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People shooting automatic Mosins on public Servers

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What is with this?  Happened  3 times to me and my friends today. Are hackers winning now?


Scenario: You spawn in with gear..... 30 seconds later you are met with a hail of gunfire... automatic mosins that never ends.... no reloading required. In a building? Yup. In a field? Yup. In the woods in the middle of NOWHERE?  Yup, still happens.


Not a private server.


Happened 3 times on three different servers today.


Why is this?

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with one guy? you sure about that? i mean, with a couple of guys you can sustain fire for a while. even with mosins.

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i found this one in a shed near stary sobor and now im hunting u across chenarus with it muhhahhahhaha


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When 3 people appear with out pants or shirts... or aNYTHING except a mosin... in the middle of the woods... a building or a field.... and shoot a million bullets a second for several seconds straight...  something isnt right.


IMO  this "BattleEye Client"  needs to get their shit together or just quit entirely and let someone else take over. Or just let everyone go god mode! Then we can all ruin the game together and no one can have fun at anyone's expense whatsoever.


Shenanigans like this will kill the community. I'm probably done until next patch.


Really sour taste in my mouth after tonight. I took the first two lumps and moved on, but three times in one night really gets under my skin.

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battle eye will just do what they did last time.

They will let them use their hacks. they think its fine why battle eye collects information. then battle eye mass bans, hackers/scripters aint the sharpest tools in the shed, herp derp I gotta hack because I am too stupid to figure out this game.

Games are hard so I make it easy. 


Then we'll get 1million and 1 threads asking why they were banned, they weren't cheating 'cry cry cry' then all will be good in the world again.

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 I took the first two lumps and moved on, but three times in one night really gets under my skin.


Wait... all on the same server? Or did you leave after the first time and the issue followed you?

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How much do servers cost to rent? Im so sick of this crap that Im now feeling the need to shell out cash just to punish people that join my server. Shit is ridiculous.

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Wait... all on the same server? Or did you leave after the first time and the issue followed you?

Different servers. Happened over the entire course of my time tonight. I got jew killed by hackers. Join a new server, geared up, hopped to a populated server. Death in 1 min.  Each time it happened it was a DayZ US EAST or Central server, you know, an official DayZ public server of any random #.


Each situation was my friends and I spawn in and no matter where we were, some group of people, sometimes 1, sometimes 3-4 people, would instantly zone to our location and either break our legs and laugh, or just out right kill us.




And its not like we were sniping from some hill or some bullshit, we picked random, "safe" locations to group up. We hadn't harassed, trolled, shot at, killed, or even talked to anyone. The players in question are just teleporting around raping anyone they see fit.

Edited by Boneboys

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I heard when you find a file and a pull spring, file awy the locking knob and attach the spring to the handle you have a "repeating" rifle.

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Different servers. Happened over the entire course of my time tonight. I got jew killed by hackers. Join a new server, geared up, hopped to a populated server. Death in 1 min.  Each time it happened it was a DayZ US EAST or Central server, you know, an official DayZ public server of any random #.


Each situation was my friends and I spawn in and no matter where we were, some group of people, sometimes 1, sometimes 3-4 people, would instantly zone to our location and either break our legs and laugh, or just out right kill us.




And its not like we were sniping from some hill or some bullshit, we picked random, "safe" locations to group up. We hadn't harassed, trolled, shot at, killed, or even talked to anyone. The players in question are just teleporting around raping anyone they see fit.

Come on guy. Where's the video of this? get evidence

Edited by Highlander007

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The players in question are just teleporting around raping anyone they see fit.


Hide yo kids, Hide yo wife..

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Had the same thing happen with an infinite ammo B95 shooting at me.  Guy spawned right in front of me 10 seconds after I spawned into the server.

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Its not desync, its not a bug... just get your heads out of the sand as this is happening. They can do it with any weapon.. M4, mosin, shotgun...Got shot in the face with a full automatic shotgun that kept on blasting. Within a few seconds he gunned down 4 guys. I'm sure it wasn't Robocop guys...

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For 549h of playing this game, me and my friends have been killed 2 times by a spineless-retard-cheating cunt like this. I know the difference between desync and teleporting, and this was NOT a desync.

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For 549h of playing this game, me and my friends have been killed 2 times by a spineless-retard-cheating cunt like this. I know the difference between desync and teleporting, and this was NOT a desync.

Get Bandicam and have it on ready to record this shit. We need to alert other players as well so that devs pay more attention to this as it's a gamebreaking issue.

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When 3 people appear with out pants or shirts... or aNYTHING except a mosin... in the middle of the woods... a building or a field.... and shoot a million bullets a second for several seconds straight...  something isnt right.


IMO  this "BattleEye Client"  needs to get their shit together or just quit entirely and let someone else take over. Or just let everyone go god mode! Then we can all ruin the game together and no one can have fun at anyone's expense whatsoever.


Shenanigans like this will kill the community. I'm probably done until next patch.


Really sour taste in my mouth after tonight. I took the first two lumps and moved on, but three times in one night really gets under my skin.


inb4 pix or didn't happen

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My clan was in a busy UK server having an awesome firefight with another team when everyone heard like a million m4's going off at one time. We all at about the same time said "I'm dead" so we clicked respawn to see where we would end up and I kid you not I spawn with about 13 others on the beach and all were saying where they died and same for my clan where they spawned.The locations were from all over the map not just electro. It was like the hackers gun shot everyone in the server. I was gonna record a vid but sadly I crashed about 30 seconds into the boxing madness on the beach. Has anyone else seen this happen?

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Different servers. Happened over the entire course of my time tonight. I got jew killed by hackers. Join a new server, geared up, hopped to a populated server. Death in 1 min.  Each time it happened it was a DayZ US EAST or Central server, you know, an official DayZ public server of any random #.


So, are we all going to just let this slide? WTF is jew killed, and do you seriously think that highlighting then using strikeout somehow takes away from some sort of insult?

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