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Is there anything being planned that incentivizes not shooting on sight?

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A proper fatigue system, dangerous animals in the woods, larger zombie hordes, food scarcity and starving to death, weather and elements effects, diseases.  I could keep going but those are some of the things that may make their way into the game and sure, you still can kill people, but when you are slowly freezing to death and people recognize you as being a douche, well, you won't be getting any help or sympathy.  So in the end, KoS will still be a part of the game but it will be lessened due to players having to actually try to survive in this, ahem, survival game.  So you are correct that nothing will ever make you not kill people.


none of the above will stop me from shooting you, my goal is not my survival but the end to your survival by any means necessary.

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Wow, you really don't get it do you.  Fatigue.  Causing you to not run full tilt, bringing you to a slow walking pace, almost to unconsciousness.  I can almost feel your rage as the player you were chasing slowly fades into the distance as the world goes grey and blurry around you.


I do not chase players.

If they escape my range, good on em.


Chasing another player would NEEDLESSLY risk my own position and life.

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It's simple. The game design is incomplete at this time. Cooperation and organization have helped humans survive for over 6,000 years. If it didn't help us survive, we wouldn't have done it. Right now other people in game are bigger threats than they are potential allies. When there are thousands of aggressive, hard-to-kill zombies swarming everywhere, people will have no choice but to cooperate or die. That doesn't mean no one will KOS but it will be extremely hard to survive alone. 


(I don't have more info than anyone else but I've followed the development of this game pretty closely and I base the above on what Rocket has said in multiple interviews.)

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It's simple. The game design is incomplete at this time. Cooperation and organization have helped humans survive for over 6,000 years. If it didn't help us survive, we wouldn't have done it. Right now other people in game are bigger threats than they are potential allies. When there are thousands of aggressive, hard-to-kill zombies swarming everywhere, people will have no choice but to cooperate or die. That doesn't mean no one will KOS but it will be extremely hard to survive alone. 


(I don't have more info than anyone else but I've followed the development of this game pretty closely and I base the above on what Rocket has said in multiple interviews.)


you assume people are going to treat this like real-life, in reality I would team up with people to defend an area to make it safe to live, but this isn't real I don't give a rats ass if my character has his legs blown off 2 seconds after coming to life.

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Honestly, As much as I want zombiez harder and loot harder to get etc, etc... Its just gonna make people KoS more, in this day and age kids are so pampered they want everything handed to them.


Its just the truth. KoS will never be stopped, I dont see it ever slowing down, the game is what it is.

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Honestly, As much as I want zombiez harder and loot harder to get etc, etc... Its just gonna make people KoS more, in this day and age kids are so pampered they want everything handed to them.


Its just the truth. KoS will never be stopped, I dont see it ever slowing down, the game is what it is.

I don't think you're a looking at the survival at the level it's going to be.  Having to rely on other is going to happen and the players who think they can play rambo all day well, I'll just laugh now.  Eventually you are going to want those beans that someone is carrying and yes you could shoot them for it at the risk of ruining them or you could actually trade for them while you are hold up in a house while it's pouring rain outside and you have nothing to protect you from the elements as infected hordes are trying to get in.  The bigger picture is not even in the game and they way it is at this exact moment is a straight up death match because the infected aren't a threat, starving isn't a threat, fatigue isn't a threat, diseases and sickness isn't a threat, the elements isn't a threat.  See where this is going?  We've still got a least a year of development ahead of us.

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I don't think you're a looking at the survival at the level it's going to be.  Having to rely on other is going to happen and the players who think they can play rambo all day well, I'll just laugh now.  Eventually you are going to want those beans that someone is carrying and yes you could shoot them for it at the risk of ruining them or you could actually trade for them while you are hold up in a house while it's pouring rain outside and you have nothing to protect you from the elements as infected hordes are trying to get in.  The bigger picture is not even in the game and they way it is at this exact moment is a straight up death match because the infected aren't a threat, starving isn't a threat, fatigue isn't a threat, diseases and sickness isn't a threat, the elements isn't a threat.  See where this is going?  We've still got a least a year of development ahead of us.

If its going to take a year + to reach this point... im sorry the game will have a quarter of its population that it has now. He is doing a damn fine job I admit that but it was still too underdeveloped in my opinion, its pre-alpha. By the time its what you say it will be, There will be other games that have captured everyones attention.


By the way, I love it, but im starting to get my doubts for some reason.

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I don't think you're a looking at the survival at the level it's going to be.  Having to rely on other is going to happen and the players who think they can play rambo all day well, I'll just laugh now.  Eventually you are going to want those beans that someone is carrying and yes you could shoot them for it at the risk of ruining them or you could actually trade for them while you are hold up in a house while it's pouring rain outside and you have nothing to protect you from the elements as infected hordes are trying to get in.  The bigger picture is not even in the game and they way it is at this exact moment is a straight up death match because the infected aren't a threat, starving isn't a threat, fatigue isn't a threat, diseases and sickness isn't a threat, the elements isn't a threat.  See where this is going?  We've still got a least a year of development ahead of us.


I will not risk a trade.

I will sooner risk the ruined beans, and my own starvation, than being a hippie carebear getting capped in the forehead; All because i was too scurred of a stupid zombie chasing me if i shoot?

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Hello there


Mechanics are being put in place which will lessen KoS but not in artificial way. (ie no safe zones etc) There will always be an element of risk when dealing with people. But with more going on in the world there will be more reasons not to KoS.





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The KoS players is the exact force that creates that intangible feeling of stress and excitement and sheer dread whenever you go into a building.


Take that away and you might as well be playing Barbie: Dream House 4.


KOS is an extremely important part of the Dayz experience.

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83
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KOS is an extremely important part of the Dayz experience.

I think what you mean is playing the game how you want to is an extremely important part of the DayZ experience.

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Hello there


Mechanics are being put in place which will lessen KoS but not in artificial way. (ie no safe zones etc) There will always be an element of risk when dealing with people. But with more going on in the world there will be more reasons not to KoS.





I definitely do appreciate posts like this though. Thanks for the update! =D

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Simply put "KoS" or how i rather refer to it "Survival of the fittest" will always be apart of DayZ. It's all about that chance encounter between 2 players (or groups of players) witted against each other in an environment they are not prepared to encounter another group in. And one group emerging victorious with a massive adrenaline rush and sense of accomplishment to live to fight another day.


Me and a friend got ambushed on our way to Berenzino in a 2v5 last night and emerged victorious due to great communication and excellent position swapping. Needless to say I was shaking for 45minutes afterwards ; that is why alot of people Dayz and continue to play Dayz. Any alteration of this would cause a majority of the core (hardcore / dedicated) players to leave the game and head to another game.

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I think what you mean is playing the game how you want to is an extremely important part of the DayZ experience.

Nope, not what I meant at all.

Of course it is, but I meant what I said.

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83

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I wouldn't play this game if it had no KoS. The way it works now is perfect, kill somebody and ruin their gear so there's little to no reward. It doesn't need anything else.

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Shot on sight is the only thing that makes this game fun atm. I play dayz for pvp what else is there todo?

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Something to help against KoS? Everything gets instantly ruined simple as that. If no one can pick anything off of you, they'd have to waste resources to kill you. So since they cannot make anything off of you, they'd have to consider if using the shot(s) are worth it.


Personally, if I catch someone off guard, I tell them to put their weapon away and hands up. If they comply, it's fine, I keep my sights on them and back off. If they fail to comply, I gun'em. Banditary? Not at all, I'd have given clear commands and if they wish to try and pull a fast one, well, I won't let them.


Also, while a bit of a 'grey area' if I find people camping at the top of buildings with guns in the middle of a city, I run a few bullets by them. Did it to two folks in Elektro a few days ago, they ran off and combat-logged inside. Which was actually the best thing, so now they won't kill others out of anger or loot and they knew that going there may lead to a lesser-kind soul actually nailing them.


First time you break your leg or take a non-lethal shot to the backpack, you'll understand how terrible that idea is. Not to mention, it will incredibly ramp up shoot on sight as nobody will want to risk taking a punch to the head and ruining all their equipment by trying to communicate. Right now, it is pretty wonky, breaking your leg and destroying the ammo or pistol in your pockets.

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Oh, i do!


I just wish more people would "get" that my entertainment for the day... is YOU.

I do not want, nor do I need your gear.


In future, who knows. Maybe that will change. Maybe gear and food will be so scarce that it would take me a month to get back to where I am now...


But what people fail to understand... is that at that moment... I will be a god on that server. The likelihood of dying at such a geared point, versus everyone else, is so slim that I would simply continue the behaviour anyway.

The only way you remove KoS, EVER, is by disabling EVERY method of killing another player PERMANENTLY.


Hence... no KoS = Farmville.

Sounds boring to me. But if it suits you, go right ahead.

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I am looking forward to things that will reduce KOS as well. There should always be the risk that anyone will kill you, but there should be reasons they shouldn't. People unite when there is a common enemy, and right now the only threat are other people. In a real zombie apocalypse will people kill each other? Yes, but it wont turn 95% of people into KOS murderers. I doubt even 5%. I bet even Wheunis would be a nice guy in a real life Dayz situation.


I don't really see the point in the zombies though if people want this to be a survival deathmatch game. May as well have servers with no zombies, then servers with tons of tough zombies for the people who want more of a co-op with some PvP experience mixed in as well.

Edited by Erica
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If you want to move around for awhile and interact with other players, you'd best team up.

The map isn't big enough for me, having played the mod, except as a PvP platform.

Doesn't even matter if the add other things, like badass zombies.

What's Rocket's intent? You got it. PvP.

That's what the game is, if your intent is to stay alive more a couple hours with people interaction.

The difference between a KOSer and others is how often they visit the beach and re-gear.

That's it.

You can play longer with a squad of KOSers or a squad of heroes.

Up to you.

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Bases will probably launch some cooperation, however, everyone will need to understand that groups won't necessarily be formed through in-game happenstance. Some groups will be friends that know each other outside of the game. Some will be people who trade steam info in-game. It is rather unlikely that a hard-core RPer that will never step out of the game or recognize players between spawns or look for friends while journeying around is going to find a stable group. You are going to have to step out of game a bit and find like-minded people.


Because bandit groups will form. They will not be your friend just because you are running around in bright clothing and keep your gun put away. They will probably KoS you... cooperatively.

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It seems to me that a lot of people really want this game to be Rainbow Bright and the Friendly Carebears of the Cuddly Zombie Apocalypse. 

This game is about human nature. Human nature says that some people will be utter, utter dicks who will derive more joy from shooting you in the face than anything else in the world. Ruining hours and hours of another persons work is their Nirvana. They will take every opportunity to ruin your day, for the sheer joy of knowing how angry you get. Every post in this thread that rages against KoS'ers is like the finest wine to them. 

Are they complete asshats? Yes. Yes they are. You know who you are, asshats. You even know that you're asshats, don't you? 

Are the asshats what makes DayZ one of the most exciting games on the market at the moment? Why yes. Yes they are. 

It's not the (currently) boring and generic zombies. It's not the (currently) mediocre loot or weapons or eating/drinking mechanics.  It's not the beautiful scenery. It's the fact that wherever you go, whatever you do, you're always in real danger of losing everything you've worked hard for. It's the actual human interaction. It's the feeling of being genuinely grateful when you meet a survivor who is not out to get you. The feeling of despair when someone gets the drop on you and you hear the words, "Hands up asshole!". 

I don't kill people unless I have to. I'm not a KoS type of guy. I'd rather help someone out or trade a few items and be on my way. But no way in hell do I want the asshats to be removed from the game or penalised in any way for their actions, other than through retribution from other players. That's what DayZ is about. Player interactions. Not having your bloody hand held because you're too lazy to survive.

I'm not saying you can't balance the game more by making zombies harder and doing other PvE related stuff, that's all fine. But don't ruin the spirit of DayZ so that console kiddies can get their quick kicks in. 

You can't have Hero's without Bandits and murderers. 

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Don't get me wrong, I am most decidedly not against PvP in this game. I'd just like a tad more of PvE, in order to give those of us interested in other things than ramming gun barrels into each other's various orifices something to do.

To make things short, I feel that survival should be a reason to kill others. I ALSO feel that it should be a very big reason you don't. 

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Don't get me wrong, I am most decidedly not against PvP in this game. I'd just like a tad more of PvE, in order to give those of us interested in other things than ramming gun barrels into each other's various orifices something to do.

To make things short, I feel that survival should be a reason to kill others. I ALSO feel that it should be a very big reason you don't.

The very fact that your character exists, is a direct threat to my survival.

We both want/need whatever is available in front of us.

My survival trumps your life every single time.

There exists no situation that you could possibly model in any game, ever, that would change this.

Even in a no-winner scenario where I immediately die upon taking your life - i would do it even if its just out of spite.

Edited by Wheunis

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The very fact that your character exists, is a direct threat to my survival.

No it's not. Two heads are always better than one. Two people working together will always survive better than one. That's why societies exist on the scale they do today.

If you like shooting people for the pure pleasure of shooting people, that's fine but don't pretend it's because everyone is a threat to your survival. I'm not. Chances are if I've got anything on me you need, you can have it or I'll trade you something for it. Chances are that if you need something that I don't have, I'll be willing to help you find it and watch your back while we both search for it. 

It's not as black and white as - you exist thus you are a threat.

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