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I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

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This thread again??

Listen.. If you don't like 3rd person servers... DONT PLAY ON THEM. That's why the game has a "Hardcore" mode. If you like 1st person only, play on those servers.. I support you in this decision.


Furthermore, I'm sick of people complaining about people "abusing 3rd person". It's in the game. It's a viable strategy. It's a little "cheap", but the fact is that anybody can do it, so it's not "cheating". IF you don't want people using 3rd person perspective to look over walls, play on Hardcore. If Dean decided to change DayZ to 100% hardcore servers, I'd be all for it.. But until that happens, people are always going to "abuse 3rd person" and 3rd person servers will always be more popular.

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I think Dean needs to combine the 1PP hive with 3PP hive and change all servers to Regular , so these crying muppets can have a legit reason to cry. So this thread and replies at least can make some sense.

Edited by =1PARA=Prime=C.O=
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The reason is, 1PP servers has lower playerbase over Regular . Therfor they want to enforce their liking and opinion to gain more population that will improve their own gameplay. 

Thats why they are agressive on their replies, because they are not happy.


Game itself gives you a variety of choice , and they are trying to do their best to balance the gameplay for multiple playerbase as  the reason of having multiple hives with multiple choices.


3RD Person (Angle) itself need a discussion own its own without comparing it with 1PP. It has its flaws and would be nice to re-arranged to avoid "exploits" for all. But this is totally different topic.


I do understand  why mate but as i said to Weedz its directed to the wrong people, if they really feel that strong they should petition the devs for 1pp only. You will never bully people into playing 1pp by namecalling and acting eliteist.

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And there is a perfect way around that exploit from Arma 2 that keeps 3rd person intact other than that exploit. But these people don't care about that because they don't care about "being on a level playing field" they care about being able to use the crutch of corner camping.


Maybe some buts its unfair and wrong to assume that everyone that plays on 3pp wants this crutch weedz it really is, and for those who dont its insulting.

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I suggested mirrors to allow the crutch in a realistic way. That way maybe 3pp will be less celebrated.

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i hate that the 3pp can be exploited when you're on higher ground than the enemy, but i like it more simply because it makes melee bearable. whacking those zeds with melee weapons is absolute bullshit in 1pp at the moment.

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I think Dean needs to combine the 1PP hive with 3PP hive and change all servers to Regular , so these crying muppets can have a legit reason to cry. So this thread and replies at least can make some sense.


Talk about showing his true colours.


Shitters gunna shit.

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I've broken this "you have your own hive, why do you care?" argument before, and I'll do it again. Listen closely.

You claim that players on 3rd person servers, while having access to a massively game altering mechanic, are all on the same playing field. I agree. This is true.

So you ask, "y'all have your own hive? Why not let us play our way and you can play your way?" A valid question.

The answer: because teenage boys make up the majority of the population that plays this game, and they will choose the route of least resistance. When learning to play dayz, doing so on 3rd person is easier. Therefore, more beginners play regular servers and ultimately more total players play regular.

The reason the "hardcore" players dislike this trend is because of supply and demand. Say what? Let me explain:

I want to host my own server but I don't want to play just by myself, so I need to implement features on my sever to attract other players. In the mod this lead to "pay to win" servers, 10000 vehicle servers, etc. would you put a lot of work into building and hosting a server that nobody played? Nope. Unsurprisingly there were hardly any fpv only servers.

I wanted to play fpv only servers, but I didn't want to play by myself. My demand for player interaction was higher than that for fpv only gameplay. As a result, I played on 3pp enabled servers.

It's like if you were playing cs or battlefield and half of the servers had no anti-hack of any kind, and linked sites that supplied free hacks. As a result, 90% of the player base uses these hacks and plays on these servers. "Hacks/mods are allowed on these servers, it's not cheating".

True, but the gameplay is mutated from the way it would be played without these hacks. And because 90% of the player base uses these servers, the majority of the developer and server hosting resources are expended on catering to these players' needs and desires.

In reality, battlefield and counter strike DO have hacking protection and the player base happily plays without them.

Separate but equal could only be equitable if both parties had access to the same resources. As I mentioned in an earlier post, segregation proved that this policy doesn't work when power (or in our case population) is unevenly distributed between the two groups.

Yes, we have our own hive and can play how we would like. However, in our opinion (which we have logically been able to defend), the community as a whole would be better off if new players were not confronted with this segregated cyberscape.

Think about it. How many times have you seen a thread titled "tried fpv, never going back!"? Probably a few.

"Tried 3pv for the first time today: screw fpv servers!"?

A baby born addicted to crack will cry for more crack. A baby who hasn't tried crack won't cry for it.

We are trying to unite the community and improve the gaming experience for everyone. If the devs have agreed with us, how can you deny our logic?

Edited by Dagwood
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Well, personally I see third person perspective as a good enough trade off. If they were to implement a system that allows you to seamlessly adjust your view height, like in Arma 3, and along with support for track IR, I'd be all over Hardcore in an instant. But we're not there currently, so I play that which feels more immersive to me.

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"The reason the "hardcore" players dislike this trend is because of supply and demand."


I just hope the game isn't going to get dumbed down in favor of the more popular "play style".

The devs could easily prove they favor realism over the popular vote.

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Do people who play this game not play other tactical shooters? Or shooters at all?

I have to admit that this is my first "Indy game" like this. I'm used to AAA titles and the like.

In almost all of the shooters I played I was playing in first person. Nobody complained (not that I frequented any forums before this one). It seems many of the complaints about the fpp characteristics in this game would apply to most games (if you took time to change the terrible default settings to widen fov and reduce head-bob).

Do a lot of people just not play fps and stick to 3pp enabled games exclusively? If so, the devs are going to force them to adapt when they remove 3pp; and subsequently receive a lot of flak from that portion of the community.

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I'm not reading any of the above.  What I will say is many games over the last 30 years have used 3rd as well as first.  Some of you get all angry and annoyed that you can't force other players to play the way you like. Fair enough but that doesn't make you right, just angry. 


My advice is keep your ranting civil please, as I don't want to deal with reports from people who think every little comment should be reported. Of course, if anyone does go to far, I will personally hack off your fingers with my teeth! Rrrraar!

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