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Would ingame currency have a place in DayZ?

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I was wondering how currency would effect this game..


I think in certain situations it could increase and decrease KOS and allow for more trade and socialization in the game... just not sure what the currency would buy or what it would be used for.. discuss!

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From my experience, in games without a standardized currency, the community tends to find a currency of their own.


Example: I'll give you two cans of beans for that shotgun

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I was wondering how currency would effect this game..


I think in certain situations it could increase and decrease KOS and allow for more trade and socialization in the game... just not sure what the currency would buy or what it would be used for.. discuss!

Currency already exists in a form of the old fashioned barter you can trade what you like for what you like if both parties agree on the trade.. the Value of money is goverment and economy driven there is no goverment any more and the economy is now a simple survival based one..


So money has no real value in any regards other than what i call trash loot ( loot thinners to help balance usefull loot) and maybe as toliet paper if IF pooping comes in lol

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The barter system is the only system that would be around if there ever were an apocalypse. Well, at least the most popular, until something of value is found.

In Metro, it's bullets. In Fallout, it's bottlecaps.

In the popular video 'My DayZ Story', when zombiemaster and Andy are forced to fight to the death, you can hear one of the kidnappers yell, 'I GOT TEN MEATS ON ANDY!', - Because in the mod, meat was by far the best food you can get, thus it was a great currency for trade. My guess is, come the introduction of hunting, meat will once again rain supreme as the best trade currency.

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In certain mods of the dayz mod.. you had money, gold, etc.. You could buy gear with it. You wanna know what it did? People bought gear, made bases and killed each other with glee, much faster than they ever could before. Made it sort of like Wasteland. Fun for pvp but not so much for survival. 

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What civilization has been doing for millennia. Gold and silver, that should be implemented. As the other said, government controls the value of money usually, but that is fiat currency. Paper money. Gold and Silver will always be money, because they are physical, sound money. Would be more like, find an ounce or a few of silver carefully hidden under a bed in some random house, or in a well hidden spot in any residential area. Like someone who was stocking up on SHTF currency but got killed before he could use it.

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I am selling my female characters body for a can of coke...


But I think the items ingame should be the currency, for example you trade a rare gun for a certain amount of ammo for a medium rare gun later ingame. As the game grows bigger they are tuning down spawns and the rare items really become rare.

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    I think a better trading system would be cool. It sucks that when you try to trade, you normally receive a bullet to the face.

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What civilization has been doing for millennia. Gold and silver, that should be implemented. As the other said, government controls the value of money usually, but that is fiat currency. Paper money. Gold and Silver will always be money, because they are physical, sound money. Would be more like, find an ounce or a few of silver carefully hidden under a bed in some random house, or in a well hidden spot in any residential area. Like someone who was stocking up on SHTF currency but got killed before he could use it.

Even gold and silver have little value when all thats left is survival ... When i get to a point where living is all there is left am i going to swap what helps keep me alive for shinny metal nope sorry i wont..


There wont be any NPC traders in game to make metals viable although there may be some players who would cling to the value of gold and accept trade of it but for me if i cant eat it , if it cant help kill the things trying to kill me( zeds bandits) or if it doesnt directly increase my level of comfort ( eg a can opener to make opening cans easier a warm jacket to keep the rain off then it has no value but thats just me....


Your key point is civilisations for thousands of years have been using and thats very true but then they never faced a world wide near complete wipe of the human race we have been faced with a very un civilised setting, faced with ( or will be) threats at every corner designed to kill us if it dont help you avoid that then its no good, If the game can get us to the point of having communities again banding together than sure a common currency not directly survival based might raise to replace currency..

Edited by SoulFirez
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for a while wasn't it beans?


Anyways for now it's bullets.


I like giving them to other people


At high velocity.


In the face


Out of my M4...

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Ask yourself this. In a zombie apocalypse what would you value most? Money? Bullets? Food?

Money would be useless...

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What civilization has been doing for millennia. Gold and silver, that should be implemented. As the other said, government controls the value of money usually, but that is fiat currency. Paper money. Gold and Silver will always be money, because they are physical, sound money. Would be more like, find an ounce or a few of silver carefully hidden under a bed in some random house, or in a well hidden spot in any residential area. Like someone who was stocking up on SHTF currency but got killed before he could use it.

I'd seriously like to know why that shiny hunk of metal is valuable, can't eat it (well you CAN but the same could be said of rocks), as far as I know pure gold can't really hold an edge as a weapon, too soft for much else.  Maybe if you're turning gold into wire for electricity.  If there was a SHTF scenario, and someone was trying to buy stuff from me with gold, I'd probably rob them of everything BUT the gold and their life, just to give a painful lesson.


EDIT To note, Money (bank notes) will be added in game, more than likely as trash loot or possibly as a minor crafting ingredient.

Edited by BigMike

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I've always thought it would be interesting to put cash in the game, assign it no real value and then see if people collect it. If it was a stackable item and quite rare perhaps it would be a bit of a collectable. A testament to all the looting you've done and survivors you've robbed. Could be interesting.

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books ! or batteries.


for now the currency is bullets.

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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No, no currency - what they need to do is implement some system of trading that goes beyond "I'll drop my things here - it should be visible in a minute".

Fixed or predetermined values would be rather unrealistic in a post apocalyptic world that doesn't even seem remotely close to rebuilding itself.

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So far i have traded medical assistence for ammo i needed, magnum snap loaders, PU scopes, stuff I need.

You cant eat money, you cant shoot it, you cant throw money at zombies to kill them, who the * needs money.

Edited by mosibfu
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In most  of the scenarios we have seen in the world so far where society has collapsed in some fashion, a "currency" popped up almost immediately after the collapse. It mostly takes the form of some type of good that has many applicable uses, is easy to carry, and can be made reliably in the collapse situation. It would still be a "barter" situation, but everything tended to be valued against the currency good.


1) hard alcohol has many different uses, from medical disinfectant, solvent, firearm cleaner, to fuel for stoves and vehicles with the proper engine filter. Also, you can drink it to stave off both starvation and dehydration, plus you can mix it with water to make it safe for drinking. In the American frontier, corn moonshine was used as currency after the Revolution, as the hard currency used by the Government was next to worthless. It is relatively simple to make, with materials that any long-term community would have already (corn, wheat, potatoes, any form of crops with sugar, basically). 
2) Copper. It is useful in electrical wiring, plus it is common enough to be found in most houses, instead of gold.


I believe that if Day Z is to accurately portray any sort of long-term survival system, there should be some sort of currency system implemented. Of course, it should be dependent on the community to choose what they want as currency. Moonshine, copper coins, batteries and bullets.


Hell, I believe that DayZ should eventually at least try to emulate the rebuilding of society, or at least some sort of economy. Of course, this would entail the implementation of agriculture and light industry (both of which are estimated to spring back relatively quickly after a collapse). Go hunting, bring meat and hides into town, trade for cloth for bandages and moonshine, trade moonshine for bullets/arrows/whatever you will.


Maybe the work could be done off-screen? ie, farms and factories from outside the map boundaries trade goods in return for loot scavenged from cities, ala Fallout? 

I like that idea, because eventually, if this was a utter-and-total-collapse-of-civilization, the modern bullets and cans of beans would eventually run out...

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Needs a dedicated trade window so you can actually pass stuff from player to player (hand to hand) rather than via the floor (unless it's "Trust me, I'll drop 20 rounds of 7.62 behind that wall and you drop that bottle of antibiotics around that corner...." :)



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Needs a dedicated trade window so you can actually pass stuff from player to player (hand to hand) rather than via the floor (unless it's "Trust me, I'll drop 20 rounds of 7.62 behind that wall and you drop that bottle of antibiotics around that corner...." :)




Yeah. Trade cannot work in the current state of the game:


"Don't worry, the Magnum and quickloaders that I just traded you for all your food will appear on the ground in a minute or two," you shout, as you run off into the distance, cackling to yourself.

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Yea like mentioned in the above posts the ol'fashion barter is going on atm but i think the stage of the game is a factor as well. For example at this stage of the game morphine/wooden stick and certain rifle scopes are the top things ppl ask/offer me when they want to trade. just like real life, supply and demand will determine the value of some items over others.


- i'll give you a can of sardines for a can opener :P

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I don't think they should build a currency system into the game, but I could see a currency system emerging from the player economy.  For example, I remember in Diablo 2 SoJs were the base currency.


To me, the problem with this in DayZ is the actual transaction - how do you know you can trust the person?  Since it is very hard to make trades in person because of the risk, there isn't that much trading going on, which goes against the idea of a standardized currency that you can use easily.


Also, because DayZ is distributed across many servers, I don't think that design is very good for establishing a currency system.  Whatever the currency is, you'd just have people going to servers where it's easier to farm it.

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