alexeistukov 272 Posted February 8, 2014 (edited) Version: 1.29 (Last updated: 7/715):*Added address to the community*Removed the SVD*Removed the VSS Vintorez*Removed the Mauser C96*Removed the Tire Iron*Removed the Hatchet Address to the community: To all community members... Sorry for my long long long absence.. Several problems and difficulties had came up after the last update in November and i was unable to take time to update this thread. My interest in Dayz Standalone, i will admit, has diminished greatly due to new video games that have been released have caught my interest in modding. The main one that me and my brother are currently modding is the popular survival game called Project Zomboid. Again, i deeply apologize to all of you and i hope i can release some updates to this thread every now and then in the future. The new way i request updates to be handled is that you, the community members, write descriptions for your firearms when you suggest them. (I prefer you private message me, but a post is fine too, even though it has a high chance of getting buried...). Some people have already sent descriptions to me and i have had no time to review them yet.. Thank you all in the Dayz Community for sticking with me and this thread as it started roughly a year ago.. from there it exploded into a thread full of discussion, ideas, debates, polls, hell you name it. Thank you all for hanging on and continuing to update the thread even though i was absent. Now, i cannot guarantee an update every week or so, but an update will come out every now and then, so just hang in there. Thank you and God Bless! **Note concering suggestions: Private messaging works best because it prevents your post getting buried in the pages of this thread and i as i look back now at the other pages, people are complaining about this. So please, i ask all of you, private message your suggestions to me, but still feel free to post them here and discuss them with the others while i add them.Thanks!**FEEL FREE TO SUGGEST ANY WEAPON THAT COMES TO YOUR MIND, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS. I MAY CONSIDER ADDING IT TO THE LIST!Before you ask about the information from poll votes READ THIS:If the weapon is in GREEN then that means that more members voted for the weapon to be in the game rather than not to be in the game.If the weapon is in ORANGE then that means that the weapon that was voted on had a close amount of dislikes and likes on the poll.If the weapon is in RED then that means that the weapon had far more people vote against it than for it.**Another Note Concerning Calibers of Weapons: I have listed the calibers that a specific firearm can be chambered in upon manufacture of the gun. If the Devs look at this thread, it is for them to pick the gun out in a specific caliber, not in all of them.**Alright, to start off i would like to congratulate the Devs on a fantastic start for the Standalone. This forum is a giant weapons suggestion list that i have been thinking carefully of for the past few weeks. I will continue to update it, if you have a suggestion just tell me and i can add it, (IF IT MAKES SENSE). These weapons have, again, been carefully decided by me. I may or may not add melee weapons to the list. I do know that Dayz is trying to implement more "find at home" type weaponry, but this list contains a mixture of both tactical and "find at home" weaponry.Alright, enough talk, lets get started shall we? Heh.Melee (Blades and Blunt): Reveal hidden contents Scythe: Along with the already implemented farming hoe and pitchfork farming tools, the Scythe would make another great addition. The Scythe is an agricultural tool used to harvest or reap crops. The advantage of this tool would be that it would allow you to almost instant kill your opponent (due to the rather large size of the blade and if dismemberment is added, you can count on this successfully doing so). The disadvantage of this tool would be that it would make the player tired after a few things since it is a rather large weapon (but it could possible be cut down with a hacksaw possibly). The Scythe's blade could also have a chance of breaking if a hard surface is hit very hard.IMAGE: tool was suggested on our thread by Evil MinionVotes Yes: 16Votes No: 6Pocket Knife: What do i need to say more about this little nifty tool? It can preform skinning, carving, and even throat slitting techniques if needed. It is the trusty beginners knife. The advantage of this weapon is that it could allow the user more uses in the beginning since i figure that this would be a fairly common item in Chenarus. The disadvantage is that it would do so little damage to anything.IMAGE: Yes: 27Votes No: 2Bows, Crossbows, and Slingshots: Reveal hidden contents Compound Bow (Composite Arrows): The Compound bow is a type of modern bow that is used mostly in hunting, sports, and other recreational activities like all the other bows. It is constructed to use a levering system. usually of cables and pulleys, to bend the limbs. The limbs of Compound Bows tend to be a lot stiffer than the limbs of a Recurve Bow or Longbow. This limb stiffness makes the compound bow more energy-efficient than other bows, in conjunction with the pulley/cams. The Compound Bow does posses a large amount of advantages, such as the bow's resistance to humidity and temperature changes. One disadvantage of the bow is that since it has more parts than other bows, it requires a lot more maintenance if a part fails and it allows for the creation of many more points of failure. The Compound Bow would be a perfect addition to Dayz along with other types of bows, such as the Recurve Bow. With the addition of the Ashwood Bow already, implementation of other bows would help build on the concept.IMAGE: Yes: 22Votes No: 6Recurve Bow (Composite Arrows): Recurve bows are used in the same purposes as a Compound Bow, however both of them are different in many ways. Recurve Bows are built with tips that curve away from the user, which basically the difference between Recurve Bows and other bows is that the string touches a section of the limb when the bow is strung. It also stores more energy for each shot and is able to deliver this stored energy more efficiently than a straight-limbed bow. The stored energy also allows for a greater amount of energy and speed to the arrow when it is fired. Recurve Bows were also used by archers as well as horse archers because of how easy the bow was to use and the size of the bow was smaller than a Longbow. Today, Recurve Bow limbs are constructed out of multiple layers of fiber glass, carbon, and/or wood on a core of carbon foam or wood. These new materials allow for the user to hold the bow firmly, as well as comfortably. Recurve Bows would make a fantastic addition to Dayz to further increase the implementation of arrow using weapons. If horses are added in the future of the game, Recurve Bows are a must have. IMAGE: Yes: 21Votes No: 3Sidearms: Reveal hidden contents Semi-Automatic Pistols: Reveal hidden contents MP-435 Semi-Automatic Pocket Pistol (.22 LR): Manufactured in the Russian Federation, the small .22 LR handgun is a small pocket pistol used by civilians. It is not very well known by most people. It would make a perfect fit as a starter-find pistol for survivors in Dayz due to its small easy to find caliber and the fact that its a Semi-Automatic, small, light weight handgun. To add this would be truly amazing in my opinion in the sense that it would provide the players, again, a starter reliable handgun if they manage to find it.IMAGE: Yes: 14Votes No: 12TK Korovin Semi-Automatic Pocket Pistol (.25 ACP): Manufactured in the Soviet Union, The TK Korovin is considered to be the first Semi-Automatic pistol to ever be developed by the Soviet Union. The designer of the pocket pistol, Sergey Korovin, designed the handgun to originally be 7.65mm while he was working at the Tula arms factory TOZ. However, the model of the handgun proved to be difficult and to complex to produce. In 1925, the sport society known as Dinamo, placed an order for a 6.35mm (.25 ACP) caliber pocket pistol for sporting and civilian needs. Korovin quickly changed the design of the handgun to hold the .25 ACP caliber and the model proved to be way less complex and difficult than his original model of the 7.65mm caliber handgun. By 1926, Korovin completed the model and TOZ began to release the handgun into mass production. The TK handgun was not intended to be used by the military, rather it was meant to be considered a civilian weapon, although it was used by NKVD Operatives, militsyia, senior officers of the Red Army, and even senior government officials. The TK was also often used as a gift or a reward. The TK Korovin can hold an 8 round detachtable box magazine. It would make a good addition to Dayz Standalone because it was produced at a very early time probably when Chernarus was being consumed into the Soviet Union like the other nations around it. Chernarus would of definitely had some of these pocket pistols still there today because of it being so popular in the Soviet Union.IMAGE: Yes: 13Votes No: 5MP-443 Grach 9mm (9x19 Parrabellum) Semi-Automatic Pistol: Manufactured in the Russian Federation. In 2003 it was adopted as a standard sidearm for all branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, since September 2006 it was used as a service pistol in law enforcement and it was also adopted as a standard sidearm for Special Police Units and rapid response units of Riot Police. The gun would make sense to be added because it was used by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as a standard issued sidearm, as well as many police officers that use it.IMAGE: Yes: 21Votes No: 10Tokarev TT-33 (7.62x25mm Tokarev and 7.63x25mm Mauser) Semi-Automatic Pistol: Manufactured in the Soviet Union and given as a standard issued sidearm to the Red Army conscripts in World War 2. The Tokarev TT-33 used a cartridge that is based off the German 7.63x25mm Mauser cartridge that is used in the Mauser C96 Handgun. It would make sense to add this because of the fact that Chernarus is a Soviet State, which probably would have a decent amount of these still in it left over from World War 2. The handgun would provide a powerful brand new caliber to the game, allowing devastating effects.IMAGE: Yes: 34Votes No: 3 Berreta M92FS 9mm (9x19 Parrabellum) Semi-Automatic Pistol: Manufactured in the United States, the handgun quickly became popular among the United States Armed Forces because of its large magazine size, since it was 9mm, and that it does not give the user much kick when fired, allowing a faster firing rate. The gun replaced the Colt M1911 as the standard issued sidearm of the United States shortly after it was made. Since the tactical shirts in the standalone have American Patches on them, it leads me to believe that the Americans had some influence on helping the Soviets combat the infection, so it would make sense to have this in the game if what i said is actually true.IMAGE: Yes: 31Votes No: 9 Browning Hi-Power Semi-Automatic Pistol (9x19mm Parabellum, 7.65x21mm Parabellum, and .40 S&W): Manufactured in Belgium, the Browning Hi-Power is a single action, semi-automatic pistol available in only a few calibers. The design of the Browning Hi-Power is based off of a design created by John Browning, who is a very popular American firearms inventor, and the creation of the pistol was finished by Dieudonné Saive at Fabrique Nationale (FN) in Herstal, Belgium. The Browning Hi-Power is one of the most widely used military pistols in history, just as much as the M1911. The pistol is still being used in different areas of either law enforcement or military by over 50 countries today, including Belgium, Australia, Finland, France, Estonia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. The Browning Hi-Power would be a very good historical combat pistol to include in Dayz Standalone. It is important to provide some history to the story of Dayz Standalone and the inclusion of historical firearms like the Browning Hi-Power would be ideal to re-enforce the historical concept.IMAGE: Sig Sauer P226 (.22 LR, .357 SIG, 9mm, and .40 S&W) Semi-Automatic Pistol: Manufactured first in Switzerland, the Sig Sauer P226 is a service type pistol made the company Sig Sauer. Coming in a variety of calibers and variants, it became a popular combat handgun among militaries around the world. The caliber .22 LR is only usable in the Classic .22 Model only. This would be a perfect Handgun for Dayz seeing that it allows the user more tactical advantages over targets as well as it possibly being able to fire brand new calibers never before added to the Dayz world, (.357 SIG, or .40 S&W).IMAGE: Yes: 22Votes No: 16Fort-12 Semi Automatic Pistol (9x18mm Makarov and 9x17mm): Manufactured in Ukraine, The Fort-12 Semi Automatic Pistol was designed in the late 1990s by the Ukrainian firearms designer RPC Fort. It was attempt for Ukraine to make a pistol to replace the old, aging Soviet-era Makarov pistol for their police force. Ukrainian state-owned FORT factory purchased machinery from the Czech Brod Factory, and eventually developed the Fort-12 in the late 1990s. It was reported first as a marginally reliable pistol, but most of the teething problems with the gun were gone. The Fort-12 proved to be an improvement over the old Makarov in several ways including magazine capacity, ergonomics, and accuracy. The Fort-12 holds a 12 round (13, one in the chamber) magazine, but can also hold a 24 round box magazine if necessary. It would make sense to add to Dayz because Ukraine is a neighboring country of Russia and Czechoslovakia (Czech Republic), and it would of been neighbors with Chernarus most likely, allowing for access to the handgun. Civilians would of most likely bought the firearm from a gun shop, rather than the police force of Chernarus adopting it as a service pistol.IMAGE: Yes: 11Votes No: 3 Revolvers: Reveal hidden contents Nagant M1895 Revolver (7.62x25mm Caliber): Manufactured in the Soviet Union by Nagant Arms, This revolver started to gain its fame during World War 1, when it was started to be used by the Russian Imperial Army and later the Soviet Union during World War 2. It became popular due to its extreme sturdiness and its ability to withstand abuse. One officers even remarked saying that "If anything ever went wrong with my Nagant M1895, you could fix it with a hammer!" This gun would be popular among the crowd in Dayz, due this ability.IMAGE: Yes: 32Votes No: 9U-94 UDAR Revolver (Large variety of cylinders): Manufactured in the Russian Federation, the UDAR has 4 separate cylinders each able to hold a different caliber, including 12.3x50mmR , 12.3x40mmR , 12.3x22mmR PM32, 9x18mm Makarov and 9x17mm Short. The 9x18mm Makarov and 9x17mmm calibers both fit in the same cylinder. The U-94 UDAR is a police weapon designed and developed by the KBP Instrument Design Bureau in the early 1990s. It has a shrouded hammer that can be manually cocked or decocked by use of a cut-out slot at the top of the shroud. It has a side-breaking cylinder that opens to the left and uses a star-ejector to eject all the spent shells at once. This Revolver would be a perfect addition to Dayz due to its ability to hold over 5 different types of calibers and that it would add these types of cylinders into the loot spawns. It will give more choices of ammunition to players if they did manage get ahold of this unique firearm.IMAGE: Yes: 16Votes No: 13OTs-01 Kobalt Revolver (9x18mm Makarov for OTs-01 variant, 9x17mm Short for OTs-01S variant): Manufactured in the Russian Federation, the Kobalt is a double action 9mm revolver designed by Igor Stechkin and Boris Avraamov. It was devolped between 1991 and 1992, designed for law enforcement and Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1992, the Kobalt was adopted by the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation as a service weapon. The Kobalt would be a throw back, sort of classic if you would like, revolver to add to the world of Dayz. Due to it not using a typical revolver cartridge, the 9mm cartridge it uses will not give the user much kickback when firing and it is an easy to handle revolver. It resembles a Smith and Wesson "J"-Frame Revolver with its small head, "bird's head", and external hammer. Players in Dayz would be provided with a small, but deadly revolver to protect themselves with. It would not take up much space in the inventory due to its size, however all of that is up to the devs if they wish to add it.IMAGE: Yes: 14Votes No: 9Smith and Wesson Model 19 Revolver (.357 Magnum): Manufactured in the United States, the Smith and Wesson Model 19 is produced by the popular, widely known, American company called Smith and Wesson. The revolver is produced on a K-frame platform, which is somewhat smaller and lighter than the original N-frame Smith and Wesson Model 27 Revolver. The S&W Model 19 creation is credited to Phillip Sharpe, who is a firearms writer and experimenter, when in 1930 several American police agencies were requesting a more powerful round for their handguns rather than the .38 Special. The result was the devolpment of the .357 Magnum cartridge by Winchester and the Smith and Wesson Model 19 Revolver from Smith and Wesson. Not only was this revolver popular among American police agiencies, it was used around the world by other police forces including Norwegian Police Force, GSG 9 (Germany), South Australian Police, and the Special Security Team (Japan). This firearm would be a great addition to Dayz concerning the fact that it is a widely used police revolver (i only listed a few agencies that used it) and thousands were produced during that time. It is likely that they could of ended up in the Soviet Union or even a country like Chernarus (after the break up of course). Players will be able to wield this "peace officer's dream" mighty revolver in their hands and enforce what is left of law.IMAGE (Nickel version): (Regular with extended barrel): weapon was suggested by thedogfoodyayho on our thread.Votes Yes: 17Votes No: 4 Machine Pistols: Reveal hidden contents Stechkin APS Machine Pistol (9x18mm Makarov, 9x19 Parrabellum): Manufactured in the Soviet Union, the Stechkin was developed by Igor Stechkin. It is a selective fire machine pistol that was originally chambered for the popular 7.62x25mm Tokarev cartridge until Stechkin decided to chamber it for 9mm because of the new Makarov PM handgun, which used 9x18mm Makarov. In 1951, the Makarov and Stechkin were bother introduced to the Soviet Military to replace the old Tokarev TT-33 Handgun. The Stechkin APS can be switched to full auto, but it is highly recommend that the user has a wood or metal shoulder stock or else the pistol becomes very difficult to control over time of firing it because it does not have the extra weight that the stock supplies. The detachable stock that can be attached to the APS is very similar to the stock that the German Mauser C96 Handgun uses. When the handgun is not in use, it can be stored inside of the stock for safety, It would make a good addition to the world of Dayz because it was issued shortly after World War 2 ended, which Chernarus would of probably still been a state in the Soviet Union. It would be a common, yet hard to control handgun for players to use in the game.IMAGE: Yes: 21Votes No: 18OTs-33 Pernach (9x18 Makarov) Machine Pistol: Manufactured in the Russian Federation, the designers of the handgun were tasked with resolving the large amount of difficulty controlling recoil in full-auto mode that was present in the Stechkin APS Pistol and simplifying it for combat deployment. This handgun has a square shape, which is simpler and less expensive to manufacture and it also has a novel operating principle that increases controllablity and reduces recoil. This pistol would fit into the world of Dayz standalone due to its ability of being a small sub machine gun when set to full auto to cut down a large number of charging attackers and a basic combat handgun when set to semi-auto. The user would have brand new tactical ideas introduced to them when they wield this handgun. It would be an alternative to a sub machine gun.IMAGE: Yes: 17Votes No: 22 Sub Machine Guns: Reveal hidden contents PP-19 Bizon Sub Machine Gun (7.62x25mm Tokarev, 9x18 Makarov, 9x19 Parrabellum, .380 ACP): Manufactured in the Russian Federation, the Bizon was designed to be a counter-terrorist and law enforcement type firearm. It is a light-weight, selective fire, open bolt SMG that has many variants that each fire a different caliber. The feeding system is the oddest thing about the fire arm being a cylinder that holds 64 rounds, it often is confused to be a grenade launcher. The gun was existent in the MOD version of Dayz and it proved its effectiveness to the players by showing them what happens if you stick a 64 cylinder magazine to a gun and let loose. Oh and did i forget to mention that it can be fitted with a suppressor and many other attachments? This the perfect weapon to cut down unaware enemies very very quickly.IMAGE: Yes: 24Votes No: 17PP-2000 Sub Machine Gun (9x19 Parrabellum): Manufactured in the Russian Federation, the PP-2000 is designed as a close-quarter combat weapon, intended for riot police and special operations forces. In 2008, it was adopted as one of the two standard SMGs of the Russian police, the other being the PP-19 Bizon. The firearm also features a wire folding stock and a place to spare 44 round magazine at the rear of the gun, where the stock is. Many law enforcement units have adopted this SMG as one of their standard issued Sub Machine Guns. This type of sub machine gun would fit perfectly into the upcoming story of Dayz if the police are mentioned to have helped contain the infection during the outbreak. The PP-2000 is like that of an IMI Uzi, but even better.IMAGE: Yes: 16Votes No: 25MP-40 (Maschinen Pistole) Sub Machine Gun (9x19mm Parrabellum): Manufactured in Nazi Germany, The MP-40 was one of the most sucessful sub machine guns developed in Nazi Germany. It was used extensively by Paratroopers, platoon and squad leaders, and other troops during World War Two. It is erroneously called the Schmeisser, even though Hugo Schmesisser did not have any involvement in the design and production of the MP-40 Sub Machine Gun. However, even though it was a well made sub machine gun, there were never enough MP-40 Sub Machine Guns to go around for the Nazi Military. The raw material and labor costs made it to expensive to be produced along side the Karabiner-98k Rifles, which troopers often found themselves more and more into assault roles. Some German soldiers had to even use the scavenged Russian PPSH-41 Sub Machineguns inorder to fill the need. The MP-40 Sub Machine Gun can also feature an Iron Stock for the user to provide improved handling of the firearm during long periods of combat. The MP-40 was not only used by Nazi Germany, but other nations in World War 2 and even after, which include Poland, Spain, Yugoslavia, Finland, Belgium, Austria, and North Vietnam. It would make a great addition to Dayz Standalone because many MP-40s are collected by police officials in Russia from many criminal organizations, meaning that they still do exist and are still being used to carry out their purpose.IMAGE (MP-40 Without Iron Stock): (MP-40 With Iron Stock): firearm was first suggested by Admiral_69 and Gews on our thread. Votes Yes: 25Votes No: 14Skorpion Vz. 82 Sub Machine Gun (9x18mm Makarov variant): Manufactured in Czechoslovakia, the Skorpion Vz. 82 is a light weight Sub Machine Gun developed in the 1959 by Miroslav Rybář. It is based off of the Skorpion Vz .61 design, but is chambered in 9x18mm Makarov instead of .32 ACP like the Vz .61 was. It was developed for security services originally, but it was eventually adopted by the Czechoslovak Army as a personal sidearm for low ranking army staff, vehicle drivers, armored vehicle personal, and even special forces. It is a widely used sub machine gun used mainly in the Middle East currently, but has been seen in several other countries around the world in various militaries / law enforcement. The sub machine gun is able to hold a 10 to 20 round detachable curved box magazine in the 9mm variants as its ammunition feeding system. The Skorpion Vz. 82 Sub Machine Gun would make sense to add to Dayz because Chernarus's location is currently placed near Czechoslovakia, who would probably of had some influence in helping Chernarus combat the infection. If they did not play a role, then it is most likely that some of these sub machine guns ended up on the market (either legal or illegal) in Chernarus because it is a cheap, but reliable firearm.IMAGE: firearm was suggested by Admiral_69 and several others on our threadVotes Yes: 22Votes No: 12Heckler and Koch MP5 Sub Machine Gun (9x19 Parrabellum): Manufactured in Germany, and also known as the Maschinen Pistole 5 (Machine Pistol 5),the Heckler and Koch MP5 is a widely used Sub Machine Gun used all around the world by various military and police agencies. It is a good crowd control, tactical, light weight, well designed firearm. It was designed in the 1960s in Germany by a team of engineers from the German small arms manufacturer Heckler and Koch GmbH. Today, there are over 100 variants of this famous sub machine gun, including a semi automatic version used mostly by civilians since the variants that have selective fire are used by military/ law enforcement personal. It has been adopted by over 40 nations and numerous military, security, and law enforcement agencies all around the world. These nations include Germany (of course), United States of America, Sri Lanka, Norway, Russia, Iran, Iraq, France, and China to name a few. However, in the 1990s, Heckler and Koch developed the UMP-45 Sub Machine Gun, which became the quick successor of the MP5, but both Sub Machine Guns are still available. This would make perfect sense to add to Dayz Standalone since it was existent in the MOD version of Dayz as the MP5A4 variant. It is a light weight, small caliber, fast firing, easy to handle sub machine gun that players will be able to use for many advantages over their opponents.IMAGE: firearm was suggested by - Karma - , Rudette, dvsilverwing and lootable on our thread.Votes Yes: 34Votes No: 13 IMI Uzi Sub Machine Gun (9x19mm Parabellum, .22 LR, .45 ACP, .41 AE): Manufactured in Israel, the IMI, (Israeli Military Industries), Uzi is an Israeli open-bolt, blowback-operated sub machine gun that has hundreds of variants. The Uzi is considered to be one of the first weapons to use a telescoping bolt design, which allows the magazine to be housed in the pistol grip for a shorter weapon. This design would further inspire several other sub machine guns like the American Ingram Mac-10 and Mac-11 sub machine guns. The first Uzi was developed by Major Uziel Gal in the late 1940s and the prototype was finished in 1950. It is currently used around the world in a number of countries for either law enforcement or military use. The IMI Uzi is plausible to add to Dayz Standalone considering just the sheer number of them produced. Chernarus also is very close to the country of Takistan, so it is likely that arm trading might of happened between the two countries, either with military or criminal organizations.IMAGE (Stock hidden): (Stock extended): PP-91 KEDR Sub Machine Gun (9x18mm Makarov): Manufactured in the Russian Federation, it was developed as a prototype from the 1970s and was eventually adopted by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1994. It is a 9mm Sub Machine Gun that has a simple design to it and it is also an easy to manufacture selective-fire Sub Machine Gun that designed by Yevgeny Dragunov, who also designed the SVD sniper rifle system. It is able to carry a 20 to 30 round detatchable box magazine. Designed to be blow back operated firing a closed bolt, which allowed for greater accuracy during long periods of firing rather than an open bolt. The PP-91 KEDR also features a foldable shoulder to allow even greater accuracy during firing. The firearm uses a diopter sight and some of the attachments it can use include a laser sight and a suppressor. It would make sense to add the PP-91 KEDR Sub Machine Gun to Dayz Standalone due to the fact that is a well known crime weapon among many criminal organizations. Used along with other old firearms that were mass produced during the 1900s, criminal organizations were able to get ahold of many of these firearms during the time and use them to carry out certain purposes (most likely tactical purposes). Even though it is known as a crime weapon, it was also put into service for the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Many criminals in Chernarus would of most likely had a few of these stocked up before the outbreak of the infection.IMAGE: firearm was first suggested on this thread by Gews.Votes Yes: 11Votes No: 20PPSH-41 Sub Machine Gun (7.62X25mm Tokarev): Manufactured in the Soviet Union, The PPSH-41 was an extremly popular sub machine gun used extensively by the Soviet Union during World War 2. It also saw action in the Korean War a few years later. It was designed by George Shpagin as an inexpensive, simplified alternative to the PPD-40 Sub Machine Gun. There was close to over 6 million PPSHs manufactured during World War Two for the Soviet Union. The gun even saw action later in Vietnam when it was used by the Vietcong against U.S. and South Vietnam soldiers. The PPSH-41 could fit either a stick magazine or a drum magazine to feed ammo. It would make a perfect addition to Dayz due to the fact that Chernarus used to be a Soviet state and it would of fought under the flag of the Soviets during the events of World War Two. Many of these firearms would of been still left over, due to the fact that over 6 million were manufactured. There is also a statue in Dayz that features a group of Soviet soldiers holding up PPSH-41s and looking like they are about to lead a charge.IMAGE: firearm was suggested first on our thread by Karma and i was also inspired to add it by seeing several other threads about it.Votes Yes: 35Votes No: 8OTs-02 Kiparis Sub Machine Gun (9x18mm Makarov): Manufactured in the Soviet Union, The Kiparis was created during the early 1970s, but was not put into service until 1991. It became a popular gun among security agencies, such as the Russian-Ministry of Internal Affairs- Security guards at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation were issued these. The police force in Russia also adopted the firearm as one of the Sub Machine Guns they use. It can accept various attachments including a sound suppressor, red dot sight, and a laser sight. It would be good addition because of the background of the firearm. The firearm could either come with a brown synthetic handle or a jet-black handle. It was used for security measures, not tactical operations even though the gun appears to be a tactical firearm. It is a good personal defense weapon in my opinion, being the fact that it uses an old Soviet cartridge that chambered many of the Soviet firearms that were produced by them. The firearm would make a good first find for anyone, being that it is also very reliable during combat situations.IMAGE: Yes: 12Votes No: 19Shotguns: Reveal hidden contents MTs-255 Shotgun (12, 20, 28, 32, and .410 Gauge): Manufactured in the Russian Federation, The shotgun was produced by TsKIB SOO Central Design and Research Bureau of Sporting and Hunting Arms. The MTs-255 Shotgun is a hunting/sporting shotgun that features a 5 round internal revolving cylinder instead of the normal top/break or under loading shotguns. The MTs is also unique because of its forearm that extends nearly all the way back to the cylinder. The shotgun is able to hold many different gauges allowing a variety of firepower to the user. It would make a great addition to the world of Dayz Standalone since it features a completely new way of ammo feeding for a shotgun. Players would be more happy to have a revolving shotgun and if the Winchester Model 1866 is brought back from the MOD, a lever action shotgun as well. I used to have a picture of what the MTS-255 would look like if it was sawn off, however the photo was removed.IMAGE (Cylinder is open on the shotgun in this picture) : Yes: 40Votes No: 22Molat Bekas-M Shotgun (12 or 16 Gauge Pump Action): Manufactured in the Russian Federation, it is a series of shotguns that were designed to be mainly a hunting and self defense type weapon. The shotgun features a classic design with consistent quality, with the availability of low priced sets and two barrels. The two most popular shotguns produced were the Bekas-12M, which features a pistol grip instead of a walnut stock and a 535mm barrel. The second shotgun being the Bekas 12M with a 720mm barrel for greater accuracy and range. Most models had a walnut stock and forearm, which gave it its classic design. These would make perfect sense to add to Dayz due to the fact that they are hunting shotguns that were first mass produced during 1999. If they were added and chambered in 16 Gauge, it would add a whole new world of pain to living things in the game.IMAGE (720mm Barrel Bekas): (Pistol Grip Bekas): Yes: 44Votes No: 10TOZ-194 Shotgun (12 Gauge): A pump action shotgun that was designed during the last years of the Soviet Union, which after the collapse of the Union, it was sent into mass production. It quickly gained popularity among civilians in both Russia and Europe for many purposes, including hunting and military use. It is considered to be a combat shotgun, even though 21.2 inch (540mm) long barrel, which is very odd for a combat shotgun to possess. Would provide players with a shotgun that has more range than other shotguns because of the abnormally long barrel it has. IMAGE: Yes: 44Votes No: 18KS-23 Pump Action Shotgun (23x75mmR): Manufactured in the Soviet Union, the KS-23 was designed by TsNII-Tochmash in the 1970s to suppress prison riots mainly. Later the shotgun saw action in the mid-1980s when it was adopted by several MVD forces, and the shotgun still carries out its legacy today as it is being used by the Russian law enforcement along with more modern riot control firearms. The KS-23 was originally designed as a carbine for the Russian Military, KS means "Special Carbine", and it fires a somewhat odd caliber that gives it its uniqueness. It is the most powerful shotgun still in use today. It also featured a 23mm anti-aircraft gun barrel when it was first designed, however it was quickly rejected for it being to large. The barrel was eventually cut down to where it could be acceptable and easy to carry. This shotgun would be perfect to add to Dayz due to it using a powerful caliber, which would be useful for cutting down armored opponents as well as animals such as bears. Even though the ammo would be rare, it would be worth the player's time when they finally got their hands on a magnificent shotgun like this.IMAGE: Yes: 42Votes No: 20Baikal MP-153 Semi-Automatic Shotgun (12 Gauge): Manufactured in the Russian Federation, it is a semi-automatic, gas operated, shotgun manufactured by the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant in Russia. It is also a very popular shotgun among many sportsmen and hunters alike in many countries including Russia (obviously) and the United States, It features many different lengths of barrels and different chambers that the consumer could choose before they purchased the shotgun. The lengths of the barrels include 610mm, 650mm, 710mm, and even 750mm, while the chambers include 12/76mm and 12/89mm. This would be a perfect shotgun to add to Dayz Standalone due it being yet another firearm that would allow the player to pump out maximum firepower at a fast pace. It would also make sense to add due to it being a widely popular hunting shotgun all across the Russian Federation.IMAGE: firearm was first suggested by Gews on our forumVotes Yes: 42Votes No: 19Saiga-12 Semi-Automatic Shotgun (12 Gauge, 20 Gauge, and .410 Gauge): Manufactured in the Russian Federation, the Saiga-12 is manufactured by the arms division of Izhmash. It was visually patterned after the Kalashnikov series of assault rifles. All Saiga-12 configurations are recognizable as Kalashnikov-pattern guns by the large lever-safety on the right side of the receiver, the optic mounting rail on the left side of the receiver, and the large top mounted dust cover held in place by the rear of the recoil spring assembly. It was previously exported into the US by European-American armories, until the agreement expired in 2005. The Russian-American Armory company than began to restart the exporting of the Saiga to the U.S. .The Shotgun quickly became famous for its quick fire rate of ammunition and its ability to accept a wide variety of attachments. The shotgun would be an extremely popular firearm in the world of Dayz due to its ability to pump out large amounts of firepower at a fast speed.IMAGE: Yes: 40Votes No: 29Rifles: Reveal hidden contents Tokarev SVT-40 Battle Rifle (7.62x54mmR): Manufactured in the Soviet Union, the SVT-40 was a semi-automatic battle rifle that saw a widespread service during the events of World War Two, mainly on the side of the Soviet Union. It was originally intended to be introduced to the Red Army as a new service rifle, however the sudden invasion of Nazi Germany disrupted the new release. The SVT-40 saw action on the front-lines along side with its older cousin the Mosin Nagant, which also fired the same 7.62x54mmR cartridge. The advantage that the SVT-40 had over the Mosin Nagant's bolt action system was that it could fire semi-automatic, which allowed for a faster firing rate. Although the Mosin Nagant proved to be easier to use, the SVT-40 was still used on the frontlines. After World War Two had ended, the Soviet Union developed improved rifles, including the well known Kalashnikov AK-47 Assault Rifle and the SKS Semi-Automatic Battle Rifle. The SVT-40 Battle Rifle would make a great addition to the wasteland world of Dayz because of the sheer number of them that were built between the years 1940-1945 (1.5 million). Since 7.62x54mm is going to be implemented into the game soon with the SVD and hopefully they will change the ammo the Mosin Nagant uses to 7.62x54mm as well, the SVT-40 would allow for more use of the cartridge. The Tokarev SVT-40 would help add the "historical" type experience to Dayz and its millions of players.IMAGE: Yes: 20Votes No: 1Remington M14 Battle Rifle (7.62x51mm): Manufactured in the United States, The Remington M14 Battle Rifle is a selective fire automatic rifle that was the standard issued rifle from 1959 to 1970, where it was replaced by the Colt M16 Assault Rifle. It was used for basic and advanced training by several branches including the Coast Guard and Marine Corps. The Rifle remains in front service today, but is very limited within all branches and being mainly used as a ceremonial weapon by Honor Guards, Color Guards, Drill Teams, and Ceremonial Guards. It was the last American Battle Rifle issued in large quantity to U.S. military personal. It serves as the basis for the M21 and M25 sniper rifles. The Rifle is still being used by some USMC Riflemen today, even though it is limited. It would make a great addition, and a comeback, from the MOD because it could include a DMR conversion kit, which many players loved to have back in the MOD.IMAGE (M14 Regular): (M14 DMR): firearm was suggested by lootable on our thread.Votes Yes: 43Votes No: 26Colt M16A4 Assault Rifle (5.56x45mm): Manufactured in the United States, the M16A4 is the fourth installment in the M16 series that created by Eugene Stoner back in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The M16A4 replaced the M16A2 series in all of the U.S. Military branches, athough the M16A2 is more abundent than the M16A4, the M16A4 has been seen in a lot of American combat engagements since its introduction into service in 1990. The M16A4 can either be set to semi-automatic or burst. It uses the famous 30 round box magazine as its ammunition feeding mechanism. It is much more of a modular weapon in the sense that it can accept a wide variety of attachments including grips, flashlights, specialized optics, and aimers. It can even fit the destructive M203 Grenade Launcher underneath the barrel of the gun. It would make a good addition to Dayz Standalone because it would be more accurate than the M4A1 that is present in the game currently.IMAGE: firearm was decided after a long debate over the M16A4 and M16A3, the M16A4 was the successor when a poll was made.Votes Yes: 51Votes No: 23AR-15 Semi Automatic Rifle (5.56x45mm NATO, .223 Remington, 7.62x39mm, 7.5mm SWISS, .308 Winchester. 40 S&W, .45 ACP, 5.56x23mm LUVO, 6.5x55mm Swedish, and 9x19mm Parabellum): Manufactured in the United States, It is one of the best modern firearms to be introduced to society by Armalite (first manufacturer). The AR-15 is a popular civilian and law enforcement rifle that is easy to handle and is familiar to use due to the M4 / M16 platform it uses. The AR-15 is a 30 round box magazine fed (most popularly chambered in .223 Remington and 5.56x45mm NATO currently) air-cooled rifle with a rotating lock bolt actuated by direct impingement gas operation or long/short stroke piston operation. The firearm itself has been manufactured all over the world by many different countries to fit different calibers, new barrels, new optics, trigger system, and feeding systems, Some AR-15s even have selective fire capability. AR-15s have been manufactured in many countries including Czechoslovakia (Luvo Prague), Germany (Heckler and Koch), Canada (Colt Canada), and even in the Philippines (Ferfrans). The AR-15 would make a reasonable addition to Dayz Standalone due to the fact that is is one of the most mass produced and re manufactured weapons to exist currently. It is quite likely that some could of ended up in the hands of civilians in the Chernarus area due to how common of a rifle they are.IMAGE (5.56x45mm NATO Variant): (7.62x39mm Variant): firearm was first suggested on this thread by EvarisVotes Yes: 21Votes No: 4Kel-Tec SUB-2000 Pistol Carbine (9x19mm Parabellum, and .40 S&W): Manufactured in the United States, the company called Kel-Tec introduced this unique weapon back in 2001 when it was first manufactured. It is a blowback operated, semi-automatic rifle with its operating spring located in the tubular stock. One unique feature of the this firearm include its ability to load pistol magazines from Glock, Beretta, Smith and Wesson, and SIG Sauer. The absolute most distinguishing characteristic of this rifle is its ability to be folded in half for easier transportation, storage, and concealment along with its extreme slime shape when compared to other pistol carbines. It is an easy to use, light weight, inexpensive to produce carbine that is popular in the United States among civilians. It has been exported to countries in Europe and some may of even made it as far out as the Russian Federation. It would be a great addition to Dayz Standalone because players will now have a unique and very different firearm in the game to use now. Players would most likely love to have a pistol carbine that can fold in half for many purposes. This is one of the few lucky firearms that i would let slide by the "Does not fit the location" logic that i strongly support currently.IMAGE (Unfolded version and Folded version): firearm was first suggested on this thread by superfluidityVotes Yes: 9Votes No: 12Vz. 58 Assault Rifle (7.62x39mm M43): Manufactured in Czechoslovakia, it is a well known assault rifle due to its widespread use in over 20 different countries (Estonia, Vietnam, Cuba, and Iraq to name a few). It was designed to replace the old self loading Vz. 52 Semi-Automatic rifle and the Vz. 26 Sub Machinegun. Externally the firearm looks like a Kalashnikov AK-47 7.62x39mm Assault Rifle, however internally the parts are all different. The Vz. 58 is based off of a short-stroke gas piston that shares absolutely no parts (even the magazine) with the Kalashnikov design of the AK-47. This firearm would help extend the various types of AK looking rifles and types being added into Dayz Standalone. It is a good looking, comfortable to use, and attachment accepting rifle that would be a throwback from the MOD version of Dayz. If this firearm was to be included into Dayz Standalone, it most likely would have to be chambered in 7.62x39mm due to the fact that the M43 ammunition variant of the 7.62x39mm is not as common and is only used in a few firearms.IMAGE: Yes: 21Votes No: 2Saiga-M Semi Automatic Rifle (5.6x39mm, .308 Winchester/ 7.62x51mm, .223 Remington/5.56x45mm, .30-06 Springfield, 9x53mmR, and 7.62x39mm): Manufactured in the Russian Federation, The Saiga semi automatic rifles manufactured by Kalashnikov Concern (which was formerly known as Izhmash). Saiga rifles are a sport version of the AK variant rifles and they are marketed mainly for hunting and civilian use. They are even refereed to as "Saiga Sporters" by most people due to this. The Saiga Rifle comes in many variants, each one is able to use one of the many calibers that are listed above. The gun is extremely popular in Russia due to it being a hunting weapon, much like how the Ruger 10/22 .22 LR Rifle in America is famous among hunters. It would make a fantastic addition to Dayz Standalone because Chernarus would of most likely had gun owners in it selling these rifles to the civilian population after it broke away from the Soviet Union and the rifle was created. It would give players a higher caliber hunting rifle along with the implemented Sporter 22.IMAGE: firearm was first suggested by Kaxii on our thread.Votes Yes: 40Votes No: 30Winchester 1895 Lever Action Rifle (7.62x54mm, 303 British, .30-03mm, .30mm army, 30-06mm, .35mm Winchester, .38-72mm Winchester, .40-72mm Winchester, and .405mm Winchester): Manufactured in the United States, the Winchester 1895 Lever Action rifle that was manufactured by Winchester Repeating Arms Company in the late 19th century and was able to chamber a variety of large cartridges. It was the first Winchester rifle to feature a box magazine underneath the action instead of the tubular design. Between 1915 and 1917, about 300,000 Winchester 1895s were manufactured for the army of the Russian Empire. The Winchester 1895 that was manufactured for the Russians, was chambered in the famous 7.62x54mm due to the Russian Empire already using the Mosin Nagant rifle for their military, which was chambered in 7.62x54mm. The Winchester 1895 would make clear sense to add to Dayz because of the reason the Russian Empire recieved that many of the rifles. Many of them would still be around because of them being replaced by more modern rifles later on. It would of probably be a common hunting type rifle/ civilian rifle. It would be a classic rifle to add, a combination of both American and Soviet.IMAGE: firearm was first suggested by irishroy on our thread.Votes Yes: 49Votes No: 31Tula TOZ-122 Hunting Carbine (7.62x51mm (.308 Winchester), .223 Remington, .30-06 Springfield, and 9,3 x 62mm): Manufactured in the Russian Federation, the TOZ-122 is a bolt action, magazine fed hunting carbine that is manufactured by the Russian arms company called Tula Arms Plant. The firearm has grown popular among the civilian populations of many countries, especially in the rural areas due to it being a comfortable hunting rifle that is intended for professional as well as amateur hunting. The high calibers that is chambered for makes it an ideal rifle for hunting larger animals such as bears, wolves, and antelopes to name a few. Sighting range of shooting is up to a maximum effective range of 300 meters, which can be adjusted using two-positional rear sight (can adjust to shoot between 100 meters to 300 meters). TOZ-122 Hunting Carbines are able to mount optics, such as scopes, to improve accuracy. This firearm is rather expensive today, but the firearm is worth every penny that the consumer pays. In Dayz Standalone, it would make a fantastic hunting rifle to add with the already implemented CZ 527 7.62x39mm Hunting Rifle. It is a small, but comfortable firearm that everyone would enjoy to have in game most likely.IMAGE (No Scope Attached): (Scope Attached): Yes: 15Votes No: 2Heckler & Koch G3A3 Battle Rifle (7.62x51mm NATO): Manufactured in Germany, the G3A3 Battle Rifle was developed in the early 1950s by the German firearms manufacturer Heckler & Koch GmbH along with the Spanish state-owned design and development agency CETME. The origin of the rifle can be traced as far back as World War 2, where the German firearms company Mauser was looking to produce assault rifles for Germany, several prototype assault rifles were created during the time and some did succeed such as the STG-44 Assault Rifle. The G3A3 Battle Rifle is a selective fire automatic weapon that employs a rolled-delay blowback operating system. It was produced from 1958 to 1997 because it was later replaced by more modern rifles, including the G36. The G3A3 is capable of either having a 20 round magazine or even a 50 round box magazine feeding system. It is a smart firearm suggestion for Dayz standalone because it was a popular battle rifle used extensively among many European nations including Germany (of course), Estonia, Greece, Norway, Portugal, and even the United Kingdom. Players would be given not an assault rifle, but a well functioning, trustworthy, battle ready Battle Rifle instead.IMAGE: firearm was suggested first on our thread by BattleFairy and was further inspired by a thread that was created by DamnyourdeadmanVotes Yes: 48Votes No: 23FN FAL Battle Rifle (7.62x51mm NATO): Manufactured in Belgium, the FN FAL is a self loading, selective fire battle rifle chambered in the famous 7.62x51mm NATO Round and is produced in Belgium by the company known as Fabrique Nationale de Herstal or FN for short. The firearm became popular during the Cold War when it was adopted by many nations in NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), with the exception of the United States of course. FN FALs are lucky to be called one of the most used firearms in history, since it is used by over 90 countries. These countries include Argentina, United Kingdom, Germany, Israel, India, and even the United States. The FN FAL was nicknamed "The Right Arm of the Free World" because of its prevalence during the Cold War Many countries even began manufacturing of their own variants of the FN FAL, such as the British L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle. This firearm would make sense to have in Dayz Standalone just because of the sheer number of these that were produced and used during the Cold War and by the amount of countries that accepted it as either their standard issued rifle or as another backup rifle. There is not a single doubt that many of them would of showed up in Chernarus.IMAGE: firearm has been suggested and asked for by many people for such a long time, it has finally made it on the list!Votes Yes: 28Votes No: 3Lobaev OVL Hunting Rifle (.408 Cheytac, or .338 Lapua): Manufactured in the Russian Federation, the Lobaev was produced as by a small private company named Tsar-Cannon LTD, who produces long range sniper and mountain hunting rifles in Tarusa, Russia. There are two variants of this massive rifle, however the second variant would fit the best into Dayz being that it is hunting version of the Lobaev Sniper Rifle. Many sportsmen and hunters have bought the rifle due to its effectiveness against large game such as bears, being able to bring them down in 1 to 2 shots depending on where they hit the animal. Using the massive .408 Cheytac cartidge mainly, it is able to take down almost all types of animals that are currently located in the mountains or deep forests of Russia. It would make a good addition to the game to give players a rifle they know that when they pull the trigger, the target is going down. No matter if its a human being, a bear, or a deer, the player will be able to bring it down without any trouble of firepower.IMAGE: Yes: 50Votes No: 20Light/Medium/Heavy/General Purpose Machine Guns: Reveal hidden contents PKM Light Machine Gun (7.62x54mm): Manufactured in the Soviet Union, it is a variant of the several PK Machine Guns that were made to be General Purpose Machine Guns. The PK Machine Gun was first introduced in the 1960s and replaced the SGM and RP-64 Light Machine Guns in the Soviet Army. The PK Machine Gun remains in service today as a vehicle mounted as well as a front line troop carried weapon and has been exported extensively all around the world to many countries in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. The PKM was introduced in 1969 and was a more modernized version of the original PK Machine Gun. The Machine Gun only weighed 7.5 kg without ammunition, making it easier to carry by soldiers on the front lines. It is able to mount a variety of attachments including a Bipod, Tripod, and a scope. it would make perfect sense to add to the world of Dayz Standalone due to the fact that it was an extremely widely used Light Machine Gun by many nations and especially the Soviet Union. Thousands of this machine gun were produced during the time and most likely Chernarus would of used these.IMAGE: firearm was asked by so many people that i would require a page to list all of their names. Votes Yes: 27Votes No: 1RPD Light Machine Gun (7.62x39mm): Manufactured in the Soviet Union, the RPD was another successful Light Machine Gun developed by Vasily Degtyaryov. The RPD was created to fit the caliber of 7.62x39mm since the caliber was starting to become widely used in the Soviet Union by other new firearms such as the Kalashnikov AK-47 and AKM Assault Rifles and the Siminov SKS Battle Rifle. It was created to replace the old DP-28 Light Machine Gun, however the gun was succedded by the RPK Light Machine Gun. Even though it did not make it in the Soviet military like the RPK, it saw action in many other countries including Finland, Afghanistan, Hungary, Romania, and the German Democratic Republic. It would make a good addition to Dayz because it continued to be in production in the Soviet Union for roughly 16 years (1944 to 1960s). Would be a great addition to the world of Chernarus, since it would give the caliber of 7.62x39mm a far greater use now.IMAGE: firearm was suggested on our thread by Br0ken and many others.Votes Yes: 19Votes No: 4RPK-74 Light Machine Gun (5.45x39mm): Manufactured in the Soviet Union, the RPK-74 was an improvement over the previous RPK Light Machine Gun, which was developed by Mikhail Kalashnikov in the late 1950s and used the 7.62x39mm caliber as the other firearms did at that time. As time progressed, a new caliber started to become present in the Soviet military and that is the caliber of 5.45x39mm. It started to be used in the new standard issued firearms such as the AK-74 and AK-74m assault rifles. The RPK-74 basically mirrored the modifications to the AK-74 assault as did the RPK to the AKM assault rifle. Drum magazines can be used in the RPK-74, however they were issued in very low numbers because the Soviet military favored the 45 round box magazines. The RPK-74 would provide more of a use to the about to be introduced 5.45x39mm caliber in Dayz. Players will again have the choice because a box magazine or a drum magazine.IMAGE: firearm was suggested by many people on our threadVotes Yes: 21Votes No: 5Mark 48 Light Machine Gun (5.56x45mm NATO): Manufactured in the United States and originating from Belgium (FN Minimi base), the Mark 48 (MK48) is a light weight, belt fed Light Machine Gun capable of supplying heavy fire support to the user and his/her squad. This firearm is mostly used in the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) and the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM). The Mk 48 has been developed in conjunction with the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), which has adopted the weapon and started its fielding process, beginning with special operations units. The design of the MK48 is based off an earlier prototype 7.62x51mm NATO of the FN Minimi, which was later modified to scale. The firearm is also based heavly off of the Mk 46 Mod 0 since it features alot of the same attachments that could be put on the MK 46 Mod 0. The Mark 48 Light Machine Gun would make sense to add to Dayz if it is confirmed that the United States had helped with military involvement in the event of the outbreak in Chernarus. Since the Mark 48 already had been in the MOD version of Dayz previously, it would make sense to see it once more in the game.IMAGE: Yes: 10Votes No: 17PKP Pecheneg General Purpose Machine Gun (7.62x54mmR): Manufactured in the Russian Federation, it was designed to be a modernized version of the PK Machine Gun, the weapon is capable of having various attachments to it including night vision scopes, a weapon sling, bipods, and telescopic scopes. The machine gun is used as a light and general-purpose machine gun to suppress attackers whilst providing cover for advancing soldiers. This heavy machine gun would fit perfectly into the game because it would of been used most likely by the Chernarussian forces to attempt to stop the infection. It would provide a more realistic firefight scenario between large groups of players too.IMAGE: Yes: 15Votes No: 7M240 Medium Machine Gun (7.62x51mm NATO): Manufactured in the United States and based off the Belgium FN-MAG Heavy Machine Gun, the M240 derives from a family of belt fed, gas operation medium machine guns that fire the 7.62x51mm Nato caliber. It is mainly used by the United States Armed Forces since the late 1970s when it was introduced. Used by infantry extensively, it can also be mounted on several types of vehicles including ground, air and water. All variants of the M240 Medium Machine Gun are fed from disintegrating belts, although they can be swapped out to use non-disintegrating belts. It would be a better choice over the M60 Machine Gun to add to the game because it is more commonly used by the U.S. Armed Forces. Again, if the U.S. was involved in helping the Chernarussians combat the infection, then they would of most likely brought Medium Machine Guns such as this one.IMAGE: weapon was suggested first by lootable on our threadVotes Yes: 15Votes No: 15Mounted Weapons: Reveal hidden contents M134 Vulcan Minigun (7.62x51 NATO): Manufactured in the United States, the M134 Vulcan is a six barreled machinegun with a fire rate of about 2000 to 6000 rounds per minute, however the minigun requires a power source in order to fire. Used to cut down large forces of either infantry or light ground vehicles, the Vulcan is able to make quick work of any attackers. The gun can be attached to aircraft, ground vehicles, boats, or be carried on a soldier with a backpack-feed type system for the ammunition and a place for the power source on them. If the United States was involved with helping the Chernarussians combat the infection, then the helicopters (implying that they used them) that the U.S. brought over would most likely have a minigun or a high caliber machine gun like the M-60 attached near the doors for the gunner. I do not think this would be over powered if the chance of a helicopter spawning with one of these attached to it i bet would be EXTREMELY rare and since i heard the devs are incorporating the flight mechanics from TOH, Take On Helicopters, the flight controls are going to be more difficult. IMAGE: Machine Gun (12.7x108mm): The DSHK 1938 is a Soviet heavy machine gun firing the 12.7×108mm cartridge. The weapon was also used as a heavy infantry machine gun, in which case it was frequently deployed with a two-wheeled mounting and a single-sheet armor-plate shield. It took its name from the weapons designers Vasily Degtyaryov, who designed the original weapon, and Georgi Shpagin, who improved the cartridge feed mechanism. It is sometimes nicknamed Dushka (lit. "Sweetie", "Dear"), from the abbreviation. The gun would be a great addition to the game if vehicles were present because it would be a perfect fit on most vehicles. Assault Trucks, Military Jeeps, or even your Toyota Pick-up, you could mount one of these on it and cause massive destruction to lives.IMAGE: M2 Machine Gun (.50 BMG): Manufactured in the United States, the Browning M2 Machine Gun was first introduced towards the end of WW1, designed by John Browning. The previous version, the Browning M1919, was chambered in the .30-06 caliber, which was not enough firepower towards oncoming hostiles. None the less, John out did himself, once again, by chambering the M2 for one the most famous cartridges known to man today, .50 BMG (Browning Machine Gun). The M2 is one of the most famous heavy machine guns in the entire world from being used on watercraft, aircraft, ground vehicles, and turrets by many lucky nations in the world, the first being the U.S. of course. The M2 has been in production longer than any other machine gun. This massive firearm is very close to be adding to Dayz to what i believe. Since the Humvee is being added as a vehicle eventually, they may feature a variant with an M2 Browning mounted ontop of it. This would make a perfect base defense, vehicle mounted, turret. It is definitely an icon of true firepower.IMAGE: (Including, Handheld and Launchers) *CURRENTLY NONE*: Reveal hidden contents NONEUnique Weapons: Reveal hidden contents Gold Plated AKM Assault Rifle: This firearm, while it may seem stupid or COD like, it is actually an extremely good suggestion for the game. The Gold Plated AKM would act like the Engraved 1911 that is currently in Dayz. People would cherish this firearm if they found it because it would still function like a normal AKM (possibly still accept attachments), however it would have the famous Gold Plates. Imagine the story this gun could go through in Dayz Standalone through the hands of so many players in game. From Bandit Warlords, Hero Saviors, or it just being a spoil of conflict / rare find, this firearm would add a more unique feeling to the game. Also, the only thing really special about the Golden AKM would be the plates, the gun would not do more damage / accept brand new attachments made just for it / longer range, etc, no it would still be the same as the AKM. In fact, the Gold Plates will reflect light during the day, possibly giving away the position of the player. The firearm could also be used as a sign of power or leadership in a clan. This unique firearm is a must have in Dayz Standalone.IMAGE: firearm was suggested by Chaingunfighter on his own thread and parts of the description were based off of his information.Votes Yes: 16Votes No: 16Votes "Did not care": 6Craftable Weapons: Reveal hidden contents Molotov Cocktail: Also known as the poor man's firebomb, the Molotov Cocktail is truly an iconic improvised fire explosive. It can easily be created using basic household items. The crafting path could be the following: First take one glass bottle (can be filled with alcohol or be empty) and then fill it with a flammable type substance such as gasoline or petrol. Then soak a rag or cloth (to act as a wick) in a flammable substance (gasoline or petrol again) and then stick it into the bottle. Then the user must tape the bottle opening with the rag sticking out partly to ensure the liquid contents don't spill out when thrown. Once the firebomb is complete, all you require next is a working lighter and it is set to be thrown. "Give you a Molotov Cocktail, if your feeling the thirst"IMAGE: Yes: 30Votes No: 2Things to be added (in no particular order):CZ 550 Rifle (Suggested by Gews)M60 Heavy Machine GunM249 Squad Automatic WeaponSV-98 Rifle (Suggested by General Zod)OTs-14 Groza Rifle (Planned, re-suggested by General Zod)KSVK Rifle (Anti-Material, planned, re-suggested by General Zod)RPG-7 Rocket Launcher (Suggested by my brother and Admiral_69)RG6 Rotary Grenade Launcher (Suggested by Admiral_69)Makarov PMMLuger P08 Pistol (Suggested by damnyourdeadman and thedogfoodyayho)Tranquilizer Rifle (Suggested by JumpinJax)More detailed descriptions for some firearmsAgain i will add more firearms in the future. I hope that the devs do see this list that we have made together and consider some of the amazing weapon ideas we have. Leave your comments below and PLEASE give me feedback on what you think. God Bless You All. Cheers! Edited July 7, 2015 by AlexeiStukov 63 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DURRHUNTER 597 Posted February 8, 2014 we dont need more military weapons as of right now. we need more civilian weapons, this isnt fucking CoD for christ sake. 57 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alexeistukov 272 Posted February 8, 2014 (edited) On 2/8/2014 at 5:11 AM, DURRHUNTER said: we dont need more military weapons as of right now. we need more civilian weapons, this isnt fucking CoD for christ sake.I should of posted not to flame or anything, but clearly you started the trend so i will attempt to end it. If you don't like what i put on this list then don't comment or stop reading it? Also, a lot of the firearms i have in there are civilian grade weapons. Didn't i say in the beginning that i was still working on the list? I am pretty sure i did. Please read more carefully next time and as for your COD reference, personally i think that game is complete horse shit. Again, please read carefully. Have a nice day sir. Edited February 10, 2014 by AlexeiStukov 18 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steak and Potatoes 13480 Posted February 8, 2014 Quite a few good weapons on here. I would say aslong as we keep them reasonable to the map in which we are playing I can agree with them. This I liked best- Lobaev OVL Hunting Rifle (.408 Cheytac, or .338 Lapua): Manufactured in the Russian Federation, the Lobaev was produced as by a small private company named Tsar-Cannon LTD, who produces long range sniper and mountain hunting rifles in Tarusa, Russia. There are two variants of this massive rifle, however the second variant would fit the best into Dayz being that it is hunting version of the Lobaev Sniper Rifle. Many sportsmen and hunters have bought the rifle due to its effectiveness against large game such as bears, being able to bring them down in 1 to 2 shots depending on where they hit the animal. Using the massive .408 Cheytac cartidge mainly, it is able to take down almost all types of animals that are currently located in the mountains or deep forests of Russia. It would make a good addition to the game to give players a rifle they know that when they pull the trigger, the target is going down. No matter if its a human being, a bear, or a deer, the player will be able to bring it down without any trouble of firepower. IMAGE: http://upload.wikime...-3-rifle-02.jpg Would be a fun rifle. 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alexeistukov 272 Posted February 8, 2014 On 2/8/2014 at 5:39 AM, AP_Norris said: C96Alright, I will add the Mauser C96 Sidearm next update. Thank you for your suggestion! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alexeistukov 272 Posted February 8, 2014 On 2/8/2014 at 5:36 AM, Steak and Potatoes said: Quite a few good weapons on here. I would say aslong as we keep them reasonable to the map in which we are playing I can agree with them. This I liked best-Lobaev OVL Hunting Rifle (.408 Cheytac, or .338 Lapua): Manufactured in the Russian Federation, the Lobaev was produced as by a small private company named Tsar-Cannon LTD, who produces long range sniper and mountain hunting rifles in Tarusa, Russia. There are two variants of this massive rifle, however the second variant would fit the best into Dayz being that it is hunting version of the Lobaev Sniper Rifle. Many sportsmen and hunters have bought the rifle due to its effectiveness against large game such as bears, being able to bring them down in 1 to 2 shots depending on where they hit the animal. Using the massive .408 Cheytac cartidge mainly, it is able to take down almost all types of animals that are currently located in the mountains or deep forests of Russia. It would make a good addition to the game to give players a rifle they know that when they pull the trigger, the target is going down. No matter if its a human being, a bear, or a deer, the player will be able to bring it down without any trouble of firepower. IMAGE: http://upload.wikime...-3-rifle-02.jpgWould be a fun rifle.Indeed it would be a fun rifle. Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it greatly to know that my work is paying off somewhat now heh. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steak and Potatoes 13480 Posted February 8, 2014 On 2/8/2014 at 5:42 AM, AlexeiStukov said: Indeed it would be a fun rifle. Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it greatly to know that my work is paying off somewhat now heh. Hardwork never goes unnoticed, have some beans. :beans: 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gerbilschooler 229 Posted February 8, 2014 (edited) Vintorez FTW! Edit: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. led me to this game :lol: Edited February 8, 2014 by GafMast 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thedogfoodyayho 295 Posted February 8, 2014 (edited) Mostly good, but heres a few that aren't quite fitting. First, the area this game takes place in isn't the Russian Federation, so the MP-443, kipris PP-2000, PP-19, and OTs-33 which (execpt the MP) are virtaully only used by Russian special forces wouldn't be there. They are overly used in games like BF and CoD, increasing belief that they are standard issue. Second: the OTs-33 isn't near as common as the cooler APS. The PKP is only used (limitedly) by the Russian Federation, and the older PKM is more prevalent there and elsewhere. Third: PTRS? No. Long rendered obsolete, finding one outside a museum, let alone in working order, would be a 1/10000000. There may he a few PTRDs left, but none are used by any military force. Any surviving are in Afghanistan or Africa. FYI: Contrary to CoD, PTRS/D rifles cannot mount ANY optics without modification. Fourth: finding some rare (Again, over-used in CoD) gun like the UMP-45 is virtually impossible in eastern Europe. Keep the guns old/civilian. Pretty much everything else is great choices though! I recommend researching Chernarus on the ArmA website before making these threads though. Edited February 8, 2014 by thedogfoodyayho 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dchil 829 Posted February 8, 2014 The two major problems i have with this list so far is the S&W500 and the UDAR revolver.One the S&W 500 is probably the least exported firearm in the past 50 years and it's rare as hell.Two nobody wanted the UDAR when it was first made, it was simply a answer looking for a question, mostly due to it's design and the fact that it needed several new calibers to work. therefore it would be made in limited numbers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alexeistukov 272 Posted February 8, 2014 I will reply to all of your comments, just give me some time. I am going to be taking a test that could decide my future here in 2 hours. I will reply to all when I get back. Thank you for your support and thoughts everyone posted on this forum so far. Its good to see a community that knows something about what I know and replies with respect rather than insult. God bless everyone. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rudette 435 Posted February 8, 2014 (edited) Though I'm not a proponent of adding many more military weapons (AK-47 Excluded >.> Love that one), there is an SMG gap that needs to be filled, and your suggestions had a few SMGs that weren't as common in games as say an MP5 would be. I like that!>.> And that hunting rifle looks sexy. Edited February 8, 2014 by Rudette Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
- Karma - 75 Posted February 8, 2014 (edited) @ AlexeiStukov - it is a very nice list, well put together. Lot's of information there. Here's my feedback on your list: I'm of the group saying we don't need several dozen ammunition types (which seems counter to what a lot of people think). I ask in threads like these, do we really need 3 different types of 7.62 rounds? Do we really need 2 different types of 9mm rounds? These different rounds can't be "shared" because of dimensions. Also, the more weapons, the more loot table dilution - it will become harder and harder for people to find specific weapons they are looking for. Doesn't necessarily bother me, but it will some. That all said, I guess here's what I'd do regarding ammunition types: - Since the .22 LR is in game, I'd definitely add a .22 pistol and it seems the Devs want to as well - your MP-435 is a wonderful suggestion, as would be something like the Ruger Mark III.- Since 5.45x39mm is likely coming when the AK-74 is added by the Devs, I'd probably also add the AKS-74U as a variant which could share attachments as well.- Since people want WWII era weapons, if you're going to add the 7.62x25mm TT, use it for the Tokarev, Nagant M1895, and PPSh-41 - all popular on the forums- Since 7.62x39mm is already in game from the SKS, adding the AK-47 or AKM makes sense, as would either the vz. 58 or VZ-805 assault rifles.- Since 7.62x54mm is already in game from the Mosin, I would use your suggestion to add the PKP and I'd also add the SVD Dragunov.- If we were to add the 9x18mm PM, which would make sense as a popular Eastern Bloc round, I would use your suggestion of the Makarov, possibly the OTs-33 or even the Skorpion vz. 82, perhaps one of either the PP-19 or OTs-02. A lot of those Russian SMG's might not be too common, hence the suggestion of the Skorpion as an alternative.- Since the 9x19mm Parabellum is highly likely to make an appearance, your suggestions of the Sig P226 or the PP-2000 would make sense, as would possibly the Beretta, the Skorpion EVO 3, or the HK MP5.- Since the .45 ACP is already in the game, the Colt M1911 does make some sense. Not sure about the UMP for reasons thedogfoodyayho mentioned above.- Since the 12 gauge shotgun shell is in the game, I may add something like the Saiga 12, and we are likely to see another American shotgun like the Winchester 1200 or Remington 870. We may see something like a CZ series Hunting Rifle adding in a caliber listed above, or even bring another ammo type in the 5.56mm NATO (for HK, Steyr, etc type assault rifles). If we use all the listed types above, plus the 5.56mm NATO, plus the .357 which is already in the game, that is 11 ammunition types. That is a lot. I'd honestly say anything falling outside those calibers or using specialty calibers just shouldn't be added. Your list is good, but I think you made the same mistake I did when first playing - I thought this was taking place in Russia. It actually seems more similar to the Czech Republic, or another former Soviet Bloc state. That is why NATO weapons are making common appearances. All the classic Russian WWII weapons and Russian Special Forces weapons start to make a lot less sense when taking that into consideration. Edited February 8, 2014 by - Karma - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cejota14 130 Posted February 8, 2014 On 2/8/2014 at 5:11 AM, DURRHUNTER said: we dont need more military weapons as of right now. we need more civilian weapons, this isnt fucking CoD for christ sake. In Chile, which is similar to Chernarus in some areas, there are plenty of military-grade weapon...M4s, Aks, I like this suggestion, more weapons, specially when sharing ammo you have a hard time getting the weapon + right ammo type Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alexeistukov 272 Posted February 8, 2014 Thank you all for your suggestions, I will reply to each one of you individually once I return home. May take a while for a reply because I am god awfully tired from the test I just took. Again, thank you. We will build this list together Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thedogfoodyayho 295 Posted February 8, 2014 On 2/8/2014 at 2:42 PM, - Karma - said: @ AlexeiStukov - it is a very nice list, well put together. Lot's of information there. Here's my feedback on your list: I'm of the group saying we don't need several dozen ammunition types (which seems counter to what a lot of people think). I ask in threads like these, do we really need 3 different types of 7.62 rounds? Do we really need 2 different types of 9mm rounds? These different rounds can't be "shared" because of dimensions. Also, the more weapons, the more loot table dilution - it will become harder and harder for people to find specific weapons they are looking for. Doesn't necessarily bother me, but it will some. That all said, I guess here's what I'd do regarding ammunition types: - Since the .22 LR is in game, I'd definitely add a .22 pistol and it seems the Devs want to as well - your MP-435 is a wonderful suggestion, as would be something like the Ruger Mark III.- Since 5.45x39mm is likely coming when the AK-74 is added by the Devs, I'd probably also add the AKS-74U as a variant which could share attachments as well.- Since people want WWII era weapons, if you're going to add the 7.62x25mm TT, use it for the Tokarev, Nagant M1895, and PPSh-41 - all popular on the forums- Since 7.62x39mm is already in game from the SKS, adding the AK-47 or AKM makes sense, as would either the vz. 58 or VZ-805 assault rifles.- Since 7.62x54mm is already in game from the Mosin, I would use your suggestion to add the PKP and I'd also add the SVD Dragunov.- If we were to add the 9x18mm PM, which would make sense as a popular Eastern Bloc round, I would use your suggestion of the Makarov, possibly the OTs-33 or even the Skorpion vz. 82, perhaps one of either the PP-19 or OTs-02. A lot of those Russian SMG's might not be too common, hence the suggestion of the Skorpion as an alternative.- Since the 9x19mm Parabellum is highly likely to make an appearance, your suggestions of the Sig P226 or the PP-2000 would make sense, as would possibly the Beretta, the Skorpion EVO 3, or the HK MP5.- Since the .45 ACP is already in the game, the Colt M1911 does make some sense. Not sure about the UMP for reasons thedogfoodyayho mentioned above.- Since the 12 gauge shotgun shell is in the game, I may add something like the Saiga 12, and we are likely to see another American shotgun like the Winchester 1200 or Remington 870. We may see something like a CZ series Hunting Rifle adding in a caliber listed above, or even bring another ammo type in the 5.56mm NATO (for HK, Steyr, etc type assault rifles). If we use all the listed types above, plus the 5.56mm NATO, plus the .357 which is already in the game, that is 11 ammunition types. That is a lot. I'd honestly say anything falling outside those calibers or using specialty calibers just shouldn't be added. Your list is good, but I think you made the same mistake I did when first playing - I thought this was taking place in Russia. It actually seems more similar to the Czech Republic, or another former Soviet Bloc state. That is why NATO weapons are making common appearances. All the classic Russian WWII weapons and Russian Special Forces weapons start to make a lot less sense when taking that into consideration.Nagant M1895 doesn'tuse 7.62x25And irl, theres a wide variety of calibers in use, though some are more common than others.Mostly what you'll find is: 7.62x547.62x517.62x395.56x455.45x397.62x257.62x389mm Parabellum9mm Makarov.22 LR, short, rimfire.45 Automatic Colt Pistol.40 S&W.38 Special.357 Magnum And i see no problems with having that much ammo. Theres more than 5 calibers in use, ya know.It adds a new element, like leaving your M4 for a shotgun, becuase you have no ammo for it. And this game DOES take place on Russia's border. It was part of the the Russian Empire, then the USSR until 1991. Its kinda funny, i was just like you. Thought it was russia, then CZ, then i did more research, and its Russia.The map is based on satellite images of the CZ, though. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
w1lg5r 70 Posted February 8, 2014 On 2/8/2014 at 5:11 AM, DURRHUNTER said: we dont need more military weapons as of right now. we need more civilian weapons, this isnt fucking CoD for christ sake.but CDF, US and British militaries got involved so there would be more military weapons Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thedogfoodyayho 295 Posted February 8, 2014 On 2/8/2014 at 5:53 PM, lootable said: but CDF, US and British militaries got involved so there would be more military weaponsJust becuase theres a "UK vest" doesn't mean the UK was there. UK could mean anything with a "U" and "K", and alot of surplus items from Western nations are sold to other militaries.If they add more British shit, then yeah. But rn theres only a NZ beret, probably only added becuase Rocket was in the NZ army. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darksteeljorge 96 Posted February 8, 2014 Its to much, I mean often when I find a Mosin I find just 5.56 ammo. Now Imagine all those guns you find a 9mm Beretta but you cant find ammo you just find 7.62x39, 7.62.54, 45 ACP ect ect.I agree with the 1911 beacuse its the calssic, and the 50cal turret fot later cars and base defenses. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alexeistukov 272 Posted February 8, 2014 On 2/8/2014 at 6:13 PM, Jorge_Assad said: Its to much, I mean often when I find a Mosin I find just 5.56 ammo. Now Imagine all those guns you find a 9mm Beretta but you cant find ammo you just find 7.62x39, 7.62.54, 45 ACP ect ect.I agree with the 1911 beacuse its the calssic, and the 50cal turret fot later cars and base defenses. I understand where you are coming from, but the idea of this game is survival. It would be better to have the difficulty of finding the specific type of ammo for the firearm you currently have. Yes it would be hard, but it would expand the idea of survival greatly. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
- Karma - 75 Posted February 8, 2014 On 2/8/2014 at 5:50 PM, thedogfoodyayho said: And this game DOES take place on Russia's border. It was part of the the Russian Empire, then the USSR until 1991. Its kinda funny, i was just like you. Thought it was russia, then CZ, then i did more research, and its Russia. On 2/8/2014 at 2:42 PM, - Karma - said: I thought this was taking place in Russia. It actually seems more similar to the Czech Republic, or another former Soviet Bloc state. Hmm....yup, I typed what I thought I typed. Former Soviet Bloc would be something like Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhsthan, the Ukraine, etc. Czech Republic on the other hand was a Warsaw Pact nation. I'd say both groups of countries were heavily under Soviet influence. I'd also say Chernarus could draw comparisons from either. Lastly, I'd also say a country on Russia's border is not Russia. Also, I listed 11 caliber types, you listed 14. I'd say neither of the numbers are 5. They are also in the same ballpark. I think we're speaking the same language here :) Thanks for the info on the 1895 though, not too familiar with the gun; did a quick check and obviously misread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alexeistukov 272 Posted February 8, 2014 On 2/8/2014 at 7:04 AM, Dchil said: The two major problems i have with this list so far is the S&W500 and the UDAR revolver.One the S&W 500 is probably the least exported firearm in the past 50 years and it's rare as hell.Two nobody wanted the UDAR when it was first made, it was simply a answer looking for a question, mostly due to it's design and the fact that it needed several new calibers to work. therefore it would be made in limited numbers. Hah, i knew someone would say something about the model 500. I thought about adding it for weeks and i finally did, knowing that this would happen. I will take it down now because i just wanted to see what the community would think and the feedback i would receive. Thank you for your comment. As for the UDAR Revolver, the calibers i list for it and any other firearm that has multiple calibers are just suggestions. Say if they added a Bizon in .380 ACP instead of the other 3 i listed for example. The UDAR was created to be a law enforcement revolver, not carried by the every day civilian, thus enforcing your idea of that it was made in limited numbers. I appreciate your comment greatly! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alexeistukov 272 Posted February 8, 2014 On 2/8/2014 at 6:36 PM, - Karma - said: Hmm....yup, I typed what I thought I typed. Former Soviet Bloc would be something like Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhsthan, the Ukraine, etc. Czech Republic on the other hand was a Warsaw Pact nation. I'd say both groups of countries were heavily under Soviet influence. I'd also say Chernarus could draw comparisons from either. Lastly, I'd also say a country on Russia's border is not Russia. Also, I listed 11 caliber types, you listed 14. I'd say neither of the numbers are 5. They are also in the same ballpark. I think we're speaking the same language here :) Thanks for the info on the 1895 though, not too familiar with the gun; did a quick check and obviously misread.Glad to see the communication on my forum. Feels good to know that people are actually engaged in the topic at hand rather than just going off on some random tagent or cussing you out. What a great community we have on Dayz. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alexeistukov 272 Posted February 8, 2014 On 2/8/2014 at 6:16 AM, Steak and Potatoes said: Hardwork never goes unnoticed, have some beans. :beans:Thanks for your support :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites