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Burning Tires/trash for smokescreens

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Someone already suggrested building fires but after watching a video of a the revolution in Ukraine I think this would add dimension and depth to urban warzones of Cherno and Elektro.



You could use tires and other trash you pick up to light them on fire to create a smokescreen to conceal your movements and provide concealment from snipers. You could also use these as smoke signals for regrouping.


It would also create a dual use for tires as people could then steal tires off vehicles (once they are implemented) If you find a half fixed up vehicle and want to use the tires for an assault on Cherno/ Elektro.


Right now since we don't have smoke grenades theres effectively no deterrent for snipers unless you want to countersnipe and find someone that wants to play bait

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With Building fires, do you mean making a fire or setting a building on fire?

I was thinking about this actually when I had to clear out some inventory space and ditched the gas can and stove I had spare in a house, then switched it on....

Building a fire indoors or up against a building (dependant on type) would carry the risk of fire catching hold and making the place unusable/dangerous, plus also give us another reason to have a fire extinguisher to hand.

Sniper causing grief in an area? How about sneaking up, dumping a load of firewood or maybe an impromptu Molotov cocktail (made out of rags, matches and the alcohol tincture) into the stairwell and smoking/burning the bastard out? Would give the gas mask a use as well, stick one on to avoid smoke inhalation damage...

That'd send up a huge smoke signal high into the sky. Maybe use smaller fires for signalling.

Oh, and can we have a flare gun as well? Set zombies/ players on fire or simply send up a signal.... :)


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I like this idea, there's alot of things we could do with a fire. 


One thing that came in my mind yesterday that if you were able to drop/place bullets in a camp fire and after a while they start to explode (duh) and if possible shoot bullets with low velocity in random directions around the fire. This would make a great distraction if you spot a group of people and want to bait them. Or severly would or perhaps murder innocent people around a camp fire. Note: If there's actually people around the fire it wouldn't be fair that they wouldn't see someone dropping bullets into the flames. So it should prompt a message, clear animation or make a sound.


Can't wait! :)

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Definitely a good idea , I'm sure someone will have griefs with it but I'm all for it, especially if it would put the gas mask to use and if smoke inhalation damage could be added like said above .

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Setting a building on fire or creating a large bonfire or tirefire wall of debris complete with smoke would be a good way to channel and disrupt attackers around big cities and provide smoke cover from sniper


I don't know if they're going to add destructable buildings into Dayz like the mod but if they do it would give people the ability to make area denial a possibility atleast until a server restart


I think it would also just be good add to the post apocalyptic landscape

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Using fire in dayZ would be a dream come true but I'm pretty skeptical about that to be honest.. maybe destroying buildings with explosives but huge amounts of fire seem like they would be troublesome for performance considering some of the other things but than again I dont know THAT MUCH..


And considering we never really seen a molotov in the mod I doubt we will seen one anytime soon if at all ever in standalone.. (deep down I dont think I agree with this, I'm sure there will be a molotov one day I hope)

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