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Target Practice

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So I've been playing DayZ SA for about a week now and I love it! :wub:  I'm finally getting the hang of things and ready for some player interaction, but I'm starting to think I need some target practice and etiquette tips before I go waving my gun trying to make friends.  What are some ways you vet players got your target practice when first starting out? kill noobs?  :blush: Zombies are so predictable. 


Also, a friend of mine said I would be KoS if I wore "that mask" :facepalm:


--- I was wearing (what I thought) was a super cool mask.  Since I don't want to look like a threat, I took it off.  Are there more rules like this one in the DayZ community that a fresh nooblet wouldn't know (?)

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More rules? Ja. Lots of new rules. For instance- No KoS servers have more Kos. If you need target practice, PM me if you have ArmA2, I have a brand new mosh-pit set up (with advice from your friendly neighborhood warrior, Irish) that I need tested out. :D

If you help, I can give you the mission file, and you can use it whenever you like. :)

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More rules? Ja. Lots of new rules. For instance- No KoS servers have more Kos. If you need target practice, PM me if you have ArmA2, I have a brand new mosh-pit set up (with advice from your friendly neighborhood warrior, Irish) that I need tested out. :D

If you help, I can give you the mission file, and you can use it whenever you like. :)


I suspected those no KoS servers were that way, but it's good to know.  Thanks for tips. :)


Also I would help you out, but I don't have ArmA2

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As for target practice, zeds are your safest bet unless you just want to jump right into some airstrip pvp. Having only played for a little over a week now myself, it seems like 'rules' are pretty much don't carry a gun unless you want to be killed on sight, and 50% of the time if you're not you'll be killed anyways. Really need to go in with people you met outside of the game, its just not designed to meet up with other people and become friends with them in game.

Edited by Amias Free

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Really need to go in with people you met outside of the game, its just not designed to meet up with other people and become friends with them in game.


that's discouraging  :unsure:

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that's discouraging  :unsure:

it is pritty easy to get a group of people together ingame as in the past week or so on many servers i have gained a group of 4 or 5 people on a high populated server, wasnt too hard to find friendly players, i did get shot at a few times though.


I guess the only rule you have to learn is never get attached to your gear.

Edited by Jayz1331

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Sadly, he's not entirely wrong. Unfortunately, most players will shoot you on sight either because they want to (some folks just play that way) or because they don't know whether you're going to shoot them, and don't want to have to make that decision.


That's not to say it's impossible to have positive interactions with other players in-game, but I'd very much recommend that you work on the assumption that everyone you come across will be hostile towards you until they prove otherwise. These forums are full of people who seem to think that because they're friendly that it means everyone else is, too. Sadly, it doesn't quite work that way. :p


A few tips for interacting with other players:

  • Use your mic to make contact - typing is slow, cumbersome and you can't move while you're doing it.
  • Be very wary of groups, particularly groups roaming in or near towns. They're almost always going to be hostile towards anyone who isn't in their teamspeak channel.
  • If you see someone and decide to make contact, stay hidden. Make sure you're somewhere out of their sight before saying anything - if they don't respond, they're probably going to be hostile.
  • If you're not sure, it's usually better to let someone pass on by, or if that's not an option, shoot first. Your first job is to stay alive.
  • Just because someone seems friendly doesn't mean you should let your guard down. These forums have seen plenty of stories from players who thought they'd made a new buddy, only to be shot/axed in the back the first time they turned away.
  • Some people are just plain assholes. In fact, some days you won't come across anything but assholes. However, don't let that get you down. There's plenty of good players out there. If you're looking to roll with a few people and just have some fun, it might be worth finding a casual group in the 'clan recruitment' forum. Just throw a post up saying what you're looking for - there'll be plenty of people willing to help you out.
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To follow up with Target Practice's tips on a thread titled Target Practice, I have a few of my own.


I'm a bit more lucky when it comes to encountering friendlies, but here are some tips I have-


  • Do not appear hostile. Be friendly, charismatic. Joke around a bit.
  • Listen to someone if they have a gun pointed at you, unless you know for a fact they are going to kill you from previous knowledge (such as seeing / hearing them kill others). I've had friendlies who have ordered me around at first, telling me to take a mosin, then proceeding to handcuff me, put ammunition in my pockets and some food, and then leave. I later added these fellows on Steam, but that's another story. Unfortunately, its hard to tell intentions. If the guy sounds like a dick, take your chances against him.
  • I'd suggest playing on Hardcore servers if you can deal with DayZ's first person system. From my experience, the players there are a lot less hostile and its easier to get around without being spotted by others if you know your shit.
  • Know when to flee. I've died in gunfights just because I don't know when to turn and run.
  • Try to prove your loyalty to others by offering things- Offering ammunition you've picked up to people who have guns that could use that ammo is a good way to show to them you're actually a cool guy. Be weary, though. Make sure they actually have rounds, so they don't just take them from you and use them to dispose of you. I'd suggest only doing this with people you think are cool.
  • Always be careful. Don't trust people, until you're in a skype / TS3 / steam call with them. I'd suggest asking to using a third party voice program with anyone you meet in game you want to play the game with. It makes the other person feel safe and doesn't give up your position through proximity VOIP and also shows you're not luring the guy into some heavily armed clan you're on teamspeak with.
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Hi Chunsa


I am glad you are enjoying the game! It is something special and rewards patience.


There is no rules set in stone within dayz, as we all know, rules are just that. A guideline, they are meant to be broken. We are in the apocalypse after all  :D


Try imposing your own "guidelines" to oneself. You will soon find what your comfortable with and what you are not. The most important things is have fun!

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that's discouraging  :unsure:

Ah. I just meant that it is far easier and safer to be hostile and sneaky if you don't want to die often, or so the community has decided for now. Eventually I hope they add a party or team system that would add some incentive to teaming up. 


You may have a totally different experience from me though, such is the randomness of people. 

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wow thanks for all the great info and tips everyone! They help a lot and it's really fun to read other player's stories and tips.



My first day in game (last week), I was shot in the leg immediately upon spawning.  My screen went black and I was unconscious, I was like "wtf is this"....  Right away I heard another shot, then bandaging noises and another player's voice asking if I was okay (my mic wasn't working atm).  This person just kept talking to me, bandaging me, fed me and gave me water.  He killed the guy who shot me and helped me to the nearest town, showed me how to loot things, run, walk, move camera, equip stuff -- basically the 101 --- Only after about an hour did I get my mic working and could properly say thank you!  I'm thinking this is a rare occurrence, he was so nice and made my first moment in the game an awesome experience.  I'm not sure if i'd be this hooked if it wasn't for this dude's help...... after he left, I died falling off a 5 foot catwalk.  In World of Warcraft, I could jump off mountains and not die.  Apparently not in DayZ. heh  :blush: It's so different, I actually enjoy those RL aspects of the game and how it affects your well being and health.



Six characters later, I've learned to survive a little better.  Last night, I was killed because I trusted someone, it's a long story, but the typical scenario of me following him up the stairs, he runs up ahead, turns around and hacks my face to a bloody mess.  It was chilling, the first time I got killed by another character.  I had so much loot too!  >:( but, that death was my lesson to not get attached to the loot.  I just have to try again and be smarter next time.  ^_^



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 but, that death was my lesson to not get attached to the loot


Most important lesson you can learn right there.  You can give a shaved ape a copy of the game and he can loot up.. that is not the point of the game, to be the "loot whore of Omaha" as many of the kiddies in game think.

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Are there more rules like this one in the DayZ community that a fresh nooblet wouldn't know (?)

First and most important rule: NO PANTS IN ELEKTRO

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I was about to add the hand gesture commands and keybinding the "Taunting" Option but I think you're doing fine. Thanks for writing down your experiences, many of us appreciate the day-to-day warstories, and some even write dayz journals :-)


But yeah, have fun, and (trust me on this one) keep your pants on. For the simple reason that at some point the game will make you die of hypothermia or somesuch if you don't wear proper clothing.


I cross my fingers that you find many more exciting adventures and experience the entire scale from hero over bandit to KOS players, and try playing as one of those at least once, just to say you did it :-)


Good luck and happy trails :-)

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So I've been playing DayZ SA for about a week now and I love it! :wub:  I'm finally getting the hang of things and ready for some player interaction, but I'm starting to think I need some target practice and etiquette tips before I go waving my gun trying to make friends.  What are some ways you vet players got your target practice when first starting out? kill noobs?  :blush: Zombies are so predictable. 


Also, a friend of mine said I would be KoS if I wore "that mask" :facepalm:


--- I was wearing (what I thought) was a super cool mask.  Since I don't want to look like a threat, I took it off.  Are there more rules like this one in the DayZ community that a fresh nooblet wouldn't know (?)

If its target practice you want do this. 1. Go to an empty server(or not, its just safer)  2. Find a town, preferably in the north, away from major loot spawns. 3. Find a small road sign. 4. Take shots at varying distances and stances so that you get a feel for how the weapons handle. This will also give you a sense of scale for when you have to make on the fly guesses at the distance to your target. imo this is the best way to learn how to shoot in dayz. Sure, you could use zombies...but there arent many of them. They are better for refining your on the fly guesswork, after you have a solid feel for the weapons and shooting mechanics.

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What i like to do is setting up a practice area in the Arma 2 map editor. Just some low end soldiers and a guy with a lee enfield or m4a1 is a playable char. Than i like to kills those soldiers at different distances. Stationary or moving depends on "the reaction" of those bots.

It helped me alot understanding zeroing and how to shoot when a guy runs in a straight line.

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If you have a friend you could get them to aggro some zombies and while theyre chasing him shoot the zombies from the side at varying ranges and that will help you figure out bullet ballistics etc.


And as far as my playing has gone, ive gotten pretty lucky with running into players. I find if you see them first its good to talk to them and see what they say to you.  I think its better knowing I COULD have had their ass if I wanted, but instead tried to team up.


Couple nights ago me and a guy I met and teamed up with saw some guy in Electro, asked him if he was friendly a few times and no response. He went up into a building and i climbed a latter and shot him a few times from the roof into a window he was visible from. He was like "The fuck man really?" So I stopped and explained we tried to ask if he was friendly and it looked like he took a battle position.  So instead we traded some supplies with him and went our separate ways.

The game isn't always that bad for the people I find.

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