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Ah but therein lies the poetry of zombie apocalypse...

Also... not into it making you sick (it wouldnt) or it making you an addict (it wouldnt),... might make you fucking crazy though... unless it was part of your culture or group (hence my earlier comment at some serious synergy btwn Cannibalism and the Mental Constitution suggestion I referenced).

Could be pretty interesting with some mental side effects for sure. 

I dont want people to just eat a human because it is benificial then and there though. So the shakes could be a penalty for that. 

But it would be pretty awesome with Cannibal comunities, which could arise from people who went cannibals, and now have no choice but to remain that way, untill they die and start again offcourse. Or have people who eat a lot of players start getting bonuses for it. Like heightening awarness or something that would make then WANT to remain cannibals. lol. I am just throwing out random ideas now.

Maybe have som changes occur in the face so other people who gets close can be a bit paranoid? 

Or not. There are so many ideas that can be implemented in this though. 

Edited by Upsidian

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“A census taker tried to quantify me once. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a big Amarone. Go back to school, little Starling.” 


“But if you're gonna dine with them cannibals Sooner or later, darling, you're gonna get eaten . . .” 

aw .. best keep a mindful eye on my compadres .. lest the starving season sets in , best to have my three course meal carry itself to the table . 

Edited by Mayhem Smash
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What about... If you eat somebody, you pretty much inherit what level of disease and infection they had at that time.

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The inheritance of disease is a given. Some minor diseases could be cured with proper cooking of the meat though. 

The hard part is finding the appropriate buff/debuff for going cannibal.

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It rained in Sweden the day Chernobyl's reactor had a meltdown. As a result there's a lot of mercury in many Swedish lakes. It's only a small amount, small animals will eat it, a small fish will eat that, a larger fish will eat that, and so forth. You'll end up with a fish with a very high concentration of mercury due to it having eaten many smaller sources.


How this relates to dayz: 


Man gets sick, dies. 

Another man finds his corpse SCORE! Eats him, gets same sickness. Lives for a little longer, gets another sickness, dies.

Next guy finds the corpse, eats it, gets both sickness' of the previous man.


It'd be like a plague, I like it.

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Good god yes.


Just imagine holding up a pair of survivors, killing one and cooking him and then forcing the other to eat his friend.

Muahaha Glorious!

Edited by Lordsarito
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Good god yes.


Just imagine holding up a pair of survivors, killing one and cooking him and then forcing the other to eat his friend.

Muahaha Glorious!

you're disgusting good sir!


But before you eat him, make sure you've fed him rotten stuff.


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I like the idea of cannibilism but, i am against KOS and well cannibalism would probably create more reason for this too happen -.-


Possibly putting in penaltys like the shaking hands suggestion would help reduce people from doing it however i think a real deterent is needed:


I.e Possibly after eating too many humans you can slowly become a zombie, changes would slowly take place indicating that you are becoming more "zombie" (maybe zombies stop chasing you, you start losing your mind a little bit, you start walking a little funny) and then eventually you become a zombie, thus killing you. (and the idea of finding and killing the zombie version of yourself would be awesome) There should then be steps like blood transfusions or something that can help cure you and stop you from becoming a zombie.


Also another idea is that you just start going crazy from eating too many humans, so start losing control of your human, start seeing things and maybe also these would lead to your eventual death.


These are my ideas, you guys might have better ones or you might think that having a bigger detrent is not needed, whatever it is thanks for reading anyway :P

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Urban Dictonary: Long-pig slang term for human flesh prepared as the flesh of a pig. Usually used to sell human flesh to tourists in East Asian countries. Long Pig is best when avoided entirely.

long pig is people!!!  :P

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Good god yes.


Just imagine holding up a pair of survivors, killing one and cooking him and then forcing the other to eat his friend.

Muahaha Glorious!

Despite that sounding sick as hell. It is kinda what i am hoping for. The whole Horrofying experiences only a game like DayZ can deliver. Everything imediatly gets worse, when other players are in controll :D

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I highly agree with adding cannibalism to DayZ. Sure, the devs will add animals for meat eventually... but I think cannibalism would add an extra twist (as well as a dose of reality) to the game. It would be a good option if you're out in the middle of nowhere and can't find food or animals, but happen to stumble upon another player; and, call me sick, but I think it would be fun(ny).


Some people may say that one of the downsides would be bandits killing recently-spawned players for their meat for the lulz... but if you think about it, bandits can already do that if they want to hold someone hostage for blood or torture (force-feeding chemicals or rotten food).


I suppose a disadvantage that could be implemented is the possibility of the "eatee" being sick, or the corpse not being fresh, thus making the eater sick.

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Force feeding people is the closest we'll get to rape in this game...


But cannibalism should make it's way into the game. I like the side effect that you commit to being a cannibal and therefor have to hunt players to survive.


Not really a fan of this idea but, if it does become a feature i like this suggestion   :beans:

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I remember watching a Youtube video where someone suggested this, he was saying something along the lines of once you eat human flesh you need to continue doing so as normal food becomes less effective and they become more feral, like some sort of cosmetic change to alert other players that they're a cannibal and should be avoided (for example, blood stained clothes/blood around the mouth or a change in movement).


I think it's a good idea.

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--once you eat human flesh you need to continue doing so as normal food becomes less effective and they become more feral, like some sort of cosmetic change to alert other players that they're a cannibal and should be avoided (for example, blood stained clothes/blood around the mouth or a change in movement).


I'm not sure how I feel about this. On one end, it would be fun to make a cannibal a target that players would have to be weary of; but hardly anyone would want to be 'that' guy, and might just refrain from cannibalism in the first place (making the feature a bit useless). On the other end, I'd consider the feature just an added bonus; in the sense that it would be something people might have to resort to in order to survive, without some inaccurate consequence such as having to rely on it (it's meat, not a drug) or contracting an unnecessary illness. Of course illnesses are possible... but just as possible with any other meat, especially if it's not cooked properly.

Edited by Moltisanti

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I'm not sure how I feel about this. On one end, it would be fun to make a cannibal a target that players would have to be weary of; but hardly anyone would want to be 'that' guy, and might just refrain from cannibalism in the first place (making the feature a bit useless). On the other end, I'd consider the feature just an added bonus; in the sense that it would be something people might have to resort to in order to survive, without some inaccurate consequence such as having to rely on it (it's meat, not a drug) or contracting an unnecessary illness. Of course illnesses are possible... but just as possible with any other meat, especially if it's not cooked properly.

I can imagine a lot of people wanting to be "That guy". Considering how many weird vids are out there, showing DayZ players who love scaring other players. This is just one more thing to add to theyre image of being spooky. Hell. If Cannibalism was in. I would try it out. Meet some dude and be friendly, up to the point where my character grew hungry. Then say some random psycho shit as i lunge for my newfound "Friend" *I AM GOING TO EAT YOUR FAAAAACE!* lol. And if i got the kill. I could actually eat that persons face. Or wear his face as a mask. Joking about that last one. I doubt they will let you go all silence of the lambs and wear peoples skin xD

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If the game comes out and we could build bases and eat other people I will open a freshspawn meatfarm and provide food for all my friends!


But yeah they should implement this, get myself infected and let people skin and eat me my revenge to you people!

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I think I am rather open-minded... but this is sick. I'm sure I wouldn't play anymore if people hunt me for eating. Disgusting. I mean... lol... really.

Edited by jayleann

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I think I am rather open-minded... but this is sick. I'm sure I wouldn't play anymore if people hunt me for eating. Disgusting. I mean... lol... really.

You can run but you can`t hide. Moahahahahaw. Unless you are on a different server offcourse xD But i dont discriminate, i will eat whomever comes my way!


Really though. What do you care what happens to your characters dead body. For you the end result is the same. A dead character. Also this game is already quite disturbing and sick, due to player interactions. It is what makes this game stand out and unique in my oppinion.

Edited by Upsidian

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I think that some people do sick things is no excuse because this could also justify torture or rape among other things. And maybe you can do all that on special "sick-servers". Please don't get me wrong, I don't want to judge. But really really had a problem if this game would become a place were people test out how far they can go. And I really don't want to be eaten, tortured, raped, I don't want parts of my body removed and whatever comes along with this kind of features.

And actually it's not hard to imagine all that from a roleplay perspective without it being part of the game-engine. Sure I cannot prevent the devs from anything but give me at least a choice to choose a server were I am not forced to endure things like that, regardless of wether I am alive or dead already.

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I think that some people do sick things is no excuse because this could also justify torture or rape among other things. And maybe you can do all that on special "sick-servers". Please don't get me wrong, I don't want to judge. But really really had a problem if this game would become a place were people test out how far they can go. And I really don't want to be eaten, tortured, raped, I don't want parts of my body removed and whatever comes along with this kind of features.

And actually it's not hard to imagine all that from a roleplay perspective without it being part of the game-engine. Sure I cannot prevent the devs from anything but give me at least a choice to choose a server were I am not forced to endure things like that, regardless of wether I am alive or dead already.


People will drink your tears ingame

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I think that some people do sick things is no excuse because this could also justify torture or rape among other things. And maybe you can do all that on special "sick-servers". Please don't get me wrong, I don't want to judge. But really really had a problem if this game would become a place were people test out how far they can go. And I really don't want to be eaten, tortured, raped, I don't want parts of my body removed and whatever comes along with this kind of features.

And actually it's not hard to imagine all that from a roleplay perspective without it being part of the game-engine. Sure I cannot prevent the devs from anything but give me at least a choice to choose a server were I am not forced to endure things like that, regardless of wether I am alive or dead already.

I dont have a problem with you judging. That is your issue.

For me this is nothing more then a game. If somebody kills me and eats me, i will be more concerned that i lost all my loot and have to start over. For me, dead is dead.

Cannibalism just fits the tone of survival. Zombies running around, food is scarce (though at the moment it is way to easy to find food, but i think ive heard they might dial that down?) My point being, in desperate times, people will do desperate acts to stay alive.

Some might chose to hunt people for food, sure. Others might eat theyre recently deceased friend, with a heavy heart, simply to stay alive.

It is the Meta gaming that far outweighs any other games i have encountered.

It is why i love DayZ.

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Fallout has cannibalism.

There should be some very serious side affects though, like making you crazy or something.

It would make other players even scarier.  Now you would avoid roads because there are cars with cannibal bands that are cannibal turned bandits hungry for loot and meat.

Yeah, like cannibals looked all fucked up so you can tell from like medium-close range.

Cant wait.

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I think that some people do sick things is no excuse because this could also justify torture or rape among other things. And maybe you can do all that on special "sick-servers". Please don't get me wrong, I don't want to judge. But really really had a problem if this game would become a place were people test out how far they can go. And I really don't want to be eaten, tortured, raped, I don't want parts of my body removed and whatever comes along with this kind of features.

And actually it's not hard to imagine all that from a roleplay perspective without it being part of the game-engine. Sure I cannot prevent the devs from anything but give me at least a choice to choose a server were I am not forced to endure things like that, regardless of wether I am alive or dead already.


Torture already exists: Handcuffing people, injuring them, feeding them rotten food and disinfectant; maybe even stripping and humiliating them. And asking the devs to make "special sick-servers" would be like asking them to make servers where you don't lose all your loot when you die, or something along those lines. It's a realistic survival horror game, not a Teen-rated walk in the park. There are acts that happen in real life that are far more horrific and gruesome than anything that can occur in DayZ. I think you're looking a little too far into it, as well... Don't forget, it IS just a game.

Edited by Moltisanti

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