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Character wipes still happening?

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Had my long time character reset yesterday. I only play on my Favorited servers(they are official servers). I was upset my tac vest was gone, but it had been some time since i had to gear up and the experience was enjoyable, two hours later and i was about as geared as before. Its an alpha and wipes will happen, im actually surprised it doesnt happen more.


THIS^^^ is the attitude to have.  I got bug killed this very morning...nothing to be done, but get my try-hard pants on and spawn back in.  

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I was playing on a server yesterday and after awhile i was desynced from the server (couldn't switch items).  So I reconnect to the server and get a message stating that my character could not be loaded and a message has been sent to admin.  Yea it happens.

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i have lost about 15 characters for no reason, really pisses me off as well. Maybe they will do something but they have bigger fish to fry.

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I was on the Shipwreck earlier today and managed to fall through a floor into one of the locked cabins - trapped in a 2m x 2m room with no escape, no matter how much I ran in circles, jumping into walls etc.

After about 10 minutes of this I logged out to try another server (maybe the new one would have paper walls? I dunno) and lo & behold I get the 'character lost' message. First time! Serendipitous moment led to my escape from purgatory.

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Firstly, it suits you right!


I think that you either died during the 30 seconds once you logged out, or killed once you spawned in. Because you when you join a server it can take up to 10 seconds until you can see what and where you are but that your character is physical in the server.


I was playing on a 40/40 server and was at Northwestern Airfield when a guy with a mosin spawned in the control tower. Probably someone gearing up on a empty server then switching on to a full server from a good position. Anyway, I emptied my whole clip on him because of this reason, he was like a blood fountain. I don't think he actually knew what happened, but once his logging screen was finished he spawned in the beach instead because his character was killed.


Have fun serverhopping :)


edit: When a friend of mine logged on, he was having the "please wait" screen but I could still see his character in front of me, that became physical 5-10 seconds before my friend actually could interact.

why did i spawn as a black fucking niger than?

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My character has been reset twice today. Is anyone else having this problem? I'm joining the same version and same type of server every time. 

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30 sec log out timer - zombies other players?

Nah I logged out in the same place as my friends and we were in a building.

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idk why but sometimes when i got to join a server my character is all the sudden back at the coast with no gear . why is this still happening and not been fixed ? wouldn't you think this should probably be done before you start doing anything else ?

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Did you check that you were joining the proper hive ? What I mean is .. if you're playing on a regular difficulty server and then switch to an hardcore server ... it's not gonna work, they're two different hives (databases). So yeah.. and if you made sure you re-joined the proper hive .. then I don't know what to tell ya. :)

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I've been playing since before xmas and this has happened to me only once. I immediatley left the server and rejoined another one 5 minutes later and had my character back. It's likely you were killed with the 30 second logout timer. where did you logout? Was it a high pop. area? did you ionteract with anyone in the 10 minutes before logging? Not having a go at you but an honest question. 

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I find that my sawed off shotgun disappears from my inventory every now and then. Completely random I think. Nothing else is gone when I log in except for my shotgun. (I usually carry a Primary, a pistol and a shotgun at all times)

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Yes....because putting your title in caps helps improve the thread....also, don't ever get attached to your gear...your just gonna die eventually. 

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#1 rule of DayZ...Don't get attached to your gear.


You are going to loose a lot more gear as development of this game continues.

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Oh look, another one who claims to have lost their gear and most likely logged off in an unsafe spot or combat logged

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idk why but sometimes when i got to join a server my character is all the sudden back at the coast with no gear . why is this still happening and not been fixed ? wouldn't you think this should probably be done before you start doing anything else ?

Not it shouldn't because you die a lot anyway and lose all your stuff, so this isn't really a big deal. There are way more important things to fix... Get over it, you lose your gear all the time. 

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Don't tempt me, I am ready for it..

12) Do not type in all capital letters, this is considered as Shouting and/or Yelling on the interwebz.

There are much more subtle ways to make a statement you feel passionate about. Bold, italic, underlined or a mixture of all three, will often do.

Colours may be used in moderation, avoiding red to define anger or rage. Keep in mind that many use the default IP Board theme or a mobile device, typing in white or pale colours will not be visible for many.

This applies to posts and Topic titles.

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idk why but sometimes when i got to join a server my character is all the sudden back at the coast with no gear . why is this still happening and not been fixed ? wouldn't you think this should probably be done before you start doing anything else ?

You do know that your character stays in the game for 30 seconds after you logout/exit, this was implemented a while ago as a counter measure to people who'd open fire, realize they are a shit shot and then alt+F4 to save their lives.


Edit: If you are going to start a thread to say how shitty you think this is please use the search function and add to one of the many many threads on this topic already.

Edited by Window Licker

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Happened to me yesterday when my wife and I were in a med pop server . We went to a bush and I had to restart my game as it was running strange. . I closed my game and she watched me sit and disappear. I get Back I'm game , join the server and poof I'm on the coast. Was alive for 6 days :/

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