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Concerned about the Sawn Off

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Sawn off and normal shotgun should kill instantly within a certain range, the normal having more range, less damage.


The normal having more range, more damage...

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I'm honestly not a fan of any stockless rifle. However a shotgun is a shotgun and if you get hit with buckshot the velocity doesn't change much no matter how short you make the barrel(you get full powder burn in about 9 inches). Honestly the spread of the shotshells doesn't change that much either until you get to about a 6 inch barrel(I really can't tell how short that sawed off is supposed to be) but even with a 6 inch barrel you can get about 80% of your shot on target at 25 meters. For standard buckshot that's 8 to 9 pellets traveling at over 850fps. The equivalent of being shot with a .38 6 or 7 times.


As far as the large gaping holes that being hit with a shotgun leave's that's mostly hollywood.

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Exclusive user of the shotgun? That's a mighty respectable stance you took up for a challenge there. Just how effective is the shotgun? I shy away from it unless as a last resort when a fresh spawn or 'till I get a pistol as a sawn-off. I'd like to think that a shotgun has an effective range of about 50~100 meters with harsh injury potential going to about 150~ish meters if (un)lucky depending on how tight the pellets are. 


You basically need to be less than 50m for it to be effective right now.  When the SA first introduced the shotgun, I found the spread to be pretty tight, I'd say even tighter than the mod, now it seems a bit wider.  I'd say you want to be more like 30m or less, obviously the less the better.


It's a finicky gun, and the pellets are so random in whether they hit or not as well as their travel speed.  I've shot one at a guy, completely missing (legitimately missing, bad shot) and watched the pellets impact a building behind him.  It was only about 30m away, and the pellets took nearly a full second to impact the wall, it was weird and I've had it happen a few times.  I've also shot at two guys from one side of the hanger to the other, and had the pellets essentially make an outline of the people.  I'm talking the width of the hanger, not the length.


But if you do score a solid shot, it will usually drop people.  I think in the current state, the shotgun in the mod was better because you were almost always likely to at least break some legs.  I'd never considered that all damage is based on the first pellet that hits but that seems possible.

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Shotgun in DayZ at the moment is horseshit. Nobody is living through a 20 foot away shotgun blast to the back without a lot of chest'n'back body armor. 12 gauge buckshot will put a hole in you + several tiny holes around that hole.


A 12 gauge blast to the chest with body armor on will throw you into some serious shock and will knock you unconscious from 10 feet away.


Now the situation you shot that guy in, that's horseshit right there. You wouldn't have had a face, a front torso,  most of your pelvis, or most of your frontal skin. Your nose would be gone, so would all other facial features, pellets would have traveled into and through your eye sockets if he had gone for spreadshot, and not direct.


IF he had gone for direct, you would just have half a ruler's worth of hole wide and most of a ruler deep hole through your chest. Either way, you die.


They need to buff the shotgun considerably. Anything with that kind of upfront power is of no use after 30 feet, but anywhere below that, there's nearly a guaranteed kill if you know what you're doing, and even if you don't there's a considerable chance the person who has been shot is dead.


I'd post pictures of 12 gauge wounds, but I'm afraid it's inappropriate..

Even in a movie like Scarface no one lives from a sawed off shotgun blast in the back.


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I got shot in the legs with a shottie we were less than 10 metres apart, needless to say I walked away without even broken legs and he died to my M4.

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Yes, when I was playing experimental .42 something seemed a little off-kilter with the shotgun. My partner and I were raiding the CEDA center in Svetlojarsk (not sure if it's CEDA, but it's that blue med building) when someone ran in and started swinging with an axe- naturally we both opened fire- My friend hit him first with 2 rounds from a sawn-off double barrel and he escaped through the back door. He shouldn't have.  Later it took a half a mag of M4 rounds to finish him off when he tried again. All of his gear was ruined by the shotgun but he survived both blasts.  The patch notes say that the shotgun damage has been nerfed, but not by enough to survive 2 shells, surely?

CEDA is from Left 4 Dead :)

They're just med centers.

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The normal having more range, more damage...


The sawn off would do more damage closer in wouldn't it but scatter sooner?

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A nerf to the shotty wasent needed. Altho before i knew it was nerfed i used it as i allways did and it felt..well uhm..normal.


Altho my Encounter ranges where something between 10 to max 20 meters.

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Just one-shot a guy in a small town on open raod with it.

At maybe 5 -7 m though.



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(begins at 0:43)

the first 2 shots may have missed, but the other ones should have hit and killed...

Edited by irishroy

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the first 2 shots may have missed, but the other ones should have hit and killed...


Daarn I can feel the pain that dude must have felt. He had perfect drop on those dudes, but game f*** him up instead.

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Just bizarre.


I have had only a few incidents like that.  I am a proud shotgun aficionado.  I have probably killed 12 or 13 people using my sawed off.  I have had 3 or 4 occasions where a clear shot should have killed and nothing happened, as though it played the sound, showed the smoke, and subtracted the shells, but the game decided not send out any buckshot!

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Why shotgun sux: 


More dispersion than the pistols, more than one projectile. With so much spread, the shotguns either MISS or disperse (hue) the damage across the entire body, rather than a localized spot. By hitting different clothing, there's more absorption of damage by the victim's clothing. This would not be an issue if you're breathing down someone's neck, but the shotgun's effective range is pretty anemic it seems.


Trivia: Toggling to the mode that fires both barrels at once makes the gun less accurate. 

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Walked up behind a dude and unloaded both barrels into his neck.


He turned around and shot at me with his sawed off.


Then we both kind of stood there looking at each other until I said "Well this is interesting" over the mic and we agreed to go our separate ways.


Sawed off is really screwy right now.

Edited by sloasdaylight
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