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  On 11/11/2014 at 12:56 PM, george_smiley said:

On the helicrashes, I feel like if they made any significant changes, it would have been in the changelog. All prior versions had comments when they made changes with respect to helicrashes.


However, given that we have all had increased difficulties when finding a crash, how do we reconcile between these two? Note that I realize Mookie's point about heli and car spawns are together now, but I feel that is a big enough change to warrant a line in the changelog


EDIT: Reddit says that on persistent servers, helicopter models dont spawn any more on persistent servers, but the loot may still spawn around the area where helicopter models should spawn. I am not sure if this is true because I did see a smoking UH-60 at NWAF the other day and have seen a couple of russian ones post .50, caveat is that I am not sure if I was on persistent or not. So my question is, how do you tell if a server is persistent just from the name?

Right now, all servers are persistent.  The reason 'Christmas loot' is happening is because of a server install issue.  Both persistence and non-persistence is on.  Meaning, each time the server resets, items spawn.  Each time the server resets it's also persistent.  It seems to be only happening in fire stations and military structures.  The items are NOT duplicated, which some believe.  If you go to a server with Christmas loot in the fire station, you may only find a single protector case, because it has a lower spawn chance (and it isn't duped).  Also, I've been to 5 black hawks now..  Typical spawn points for me still..  I agree they would add it to the change log if they changed things up.

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RV1 RDS Optics. P

1x 40rnd CMAG. P

1x30rnd Mag. P

1x25rnd PM73 mag. P

1x30rnd AK74 mag. P

1x15rnd FNX mag. P

1XFNX MRDS (Red dot sight). P

2x75rnd Mag. P

1xFlashbang. P



AK Handguard Rail P


1-2 mags for 1911 P

PSO-1 scope P


PM me for trade, I mostly play on European servers.

Edited by Zing Freelancer

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  On 11/11/2014 at 2:12 PM, HoneyB-John said:

Right now, all servers are persistent.  The reason 'Christmas loot' is happening is because of a server install issue.  Both persistence and non-persistence is on.  Meaning, each time the server resets, items spawn.  Each time the server resets it's also persistent.  It seems to be only happening in fire stations and military structures.  The items are NOT duplicated, which some believe.  If you go to a server with Christmas loot in the fire station, you may only find a single protector case, because it has a lower spawn chance (and it isn't duped).  Also, I've been to 5 black hawks now..  Typical spawn points for me still..  I agree they would add it to the change log if they changed things up.

so your view is that nothing's changed with respect to heli spawning, and that I am just fighting probability? I mean I have been doing my route for a couple of days and have gotten 1 helicrash, pales in comparison to before 0.50. So perhaps there is some legitimacy to the Reddit comment that heli models are no longer spawning consistently because I tend to look for the smoke/wreckage without going to the spot, so if the models are spawning, doesn't mean the loot isnt there. 

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  On 11/11/2014 at 2:19 PM, george_smiley said:

so your view is that nothing's changed with respect to heli spawning, and that I am just fighting probability? I mean I have been doing my route for a couple of days and have gotten 1 helicrash, pales in comparison to before 0.50. So perhaps there is some legitimacy to the Reddit comment that heli models are no longer spawning consistently because I tend to look for the smoke/wreckage without going to the spot, so if the models are spawning, doesn't mean the loot isnt there. 


Something has definitely changed. I'm aware of the gambler's fallacy, but I'm also aware of the law of averages, and right now the latter is waaaay out of whack with 0.49. The more runs I/we do, the less the effect of randomness. And I've done a lot of runs.


I'm trying to engage Hicks in conversation about it.


BTW, not 100% sure that previous changes to heli spawns were always in changelogs.

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  On 11/11/2014 at 2:43 PM, Mookie said:

Something has definitely changed. I'm aware of the gambler's fallacy, but I'm also aware of the law of averages, and right now the latter is waaaay out of whack with 0.49. The more runs I/we do, the less the effect of randomness. And I've done a lot of runs.


I'm trying to engage Hicks in conversation about it.


BTW, not 100% sure that previous changes to heli spawns were always in changelogs.

you mean out of whack with .50. 


i looked through quite a few changelogs, seems like changes to helispawns are always mentioned. 

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  On 11/11/2014 at 2:55 PM, george_smiley said:

you mean out of whack with .50. 


i looked through quite a few changelogs, seems like changes to helispawns are always mentioned. 


No, I mean out of whack with 0.49, in the sense that this is much worse than 0.49...


I seem to remember some backtracking on the situation in 0.47, but could be wrong.

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  On 11/11/2014 at 3:09 PM, Mookie said:

No, I mean out of whack with 0.49, in the sense that this is much worse than 0.49...


I seem to remember some backtracking on the situation in 0.47, but could be wrong.

Heli spawns were worse in .49? I didnt notice that at all

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Well whatever about the crashes.  I haven't seen less than usual, I haven't been looking for them.  Just did a few swings around green mountain while moving around the map.



Blackskull balaclava

2 press vests, one of each color (p) (will be gone tomorrow)



M4 bayonet

M4 silencer

MP5K buttstock





Just did a trade with Miracool, had a tiny bit of trouble with server kicking, due to being in different countries.  Not a problem though, as once we found one we traded.  I was slightly weary because I haven't seen him on the trade forums.  He was fine with me holding my mp5, with his gun on his back.  Very respectable, all the items were as described.  Thanks a lot Miracool!

Edited by HoneyB-John
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  On 11/10/2014 at 9:37 PM, Grundlesmuggler said:

3rd person:




180 ish 5.56 rounds

AK74 mag (BD)

2 x AK-74 P

1x AK101 with Rail guard, folding buttstock, PSo-1 scope  all P

3x AK101 mags P

1x .22 pistol mag (for amphibia) P

2x olive high cap vests P




2 x mosin clips  P

5.45 ammo about 120   P

2 x Black High cap vests   P only



Hello there! Do you still have 1 Olive High Cap Vest for trade? I got 2 mosin clips (p), 40 5.45 bullets (p) and can also throw in something else, like a black balaclava or maybe something else you wat, let me know!

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Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen!


I have for trade:

ak74u p

hoxton mask p

wolf mask p

gorka military helmet and visor p




I would like:



sight for the sks( i forget the name  :( )

sks ammo



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3rd person/regular


Ak101 with pile of ammo, PU scope, Long range scope, rangefinder, few balaclavas, High capacity black vest, 3x protector cases, MASKA helmet with vizor and lots of other items...


PSO scope, 75 rounds drum, grenades, green raincoat

Also need tent,if you have one just say what you need and i will try to get it)

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  On 11/11/2014 at 10:51 PM, Disko ninja said:

3rd person/regular


Ak101 with pile of ammo, PU scope, Long range scope, rangefinder, few balaclavas, High capacity black vest, 3x protector cases, MASKA helmet with vizor and lots of other items...


PSO scope, 75 rounds drum, grenades, green raincoat

Also need tent,if you have one just say what you need and i will try to get it)

messaged you!:)

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hey guys I'm back.  game wasn't working for whatever reason since the patch but I wiped and reinstalled everything and now I'm good again.


right now I have (all pristine):


black hc vest

fnx45 with mags

mosin compensator

couple of matching akm banana mags

couple of cr527 mags


and various other stuff that I had before the patch happened

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My new listing since getting killed



AKM with drum mag

Magnum w/speedloader

Black high cap vest x2

Olive high cap vest x2

AK74 30 round mag x3

AK101 30 round mags x2




Looking for 

smersh vest

fnx, fnx mag

Edited by george_smiley

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Just traded with larsehh_, his in game name is milkypOps. He is a first time trader and I took a shot with him. He complied with all my terms, including leaving the trade item (an m4) outside the church, leaving all his stuff inside the church and meeting me outside in his underwear. He has 675 hours on Dayz and I think he is worthy of our group. Feel free to trade with him, bring your own security if you would like but I think he's all right. 

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  On 11/12/2014 at 2:41 AM, george_smiley said:

Just traded with larsehh_, his in game name is milkypOps. He is a first time trader and I took a shot with him. He complied with all my terms, including leaving the trade item (an m4) outside the church, leaving all his stuff inside the church and meeting me outside in his underwear. He has 675 hours on Dayz and I think he is worthy of our group. Feel free to trade with him, bring your own security if you would like but I think he's all right. 



Thank you for the trade sir, hopefully we meet again in future! Going to hit the couch right now but I'll post tomorrow evening what I have and what I'm interested in.

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  On 11/12/2014 at 3:17 AM, larsehh_ said:

Thank you for the trade sir, hopefully we meet again in future! Going to hit the couch right now but I'll post tomorrow evening what I have and what I'm interested in.

you should put me in your signature. easy way for others to see and check your reference

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I have

2 Mosin compensators

2 LRS For Mosin

1 fully equipped mosin (Mosin with compensator a wrap a sight and its loaded)

60 Mosin rounds

5.45 rounds (100)

3 Bags of pristine rice.

A canteen

AK Polymer Buttstock (best ak buttstock)


ALL PRISTINE (ofcourse)


I would like

Ak101 Mag(s)

Ammo Box/Protector Case

Pso-1 Scope

TTsKo Jacket


3rdPerson Reg


PM me for a set up. i will be back on approx 12-15 hours after this post after i get home from work

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pu scope x2

 pso scope x2

30 round 101 mag

30 round 22 mag


m68 optics 

2 300 round boxs one p one woren

combat knife 

2 rice 

3 canteens

5 high cap vest 3 black and 2 green

flash bang

explosive grenade

black skull (bd)

sposn backpack

2 5 round 7.62 

lots of 5.56 

compsater for mosin

ris hand guard 

plastic hand guard

weapon flashlight   

red bandanna 

everything is (p) un less other wise noted


want protector cases

60 round 5.56 mags

most of all a tent 

but open to all trades wana get rid of gear just ask

open to new comers 

Edited by MalmborgRacing

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Hello there fellow traders!


I have


2xRangefinder with batteries in each

Tons of Morphine

1xPSO Scope

Most likely a wide party of Balaclavas & Bandanas


1xAK74SU with 2 mags

Long Range Scope, Compensator

1xMP5K Plastic Handguard

1xAK 75 Drummag


+ some other stuff, everything in (P) quality.


Im looking for

Always looking for a Smersh Vest to try out one of these Bad Boys

300 Round Ammo Box (W or P)

Green Radar Cap (havent seen a single one in months)

AK Rail Handguard

Combat Knife (W or P)


Also feel free to PM to have a chat if you got something nice I could be interested in. Not going to be online right now but later this evening, european timezone.

Edited by larsehh_

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want: leather jacket and/or canteens

(preferably pristine or worn)



sadly nothing special ;)

3x bacon-cans

sewing kit

Saline-bag (p) 

IV-starter-kit (p)

3x Rice (p)

oh, and a green rain-coat (p) in return, ofc, too.


I'm in Cherno and I would like to stick around in this area^^

Edited by irishroy

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New listings



AKM with 2x mag

Magnum speedloader x2

Black high cap vest x2

Olive high cap vest x1

AKS74U w/30 round mag x3 - TRADE PENDING

cr75 with mag and flashlight




Looking for 

smersh vest

m4 magpul stock

m4 magpul handguard

Edited by george_smiley

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Trading: pristine m4a1, pristine bayonet, worn ACOG, badly damaged RIS handguard, x2 60 round mags, and 30 round mag. Plus 5.56 ammo.


Looking for: AKS 74U with 74U buttstock,  mags, and ammo


Trade in progress

Edited by Sniper-Wolf

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Malmborg and I traded with Yawdarious just now. Went smoothly, I was a bit more cautious than usual but it was fine. Talked to him for a bit too. Think he's fine. Do trade with him. 

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