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Why can't i FIST!

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So look here is how it is.


I'm new to the game and have been using tutorials to learn to play.


but the most annoying thing for me is, I don't know how to whip my fists out and beat a zombie to death.


there are times i'm in need to fight them off but cant.


Please dumb it down for me i'm using the latest version.

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Hi Woodsy,

                  Welcome to DayZ!


You can bring your fists up by pressing space bar. This is the default key to raise/lower fists  and weapons when in hand.


If you go into controls, you can have a poke around what does what and even rebind keys to your liking.


Good luck and have fun mate

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yeah i went into key rebinded "raise weapon" to be spacebar and it doesn't do anything...


i cant even defend myself :(

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Yes, this section is for the Dayz stand alone! 


You cannot punch in the mod like you can in the stand alone.

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so is the stand alone better than the mod?


what is the best to get the best experience.


money is not an issue ill buy stand alone if i have too

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I'm new to this, but I've been researching quite a bit.

  • I bought stand alone because right now it is in beta mode and once it leaves beta mode the cost will most likely go up. 
  • Right now in standalone there are tons of glitches and things that haven't been activated yet (cars, fishing, loot spots).
  • I've read that right now it is pretty much only 20% complete in its alpha state.
  • Now I don't have any experience with the mod version, but I really do like the Standalone.

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How do you find the mod?


I did not play the mod really, but I have watched a lot of videos.


The stand alone is in alpha at the moment and does not have much in terms of persistence game play besides your character, no massive hordes of infected, and no base building yet unlike the mod. However updates are coming in regular intervals and is getting better by the week. 


You will have noticed a lot of people complaining about Dayz SA, how bare bones it is, and how many bugs there are. Kill On Sight is rampant as people believe there is nothing else to do. Please do not let this put you off!


Many people complain there is nothing to do in SA besides kill on sight...These players will probably never make it to full release as dayz is always going to be a open world sandbox game. If you cannot let your imagination fly with this game and think of things to do you will become bored, quickly.


Opt in for stand alone while it is cheaper, help with development and bug finding and if you are not happy. Play the mod until something gets added into SA which excites you.


Just remember that the mod is supposed to be played like a game now, the stand alone is not. It is for us to help test the infrastructure, stability and overall help with the development of this project.

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Your question made me lol.. "Why cant I fist"?  Well maybe you need some lube and a lil practice? 

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  On 2/17/2014 at 6:47 PM, Methadon36 said:

Your question made me lol.. "Why cant I fist"?  Well maybe you need some lube and a lil practice?

Less teens and more milfs might do the trick for him :P

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  On 2/17/2014 at 8:05 PM, Dethsupport said:

I have never played the mod but you can't fist in the mod? Gamebreaking bs right there.

Lets use the word punch instead of fist :)

And nope the mod don't have hand combat at all. You'll need an axe or something.

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  On 2/17/2014 at 1:55 AM, Woodsy said:

So look here is how it is.


I'm new to the game and have been using tutorials to learn to play.


but the most annoying thing for me is, I don't know how to whip my fists out and beat a zombie to death.


there are times i'm in need to fight them off but cant.


Please dumb it down for me i'm using the latest version.



So, you want to fist someone? 

( ° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Edited by DayzForumer

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I'm still confused as how you don't see the difference in gameplay/graphics from the Mod to the Standalone... o.O


Anyways, if you bought ARMA II and got the Mod thinking it would be the Standalone, you made a bad call...

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  On 2/17/2014 at 2:26 AM, Woodsy said:

so is the stand alone better than the mod?


what is the best to get the best experience.


money is not an issue ill buy stand alone if i have too

i think the standalone is better.

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If you can't rais your hands/weapons try a click with the right mouse button. Sometimes fixes this.

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Standalone WILL be better for sure but to alot of people just the amount of missing content will negate that fact for now.  I'm quite enjoying standalone, but I also understand the whole alpha/we have to be patient thing as well.  If you are looking for the best immersive experience for now I'd say stick with mod until the SA gets polished a bit more and then it will be hands down better.

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  On 2/17/2014 at 6:15 PM, 1S1K-Airborne said:

I thought this topic was about something else.....lol



At least I know I'm not the only sicko in here.  :thumbsup:

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