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Special: My DayZ Standalone Ideas

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Hi my name is skymuss, I'm 23 years old, I study

Computer Science at the university of Passau. I

already play this game for about 2 weeks and I want to

give the community my ideas and the ideas which I

Collected form other users.


Here are my other Ideas:

Basic Ideas

Item Ideas

Special Ideas

1) Zombie Loot

Now the most reason for killing zombies is, that

they are very annoying. If the developers

of DayZ would would equip zombies with items,

like some clothes, many players will kill them.


2) Woodensticks

I think it would be cool feature, that any Player

can get wooden sticks from old rotten trees which

are on the ground. Wooden sticks should also

make damage to zombies.


3) Earthworms or Bugs

In many survival movies, the actor had to eat

earthworms or insects. perhaps the developers can

add an button for searching Earthworms on the

ground especially in the Forrest. Probability

to catch one can be 0.15 %.


4) Wolves and Bears

I think in the Forrest should be more content,

player interaction or dangerous animals. these

features would give dayz a more realistic

an survival feeling. I think you should also

find good items in the dear stands.


5) Option: Open the Refrigerators and Cupboards

In many houses I saw refrigerators and

cupboards, but I was not able to open them

to look inside. it is also very frustrating

for me that in most cases, I found good items

at the ground floor and not in the second floor

of many houses.


6) Skeletons

When I first played dayz I often asked me,

where you can find some skeletons of the

dead inhabitants. In a post apocalyptic world

there should be many of them. I often saw blood

splatter on walls but no skeletons or

even dead bodies.


7) Edible Pumpkins

When I walked trough small cities I saw many

pumpkin fields but the I could not eat them.

for new players this feature will be great.


8) Refilling Plastic Water Bottles

Why should a player not be able to refill

a plastic water bottle ? In real life

Conditions or in a post apocalyptic world

there should be a lot of them, especially

in the garbage cans.


9) Gestures or Signal for Peace

In many PvP conflicts there should be a signal

,that indicates that a player is friendly.

Developers could implement this feature with

Gestures or white flags that can be found in

cities. Players could wear this flag

on the top of their backpacks.


10) Player Suicide

If a player is willing the kill himself,

he should be able to do this, perhaps with

a knife or an other weapon.


11) Stalactite Cave or Underground Aereas

I think 90% percent of all players will play

dayz at daytime, that is why player will not

use their flashlight. If the developers would

add stalactite caves or an underground area

with a very good items. This feature will

force players to go in the dark caves.

these places should be very dangerous with

many different kind of super strong zombies.


12) Running on Roads Faster (Running Speed Balance)

I think players should be able to run faster

if they stand on a road or on the cost. In

the Forrest the maximum running speed should

be reduced.


13) Mosquitoes and Diseases

In real time survival conditions Mosquitoes

can be very dangerous. They can transmit

diseases. Players which walk near swamps

or lakes, can get diseases.


14) Farm Animals

It would be very cool, to see farm animals

who survived in the world of dayz, like Pigs,

cows, chickens, dogs, cats or rats.


15) Fog

I think Fog in some cities or near the cost

Areas would be a very interesting feature

for future, especially to protect against

a marksman.


16) Thirst (Balance)

If I run very fast trough the map of dayz,

especially on a large wide open fields, my character

should be more thirsty, because of the sun.

If a player walks through the cold Forrest,

he should not really getting thirsty.


17) Sunburn

If a players just walks through open wide fields

without a cap or something else, he should get

a sunburn.


18) Forest Fires

If a player can fire trees to make smoke signals,

for example with a matchbox, players could interact

between a long distances.


19) Zombies with a broken Leg

If a player first hits a zombie, the zombie

should randomly (50%) killed or break his

leg or something else. The zombie could be

still alive, an creeping on the ground to

attack the player.


20) Sleeping System

If a player walks trough the map, he has to be

exhausted and needs sleep. in real life conditions

very human has to sleep for a while. the

developers can add a system that a players has

to sleep perhaps 3 minutes per 1 hour.


21) Increase the probability of finding a Map

I played this game many hours, but I just found

once a Map of cherno. I think the probability of

getting a map should be increased strongly.


22) More different kinds of houses

When I walked through many cities, the many houses

looked out of the same. The atmosphere and style of

the game would increase, if some houses are destroyed

or ruins.


Edited by skymuss
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Well, for one thing plastic bottles are already refillable.


Some good suggestions, some bad & some just plainly misinformed either about current or upcoming features.


EDIT: Ok, no bad suggestions, redundant maybe, but not bad.

Edited by janol

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Most of these suggestions are either in game, already suggested, kinda bad or already planned.

I recomand to shrink the list to: 5, 9, 11, 15,19 and 22.

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1:To be implemented i think-bump http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170858-zombies-drop-loot/?hl=%2Bzombie+%2Bloot#entry1739135
2:woodenstick will propablly come from trees when cutting trees with a splinting axe-fireaxe is implemented: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Wooden_Stick
3:No,we have rotten food for the despreate ones,there has been talk about snakes: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172599-venomous-snakes/?hl=snakes


4:To be implemented in the future.


5:Already been discused,i think it would be a good idea: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/171693-realistic-looting-and-more/?hl=fridge#entry1750611


6:Skeletons are nice for the overall game atmosphere/decoration/apocalypse feeling yet more serious need to be on the top of the to do list.

Also if a corpse would deteriorate to a skeleton after some time,then yes i would agree.


7:No,also the existant pumpkings textures need to be removed because they are not realistic.To be able to plant pumpkings and grow them,it's a good idea for the future.


8:You can already do that.


9:Use the "hello-wave-i'm unarmed" animations,no need for the peace signal to be implemented.


10:Climp a ladder,same effect.(also jump from a high place)


11: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/162516-mine-cave-underground-structure/?hl=caves#entry1638420 - http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/168196-caves-and-bears/?hl=caves (bears included)


12:I think that's the case,if it's not yes they should fix it in later patches.


13:Honestly we don't have enough swamp locations in Cherno,yet we have so many dangers to face,that mosquitos will be the least of the survivor's concern.


14: To be implemented: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Animals


15: That's a very good idea,also never been mentioned before,but for places with high altidute only.It would add to the gameplay experience.


16:I think in future patches,where temperature is tweaked and implemented it will take toll in your overall thist/hunger system.


17:Nah we don't need it,shivering from cold is something to be scared of,but sunburns are not that common,much of a threat...


18:The ability to start a forestfires/housefires is indeed very cool and totally realistic.But people will start burning Cherno for fun because they are assholes :) .If it's smoke signal you want,then let me remind you that campfires will be in game.


19:It's in the game,or will be implemented in the future.It was on the mod.


20:Sleep or rest to reserve the energy levels of your player sounds resonable : http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172744-sleeping-and-infinite-running/?hl=sleep#entry1761979


21: Current system is fine,most people alt tab anyways :P


22:To be implemented in the future maybe,not in the current to do list.


When you have many ideas,i suggest you take it easy.One topic per idea,that way people have a chance to further elaborate on your idea,also check the search function to see if your ideas have been disscused in the past.

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2 - 17

Details, details. The real question is; When a bear craps in the woods and nobody is around, does it still make noise?



You could put leaves on that campfire to make smoke.

Only devs can prevent forrest fires.



Meh. Just make sure he doesnt break his legs when i hit him in the head etc.



You can sleep when youre dead!

My character manages to get some shuteye during the 20 hours a day i dont play.



Only the purists will use the ingame map, but ok. Have a pile of maps in the gas stations?



Hell yes!

Z should be able to tear permanent (untill reset) holes in walls in order to get you.

Pathfinding is for Players.

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Still a proponent that if the player has running shoes, they run on roads slightly faster. If they have combat boots, they run on terrain slightly faster. If they have hiking boots, they can jog up any incline. If they have dress shoes, they can run more silently.

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You can see some of the new buildings in the new towns far north. There is for example the new police station and a small hospital. I also hope there will be more to come! :)

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Definitely sunburn/stroke.  Also, tanned players would be a good way to show how long the character has survived.

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Definitely sunburn/stroke.  Also, tanned players would be a good way to show how long the character has survived.


I think Chernarus is still pretty cold, even on sunny days. You can see mist coming from the characters' breathing.


I really like the idea of underground areas and caves. Hostile wildlife is interesting too, and I certainly think that the terrain you're on and the footwear you have should affect your movement speed/sound.

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