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SerasVictoria (DayZ)

SKS : can't hit over 200m

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Well i'm a guy that like long range engagements so i prefer weapons like mosin/b95


But i tried the SKS , thinking it couldn't be worse than the mosin , to see how wrong i was.


I can't consistently hit at an human sized target over 200m. I'm hitting like 2-3 times over 10 shots at 200-250 m with SKS and PU scope on it, where i'm at 100% hit rate with a mosin scope at this range. (talking with pristine PU scope for both while prone)


My sight is on the target , right on it , and i see bullets go left and right of my target. Like there is some sort of spread (1m  - 1.5m spread at 200m i think with SKS) compared to mosin who gots like none.


I'm really surprised because a rifle of that caliber should be pretty accurate at this range , 200m is really low range for a rifle imo.

I know SKS is a superior weapon in closer engagements compared to mosin/b95 but that's not my point.


What do you think about it's accuracy?

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In general, the accuracy of guns in this game is pretty jacked at the moment.

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Well i'm a guy that like long range engagements so i prefer weapons like mosin/b95


But i tried the SKS , thinking it couldn't be worse than the mosin , to see how wrong i was.


I can't consistently hit at an human sized target over 200m. I'm hitting like 2-3 times over 10 shots at 200-250 m with SKS and PU scope on it, where i'm at 100% hit rate with a mosin scope at this range. (talking with pristine PU scope for both while prone)


My sight is on the target , right on it , and i see bullets go left and right of my target. Like there is some sort of spread (1m  - 1.5m spread at 200m i think with SKS) compared to mosin who gots like none.


I'm really surprised because a rifle of that caliber should be pretty accurate at this range , 200m is really low range for a rifle imo.

I know SKS is a superior weapon in closer engagements compared to mosin/b95 but that's not my point.


What do you think about it's accuracy?

Is your character breathing hard when you are taking these shots?  


I haven't had any issues from the 200m range with the SKS.

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Is your character breathing hard when you are taking these shots?  


I haven't had any issues from the 200m range with the SKS.


no i unscope everytime my character is loosing his breath

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How in Gods fuck are you hitting anything while shooting prone?.  Everytime Ive ever fucking tried to shoot while prone my bullets hit an invisible wall on this fucking game.  Is there a trick I dont know?

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SKS is really accurate, you just have to learn how to use a PU scope, the bullet goes a little to the right of the crosshair.


BTW: Soon we'll have the SVD ;)

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There's a certain 'necessary' element to the difficulty of hitting targets at range.  In games like COD and BF, there's an assumption that your character is a trained killer.. emphasis on "trained".


In this game you're a survivor, no background story, no military affiliation, no reason for being able to hit a target >200m. Let me be clear, with anything other than a fine-tuned hunting rifle and a naturally steady hand, hitting a target more than 200 meters away is VERY difficult.  I think we've all bought into the notion that because we have a steady hand with a mouse we should able to hit anything with a rifle in a game, hence the frustration with the OP


I think there will be fine-tuning of exactly how this all gets implemented at final-release, but I propose that 90-95% of the people in this forum couldn't hit a deer at 300 meters IRL with an SKS or M4. Since this game is not a PVP war-simulator, I don't think the developers will lose sleep over this particular dose of realism.

Edited by Mr Jizz
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Well i'm a guy that like long range engagements so i prefer weapons like mosin/b95


But i tried the SKS , thinking it couldn't be worse than the mosin , to see how wrong i was.


I can't consistently hit at an human sized target over 200m. I'm hitting like 2-3 times over 10 shots at 200-250 m with SKS and PU scope on it, where i'm at 100% hit rate with a mosin scope at this range. (talking with pristine PU scope for both while prone)


My sight is on the target , right on it , and i see bullets go left and right of my target. Like there is some sort of spread (1m  - 1.5m spread at 200m i think with SKS) compared to mosin who gots like none.


I'm really surprised because a rifle of that caliber should be pretty accurate at this range , 200m is really low range for a rifle imo.

I know SKS is a superior weapon in closer engagements compared to mosin/b95 but that's not my point.


What do you think about it's accuracy?

They nerfed it since initial release. I think it's less accurate now, perhaps even less powerful

Edited by Highlander007

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currently, ALL weapons have a random dispersion. Gews addressed this issue, which was acknowledged by Dean, and it will be fixed eventually, giving us more realistic ballistics. Its not just the dispersion either, but also trajectories and speed that is unrealistic.

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Lol.  Good ol' Somalia?


Negative, that is obviously Detroit. ;)

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SKS is really accurate, you just have to learn how to use a PU scope, the bullet goes a little to the right of the crosshair.


BTW: Soon we'll have the SVD ;)


Well not from my experience.. and as for actual numbers, it has twice the dispersion of the mosin, which is horrible in all honesty.


Actually, big dispersion is horrible as a concept.. give us sway and breath control instead guys.

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SKS is not supposed to be a long range weapon nor particularly accurate.


(1m  - 1.5m spread at 200m i think with SKS)


1 meter diameter circle at 200m.




Right now the accuracy is messed up.


MP M4A1 = 6.9 MOA

Mosin = 8.6 MOA

SKS = 17.2 MOA

M4A1 = 40.6 MOA




I don't care if they exaggerate the dispersion a bit (that's big-picture vs detail-oriented realism). But the exaggeration should be consistent for all weapons.

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How in Gods fuck are you hitting anything while shooting prone?. Everytime Ive ever fucking tried to shoot while prone my bullets hit an invisible wall on this fucking game. Is there a trick I dont know?

ohhyerhh, this game is so fked but you still play several hours a day...this bug should be fixed in the actual exp.build.

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SKS is not supposed to be a long range weapon nor particularly accurate.





1 meter diameter circle at 200m.




Right now the accuracy is messed up.


MP M4A1 = 6.9 MOA

Mosin = 8.6 MOA

SKS = 17.2 MOA

M4A1 = 40.6 MOA




I don't care if they exaggerate the dispersion a bit (that's big-picture vs detail-oriented realism). But the exaggeration should be consistent for all weapons.


how do you calculate from those numbers?


edit : then i was right that mosin if way more accurate than SKS

Edited by SerasVictoria

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If you want to make the guns less accurate, make it so that your character shakes a bit and can't keep a steady aim for eternity, unless they are prone or the gun is resting on, say, a sandbag. This way, you don't have to add ridiculous spread.

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how do you calculate from those numbers?


1 MOA = 1/60 degrees = (1/60)(π/180) radians

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There's a certain 'necessary' element to the difficulty of hitting targets at range.  In games like COD and BF, there's an assumption that your character is a trained killer.. emphasis on "trained".


In this game you're a survivor, no background story, no military affiliation, no reason for being able to hit a target >200m. Let me be clear, with anything other than a fine-tuned hunting rifle and a naturally steady hand, hitting a target more than 200 meters away is VERY difficult.  I think we've all bought into the notion that because we have a steady hand with a mouse we should able to hit anything with a rifle in a game, hence the frustration with the OP


I think there will be will be fine-tuning of exactly how this all gets implemented at final-release, but I propose that 90-95% of the people in this forum couldn't hit a deer at 300 meters IRL with an SKS or M4. Since this game is not a PVP war-simulator, I don't think the developers will lose sleep over this particular dose of realism.


I'll guarantee you that 95% CAN hit a deer at 300m with an SKS, M4 might be a bit more trouble since of the short barrel but still doable. Exhale bout 2/3, hold your breath and gently start squeezing that trigger. There's your hit.

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M4 might be a bit more trouble since of the short barrel but still doable


Less trouble, flatter shooting and better sights.

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1 MOA = 1/60 degrees = (1/60)(π/180) radians


Dats going to explode his head. ;)

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So according to those numbers :


SKS got 1m diameter circle spread at 200m


Mosin (no attachements) got 0.5 m diameter circle spread at 200m




0.5 diameter circle = human sized target if you are aiming the center


1 m = random misses totally unrelated to your aiming skills


So SKS not really viable weapon at more than 200m (for a decent shooter)

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So according to those numbers :


SKS got 1m diameter circle spread at 200m


Mosin (no attachements) got 0.5 m diameter circle spread at 200m




0.5 diameter circle = human sized target if you are aiming the center


1 m = random misses totally unrelated to your aiming skills


So SKS not really viable weapon at more than 200m (for a decent shooter)

Aye the randomness is too much.

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Well i'm a guy that like long range engagements so i prefer weapons like mosin/b95


But i tried the SKS , thinking it couldn't be worse than the mosin , to see how wrong i was.


I can't consistently hit at an human sized target over 200m. I'm hitting like 2-3 times over 10 shots at 200-250 m with SKS and PU scope on it, where i'm at 100% hit rate with a mosin scope at this range. (talking with pristine PU scope for both while prone)


My sight is on the target , right on it , and i see bullets go left and right of my target. Like there is some sort of spread (1m  - 1.5m spread at 200m i think with SKS) compared to mosin who gots like none.


I'm really surprised because a rifle of that caliber should be pretty accurate at this range , 200m is really low range for a rifle imo.

I know SKS is a superior weapon in closer engagements compared to mosin/b95 but that's not my point.


What do you think about it's accuracy?


Are the rifles in different condition? Or both are pristine?


Lol.  Good ol' Somalia?


That picture is from Liberia.

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So SKS not really viable weapon at more than 200m (for a decent shooter)




Odds of hitting target "1" (headshot)

75% = 50 meters

50% = 60 meters

25% = 85 meters

10% = 135 meters

Odds of hitting target "2" (torso)

75% = 130 meters

50% = 160 meters

25% = 225 meters

10% = 360 meters

The numbers aren't exact because I rounded them off earlier.




Edit: Fixed.

Edited by Gews
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