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Whats the 1st thing I should do when I spawn for the 1st time?

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I plan on buying the game pretty soon, and I'm just wondering, what should I do when I spawn in for the 1st time?

should I run into the tree line or follow a road? Thanks

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Put your battery into your flashlight.  Next you should make sure there isn't a heavily armed person lurking around waiting to kill you, then start looking for gear in nearby houses.

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Also take your t-shirt off and tear into rags, just in case!

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Also take your t-shirt off and tear into rags, just in case!

I'd actually wait on that till you're bleeding, your tshirt provides a (very) small amount of protection.

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walk to the nearest structure group, loot said structure group, then head inland away from the coast, focus on finding food/water until you're both very hydrated and very energized, once you get the "healthy" or "healing" status you can focus on gearing up.

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There are lakes, ponds, streams near the spawn points so wouldn't worry too much about finding soda, you can find wells in towns and villages. Youll probably find that the houses around you have been looted already so food might be scarce, if ive been desperate i double check these houses anyway cos people sometimes miss food. 


Basically get off the coast and head inland  ;)

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  1. join a server, check to see if it is day/night and hardcore/regular - you will probably want and server with no more than 20 players, day time and regular hive :)
  3. battery into flashlight - press 'Tab' then drag battery onto flashlight
  5. drag t-shirt into inventory, right click 'tear into rags'
  7. open up the map http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus, helps if you have a tablet/second monitor
  9. you will spawn between Elektrozavodsk (Elektro for short) and Berezino, these are 2 very large towns and although risky you may want to head for one of them, the main spawns are around solnichiny and kamyshovo
  11. loot the town you are in for food, open doors means someone has been their but they may still have food in these houses, all canned goods apart from tuna need a sharp object or can opener to open :/ i.e. bayonet, kitchen knife, axe (dont eat rotten fruit)
  13. you can drink water from ponds, streams, taps and marshes but not the sea so i would suggest drinking 10-20 times from a pond that you come across
  15. when you press tab you may notice it says 'hungry' if you havent found food this isnt a problem right away as your character can go on like this for a while( 30mins?)
  17. Now you have eaten a bit and drank some aswell, you are also in one of the largest cities of the map Berezino or elektro you are
  18. aiming for storage slots, you will want to find a hoodie/raincoat as they offer 4 slots on the chest, some form of cargo/hunter pants as they offer 6 slots on the legs and some form of backpack
  20. after finding more storage slots you are aiming for a defence weapon and the 'healthy status' to get healthy you should eat until you are 'energised' in light green ( where it said hungry) and drink till 'hydrated' in at least dark green (below where it says energised) if it says stuffed dont eat/drink anymore as it may cause you to throw up
  22. once you are energized and hydrated you will start regaining blood and once you are on full blood you will start 'healing'
  24. when you are healthy you will want some form of weapon, melee and a firearm just by running through buildings you should find weapons but specific buildings have a higher chance of spawning weapons
  26. by this time you will have played for about 1-3hours so dont forget to keep eating in game as your character is very needy, but once you have a weapon, food and clothing you can head inland to find better gear and other stuff


finally dont get attached to your gear, and choose if you want to be friendly

Edited by jasher
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hit ESC and go to options.  Make sure you know what keys do what.  Run around trying out different things and getting used to the controls.  Hopefully you can do this before getting killed but that is too often not the case.  Might take 2-3 lifes to get everything set so you like it, but once you do, then you can follow advice posted above.  This way, knowing how to make your character do everything, will give you a better chance at serviving.  I run into so many people who are well into getting gear who still do not have more then the very basic controls down.  They tend not to live very long and get frustrated.

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After after having to re-spawn a number of times and testing out different approaches I figured out a method that works for me almost every time to get geared up and healthy fairly quickly. Allot of does and don'ts I learned the hard way which made me better.


1st step is to go to DayZ.com and look at the map. I have mine up on a different device then I'm playing on like a cell phone or lap top. You going to spawn on the coast either, some were east or near electro.


When I spawn I ditch my flashlight if its day time(I normally find a head torch later anyways, which are not that hard to find). To me it saves space. Then I take my my tee shirt off and tear it into rags. Your not going to keep it long anyways. Then I get my bearings this becomes easier over time. I know if the coast is to the right of me I'm either west or north. At this point I HAUL ASS! I dont go to electro, there are normally bandits there that will shot you or screw with you until you die. 


For me I just loot the coastal "New Spawn Loot" towns just enough to get enough food to get me too were the weapons and good items are. I don't like hanging around coastal towns to long. I also try to find some sort of back back, even if its just a school back pack. My 1st weapons place I go for weapons is the ship, or NEAF. Normally if I loot those two area I will at least have a gun and some military items. I try to do this as fast as possible. I find that if your un-armed you are at the mercy of everyone, when armed you stand a chance. Normally that's when I go west. I also try to find fire axes, they are great for killing zombies.


Food also has allot of value. Water does too, but it is easier to find, their are ponds and water pumps all over if you look at the map. Rice and powdered milk I find to be the best food items. They last forever. Try to eat and drink as much as you can and keep your self energized and hydrated at all times. 


Dealing with zombies can be a pain in the ass at 1st.  I got beat n up by them when I 1st started. They slowly can bleed you to death. The way I deal with them now if I'm fresh spawn is to either sneak passed them or out run them and out turn them. Zombies are really really dumb. So as long as your moving fast (turbo run) you can easily get away from them. I don't even care if there chasing me anymore I just run past them and keep looting lol. Don't bother wasting your time trying to fight them if you don't have a axe or shovel. 


Other players are dicks! So be careful, there's lots of bandits and people who seem trustworthy will shot you in the back.

Edited by CJFlint

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Basically, everything you need to learn, you can do so over the course of about a dozen lives if you aren't too attached to gearing up and surviving for that many or so.

Spend a few lives working out the basics, and be aware that anyone you meet is a potential asshat. Most people will kill on sight, so if you spot someone, you're probably best off staying out of sight if they haven't already spotted you.

Get to know the map, learn where Chernogorsk and Elektrovadosk are, and avoid them like the plague. They're meat grinders, and you're the beef.

Once you feel confident you know what you're doing, start gearing up and taking extra care to survive. If you find anyone who doesn't immediately kill/rob you on sight, try to make friends with them - you might find a decent partner/group that way. And once you know how the looting system works, try to get away from the coast and go north.

And avoid the airfields unless you're willing to PvP.

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All these suggestions are good.  But quite frankly on your first couple spawns, run round aggroing zombies and practice boxing/outrunning them, run the coast and learn to recognize it a bit, this will make it easier to learn where you spawn in future/learn the map, as well as experience other bambis trying to kill you, bambi killers etc, try to communicate.  Have fun with it and learn the basics before gettin too serious, you'll die alot but thats a learning experience in itself.  Im sure alot of other people will disagree but it makes sense to me.

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Hi there...

The first thing i do when i spawn i look for a well...then put the battery in the flashlight and craft some rags with my shirt...

After that i take a look in some houses and head inland...

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One rule dont use a map in the browser. Wait until you find a ingame map, or try to navigate with landmarks and dont remember the patch you took from your spawn inland. Its spoils a lot of the game i think if you know the map before you have played it!


This acctually goes for everything. Dont bother to much, and spoil ure gaming experience with getting this from the forum. Just jump in an have fun. ;)

Edited by k4Ku

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What I do every time I spawn is: Run straight up North away from all the people down South around the coast and loot all the places that you find. Should be able to get decent gear quickly such as Weapons and Clothing. 

Edited by Chay(UK)

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I plan on buying the game pretty soon, and I'm just wondering, what should I do when I spawn in for the 1st time?

should I run into the tree line or follow a road? Thanks


Find the Ocean, and swim straight out.. eventually you will find land and the best loot spots possible.


Just keep swimming. 

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Hi there...

The first thing i do when i spawn i look for a well...then put the battery in the flashlight and craft some rags with my shirt...

After that i take a look in some houses and head inland...

..so, this is what you do every time you SPAWN IN FOR THE VERY FIRST FUCKING TIME... how often do you spawn for the first time an a day?

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Throw away the flashlight and the battery. Run straight west or east and maybe you would like to go more on an empty server because you will have more chances that the locations will be not looted. You need any axe for fast zombie killing. Search for food and stuff in houses, if the doors are open - someone has already been there, skip it. Buildings with double doors probably have loot. GL ^^

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I plan on buying the game pretty soon, and I'm just wondering, what should I do when I spawn in for the 1st time?

should I run into the tree line or follow a road? Thanks


The same thing you do in any zombie apocalypse...... run.  :o

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Thanks for all the advice and replies :) I'm sort of getting an idea of where to go and what to do now. Thank you all for your responses and advice, I didn't realise the dayz community was this kind :D 

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Attack the first player you see. If you can knock him out and steal his gear, it'll save you some time. :)

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my guide for first moments of new spawn life ;)


#1 battery in torch or put torch on beach if you don't use this


#2 take off t shirt make rags for fix blood damage holes :thumbsup:  ;)


#3 put fists in punch position ready for fight and also turbo boost running :)


#4 sprint to closer city


#5 loot - focus on foods/clothes/bag for carry also screwdriver etc for open tin, work maximum fast and get out from coast city when you have enough for survive 2 hour minimum (4 tins I rice powder the milk etc nice selection) ;)


#6 drink from pond or well maybe 5 drinks and do again later don't go crazy drink everything you getting sickness :o


#7 stay hide and take time scout around and don't go to town if you see all door is open, is waste of value time move to next and when you find gun and ammo time to take fast route to good loots and make headshot on fully gear guy :thumbsup: :ph34r:


I hope this helping you is infinity way to play game but if you are new this is advice from me to have best chance for survive and enjoy dayz experience


good luck have fun don't trust no one :thumbsup:  :rolleyes:

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