kobeandodom 23 Posted February 19, 2014 the fact that people have to worry about blending in so much from other people on this game just makes my head hurt. Why aren't we all trying to survive the zombie apocalypse and helping each other? I guess the next zombie movie should just show everybody running around and shooting each other as they dodge zombies. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hethwill_Khan 233 Posted February 19, 2014 Travel light. Get used to it. Encumbrance will come. Bad habits make for headaches. One alone cannot cover all scenarios IF one doesn't carry a huge mountain / hunter pack, but a team can cover most scenarios with multiple courier bags or makeshift packs. There is food everywhere and even if there isn't then we make sure someone will donate food for the 'cause. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
liquidcactus 719 Posted February 19, 2014 So what you think...is a backpack really needed?Indeed I myself have been wondering about this alot lately. It also depends on play styles etc.. I was thinking of going without a backpack so I'm carry less weight when its full for better maneuverability .. But I'm not entirely sure if the "weight" feature has really been processed properly as a game feature yet (I'm guessing not) Because I cant tell if running for long distances with or without the backpack actually matters.. From what I've experienced so far I don't think so Anyway.. It will be awesome when weight is factored in properly.. Taking a prisoner and using them as a mule to hump a pack chock'a'block full of supplies will make it all the worth while 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rickenbacker 190 Posted February 19, 2014 We'll my friend let me teach you the lunch box method. The most suitable weapon that you can have is an m4, but a Mosin is acceptable too but it will leave you vulnerable at close range because you can't carry a gun.Anyway the lunchbox method.1. Find a protector case (preferably pristine or worn)2. Put all the food you can fit in the protector case plus one can opener3. Dump all excess magazines except for 2 mags (preferably 60 coupled stanags) but remove all ammo from mags first4. Find an ammo box (preferably pristine or worn) dump all your ammo in that5. Find a med kit and dump all the things you don't need and try to fill it up with bandages and suchYou have one or two slots there for whatever you wantThat my friend is the lunchbox method. I have my friend Ghyst to thank for this amazing idea You can skip the food... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Karmaterror 982 Posted February 19, 2014 the fact that people have to worry about blending in so much from other people on this game just makes my head hurt. Why aren't we all trying to survive the zombie apocalypse and helping each other? I guess the next zombie movie should just show everybody running around and shooting each other as they dodge zombies. I agree with that, no way if this happened for real would people act like this. You would be in such a constant state of fear, banding together would be the only way to feel safe. Im sure it would bring out a lot of the us vs them attitude and make us more likely to work together. Its only when two groups with different values meet that skirmishes would ensue. But as it is people don't play it like that, they play to get a gun and shoot people, as is the main focus of pretty much any game with guns in it. So concealment is a friendly players greatest ally at the moment. Id love to run up to everyone and just say hi, but I know I wouldn't last long if I did :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dagwood 680 Posted February 19, 2014 My buddies and I have been using courier bags and children's cases exclusively for a few days now. Even with just two people we can carry all the supplies we need. This play style teaches you to weigh the benefits of carrying different items instead of grabbing everything you find. When the amount of equipment needed for survival increases, the need for this skill will also increase.Y'all are playing dayz with the kind of mentality that I hope to see become more common as the game improves and the more casual gamers fade away. Beans for all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BrainlessZombie 190 Posted February 19, 2014 (edited) Since we've got a bunch of fashionistas around here, what about tinctures (edit: for dyeing)? You know, to colour clothes... We've got paint sprays to colour some weapons so, why not? And what about use the sprays to do some 'street' art? From a full black clothes set and backpacks to scary skulls or a survivors logo...From a full pink clothes set and backpacks to draw penises all around cherno ('till server restarts obviously)... Edit2: Posted in suggestions, http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/175497-clothing-suggestion/ Edited February 19, 2014 by BrainlessZombie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WolfgangErikson 127 Posted February 19, 2014 Children's backpack or improvised only. This. There is no need to carry any food around. If you eat enough as you find it, you will be healthy, and never be hungry or thirsty. I don't even carry water or eat canned food, I only eat when I find rice, or fresh fruit. Played this character for several weeks and still going. Black Shirt, Black Jeans, Improvised Courier bag. All I ever really carry around is your weapons, some ammo, morphine (for falling accidents), bandages. That's all you really need.I keep other utility type items around when I have room (I usually have plenty). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Irish. 4886 Posted February 20, 2014 No backpacks?... I mean I guess you could make hardcore, more hardcore.. more power to you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weedmasta 784 Posted February 20, 2014 (edited) I would say so as a 'just in case' option. If for some reason you're lost, get lost, injure yourself...I carry my pack around for all of my 'just in case' scenarios. All my essentials stay on my person...preferrably up top. Well that is a terrible idea even though my m8s do this as well. You are more likely to get shot in the chest than anywhere else on your body. Carrying essential stuff on your shirt and vest is just stupidity. Edited February 20, 2014 by weedmasta Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 46 Posted February 20, 2014 I must be the only person who likes to keep a splint handy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soulfirez 901 Posted February 20, 2014 I must be the only person who likes to keep a splint handy.hmm yeah id say you are lol i prefer to keep morphine its good for broken legs and broken arms and takes up less space..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dethsupport 110 Posted February 20, 2014 So I finally got my all black loadout, but the hunter pack was ruining it a bit. So I thought, how hard would it be without one. After some inv tetris I got all my essentials into the combo of tac shirt,cargo pants, and assault vest. Im hoping it pushes me into towns much more often for food and water, had enough in that pack to survive in the hills till beta lol. So what you think...is a backpack really needed?Absolutely not. -You don't need all those water sources - drop your bottle and canteen along with all the sodas - pumps and streams are everywhere -You don't need all those cans of extra food - once you're all fat and happy you'll stay that way for a long time -You don't need all those weapons - there are very few reasons to carry a sidearm that eats up space, most people use them much less than they think as soon as they have their primary -You don't need all those extra bullets and/or mags - For weapons with mags carry one in the weapon and another in your inventory to reload on the fly. For ammo keep 1-4 stacks depending on your accuracy, weapon type and how often you decide to fire on zombies (or randomly into the air like me) -You don't need all those medical supplies - a kit with some rags/bandages, and morphine is all you really need if you're solo. Keep a saline IV and/or compatible blood IV and an epipen if you're with others -You don't need all those other random items - extra batteries, compasses, hacksaws, hammers, screwdrivers etc. The only exception would be some items used for interaction but this depends heavily on your play style. If you are a KOS or a hero who never plans on detaining someone ditch the cuffs and keys. Not planning on chemical poisoning anyone? Drop the disinfectant. Not gonna kidnap someone and beat them senseless? Toss the burlap sack. People hoard in this game - its a survival mentality and given that we already have so much space but require so little to function we simply fill those spaces with items we try to justify to ourselves in our heads. Ditch the pack now and when you pick one up down the road when tools like gas stove, cooking pots, matches and logs are useful you'll be way ahead of 95% of the population who will continue to cram their packs full trying to tetris everything just so they can get all those extra beans, bullets and bandaids that they will die with before they ever even touching. Packs just make bandits richer. If you're going to use a pack, use it as bait. Fill it with all sorts of goodies and leave it somewhere. Eventually someone will come along and want to grab it or at least pick through it. Use people's greed to your advantage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cenobyte 71 Posted February 20, 2014 (edited) I try to keep as low a profile as possible and travel light, at most I'll use the crafted 12slot pack as it provides more than enough storage for what i need (food/water, ammo, medical supplies, long range and PU scopes for my mosin and a backup pistol for close range encounters) Granted, most of it is kept in ammo boxes/protector cases/medkits, but with enough juggling you can fit everything you need to last a while in one :) Edited February 20, 2014 by Cenobyte 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Duenan 226 Posted February 20, 2014 For my character I didnt use a backpack until I had reached the inland Northern Airfield outside Stary Sobor I didnt really need it at all. My shirt held enough food and water and I just used an axe. You dont need a backpack at all Actually it might help not having a backpack if you don't want to be seen. Those camping backpacks are bright as hell and it you walk slowly in a town without a weapon equiped and no backpack people will think you're a zombie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antykain 200 Posted February 20, 2014 Lately, been running as a pair with either me playing overwatch/sniper, and the other with the M4/SKS, or visa versa. Only one of us would tote a backback with the essentials we may need. I personally have grown acustom to just the improvised backpack when going solo. It has a low enough profile for not being easliy recognized in the field. And has enough space for anything I might have to take on. If you haven't already, you need to watch Sacriels vids from the mod and recently, SA. He employs a lot of good tactics/strategies thatr many can learn from. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zoridium JackL 16 Posted February 20, 2014 I've started just using an improvised courier bag, it gives me plenty of space, I usually fill it with a med pack, ammo box, canteen, head torch and compass. I can fit my secondary (usually a sawn-off) pluss plenty of loose ammo in a vest and then I usually have a can-opener and hand-cuffs in my shirt, as well as a good book. then I use my pants as temporary storage, things like cans and extra food, that way if I break my legs nothing of value is damaged. if I could rotate items to better fit them I would ditch the vest in a heartbeat, the only reason I carry it is because I need four spaces across for my sawn-off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites