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About keklily

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  1. http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=15219 I made this but now I ask the community for a little help to get some ports for my firewall to ignore for faster loading of the server list in the game.
  2. keklily

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Also I noticed that when I drink from a bottle or canteen without space to go prone you won't complete the drink action. and that everytime I drunk it has thrown me into prone.
  3. keklily

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    I today tried to smack a zed with a splitting axe and the zed attacked me causing the two models to colide but when my axe was sung it's head was behind the Zed and the hit was not registered. I can axe and punch players much easier then I can hit a zed.
  4. keklily

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    are these "speedloaders" for the mosin new to 0.48.x? http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/566644437555997215/D3FF9A559057E57046DDC2C7C9D3436C8E75797D/
  5. I wonder if next build will be .48.xxxxxx
  6. For me. Standing still/ eating/ drinking and sniping = 39-48FPS sprinting = 15-20FPS I have not noticed running sprinting making me slower if I'm bleeding but it makes a diffrence if both legs hurt. (if the Leg hurts message comes in rapid succession of the last.)
  7. Is curious that the LMB thing is!
  8. what's up with the freeze? I've never gotten frozen even after hours of running in the rain
  9. I respawn and where I respawn is south of vybor in the forest by a fire anf 5 other guys. apparently their groups sixth member got a sudden "YOU ARE DEAD" and then I spawn in with his character by all of them. and they are like WTF?
  10. I SO today I login on a fresh start get a long horn with 1 bullet use it to kill a cow and take it's meat. I start cooking it when someone shoots me in my arms and legs but before I could hir respawn they resusitate me to full health with saline IV's but they leave me with broken bones and arms and nothing to wear about 2 KM from nearest town. Hungry thirsty and Healthy (cause of saline or something.) I want to respawn from this but can't unless I fall unconsious.....
  11. I recently found a shed with 5 motobike helmets.
  12. keklily

    New camo backpack in EXP build

    Hey I like the news but please post in the right thread my dear.
  13. they didn't work so I guess they where hacked in or something. I dunno I just found he had them and I took them off the Zed fest corpse.
  14. logs into a full server and sees a dead player. takes the usable gears A full mosin with ammo a few hand grenades and food enough to me.
  15. my steam does not update DayZ to latest exp patch