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About Upsidian

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  1. Upsidian


    This is not a bad suggestion, and one i find myselfe agreeing with. But then i guess you have sick individuals who WANT to eat people. But maybe theyre first time have to be while starving? Or do you mean once you have eaten a person. You wont be a cannibal untill the next time you are faced with starvation?
  2. Upsidian


    I dont have a problem with you judging. That is your issue. For me this is nothing more then a game. If somebody kills me and eats me, i will be more concerned that i lost all my loot and have to start over. For me, dead is dead. Cannibalism just fits the tone of survival. Zombies running around, food is scarce (though at the moment it is way to easy to find food, but i think ive heard they might dial that down?) My point being, in desperate times, people will do desperate acts to stay alive. Some might chose to hunt people for food, sure. Others might eat theyre recently deceased friend, with a heavy heart, simply to stay alive. It is the Meta gaming that far outweighs any other games i have encountered. It is why i love DayZ.
  3. Upsidian


    You can run but you can`t hide. Moahahahahaw. Unless you are on a different server offcourse xD But i dont discriminate, i will eat whomever comes my way! Really though. What do you care what happens to your characters dead body. For you the end result is the same. A dead character. Also this game is already quite disturbing and sick, due to player interactions. It is what makes this game stand out and unique in my oppinion.
  4. Upsidian


    I can imagine a lot of people wanting to be "That guy". Considering how many weird vids are out there, showing DayZ players who love scaring other players. This is just one more thing to add to theyre image of being spooky. Hell. If Cannibalism was in. I would try it out. Meet some dude and be friendly, up to the point where my character grew hungry. Then say some random psycho shit as i lunge for my newfound "Friend" *I AM GOING TO EAT YOUR FAAAAACE!* lol. And if i got the kill. I could actually eat that persons face. Or wear his face as a mask. Joking about that last one. I doubt they will let you go all silence of the lambs and wear peoples skin xD
  5. Being able to take the role of say a medic, or forager, perhaps scout. Sounds like an awesome idea. Offcourse there are no classes in this game, and shouldnt be. But you wouldnt really need to have that either. Take my beans good sir. I would like to be the group cheff. Want some food? xD
  6. Upsidian

    Locked doors, looting zombies and how it's connected

    I am guessing more will be added. Such as military zombies, police zombies so on. Unless they all just up and left when the zombie apocalypse started. I do agree that some loot should be on those. As it seems unrealistic that every zombie in the entire place, just happened to not have anything on them when they died. As far as the keys and locked bases and stuff. If it is in an armory i agree. As far as finding a weapon in some dudes room in a barrack though. That seems legit to me. As they probably didnt have time to lock up once the entire place was under attack.
  7. Upsidian


    Despite that sounding sick as hell. It is kinda what i am hoping for. The whole Horrofying experiences only a game like DayZ can deliver. Everything imediatly gets worse, when other players are in controll :D
  8. Upsidian

    Location at login

    Navigate with help of the sun, moon, stars, landmarks and offcourse signs so on. Is the moon behind you when you run this or that direction? so on. Worked for me and my friends in the start. Sure took some time finding eachother. 30 min to an hour. But it just made it all the more sweeter when we finally did :D Though to some extent i do agree that if someone is on your friends list. Something could be implemented. But the same goes for Identification. If you are in a firefight. And your friend and the Bandit is wearing same clothing. It`s hard telling who is who. Since characters look so identical. Basically making you hesitate and die. But alas. That is DayZ.
  9. Actually. You can die from dental issues like having a hole in your tooth. http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/oral-care/problems/tooth-infections-lead-to-death.htm http://abcnews.go.com/Health/insurance-24-year-dies-toothache/story?id=14438171 http://mouthdoctor.net/braininfection.cfm
  10. Upsidian

    More Food!

    Hang in there. After a while you start to know where stuff is, and before you know it. Your 35 slot backpack will be so stuffed with food, ammo and other things. That you have to start dropping stuff to fit more important items. Rice especially is very good. Was dying from starvation, ate one bite of the rice. And my guy was stuffed :D
  11. Upsidian

    No Need for Can Opener Comrads

    Haha, that is great. Handy information incase a RL Zombie apocalypse ocurs :P
  12. Upsidian


    Could be pretty interesting with some mental side effects for sure. I dont want people to just eat a human because it is benificial then and there though. So the shakes could be a penalty for that. But it would be pretty awesome with Cannibal comunities, which could arise from people who went cannibals, and now have no choice but to remain that way, untill they die and start again offcourse. Or have people who eat a lot of players start getting bonuses for it. Like heightening awarness or something that would make then WANT to remain cannibals. lol. I am just throwing out random ideas now. Maybe have som changes occur in the face so other people who gets close can be a bit paranoid? Or not. There are so many ideas that can be implemented in this though.
  13. Upsidian


    The reason i want you to keep eating people :P Is so that it becomes a harder choice to make. If you first go cannibal, you have to commit to cannibalism. How it would work is open to suggestion. Maybe getting sick if you do not keep eating people doesent fit. In that case, maybe instead of sickness. Have the player not benefit from Normal food. If you eat normal food afterwards, your character throws up or something. Forcing you to keep eating survivors. Like i said though, It is very much open to suggestion how it would work. I am simply just sharing my ideas :D
  14. Upsidian


    Isnt that the heart of the matter though? In all Zombie movies and good zombie games. The Zombies are merely a catalyst. Other humans is what you have be scared off. Living breathing things with an unpredictable mind.
  15. Upsidian

    Communities/player controlled towns

    It is also a great way to encourage teamwork. Not only between RL friends. But for new people to join as well. I would love to see this happen!