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KoS's Updated KOS Reduction Topic for DayZ SA

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I making similar idea before http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/149944-standalone-give-value-to-life-and-reduce-kos/ but was old one in mod forum and for sure if I doing necro post the mods locking :rolleyes:


also I make some improve and putting extra details because now SA is here I understand more rocket vision


Feature #1 fresh spawn character is almost dead


and is mean ALMOST DEAD from shipwreck disaster you are fucked up

black and white screen

shaking from pain and cold

starving also dying of thirst


welcome to struggle for survive :thumbsup:  ;)



#2 getting to good health taking long time and efforts


you need to focus only on get strength and good health

food drink medicines etc is need AND TIME FOR HEAL

don't worry for find gun and make no sense murder because in this state you struggle to aim gun and forget to run away is no chance for this



this mean fresh spawn guy is weak and useless like true ship wreck survivor :)


players now focus on point of game and rocket vision TO SURVIVE ;)


Bandit still exist murder still happen this NEVER STOP


but immature comedy beach spawn assholes like we having now IS REDUCE because what is point to spend 3 hour or more of game time to get character in good condition for the pvP seeing in colour stop to shake good speed etc and risk dying for NOTHING :huh:


Now gear having zero value compare with CHARACTER LIFE


if guys is strong good health all things become easier

run faster

run further without rest is need

carry heavy bag no problem

more chance for survive zombie/infection/sickness/bullet/melee attack

swim better hold breath under water longer


but is not skill tree IS HEALTH TREE :thumbsup:  :D


this make game better

Edited by KoS
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Why has no one thought this before? Your a Genius!

Edited by YorkMorgan

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I actually think this is a good idea

It's something I would never have thought of

It would also add to the basic starting survival knowing that a couple of hits from a zombie might kill you, so that other newspawn with an axe is looking like a damn fine ally at this point

This will also reward the veteran players as they will be at full health once they finnaly make it to healthy Ect

However it would have to take a specific time limit for get healthy Ect so that even if you have friends supplying you after death you won't be able to spam food and water consumption because it will make you sick

Maybe something like your health or whatever recovers only a small amount when healthy then stops until the next time your healthly so you can't regain it all in one session

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior
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By making the beginning harder, K'sOS will be thinking "Hey I should be a mega-prick and send this player that has just gained his health so he has to spend even more time to regain it"


K'sOS are looking to make your day worse, so I'd say making spawning more difficult is more of an incentive for them.

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By making the beginning harder, K'sOS will be thinking "Hey I should be a mega-prick and send this player that has just gained his health so he has to spend even more time to regain it" K'sOS are looking to make your day worse, so I'd say making spawning more difficult is more of an incentive for them.

Opposed to what?

Spawn killing and killing of geared players is happening in nearly every encounter

If they KOS they are going to do it anyway

Right now what's the difference to a KOSer?

Kill a player to ruin all the time he spent collecting gear? Or ruin a player that's survived a long time?

It's not like they are going to be able to tell just by looking at someone how long he's been alive or if he's healthy so nothing will change in thier mind, if they wanna KOS they will do it anyway

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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see this is why i'm hoping Hardcore is gonna really mean something other than no 3p view, on top of that add a really punishing environment in terms of infection / elements = winner

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By making the beginning harder, K'sOS will be thinking "Hey I should be a mega-prick and send this player that has just gained his health so he has to spend even more time to regain it"


K'sOS are looking to make your day worse, so I'd say making spawning more difficult is more of an incentive for them.



but this happen now FOR NO REASON  :huh:


most value thing in life is time


make so we need to invest too much time to arrive in position where pvp is possible ;)


if risk of lose the pvp = 10% health character on the beach losing 5 hour efforts random no need murder WILL REDUCE because they risk losing MORE :P


asshole always exist but right now there is no reason they don't risk life for lulz :huh:


give them reason to think again 'if this going wrong I paying BIG PRICE is not only gear I losing' :o


you don't find good health in the school building 5 minute after spawn ;)

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I didn't think that I EVER would actually give you beans for any of your posts, but this is genius.


You can have all my precious tuna too.

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I agree with most of it, except for the dying of starvation and thirst part. As of now, food is incredibly rare in the smaller cities. It shouldn't be impossible to start off the game. But yeah, starting off with a bleeding wound would add some challenge to the gameplay. 

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Play the current mod version...i've never been so fucked up in a long time even when i started playing before the time KoSing became the regular greeting i was a bit better off. I am constantly low on blood, i barely have ammo for my weapon ( O^O shotgun ) at least i have a sidearm with a couple of mags ( if there are players who consider a makarov a sidearm lol ) and i have to use all my supplies to stay fully fed in order to regain strength. The only missing thing is bad health and starvation on start.


That's how they should do it.

Edited by Enforcer

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decent ideas, but i just cant get away from the DayZ mantra.


its your story, kos or whatever.


not some engineered system to make it less immersive and more "gamey" just to rid of a natural behaviour called banditry or KOS.


I KOS'd last night, it was a nice man with a cowboy hat and a smart black coat. Him and his friends were running BZ so I saw him, he was super desynced, constant running man, he said friendly, i said friendly and then I helped him out of his desync with a few punches to the head...fastest gear up ever.


Then I spent the next hour around the hilltop covering BZ looking for tom foolery and banditry. Made a few great LD kills of crazy people running around axing everyone.


was great fun.


I would not play DayZ if didnt have CHOICE.


I think what OP and everyone is trying to suggest would take away the DayZ from DayZ.

Its not a survival game, its not a zombie game, its not a zombie survival game, its not a pvp game.

  it is a pvp game, its a zombie game, its  a zombie survival game, its a survival game...get it?

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Brilliant kos, This idea sounds really intriguing. I for one am all for it.

Might be a good idea to put this suggestion over in reddit where the devs frequent a lot more.

In true kos style  :thumbsup:- :D

I have a feeling someone is going to be inundated with beans  :D

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Brilliant kos, This idea sounds really intriguing. I for one am all for it.

Might be a good idea to put this suggestion over in reddit where the devs frequent a lot more.

In true kos style  :thumbsup:- :D

I have a feeling someone is going to be inundated with beans  :D


i putting in the reddit also  ;)


but for me this is true home of game and is making me sad devs prefer the reddit  :(

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.I would not play DayZ if didnt have CHOICE.


I think what OP and everyone is trying to suggest would take away the DayZ from DayZ.

Its not a survival game, its not a zombie game, its not a zombie survival game, its not a pvp game.

  it is a pvp game, its a zombie game, its  a zombie survival game, its a survival game...get it?


There will still be choices Deebz, always! Nothing will change in that respect. Killing on sight will still be rampant.


I just think it makes a lot more sense to start off in a lot worse condition than we currently do. It will not discourage kos any more or any less. 


I would prefer my first 4 hours as a real struggle, trying to get healthy and the basics. As I would know, if I don't, I would have no chance to try and gear up as death is imminent without the basics, quickly. 


As of know, healthy status is the first thing I do and it literally takes me no time at all to do. It should be a struggle


The people who want to kos, will still do so. They are just going to find it much harder to continue shooting for longer periods without attending the basic needs.


I am positive this is the direction Dean and co will go in as the development gets further in. The basics are already there.

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i putting in the reddit also  ;)


but for me this is true home of game and is making me sad devs prefer the reddit  :(


Good work mate.


Don't worry about the communication side of things, we still get our info one way or another :) 

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I had to read this twice to understand it :rolleyes:


But it's a very good idea, :thumbsup: :beans:

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I like it some.. It will get people to actually working on their character instead of just fooling around. But I also would be even less likely in giving another person a chance because not wanting to restart and deal with the hellish beginning.

Great for keeping people off the shores... Anyone inland ill just shoot even more because I wouldnt want to be back starting on the shore.

As you said bandits happens. I see this would increase KoS massively.. This will just guarantee that I would never trust anyone unless I already knew them..

Want to keep people off shores killing fresh spawns? I doubt thats going to happen.. You can even track peoples stats and have it on the website which according to Dean, might be in the future... Those thats wants to kill still will.. This will just make it happen much more inland and not care what my stats are if it shows i have 200 friendly kills or not cause hell if im going back to spawning on the beach.

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Some of my thoughts on how you would spawn:

- damaged clothes/ gear

- wet clothes

- overcooled

- little to average pain

- untreated wounds (not bleeding but weakening your character)

- some blood loss

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Why don't we arrange the diferent weapons and their damage in DayZ,

to be dependable on the survivors attributes.

An example is make the survivor raise his "shooting" attribute in order to use firearms.

Now,i don't suggest making certain firearms not eqquipable by characters until they raise their "skill" at shooting,but

rather making it almost impossible for them to shot,just like in real life.

If a charachter hasn't ever shot with an M4,his aim should be all shaky (like when you were in pain on the mod,2 times worse)

and experience massive recoil.This can be implemented in meelee too,let's say i'm rocking an axe.

If my axe/two handed weapon skill and strenght is not raised,

i will infilict very sloooow swings with almost 0 damage and bad accuracy(shakey hands).

The same example can be implemented depending on the weght you carrying,running distance and even

low or high temperature resist/tolerance.

Edited by Damnyourdeadman

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why do ppl do "kill on sight"?
why do I kill on sight and when?

this would not change a thing for me, when I kill on sight, newspawns etc. I meet them in a firefight
what they maybe were not or are not a part of it.
But they state a threat and seriously,

if you see someone shooting around, firing up his whole environment, why do they run
close by and hope not to be killed, only because they are newspawns?

it would be nice to have an easier way to talk to each other without putting yourself in
disadvantages, if they could not log out I would have talked to many well-equipped

this suggestion would not change my priorities, neither those of
bandits nor of survivors.

the big disadvantages would be on the other hand, that bandits are even
superiour then they are already now.


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