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People who server hop

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I want to start by apologizing, I understand there are most likely forums that talk about players who server hop. But I'm thinking my topic might be a bit different.


There is a large number of players who server hop, and their goal is to loot a specific area that has really great loot drops. I find this extremely frustrating especially when you are a player playing legitimately. I can understand in their respect that they want to get geared faster, but whats the point? The point of DayZ is to travel and discover items by working at it. Don't you want that successful feeling like "yes! I found a m4 I'm so happy". If you just hop from server to server to get geared, what now? Kill other players? Well yeah that can be fun, but eventually you WILL get killed. Then what? Do it all over again? This completely defeats the purpose of the games idea of playing entirely.


I think there's two options that will resolve this issue.   


Option 1: Random respawn (I know some might disagree, but it beats the alternative)


Option 2: Loot to be completely randomized. 


I would not have any problems with option 2. If anything, that would make the game a lot more interesting. The way they can do it is have there be different levels of rarity. 


In the end, this is just my opinion but, I think most of you would agree with me. 


I understand this game is in beta so its not a finished product. I'm simply just giving my opinion and what I feel they should add.

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well for starters its in alpha not beta and both of your ideas have been discussed extensively. I don't care about completely randomized loot - I care very much about randomized respawn, I choose a safe place to log out for a reason.

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  On 3/18/2014 at 1:24 AM, Elle said:

well for starters its in alpha not beta and both of your ideas have been discussed extensively. I don't care about completely randomized loot - I care very much about randomized respawn, I choose a safe place to log out for a reason.


This forum has been discussed already? Same with the option and opinion?

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  On 3/18/2014 at 1:17 AM, BUckENbooz said:

I want to start by apologizing, I understand there are most likely forums that talk about players who server hop. But I'm thinking my topic might be a bit different.


There is a large number of players who server hop, and their goal is to loot a specific area that has really great loot drops. I find this extremely frustrating especially when you are a player playing legitimately. I can understand in their respect that they want to get geared faster, but whats the point? The point of DayZ is to travel and discover items by working at it. Don't you want that successful feeling like "yes! I found a m4 I'm so happy". If you just hop from server to server to get geared, what now? Kill other players? Well yeah that can be fun, but eventually you WILL get killed. Then what? Do it all over again? This completely defeats the purpose of the games idea of playing entirely.


I think there's two options that will resolve this issue.   


Option 1: Random respawn (I know some might disagree, but it beats the alternative)


Option 2: Loot to be completely randomized. 


I would not have any problems with option 2. If anything, that would make the game a lot more interesting. The way they can do it is have there be different levels of rarity. 


In the end, this is just my opinion but, I think most of you would agree with me. 


I understand this game is in beta so its not a finished product. I'm simply just giving my opinion and what I feel they should add.


Wrong. Currently, the point of DayZ is either to kill other players or hide in the northern woods.

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In the arma II mod version, if you switch server you have to start a new char. Would imagine the same will happen with SA servers eventally. It's one of those things we'll have to bare with.

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I have been server hopping recently. Im allready fuly geared I just wanted to check a certain location and see how much its visited.


both your suggestions are bad imo.


random respawn is very bad as your safe location is everything.


random loot is bad because we need diversity in the location on the map. Some areas need to be highly contested and others less.

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One thing I had thought of in the past is spawning the same item in the same spot on all servers. So If you go on Us east 1-12 and you find a worn red dot in a comm center at the nwaf, and you hop to a different server, you will find the same thing in the same spot. This will force each player to scavenge the world as there will be no benefit to hop from server to server.

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  On 3/18/2014 at 1:28 AM, BUckENbooz said:

This forum has been discussed already? Same with the option and opinion?

yeah pretty much.


  On 3/18/2014 at 1:39 AM, Walking Wounded said:


random loot is bad because we need diversity in the location on the map. Some areas need to be highly contested and others less.

now there is a point I hadn't considered


sorry OP both your ideas are bad.

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Seperate individual Hives for each server would end server hopping completely,

there would be no advantage to hop servers if each server you had a different character playing a different role.


It is the one Hive concept for all servers that allows server hopping to be done!


I would not like random respawns,I put considerable time and effort into keeping my character alive and healthy

Nor would I care to see lott being randomized as it makes sense looting airfields and military bases for miliary gear etc.

Country estates for shotguns and rifles etc.


Maybe once the dust settles and Alpha has turned to beta or better...

individual servers can possibly create there own hives so only on that server...

You get to log on next...with what you logged off with!


that is,at least IMHO

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  On 3/18/2014 at 1:39 AM, Walking Wounded said:

I have been server hopping recently. Im allready fuly geared I just wanted to check a certain location and see how much its visited.


both your suggestions are bad imo.


random respawn is very bad as your safe location is everything.


random loot is bad because we need diversity in the location on the map. Some areas need to be highly contested and others less.


That's debatable. On one hand, yes, theoretically this is a good idea. On the other hand, do we want another game where 75% of the map goes unused? Random loot makes just as much sense as concentrated loot, and it'd bring more balance to the game. It'd also make it much easier to deny server hopping.

Edited by Grimey Rick
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  On 3/18/2014 at 1:48 AM, Grimey Rick said:

That's debatable. On one hand, yes, theoretically this is a good idea. One the other hand, do we want another game where 75% of the map goes unused? Random loot makes just as much sense as concentrated loot, and it'd bring more balance to the game. It'd also make it much easier to deny server hopping.


I see your point but how would that help... any big city can then spawn any item so people just server hop from ellektro to ellektro or cherno to cherno.

Edited by Walking Wounded

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I appreciate OP's motivation on this. It never hurts to bring up this issue. And to hear someone express well what I feel is the point of DayZ. Which is that sense of accomplishment after you've found something through hard work not through server hopping.


But adding to the chorus, been discussed more than thoroughly. I think a good road map is in place and the fundamentals are sound. We're all just waiting for the complete set to be implemented.


For instance, if you fail to log correctly on a server and then immediately try again to log on that same server often times the player receives a harsh penalty by way of current anti-hopping programming. BIS/Hall/whoever knows that is an instance in which a correction needs to occur and they are currently working on it, so far as my sleuthing has gathered. 


Point is, there is like 200 of aforementioned tweaks that need to get done and it'll just take time. 


Once storage and respawning loot arrives, any "rule" or idea you have about DayZ goes out the window. As a byproduct of this, server hopping becomes pointless. (almost)

Edited by PhilB
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Perhaps there should be items required to server hop and be a loot farmer (thinking overalls, straw hat, and hoe). This could then aid in the identification and disposal of these greedy little piggies.

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  On 3/18/2014 at 1:36 AM, Grimey Rick said:

Wrong. Currently, the point of DayZ is either to kill other players or hide in the northern woods.

Wrong. Currently the point of DayZ is to test it and provide feedback. Alpha stage software development. I'm not the one saying it, your warning when you start the game is.


(And try to have fun while doing so.)

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The central hive is the problem regarding hoppers. As long as there are different loot spawns on different servers you will get this.


Private hives will alleviate the problem and  hopefully bring about better role-play as there will be more of a community in said servers.


Lazy, greedy people will always take the path of least resistance.


If there were a way to lock loot to the character when hopping then that might be a cure. Any thoughts on how this could be accomplished?

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really seems you forgot the most obvious one, option 3: they fix the loot repawn.


when loot actually repawns after a cetain amount of time(like its suppose to) then there will be no reason to server hop, an while yeah some will still do it. Im sure most will stop.

Edited by Kaw

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  On 3/18/2014 at 1:17 AM, BUckENbooz said:


I understand this game is in beta so its not a finished product. I'm simply just giving my opinion and what I feel they should add.


Its ALPHA  :rolleyes: 

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  On 3/18/2014 at 3:20 AM, Odin Lowe said:

Wrong. Currently the point of DayZ is to test it and provide feedback. Alpha stage software development. I'm not the one saying it, your warning when you start the game is.


(And try to have fun while doing so.)


The point for me and the majority of the community playing DayZ is to shoot people. If they'd release a patch more than once a month, maybe we'd have some bugs to submit. I think everything's been reported for the last few weeks now.



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The only problem is that loot doesn´t respawn. If i want to equip myselft than i have to server-hop because otherwise i visit all Airstrip´s/Elektro etc. just to realise that every good item is gone... and even if it isn´t, i dont run hours through the map if there is a great chance that it´s all for nothing ´cause there is no guaranty that there is any loot left.

Edited by Dirty_Sanchez

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Loot respawn doesn't cut it.

Randomized loot respawn does.

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Well they where talking about improving so that there are more places with loot once the loot, animal and zombie respawns are fixed. and loot needs to make sense. like it's highly unlikely to stumble on a Mosin in the woods unless it's ruined and broken from beating Zombies.

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  On 3/18/2014 at 12:55 PM, mgc said:

Loot respawn doesn't cut it.

Randomized loot respawn does.


Random loot respawn doesn´t cut it either. If players are to lazy to walk throuth the map, they will also server-hopp until they find something usefull in the area and if not, jump to another server just like now.

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server hopping has been delt with, there is a time penalisation in place and people are punished for doing it, + there are many people who specialise in killing hoppers in high loot areas. So by and large it's taken care of. the next real problem is when loot starts to respawn we find this -



 loot farmers, how this is going to be fixed? I've no idea, but i'm looking forward to see what they do (or maybe it's just one of the major inherent flaws that rocket talked about that will never be fixable)

Edited by Calibre
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