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It's too easy to get guns

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Yeah I don't understand this "there's too many guns!" Here in Vermont everyone and their mother at least has a shotty in the house. And that's not counting police and national guard/military bases.  After a little time ammo will become scarce but guns will still be around.

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ive been playing for 5 hours in and around berezino/NE airfield.

Not 1 gun.


All i have to defend my self is a pitchfork.


guess i need to head south 

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They've stated that the gun spawns will be lowered significantly when improvised and craftable weapons are introduced. Which is part of their 'Survival Combat' focus. Which is where they will turn their focus when cooking is implemented.




1) Position the spawn points as far away from the awesome loot places like military bases as possible. The longer and more troublesome the journey gets to these equipment nirvanas, the more awesome will be the experience as players will have feel tempted to actually invest time to loot even smaller villages for the sake of survival. Those should really work as high reward/high risk zone for those who actually made it that far.




Remember when they changed all the spawn points around? Well, Hicks stated that all the new spawn points were essentially tweaked to be as far away from any military loot spawns. With the exception of the Novy spawn, which is rare. So that fix is already in.


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OP has some good points.


But as it was already said before, gun spawns aren't the only way to "control" firearms.


Having guns spawn in conditions other than prestine, and bad condition having strong drawbacks (jamming, low accuracy) would certainly help the situation.


Changing ammo spawns is also quite a good idea. If ammo for high tier military weapons was rarer, people had more of an incentive to stick to the lower tier weapons.


In the end it could lead to some interesting decisions: "Do i take this badly damaged m4 knowing I may have trouble finding ammo for, or this worn shotgun, whose ammo is way more available."



Btw: I like rockets announcement of making guns rarer as soon as we have alternatives. I hope they stick with that!

Edited by Buffaloe

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I'd like to see fewer mid-high tier weapons and more low tier weapons. I've found M4s, Mosins and SKSs, but I've never, ever seen a farming shotgun, and only once have I seen a Blaze. I say increase the chance of a shotgun spawning by a lot, to the point that half of the barns and farmhouses have a shotgun, Blaze or possibly a Mosin, and then reduce the chances of M4s and future military loot spawning anywhere - except in military bases.


High-level loot should be in contested areas. We shouldn't be finding military-grade gear in schools and apartment buildings.


A moot point, perhaps, as I imagine that the spawn rates of weapons will be changed dramatically.

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randomize all spawn points.



Both for loot and player spawns..



It would be so disorienting to be spawned in a random area of the map you wouldn't know exactly where u are

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While on topic of guns, has any one noticed hand guns are completely useless against zombies.

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1) Position the spawn points as far away from the awesome loot places like military bases as possible.
Ghm.. 15 minutes of running in any direction, and you 100% where you are, then you will find anything you want
2) Make the spawn points less calculable.
Read first
3) Make guns way more rare.
More kos to get weapons, imagine my 6 friends just surround you, and run from every direction just to take your weapon, we can beat your ass even with bare hands.

2 punches in your head and you are down...

I think you ppl should calm down about that shit, and ask more about improved medical system, fixing zombies and spawn of loot, if loot would be spawn in random time, not only when server restarts, it will cut off hoppers, because you can loot normally and do not think that you will die because 2 fags looted all big sities in 30 minutes(Cherno,electo, and 3 cities upper looted from solnechnuy in 40 minutes with eazy)

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Sounds like OP is just bad at PvP. Gun spawns are fine. They would make military ones rarer which is allready happening since the less modern ones are allready taking up spawns that would otherwise have been an M4.


Apart from that they can make it as rare as they want, all the more reason for me and my crew to hoard that shit. End of the day you will still be gunned down plenty of times.. and will probably still come back to this forum to cry nerf.

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The spawns would be good, if guns didn't spawn in schools and industrials. But hey we haven't got anywhere near a full compliment of loot items yet. Think when theres all the car associated loot diluting the tables, then if they add junk loot (aka the mods empty tin cans) finding things of value will be a lot harder. Then id imagine there will ne a lot of balancing of loot in Beta time, that might be whaen we see gun spawns reduced and have them spawn at more logical places ;)


But guns weren't everywhere I the mod...we had crap stuff in towns an semi ok stuff in firestations. But if ya wanted good guns the only place was NWA. That made it a great hotspot. Now with barracks everywhere I feel like its destroyed that pilgrimage to nwa for a shiny rifle :( But maybe later on the other places like balota and zelen will spawn nice....but not great gear. Then NWA would become the holy grail of gun spawns again, well, except for CS :)

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It's clear that this is an alpha and that the devs have most likely an idea of how the finished game should look like which will be different from what it is now for testing purposes yet this is also a crucial phase to name the players hopes and wishes and to test them as well. In the end it's never wrong to discuss about something instead of "just hoping for the best".


It's also clear that there are multiple ways to balance the game and to increase the immersion. I also welcome the idea of less ammo, of different gun conditions and jams yet in order to make a "lot's of guns but also with malfunctions" scenario actually reasonable and not utterly frustrating there have to be only few good guns around. So we're basically back at my initial point because otherwise you would just drop your semi optimal gun once you found one of those better guns which are currently too easy to find (not only due to their amount) and the implementation of damaged guns would become only a waste of code.


All that "OP is possibly bad at PVP" or "join full servers" is offtopic babble as it misses the point. No hard feelings guys. Currently you have the choice between the extremely easy way (joining low populated servers to quickly get the awesome gear everyone is craving for) and the extremely hard way of joining high populated servers which is a quite masochistic experience since in order to have a reasonable chance to actually find anything and not to be shot without warning common sense tells you to avoid all the good areas and travel for hours from village to village, knowing only by the look of the buildings or an open door that they will be entirely useless to you. How productive. Not to forget that these full servers are mainly populated by guys who already got their stuff (possibly also not few due to the "easy way") and now are only looking for an easy target to test them on. Neither of these two extremes actually makes much sense currently gaming wise.

Edited by ColdHeat

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Right now all you have to do after spawning is orienting yourself and running towards Cherno/Elektro. You will be well equipped by the time you reached the military airport behind Cherno and after looting the airport itself, you're equipped like a elite soldier. If you still miss some goodies you simply switch servers.


This procedure only takes around 30 minutes and exept for the server switching it's already my standart behavior to "get into the game" as quickly as possible even though the most awesome time that I had was when I had no clue about everything and stumbled through the map for hours, cheering at every jacket, schoolbag and crossbar that I'd found. Yet once you know the deal, it is way too easy. After 30 minutes you're already in a stage where neither dehydration, starvation nor zombies will pose any threat to your survival anymore. Congratulations: You just lost the game by beating the game. When bicycles get introduced, you possible can make the trip to the military airport even in around 5-8 minutes.  It's a huge waste of immersion and "survival feeling".



The possibly greatest part of the game is the time after your spawn as an unarmed PC and until the moment you are equipped to the teeth. After that time all that the players seem to do is to hunt for players for fun or to avoid the game in order not to lose everything again. So to prolong this "seeker and survival" episode and to make it a real accomplishment to get good gear, I feel a few pressing steps have to be taken as when you give players the option to beat the game too easily and fast, they will exploit it even though it somewhat ruins their gaming experience.. simply due to impatience and greed.




1) Position the spawn points as far away from the awesome loot places like military bases as possible. The longer and more troublesome the journey gets to these equipment nirvanas, the more awesome will be the experience as players will feel tempted to actually invest time to loot even smaller villages for the sake of survival. Those awesome loot places should really work as high reward/high risk zone for those who actually made it that far.


2) Make the spawn points less calculable. While it appears to be logical that military bases and even ordinary police stations are likely places to find guns in a postapocalyptical scenario, it's actually too predictable which house is not worth to look into and which one will almost guarantee you a weapon at which specific spot. Chernarus portrays a world that is already devastated and almost looted dry to the bone. The supermarkets are virtually empty and in such a scenario the military bases and police stations would be the very first places to be looted. After that stage the most ordinary cabins could be your best bet to find a gun as the decendent of a former civilized world, where every farmer and peasant possibly owned a gun for hunting or home defense reasons. I think gun spawns should become at least possible even in ordinary houses and the fancy guns should most likely spawn on military bases, even though in much a less extend as they do now, where 3-4 guns are almost guaranteed to be found on a military base. City houses could have a slight chance mostly for handguns, police stations a mediocre chance for more fancy handguns and shotguns, village houses a chance mostly for hunting rifles, firefighter stations, hospitals and schools a chance for fire axes and military bases a chance for all the awesome stuff.


3) Make guns way more rare. Even a B95 or a Ruger should be an awesome discovery and not something that will be only a waste of slots after you visited the very next promising station to loot. To give players still a chance and more of a survival feeling, self-made gear and improvised weapons could become much more important to fill the gap of hunting/self-defence until the moment you find the good stuff.


It would be easy to find guns in an actual apocalypse, too. What, do you think the FIFTY THINGAMAJILLION guns in the world would just disappear when shit hits the fan?

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It would be easy to find guns in an actual apocalypse, too. What, do you think the FIFTY THINGAMAJILLION guns in the world would just disappear when shit hits the fan?



Regarding the realism discussion: The good thing about Chernarus is that it's fictional, so the devs can forge the reality the way they/we like it and make it equally balanced yet believeable. The comparison to the Czech republic, russia and the US might sound reasonable yet the result (a huge amount of guns and 90+ % of the population being turned to zombies which don't use guns) would be a world filled with guns which would be game breakin for every postapocalyptical survival scenario immersion and challenge wise. Otherwise we could just spawn with a B95 right in our hands. So let's remind ourselves that this is a fictional game and not a simulation.

Edited by ColdHeat

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Regarding the realism discussion: The good thing about Chernarus is that despite being inspired by a real area (possibly around Povrly) is still fictional so we can forge the reality we like and make it equally balanced yet believeable. The comparison to the Czech republic, russia and the US might sound reasonable yet the result (a huge amount of guns and 90+ % of the population being turned to zombies which don't use guns) would be a world filled with guns which would be game breakin for every postapocalyptical survival scenario immersion and challenge wise. Otherwise we could just spawn with a B95 right in our hands. So let's remind ourselves that this is a fictional game and not a simulation.


I think what's really gamebreaking is that the OP and many others want guns to be virtually impossible to attain. If that was the case, the one guy on the server with an M4A1 is going to ravage the entire countryside only having to fend off people throwing rocks at him and maybe some arrows. Someone linked some statistics in another thread pertaining to the amount of gun owners in Russia and surrounding countries and it was literally jaw-dropping. There would literally be a gun in every second house in Chernarus+ if said statistics were even remotely accurate.


I think the game would be fine if there were more pistols and fewer assault rifles, but that's just me.

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Curious, I haven't seen anything that said "all guns will become rare" only that "military gun spawns will reduce" with craftable weapons.

I really don't like the general push for less guns in an FPS. I realize people have glamorized the idea of throwing weapons, but the idea of people actually using them effectively is terribly unrealistic. Almost, for myself, game-breakingly, immersion-destroyingly unrealistic.

I hope the S in your acronym stand for "survival" because this game isn't a first-person shooter regardless of what people try to make it. Shucks, maybe if anything it's a TPS since so many of the "shooters" play in third person. Booyah!

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I want to see the same amount of guns but with a decrease to military spawns and an increase in civilian weapons.

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To people who say guns shouldn't spawn in schools and apartment buildings, that just doesn't make sense. Wouldn't the military leave their base during a world devastating zombie (infected living human) apocalypse? Wouldn't they show up in civilian centers and try and help barricade and defend people? Like the stacked up crap in halls of hospitals? Guns should spawn everywhere.

But I love the ideas of conditional values being other than "pristine" so when that happens I do hope 90% of guns are worn or worse. Sure an AK is more resilient to dirt and debris than an M4 but shit sitting in the rain for weeks will need some love. Maybe replacement bolts or a series of cleanings and disassemblies. Make them hard to maintain like vehicles will be.

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There are guns because this is an early testing phase for a shooter survival game on a brand new engine ... not playing dayz.

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Actually, here is the thing.  You are playing with 40 other people right (if on a heavily populated server)?  There are several military bases that housed hundreds (if not thousands) of soldiers; so if this was 'realistic' - we would actually be armed to the teeth when visiting a base.  Not to mention going house to house - how many people were hunters?


I love how people are always complaining that it is "easy to get a gun" or that there are "too many guns."  If a zombie scenario actually happened, especially here in the USA - guns would be all over the place.


Lets just say the soldiers abandoned the base in a hurry because of the infected zombies - would they have time to pack up a few thousand guns and millions of rounds of ammunition?  I think not.  So, when you enter a military base and only find two guns on a freshly booted server - I find that highly improbable and unlikely.


40 people, in a country that is overrun by zombies would be geared to the teeth if they knew how to survive. ;)



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40 people, in a country that is overrun by zombies would be geared to the teeth if they knew how to survive. ;)

Then it would be ArmaZ which is what everybody wants anyway

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Then it would be ArmaZ which is what everybody wants anyway

Not if the devs boost up the survival aspect of the game.  More zombies (hordes of them!!!!), zombies only die on head shots, dangerous wildlife, character is subject to the elements like to hot (gets dehydrated faster), too cold (hypothermia) and a ton of other stuff they could throw in to balance it all out.

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Not if the devs boost up the survival aspect of the game.  More zombies (hordes of them!!!!), zombies only die on head shots, dangerous wildlife, character is subject to the elements like to hot (gets dehydrated faster), too cold (hypothermia) and a ton of other stuff they could throw in to balance it all out.

This is exactly what I want but look at these forums.  Multiple threads about wanting more guns(especially military), base building(military outpost style), vehicles(again more military shit).   In the end if this is the route the devs decide to take so be it.  It was only $30 so it won't be a loss.

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Dem police stations.




and office buildings



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This is exactly what I want but look at these forums.  Multiple threads about wanting more guns(especially military), base building(military outpost style), vehicles(again more military shit).   In the end if this is the route the devs decide to take so be it.  It was only $30 so it won't be a loss.


It is about surviving after the virus outbreak has torn down society. Surviving means doing what ever it takes so that you're still breathing the next day. In that post-outbreak world ofcourse people would start to take care of self defense (a.k.a. arming themselves to the teeth) setting up locations that offer some more safety, hoarding supplies and getting transportation.


There are a few zealots who want to narrow "surviving" down to BeargryllsSim2014 but that's not going to happen.

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