in 1st person on a 3rd person server because it is the same exact thing as playing Call of Duty against an entire team of wall-hackers. Stop pretending like you're retarded and don't get this.


If you bothered to read the post you would see OP said the 1st person servers are dead all the time because everyone has become too reliant on the corner camping crutch

If I play on 3pp servers I play in 1st person most of the time since combat suits me more that way.

The world has not ended because of it.

Also there are enough hardcore servers to play on - so that is a blatant lie.

Edited by Rauchsauger

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Pointless Hate-Thread. Dont play on 3pp Servers if you hate it. I personally dislike 3pp Servers too. Thats why we have that option, different people enjoy different playstyles.

There is no exploitation on 3pp Servers, everyone has the same tools, its your fault if you dont use them.

Also i am playing on FULL Hardcore Servers daily, there are plenty of them.

Edited by Sloddor
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idk why people dont like 3rd person view. Its not cheating or anything and like Sloddor said its ur fault if u dont use the tools that are available to everyone.

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Oh yeah, it's been few days already before this kind of topic appeared....was just about the time for new one !!

Now I expect the one with gamma/brightness cheaters to follow soon.

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Oh yeah, it's been few days already before this kind of topic appeared....was just about the time for new one !!

Now I expect the one with gamma/brightness cheaters to follow soon.

I like the ones who still cry that it's to dark while cheating and pretend you don't spawn with a flashlight.

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You want to play Hardcore,then go play hardcore!

Why do others have to change because of what someone wants for themselves lol


I play both,Hardcore and Regular and like it that way being able to have two seperate identity's to play with and cultivate

makes me laugh how there are so many people that want this game the way "they" want it lol

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You want to play Hardcore,then go play hardcore!

Why do others have to change because of what someone wants for themselves lol


I play both,Hardcore and Regular and like it that way being able to have two seperate identity's to play with and cultivate

makes me laugh how there are so many people that want this game the way "they" want it lol




There is nothing wrong with wanting things the way you would prefer it.

Dictating others on how to behave based on that is what drives me crazy...my 2 1/2 year old behaves like that ffs

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