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Johnny Depth

Items you have still yet to see in the game.

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Pistol Silencer.(where is it?)

Pistol RDS(where is it?)
Pristine Acog scope(bad luck)

Berries(not even sure if they are already in the stable)

Improvised Backpack(never needed it)

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I've got the press vest but I've never seen any of the others that are available. Also LRS seems to be a thing of the past and why is that I used to find mosins everywhere but I can never find one, seriously there's an sks or b95 in every other house lol.

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Nothing. Have saw everything I believe :P

im in he same boat i believe....nearly 200 hours, i better have found it all by now haha.

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Pistol Silencer.(where is it?)

Pistol RDS(where is it?)

Pristine Acog scope(bad luck)

Berries(not even sure if they are already in the stable)

Improvised Backpack(never needed it)

Silencer confirmed.


Pistol RDS confirmed in game


Acog confirmed


Berries confirmed, press F on the base of a bush


Improvised backpack is pretty useless also ;P

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Hey slowdown there, Idiot-ana Jones, I love the improvised backpack! I used one for quite sometime and it worked well :)

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Hey slowdown there, Idiot-ana Jones, I love the improvised backpack! I used one for quite sometime and it worked well :)

i also use it! hide a sawed off shotty and axe in this!


best backpack!

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Berries(not even sure if they are already in the stable)


Berries are on stable, you just need to know how to harvest them as it's not an inventory option.


What isn't on stable yet is the berries going to inventory, which is necessary as there is a chance that berries are infected. Apparently berries going to inventory is on the experimental build but I've not harvested any since that was mentioned so I don't know.

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In the 400 hours I've played (yes, I know...it's a sickness, but I'm laid-off from work for the winter, so I've got the time), I've found the Press Vest only two times; once in a train station out on the fringes of the map, and once on the boat wreck. Haven't seen the leather jacket, but I'm not sure if that's made it over to stable yet.

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i find the sks and blaze rifle pretty common!


M4 also in Military houses.

also the mosin is pretty common in the piano house.



what always takes forever to find for me are the pistol attachments and fnx mags!

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Edited by Guest

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Best place to find ACOG, Pistol RDS or silencer are the hangars. My gear:







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I second that, I have also not come across an fnx45 suppresor and berries


No berries for me, but I just found the X45 suppressor yesterday.  Indeed, it was in a hangar as well.



Edited by klesh

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Supressor for the M4

Long Range Scope.


Thats it.. I killed a bandit having a FNX with Silencer. So I guess I "found" that one.

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Leather Jacket - I don´t played a lot since the last update
SKS Bayonet - Maybe in Hangars, but I have no need for it

Berries - tried a few times, it always said "Haven´t found a single berry"


Maybe also the press vest, just found it ruind from a dead player (Where the hell do they spawn?)

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