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Day Z Standalone NPC ideas...

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NPCs in the standalone would be amazing. There can be good NPCs and also bad. The 'good guys' could  just be fake survivors who need help in situations (Like zombie attacks or they need a bandage patch up), then give you rewards for helping. Or you could just rob them. When or if the Day Z team adds 'safe zones', there should be shops, maybe. I just wouldn't want the shops to turn into a pay to win type deal. And then the 'bad guys' could guard buildings, or set up bandit-like camps full of guards and loot. It might be asking for a lot, but I think it would be thrilling if the bandit NPCs kidnapped real players and brought the player inside a camp. The player would be tied up in a tent for a few minutes and then the bandits would kill the player, roast him over a fire, or let him go. Its all randomized! In those few minutes of imprisonment, the player could post in chat asking for help, or ask their friend who is online with him. If his friend gets to the camp, he would have to fight against the bandits who have a randomized weapons ranging from melee to rifles. If the kidnapping idea is too much, then bandit camps with NPC guards and supplies would still be a fun experience.

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It'll never happen. Also, Search function.

Welcome to the forums.

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lol this is probably near the 30th time someone suggested this. Every time it gets shot down. This game isn't WoW or other games like that. This is DayZ.

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There will never be NPC's, its been confirmed several times.

There will never be safe-zones, its been confirmed several times.


The only way to do what you are asking, is to have a player peform the actions basicly.

This game is 100% player driven and it will always be, no NPC can substitute that, not should they tbh.


Go create your own safe-zones with your friends and protect them, or go kidnap people like you suggest, its all possible, but it will never be handled by NPC's :)

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Nooooo not this post again...

DayZ Mod Epoch is the right thing for you.


But please. Dont. Ask. For. NPCs.

When theres already ONEHUNDREDMILLIONTHOUSAND posts about it

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I think we need just one NPC in every town, telling people there won't be any NPCs in the game.

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I think one of the greatest parts of DayZ are the players themselves. We are completely unpredictable, and you may even find yourselves questioning whether or not to kill somebody. With the introduction and a heavy involvement of Non Playable Characters would come the end of that feeling, you wouldn't have to care about whether you want to kill them or not, because killing them would only be beneficial as you get items from the dead NPCs - bandit or not. 


I haven't played enough of Epoch to know the NPCs all too well. The only encounter I ever had was with a group of about four NPC bandits walking through the open fields near Cherno, they turned around and opened fire on me and my friend. We killed the NPCs quite quickly, and after realising that they were NPCs (No kill message came up in the chat), we didn't feel get that feeling of: "Oh shit, we just killed a group of survivors...", but it felt more like when you kill an enemy in a Single Player game - no emotion or feeling at all.

Edited by Sawnek

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I'm sorry for the stupid post. I left my account open and my young brother (who also plays DayZ) popped this up on here. I just read it and I didn't realize he was that stupid. I'll delete this post if I can.

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I'm sorry for the stupid post. I left my account open and my young brother (who also plays DayZ) popped this up on here. I just read it and I didn't realize he was that stupid. I'll delete this post if I can.

That, or you're just trying to make an excuse for something that no one is mad about. Pretty much everyone makes dumb posts their first time on the forum. 

But making awful excuses offers you little credit, even when no harm was done.

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Npcs, Pay to play, a weapons shop and Mcdonalds restaurant. :(

There has to be a line in the sand somwhere.

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