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I swear to god I'll pistolwhip the guy who suggests that the controllers of consoles can't handle a game with a "complicated" control scheme like DayZ.


I've played DayZ since April 2012 with an Xbox controller. It's been wonderful.


If I could map (which I can, through Xpadder) the lean keys, inventory key, and a few others to the UNUSED buttons on the Xbox controller... I'd be 100%. It ain't rocket science.

Edited by Katana67

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I'm mad because European football is way better than American football.

No its not it boring as hell lol.

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Did you seriously just say "why so mad bro?" I'm so tired of the memes and cookie cutter responses. I'm mad because people are ignorant and entitled. I'm mad because god is dead. I'm mad because European football is way better than American football. I'm mad because my band only got a 7.7 on Pitchfork and I'm mad because my e-penis is two sizes too small for this forum.

I guaran-damn-tee that whenever this game gets ported to consoles it'll be A. When PC development is complete B. Ported by a company familiar with PC to console ports C. Make a shitload of money for BI D. Not effect PC gamers at all because they won't be shared servers

So let's all get over ourselves and talk about something that matters. Like KoS, hats, and wall hacks.

I still believe this game will be utter shit on a console and not work / run well at all. It WILL look like shit, believe you me.

I'm a skeptic though. Maybe they will port this and make it awesome, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Also, the "u mad bro" was followed by an actual response. You may want to, like, seriously calm down. Your response made it sound like you were about to stroke out over a post on a video game forum

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I am not too familiar with consoles atm - the last one i had was a PS2.


Could an Xbox handle a map the size of Chernarus, full of loot, players, zombies etc?

It could, but th experience would need to be dumbed down pretty hard ex: lower zombies and less buildings in electro.

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I almost choked when you guys said complex.

This game is not complex, by a long shot.

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hey guys, I know that they are trying to stable the PC version but what do you guys think of an xbox edition?


Just wanna make idle chit chat



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I still believe this game will be utter shit on a console and not work / run well at all. It WILL look like shit, believe you me.

I'm a skeptic though. Maybe they will port this and make it awesome, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Also, the "u mad bro" was followed by an actual response. You may want to, like, seriously calm down. Your response made it sound like you were about to stroke out over a post on a video game forum

I'm not actually mad, brah. That's my secret. Shhhh...

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When the game is done and a few content updates in then I see nothing wrong with them trying to make a console version.

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Consoles = old tech . So I doubt it. And in 3-4 years there will be a new video game craze, people may not even care about dayz anymore. I gave up my console, Xbox live member for over 8 years. I just got tired of the pc having all the cool shit, and playing ports on console is laughable at best.

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OP, you, sir, are either an evil mastermind, or an innocent bystander that started a flame rage war.  I kid, I kid. 


First off, all kinds of people play either console and PC.  And insulting any of them has nothing to do with anything, except perhaps those with little penises who are just angry to begin with so they insult anything they don't partake in. 


Secondly, I don't believe any console could handle Dayz the way it was meant to be.  Maybe the Xbox 2 or PS5 would be able to, but not now.  It will be unlike the PC game in too many ways to be ejoyable.


Third and final, Don't worry about hackers or cheaters.  They exist, and exist in all games and systems (ever play COD against a wall glitcher?) Don't worry about it.  Just play.  When your character gets reset, just take it out on your boyfriend, close friend, a pillow,and move on.

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Who cares really? No really. Why do you fucking care? We have it on PC. If they port it in a couple years so fucking what? Are we really so insecure that we need to bash consoles and what they offer people who don't give a shit to build a gaming PC and work to keep it updated with drivers and hardware and porn?

I think the fear, hate and insecurity are derived from past experience. Having seen what has befallen some AAA PC titles over the years, as they have made the transition from PC to console port, and then, over the years,  development take the evil turn to development for console and then ported to PC, it makes perfect sense for PC gamers to bash consoles.


Call of Duty was a stellar title when it came out, and really opened the door to the masses for FPS gaming. 2015, who later became Infinity Ward, set a tone that has yet to be changed, really. And DICE, with BF1942, took it to another level with vehicles and huge maps that no one thought possible at the time. But the lure of big money got to them both, and now, what remains of IW are now whoring for paychecks in the activision slave pit, and DICE has sold their own souls to EA. Both publishers focus mainly on providing console content because there are so many damn consoles out there, but capitulate to the PC crowd after the fact- console development always takes priority over PC nowadays, despite what the developers claim.


We are no longer the primary audience for games, it seems.

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