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Big prison and mine, Snow area

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Hi everybody, 
as said in the title of the topic, i think this maps really need a big big prison where we can find a lot of ammo and food

Here is the best one http://www.sanfrancisco.net/pictures/alcatraz-cell-block.jpg



Plus i wonder why there is no pickaxe in this game ? that could be a weapon as good as the firefighter axe
And then Add some, or one big mine or Grotto, could be a very dark place, where we can find the pickaxe.


What you think about that ? 


EDIT: i forgot about one thing, i'm a big snow fan, and a Snow zone could be nice.

Edited by Snake076
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From what I understand underground is not easily done with the engine.  Someone made a 'mine' with the mod but really all they did was put some fake terrain above an area and lower the terrain and plop in some buildings.

For the prison, they had plans for one and it was suppose to be put on Utes Island.  Now I've heard conflicting things, some say they scrapped Utes altogether, others say they just scraped the idea of putting the prison on Utes since it didn't feel right, like they just shoehorned it in and that they'll put it somewhere on the mainland assuming they don't make another island just for it.

As for snow, unless they expand up north further I doubt they'll have a snow area (still possible)  I don't know much about snowy climates, but I would assume just adding an Everest sized Mt. Zala just for snow might be a bit...I lack the words.  Seasons are another thing that's not that easy to do in the engine currently.

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A prison would be great, and riot gear could be a possible item. But a mine? I don't know about that. What would the point be? Sure, it would be fun to ride the mine cart, but that's about it. The thing about a snow zone is that the map is so  small, a random snow zone would just not fit. Maybe on top of mountains though.

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Thank you bigmike for all the good information you give me ;-)

the point with mine is having various landscape to explore and having a very dark area even at 12h00 i like the feel we have when we go in a grotto ( did you already explore some in your life ? ) it's a different ambience than just the night.

and for the snow, it's russia it's a cold country snow seem logic to me.

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Minecraft has mines and snowbiomes. Build a safe prison out of obsidian, just make sure they don't have diamond pickaxes.

My point beeing: Chernarus is too small to have that many weather zones as it is now.

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Enforcer kinda made my point for me, if slightly ruder. The part of Chenarus we play in is a bit too small to have more than a few weather zones.  Now if the north had some high mountains I could see them being the 'snow zones' but that would still be a tiny sliver of the map.  This is technically not Russia, kinda like how Ukraine technically isn't Russia either (for now at least, this statement may be invalid in a few hours), it would be along the southern boarder of Russia, and of course Russia isn't always snowing (depending on where you are that is).


I expect the only way we'll see snow (other than them importing the mechanics from that VB3000 or whatever it's called) would be if they made a copy of the map for each season, which is unlikely.

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It would be nice if they implement a big prison that it will be completely dark inside, where the cells are, forcing you to use the flashlight. 

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I'd still like a snow zone to the north, or even a rare "snowy weather" thing which comes up on servers sometimes as a weather pattern and plummets halves of the map into a wintery blizzard wonderland!
It's not too far fetched and would add so much to the game in terms of interest, aesthetics, and added player vs Enironment SHTF gameplay

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Any giant damn complex with alot of room and areas to explore thats nice and dark even in the daytime would be awesomes

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Snow is possible on the engine. Mind you it's VBS3... but they own it so they could use the code...


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Hi everybody, 

as said in the title of the topic, i think this maps really need a big big prison where we can find a lot of ammo and food

Here is the best one http://www.sanfrancisco.net/pictures/alcatraz-cell-block.jpg


Plus i wonder why there is no pickaxe in this game ? that could be a weapon as good as the firefighter axe

And then Add some, or one big mine or Grotto, could be a very dark place, where we can find the pickaxe.


What you think about that ? 


EDIT: i forgot about one thing, i'm a big snow fan, and a Snow zone could be nice.


Rocket has mentioned that he'd like to do snow, but that it "would have to be done right".


I like the idea of an abandoned prison. I don't think you'd find very much ammunition there, though. 

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Snow is possible on the engine. Mind you it's VBS3... but they own it so they could use the code...


i wonder if NASA will lend me one of their computers...


tbh  "we normal players" will be the last who could afford VBS3 because one license would cost like a couple thousand dollars and let me be direct: 90% of our playerbase runs DayZ on laptops inferior to a state of the art smartphone because they can't even afford decent hardware...

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