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Energetics (DayZ)

retrieve - assist - gather missions (please add your ideas)

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Alpha is a test phase for ideas, indeed, and this has been tested many times, and not just on the forum.

It is not something I would like.


Altough i do find this kind of thing being a threat for ideas, especially when it's an idea which appears over and over again with little change. (Really, this has been discussed before)


Of course, the voice of everyone who replies to this thread means nothing to you, our fair and just benefactor, for you must collect votes from ALL the community before anyone shall raise a voice to critic you.

Also, the Zeds are about as much NPC's as the rabbits and the cans of baked beans, so I will prefer not to ´´wake up´´ about this today.

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What I do not get is...why you (who does not like the idea of missions) care so much???

If they would be implemented..you could just ignore them.

If there is a hint painted on a wall...just dismiss it...your game experience would not be any different from now.


But those who would have fun with those side-quests could have their fun apart from mindless equipment looting and have a treasure hunt for themselves.


Why do you care about this topic anyway if it does not interfere with your style of playing??

Can you accept that people like me would enjoy such items in this game and let us have our freedom with those ideas?


They do your "thing" no harm...whatever it is you do in Cerno....

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If you think the only reason your idea should be implemented is that you and your followers think it is ´´fun´´, and that no one else will be ´´interefered´´ by them...

What do you think of the probability that this ever will be implemented?

I can not myself see a single good thing come from this idea, which in my opinion goes aginst the very heart of DayZ (which some people even hesitate to call a game at all).


And I can, I must accept that you have freedom with these ideas, and I do, but you too must accept that I can critize them as long as I abide by the forum rules.

Please, don't accuse me of disturbing your freedom with your ideas, you can have your ideas as much as you want, and you can discuss them as much as you want, but if you do it on this forum, you will also have to accept people like me who will not like your idea and argue against it.

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If you want missions so bad, deliver me an sks with a full box of ammo

now that there is funny ;) I could use a LRS come to think of it..

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What I do not get is...why you (who does not like the idea of missions) care so much???

If they would be implemented..you could just ignore them.

If there is a hint painted on a wall...just dismiss it...your game experience would not be any different from now.


But those who would have fun with those side-quests could have their fun apart from mindless equipment looting and have a treasure hunt for themselves.


Why do you care about this topic anyway if it does not interfere with your style of playing??

Can you accept that people like me would enjoy such items in this game and let us have our freedom with those ideas?


They do your "thing" no harm...whatever it is you do in Cerno....

in your very first post you suggest hiding loot behind some locked something or other that requires the player to play some silly mini-game just to get at it - that gives those players the advantage over the majority of us that have no interest in your silly mini-games or do you just not quite get that?? personally I like having my loot on the floor, table, bunk, or some poor sod that got in the way. what you suggest would defiantly make my game experience different than it is now.


if you want a quest I suggest you read this post... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/168707-the-ccsd-chernarian-creepy-stuff-department-needs-investigators-for-the-radio-transmission-mystery/?hl=%20green%20%20mountain%20%20numbers%20%20station no skipping to the end and do be aware that I personally participated and that this is all player driven - the way the devs  intended.

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14 Posts and not a single Idea


You didn't read my post then, did you


....as far as this idea goes...there is still not much readworthy in here...


The general idea is, as far as i think this game is about, that you are handed a survival sandbox with certain mechanics to facilitate just that.

That is the charm of this game, the freedom to do what you want, without being sent from A to B to follow certain quests or missions.

Building our own story.


However, after reading your post again, i must admit i misread your intention.

Maybe you should not had put down your first line, because i think that throws most people of.


Actually a lot of ideas you mentioned would be a nice addition, just as a mechanic to gather and put stuff together.

Which of course, like you said, is already in game. And will be added, like gathering cooking stuff to make food.


It's just that even the word missions or quests just gives us (i assume, at least me) a bad taste in the mouth, after so many games/mmo's where you are send to kill mob Y 20 times, and bring package X from A to B, or escort mob Z from here to there. Even have a big pointer on screen where you should go.

Don't know about you, but i'm sick of that mindless crap.


So, if you post it again, and do not label it as a "mission", but more like an environmental/survival mechanic or world interactivity, where you need to gather specific stuff, or activate certain objects in world to get specific stuff, or get things working (how about lights in the to be added stadium? =))... then it would be more welcomed... i would think.


Given that you meant that there is no mission tracker, no achievements or whatever. Then i'm all for it. :)

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yeah we need something to do in dayz it might become too boring

This is Alpha. There is a lack of endgame that you must accept at this point, though more survival, base building, and crafting objects will be added in the near-future to ass on to your gaming experience. So just be patient.

This being said, you can also create your own end game. Whether that's murdering new-spawns or handing out food in Elektro, to each his own.

Entertain Yourself

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So what about ambushes on friedly players? Shooters on first sight? Backstabbers and server jumpers who make their game "easier" by having others do the painstaiking looting for them......

 that gives those players the advantage over the majority of us that have no interest in

...unsocial behavior like that in a survival environment?


So in your logic I would have to follow this path to come across equipment as fast as them - jet you would count it unfair if items could be gained (not even as fast as robbing them) by paper chases/scavenger hunts?

Sorry but here you loose me...this is inconsistent.

Elle I am afraid you get me completely wrong...I am not pro "story driven missions"...I am about game mechanics. How to obtain certain things and how they interact.

There is no difference in: gascontainer+burner+pod+meat=stew or pickup letter+read what to bring here+search item A+bring back=item B

you can call both a mission/quest/mechanic...but it is still the same predefined possibility DayZ has to offer..because stew does not come from anything else...

and if you do not make it your "mission" to find the pod...you get no stew.

So why is this not unfair to you?


Don't you see that, as Sum Ting Wong puts it....these additional mechanics add to new interactivity of items we already have?

You could argue that the mag is not in the pistol and you have to search the bullets......jet you argue that it is not OK to have some container locked by a padlock whichs code you have to find?


It is the devs idea to get players more spread across the map...and these mechanics can do just that.

Imagine how boring it will be with 200 players piling up in cities having nothing to do than shoot each other?


And what about the cars that will need to be fixed? Everyone will want to have one and make it his weekly "mission" to put one together.

Now I could use your argument again "how unfair is that that I cannot have a car without searching for parts" (oh yeah - kill for one - but I do not want to be forced to do that!)



"The part needed for car A in front of house A could be well hidden...but if you would look closer in house A you would see that its owner has a bill on his desk stating the engine is with the mechanic in the next town.So you can go over there and get it...if you pass on reading that note...you will search long and wide but be able to find it"

"On a wall in the living room you see a pictogrammed medpack + crane: You could go over to the crane on the other side of the town and pick up the medpack...you could just stumble about it...or leave it"

"Put together a treasure map from findings all over Cerno (you will have to cooperate when there are lots of pieces) and be rewarded with a mosin scope/jellow box/..."

So what does this do to your game?

To mine it adds reality. Because people would leave notes for familymembers and possibly to help others. They would hide/preserve items from others/zombies/looters.

It adds interaction on your approval - non different like right now...just don't cook in a few weeks it's the same.


How many houses do you still loot? Is running from A to B not just an annoyance and waste of time pressing W with raised hands?

With those mechanics and more to interact those little villages would get more player attention spreading them all over the map.

You want to run from airfield to airfield? do so.....or just solve that "riddle" on they way down there....


There is almost nothing forced in DayZ upon us except the behavior of other players...

Edited by Energetics

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OP if you are going to quote me do give full context - the small part you have posted is in relation to your silly mini-game ideas and as far as unsocial behavior in a survival game goes, if zombie apocalypse ever occurs I can guarantee you that I will be the most unsocial person on the planet and I can also guarantee you that will likely kill you just for entering what I might consider my territory - I survive, you don't. I've also noticed that you are still pushing the idea of locking up the loot, I've said it once and I'll say it again, go pound sand. when it comes to more interactive environment, the devs already have that in the works, don't you keep up with development?? pretty sure it was rocket that said it would be fun to be able to get the power station in electro going and that will take parts. I have no problems with that type of interaction but I have a huge problem with your asinine idea to lock up the loot. did you even bother to read through the thread I posted for you earlier?? again that was all player generated, the way it's supposed to be. in the end I will never support your ideas for mini-games that are forced on the player to gain the advantage, learn to be a better player or go play something else. for the record I have been ganked for my loot after the painstaking process of looting NEAF, it's part of the game - get used to it.

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the devs already have that in the works

and this threat is just there to give them some ideas along the way (because we do not know what they have in the pipeline)


 your asinine idea to lock up the loot.

:rolleyes: not exclusively - maybe just special items - or have them both ways: hard to be found/rare or 100% when you take on the task.



Calm down man...you'r not in game

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now that there is funny ;) I could use a LRS come to think of it..

Ohh yeah ? then i want a G3 with a scope on it. and 30 round mags

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Well I dont really like NPC's just standing there too but I thought that if sometimes (very rare) a NPC heli would crash down near a big city like Cherno and Elektro or other places so that nearly every zombie in the whole city will go to the crash and you have to be in a group to kill all those zombies near the crashsite to get the rare loot of the dead soldiers. Well I would find this very cool :D


PS: its very similiar with the old crashsites but I would find it much cooler if you see how the heli comes down and if it wouldnt be as easy as a crashsite :D

Edited by Magerquark
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I would like to see a system in place where npcs could grant players hero status, whilst in hero status they could activly group with other players and be given objectives to hunt down and kill bandits who activly kill ungeared or who hunt in packs against solo players. Even to the other extreme of being given hero helper status where they will help people orientate to the game and map. Doing this would give a voucher to buy ammo or limited gear from the npc to denote that they are infact a hero and not a bandit. The npcs could also do some kind of insurance for players as an example, when you die the npc will have in effect claimed 10-20% of your gear when you died and saves it for you, paid with furs, meats and other products we are going to get from the world and could be used as a bartering system. With the introduction of barrackading coming into effect then a set of houses set aside to have these npcs within and even used as safe zones for players to meet up and form groups.


  I see this being a good idea from the standpoint that what we have now is not what we will have in 12 or 24 months as right now we have spiderman type zombies or the 100 yard punch zombies, as the game gets flushed out we will have better AI'd zoombies, more zombies, wild animals and the encouraged grouping of players to complete objectives such as vehicles and buildings. So as at the minuite we are sustained by heros vs bandits with bambies stuck in the middle just praying they arnt mobbed to an aspect of gameplay where we are beset by the world and enviroment and all that it can throw at us so grouping will be something that we focus more upon.


 So i agree with the OP on this, but i agree because i can see where the game is going and know that what we have now is not what we shall have in the future. And on a different aspect, the implimentation of npcs and quests such as this wont effect people who want nothing todo with them but will infact encourage a larger playerbase for the game as there are more features that an enlarged playerbase requires. More players = more cash, more cash = more stuff to get in dayz.

Edited by Shingara

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No NPCs. Ever. The devs have made that very clear.


You make your own 'quests' by improving your current condition, not by collecting random items and placing them in a black hole in exchange for 100 gold pieces.


I'm all for scripted events like helicopter crashes, but a questing system would be cancer for this game.

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implimentation of npcs and quests [...] more features that an enlarged playerbase requires. More players = more cash, more cash = more stuff to get in dayz.


Hopefully greed would not compromise core design.

PS : more unexpected features to work on = less time to work on planned & relevant features.

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Hopefully greed would not compromise core design.

PS : more unexpected features to work on = less time to work on planned & relevant features.



 Hopefully baseless ideology will not constrain design possibilitys. PS more money in the door equals more money to get all content out of the door faster. And relevence is purley speculative on what you yourself deem as relevent.


 And just for the people who seem tobe very confused, we have npcs in the game right now, they are called zombies.

Edited by Shingara

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Note based treasure hunting could be interesting, but I'm with everyone else for no npc's in vanilla. Maybe something done by modders down the road as a variation

And currently we don't have npc's(non - player characters) we have AI monsters and AI wildlife on the way.

Edited by akafugitive

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We do have npcs, anything pertaining to life is an npc, it litteraly means not controled by a player. Its either enviroment or npc when not in reference to us. So zombies are infact NPC's. But beyond the basics of what an npc actualy is the dayz game itself is limited upon what can be achieved as it stands. Mods have a very static downside in that whilst mods in the minority are great but they segregate the game and at the end of the day if your going to play a mod why not just play it on the more stable arma 3. The direction the game is going in dictates that we shall basically have static enviroments created by us pertaining to a specific server.


  Added to this we are going to have a situation with the gaining of parts for specific parts to maintain vehicles via server hoping and base building meaning that the gameplay alot are referencing will not exist. The survivor model is a good model but it will be an aspect in the game. Also survivor being depicted does go against the group oriented deathmatch/domination gameplay and enviroment group oriented gameplay that is being brought forward by the developers. Im in no way saying this somehow creates a themepark game because it shall not and never could unless a total rewrite of the game which isnt going to happen.


 Nothing will change the bandit and hero gameplay we currently have, we already have the deathsquads roaming around the servers and all that will change there is that they will have objectives beyond what we have now just by what is being implimented. At no point have we been told that barrackading will be limited to specific areas meaning that a good deathsquad could and will take over militery bases and control it as there gameplay meaning that the game will change from the roaming and hunting to domination of map areas and dependent on who has the most and skilled people with them.


 Adding new aspects such as what has been suggested will not destroy the survivor aspect, it will just enhance it. If i stand inside a secured building having my squad guarding me and will give people gear for doing jobs for me. Im currently in control of the area and holding the resources within the area is no different to an npc doing it. The only difference is that i will be doing it for the profit of me and my squad for stuff i cannot be bothered to get to maintain the buildings security, instead of an npc doing it with no biased on who was going to them for help.


 That said rocket is not in charge anymore, hasnt been for along time and even he admits he has previously stated that something wont be ingame only for it to turn up in game later. Bohemia are in charge of the game now and they are taking alot of advice from eve on endgame aspects EG what will happen when players have been playing retail launch for a year and new players come in and huge bases and clans have been setup and i can see this game leaning more towards dayz epoch then anything from what they stated at rezzed.

Edited by Shingara

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 Hopefully baseless ideology will not constrain design possibilitys. PS more money in the door equals more money to get all content out of the door faster. And relevence is purley speculative on what you yourself deem as relevent.


 And just for the people who seem tobe very confused, we have npcs in the game right now, they are called zombies.


Sir you don't have to tell me that.

I mean : development, core design, relevent objectives, financial accounting, human resources & roadmap, it's all up to BIS.

And they have alway said and keep saying : There will be no NPC, no quests/scripts.

That's all...

PS :

NPC zombie and animal, are AI. But zombie and animal, are not NPC.

Even if misused, this is the implicit joint definition 178095 (-1?) forum members would quite agree with it.

Edited by JiJi

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