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Nighttime: Well that was odd

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So I was at NWAF one a night time server where the Gamma glitch clearly did not work. (I have clouds turned off for performance) and I had my gamma and brightness maxed out. The server was pitch black because there was no moon up. So as I am running in the general direction I need to from my compass, I hear shots ring out at me. A couple more shots, and I'm dead. Now I cannot see a single thing at the moment, no flashlight on, It is so dark that I can only make out the outlines of the trees from the sky.


So how in the hell did he see me and take accurate enough shots to kill me? Is the moon somehow client side?? I have noticed that as the moon rises while using the gamma glitch, things go from pitch black to lighter.

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Glitcher killed by glitcher and complaining about it...i'm sure he had a brighter setting. There are more places to set up gamma and brightness...like the monitor or the gpu software...

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If a game actually forces you to be a glitcher, there really isnt much to do, night time in dayz is horrible, apart of it being to dark, the lights in cities and even flashlights so on are really weak, maybe they made it on purpose to creat ambient but i truly doubt it, if this night system was any good, they wouldnt have totally remade it on arma III, that yes has the night system dayz should have adopted or a similiar one

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acekaze, isnt the SA and ArmaIII two compleetly differnt games?


yeah, night is really dark in this game, but i think we forget how dark night can be with ZERO lights on. that said, shame for cheating. its possible that he was at a lower posistion and could see you over the tree line or something... who knows.

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night can be dark, sure, but not 100%, its not even the night thats the problem, is that the lights are awfull, the street lights have has much light has a candle.

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If a game actually forces you to be a glitcher, there really is not much you can do. Night time in dayz is horrible. Apart from it being too dark, the lights in cities and even flashlights are very weak. Maybe they made it on purpose to create ambiance, but I truly doubt it. If this night system was any good, they wouldn't have totally remade it on arma III. That yes, has the night system dayz should have adopted or a similar one.

The game forces you to decide to use a source of light at night or not. Nothing else. In the experimental version the lighting is much better, and "fixed". In regular, they work fine. Just not as well as they should. But I can see okay.. others can see okay. 


You should research prior to posting.. 


Also, fixed ;)

Edited by lrish
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Not really, i am posting for what i have on live patch not on experimental, i may change my opinion when they do release a new patch, if things have actually improved, as if you can see okai or not, depends on how your settings are set, if i twinker stuff there i see better or worse depending on what i change, but it really shouldnt be that way, playing on the night without a light and without changing gamma settings its impossible, because you cant see the items, the zombies have a fearfull night vision its almost like playing with your screen turned off =), hopefully they have fixed it like you said, as for now i keep my opinion, because, the only game i know has dark has this one, is Slenderman.

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I play 100% night time on the regular servers.......it's safer as long as you stay away from street lights, rooms that are lite up and nights that are Full moons.  Full moon nights are like it's daytime. I usually stay out of larger cities and towns when it's a full moon, it's too much of a risk.   Rain is my friend at night....the more the better in my opinion, I just have my 45 drawn all the time I'm in a city when it's down pouring.  I rarely rarely ever fire my weapon at Z's ever when I'm in a city regardless if it's raining or super dark out....no reason to tell the world there's another player in town!!

I never go to an AF or military camps...it's a magnet for players and the odds of death go way up.

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I've actually noticed this too while playing with others during night. I can't see shit, but they say that it's still not that bad. Strange.

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The game forces you to decide to use a source of light at night or not. Nothing else. In the experimental version the lighting is much better, and "fixed". In regular, they work fine. Just not as well as they should. But I can see okay.. others can see okay. 


You should research prior to posting.. 


Also, fixed ;)

Ya but last time I was on experimental I was still able to exploit the gamma/brightness sliders, I know what would have made it work for OP but I'm not given to sharing how to exploit the game, bug tracker, then I stfu about it.

Edited by Window Licker

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I searched a little bit, heres how it look exactly to me, same thing on normal settings, http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/152116/are-night-vision-goggles-in-dayz-standalone-yet

I've had it a lot brighter than that second photo at night with a Full Moon. It made me stop and look up to make sure the sun wasn't rising...once I saw the moon I got the freak out of the edge of the city I was in.  Spent the next 30 minutes running from wooded areas to wooded areas to get to some smaller towns away from the coast.

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acekaze, isnt the SA and ArmaIII two compleetly differnt games?


but i think we forget how dark night can be with ZERO lights on.


^ This...some people should really go out of the civilization from time to time. And everyone else claiming there should be light in a windowless cellar during daytime should stop watching hollywood movies.


night can be dark, sure, but not 100%, its not even the night thats the problem, is that the lights are awfull, the street lights have has much light has a candle.


I wonder why street lights are still on when there is no electricity....not so apocalyptic.


I'm currently playing night since a few days with a buddy and a few days before all alone...you can't have that atmosphere during the day even if you don't have so many players because they puss out. All you hear during the day are gunshots anyway...

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When gamma exploits do not work, just reset your graphic settings to default and max up gamma again, it should fix it.

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This is cheating clear and through.

There are flashlights, headlamps, gas lamps.

Are you seriously that bad at this game?

Edited by Geckofrog7
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This is cheating clear and through.

There are flashlights, headlamps, gas lamps.

Are you seriously that bad at this game?



They just don't want to be seen in the dark but still want daytime advantage...


There's no cheating in an alpha unless you're using a third party program for an advantage over others. They're glitches, and they need to reported. Once reported, if they're not fixed, they're fair game. So many tryhards in this thread.

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as i see it its an option for people with less good eye sights, i see perfectly fine in nighttime, but i know a few friends who don't see anything in the game at night, and not as a result of bad machinery.

if people wanna use it as a glitch bug or whatever, let em, end of the day you are still the better player in night, when they fix the problem :P

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Sometimes I put clouds on high at night because it makes my visibility bearable

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So here's the thing. If I pop on a night server. I'm going to check to see if the gamma glitch works. If it doesn't, I can just use my compass to run across the map and not worry. If it does work, I'll leave the server. I typically do this after a night of fighting in high risk areas and I need to log out for real life. I come back in, know I'm at NWAF, jump on a low pop and run somewhere to meet up with my friends.


Now the thing I am hammering at here, is that according to "how the glitch works", it should be the same across all platforms. So, if it does not work on my computer it should not work on someones elses (I.e. we're adjusting the same settings correct?)


I will say that, yes it is very, very dark a night with no light sources. However you still are able to see a few feet infront of you once your eyes adjust.


I do hope it get's "fixed", I just don't know how it will without locking gamma and brightness values. These sort of mechanics really break the enjoyment and immersion of playing at night to be honest.

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I've noticed that changing HDR from "Very Low" to "Low" quite dramatically increases nighttime vision and enhances the effectiveness of gamma/brightness glitching.

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While you'll surely be jumped on for using the gamma bump, I think people need to realize that night time is unplayable for some.


I have trouble telling if my TV is on or off sometimes when playing DayZ, it's THAT dark. Flashlights don't really help, and on cloudless nights it's still entirely too dark.


I'm all for unforgiving mechanics and using in-game resources, but the nighttime lighting needs some serious work. Just a modest improvement would make a world of difference, whilst preserving all the scariness and tension that you get from a pitch-black night.

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I think the people who are complaining about the "glitch/exploit" play on 24/7 day servers, or log out when its night on the server they're on.


The other thing I believe people forget is that no matter how dark it really is, your eyes will adjust and give you DECENT visibility. Moon or no moon. Clouds or no clouds.Once you're out in it for a while your eyes adjust. 

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I play 100% night time on the regular servers.......it's safer as long as you stay away from street lights, rooms that are lite up and nights that are Full moons.  Full moon nights are like it's daytime. I usually stay out of larger cities and towns when it's a full moon, it's too much of a risk.   Rain is my friend at night....the more the better in my opinion, I just have my 45 drawn all the time I'm in a city when it's down pouring.  I rarely rarely ever fire my weapon at Z's ever when I'm in a city regardless if it's raining or super dark out....no reason to tell the world there's another player in town!!

I never go to an AF or military camps...it's a magnet for players and the odds of death go way up.

Jesus. And i get clowned for playing "safe". You have it down to a science.

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Tonight was a good example of just how dark it can get, even with your settings at full.  I was in a building with a room that was about 12' x 20'...I had just shut the main doors and I hear not one but 2 Z's coming so I moved backwards to where I thought I was close to the back wall and pulled out my 45 (the axe wasn't a option because there was zero light), waited until I thought the first one came inside and fired 2 shots.  Heard the second bullet hit him...then SHE made it in.....I heard her come right up to me so I swung around and put my back towards the main door and moved back (I'm guessing at all this because my screen was black)  Listened for the noise she was making and then unloaded the mag in a spray pattern in that direction, then listened...WTH...she was laughing at me "Hey, you missed me".   OK...something is weird she's not attacking me...finally decide to get the flashlight out and see what's going on.  She was half sunk into the floor and stuck.  I turned around found the door and opened it, then shut the light out and booked it out of that area. 
It's interesting to see the barrel flash of a 45 going off in the dark.

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