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When would you fire first as a friendly? ( scenario and poll)

When would you fire first?  

100 members have voted

  1. 1. When would you fir first as a friendly?

    • A. On sight
    • B. On no response
    • C. On drawing of weapon
    • D. On second non response, looking for you with weapons drawn
    • E. On advancing towards you once they spot you
    • F. Only if they fire first
    • G. I would never attack another player and would negotiate until death or try to escape

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This one is mainly for the few friendly guys and gals we have out there

Sometimes the threat is big enough for you to fire first, even as a friendly

Bit at which point do you fire first

Here's the scenario based on what happened to me recently

Your looting somewhere when outside your building or the area where you are walking you suddenly see 2-3 armed players

There is no way they will not see you if they continue towards you, however they have their weapons shouldered and don't know your there

Looks like they are going to loot the place your in or run past your hiding spot and there's no way you can escape without them seeing you

VOTE A if you would fire now

So you call out to them thinking it's better they don't panic shoot you by turning a corner and walking right into you, if you didn't fire, they stop and look around with no response

VOTE B if you open fire now

They draw their weapons and You decide to try again, this time saying you won't fire and to put thier weapon away as you haven't shown any signs of hostility toward them


They respond by all getting out thier weapons and looking in your direction, they may have spotted you or worked out where the voice is coming from

VOTE D if you fire now

You warn them one last time as they advance guns ready towards you

VOTE E if you fire now ( this is where I fire)

They come into the area where you are, guns on your face and still not responding

They open fire but you survive and escape to some better cover or building

VOTE F if you fire back now


VOTE G if you are completely peaceful and would either not shoot or attempt to escape rather than fight

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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I voted E but only if i have a gun. Especially if i have a magnum, i wanna try being dirty harry in this game and nobody's given me a reason to yet (either lack of magnum or lack of people trying to kill/rob me). BTW can you kneecap people yet?

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I voted D because it's the only response close to what I do. Normally I avoid people unless I have to interact. But if I say something and then they draw their weapon, I kill. I don't wait to give them another chance. But if they comply, I holster my weapon and chat them up, give them some food and water/soda, ask where they are headed to give them a heads up on what might be in their way.

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If I'm outnumbered 3-1 then I won't start a gunfight,I'll do my best to escape,if that's not possible then I'll set myself up and try to warn them off,if they keep coming I'd start firing hopefully taking out one straight away, maybe two. Then I'd hunker down in the building ready to receive the enemy.

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The scenario description is well put! I voted D myself. But considering how my approaches differ from each other depending on the situation. I guess it wouldn't be my definite answer.


For example.. If I happen to be low on blood and have allot at stake, I probably would be a bit more trigger friendly. I try to avoid contact if I don't wish to interact with other players. But if the point arises where conflict is inevitable, I would try to converse with the player(s) in question. If they would respond by drawing a weapon and pointing towards my direction (while I have my weapon still put away) I wouldn't hesitate to back up and shoot them for making such an aggressive gesture.


I find that (especially now since there's an easier way to arm and un-arm yourself) that there's no reason to draw a weapon towards another player if they are unarmed or have their weapon put away. Unless, ofcourse, the player or players are intending to kill in which in my case it would mean I'd gladly take out my own arms in response and shoot if they don't quickly decide to put their weapons away.


But like I said, it greatly depends on the situation at hand. I'll be honest that at times I killed other players without a solid reason just so I wouldn't have to end up dealing with an awkward conflict or when I have allot to lose.

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I chose C, mostly because if they were drawing a weapon on me that shows me hostile intent. It's hard for me to completely describe the thought process I go through when I encounter another player, but I'll try. Essentially when we spot someone from a distance in a town, like Guba, we'll track them down and follow them for a bit. I'll keep an eye on them and get a general feeling about them, the way they move, the way they loot, if they have any potential friends around, the way they handle zombies. Sometimes I just get a bad feeling about people, other times it's a cautious feeling and that feeling goes a long way towards my decision on whether to shoot or not.


If I decide to interact instead of shoot, I'll make sure I call out to them if and when they get into a spot where it'd be easy for me to take them down while it being more difficult for them to turn my way and act faster. In my opinion, it's all about forcing an encounter on someone when they're at the disadvantage, especially in regards to reaction time. An example would be waiting for them to have a melee weapon/no gun out, waiting for them to have their back turned towards you, even waiting for some good cover for yourself while they have none. Even simply hiding and calling out, you'll be able to shoot them before they turn around if you're difficult to see more cases than not.


If they don't respond, that's already suspicious in my books. If they respond infrequently and not using many words/fairly calm also a very suspicious move. So much stuff goes into my decision making regarding killing someone in most cases. Other times there's just a clear indication that he wants to kill you and if you give him the chance he will (usually run into these types of situations at military areas myself).


I find it is easier to make a decision based on intelligence gathering if you have the time do so, but other times you really don't have that option and need to be quick on your feet. :)

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I play a little bit of everything!

I chose C.

When I'm having a friendly play through I typically seek to make contact with people on my own terms.
A lot of ends with "You go your way, I'll go mine."

Some of it ends with my doubling around to make sure I'm not being followed.

Really, I can't say that any of the options were for me. I tend to take these things on a case by case scenario.
A non-responder who runs away from me for example gets to live. A non-responder who comes towards me gets to die.

So, in short, I take these things on a case by case basis when having my friendly and semi-friendly playthroughs.

Edited by Rudette

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I am a friendly player, but I am also a realist.


I think waiting till two or three players have spotted you and are advancing is suicide (the reason I mention that is because it is the most popular answer). 3-2 on 1 doesn't put the odds in your favour, you need the element of surprise to come out on top. I'd shoot on sight unquestionably, unless there was a way to retreat completely unnoticed. I'd take one of them down and move to a better position in the chaos of them trying to heal their friend/working out where the shots came from. I'd then do my best to kill all of them.


Now let me explain my rationale. I am friendly in DayZ, but in order to survive one has to make calculated decisions. From experience I know that a group of players is likely to either kill me or steal my shit. Neither outcome is desirable in terms of survival. Thus the best approach is to treat them as threats. Mostly threats that I would flee from, but if there was little chance of being undetected I'd shoot and I'd fully use the element of surprise to my advantage. Once they spot you they can flank you and perform a coordinated attack that you will not survive. Shoot on sight I say.

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The only time i killed a player who may have been friendly was at NEAF.


I was in a small building outside the air traffic tower and i saw him run past, he climbed the ladder, when he got to the top I called out.. probably a mistake. He did not reply but ran inside, i could see through the window to the stairs inside.. I called again no response, I then saw him run down the stairs.. I fired my mosin and killed him.  


I was concerned once he was down the stairs i would not know where he was or if he was friendly.  It was kind of self defence, i felt bad, and should not have called out.  It was 50/50 whether he was just freaked out / scared or would kill me at 1st chance.  the airfield is not a place to make contact.

Edited by MadTommy

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D i guess, not responding back having no guns i will just let you go cause you are not fun, but if you point that gun even for a second I will open fire. Yesterday for example i run into a group of survivors and told them to put their weapons away, they didnt, at the end there were all friendly but only one of them lived to tell me that. People need to act like and start surrendering, not everyone in this game is a cruel bastard, i will probably handcuff you and will probably take your ammo but i will not shoot and i will give you stuff and we might have a laugh, running away, opening fire, or simply doing the chacha while i hold a gun in your face, well...its stupid. If you dont want to interact wtf are you playing this game?! Anyways nice poll :)

Edited by whothehellishe

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my response (as of lately) would be A, regardless of how many..

i mainly play on night servers (shredded nerves much?), so i take no chances - i'd rather fire a salvo of 10 rounds (happily empty full double stanag, if killing is needed), and strafe whomever, in order to walk away alive..

although, if people choose to run and not return fire, i don't chase either

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Nice replies and stories, it's always nice to see other peoples point of view in these situations

I think perhaps I give people too much of a chance sometimes and other times ( when we have already been attacked recently and on edge) I feel I don't always give them a proper chance

I've been in a situation once where a well known friendly clan were the 8+ guys we ran into (5 in my group)

I happily surrendered by putting my gun away and it turned out ok with no deaths on eiether side (we were outnumbered and outgunned anyway had they been not so nice I doubt we would have come out of it alive)

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Ive only come across 7 or 8 people so far. They've all tried killing me, except for one guy who I ambushed and shot in the back.


This game is all about PVP for me. Zombies are nothing more than an annoyance, and are easily dealt with with any blunt object (or even fists). The real skill and excitement comes from stalking other humans. This game would be ridiculously easy/boring without it.


*note: I would never shoot an unarmed newbie or anybody else who came across as friendly. But in my 42 hours of playing Im yet to come across this (except maybe for that one guy, and when I was searching his body he did have a gun, and if its good enough for London's Metropolitan police, its good enough for me).

Edited by Ultra7

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only 10% vote shoot on sight...where are all the KoS kiddies I meet almost every day ingame?

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Sidenote: Grimey Rick needs to reply to this. I have a feeling his answer would get my beans


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I voted for C.

I was in a similar situation myself two days ago. I was looting a barracks as I saw a guy with drawn weapon outside. He told me "they" would be friendly. I responded that I am friendly too. Few seconds later I saw his friend, so I knew there were at least two people. I had a bad feeling, but I tried to trust them. So i put my gun away, walked outside and raised my hands.

...this f***ing guys handcoffed me and shot me to death two minutes later. Lesson learned, don't trust people with drawn weapons, even if they respond.

Edited by brudertack82

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I wanted to vote for B/C/D all having equal weighting.


Approaching me armed without comms = go loud.

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only 10% vote shoot on sight...where are all the KoS kiddies I meet almost every day ingame?

I made this mainly for friendly players to answer so likely not many of them even bother reading it or voting

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I shoot players first if they take aim with a firearm or approach with melee weapon drawn. No response is not an issue for me.

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I voted for F because sometimes the player won't have any ammo on the them.


That, and I usually keep a good distance with nearby cover just in case that happens.

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In your scenario B, if they are in a group they have the ability to communicate. Not doing so makes their intentions absolutely crystal clear.

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