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Do we want a reward for surviving?

Do we want a reward for surviving?  

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Voted yes; I want a beard.


that's not really a reward...its just kind of...life. There is typically a direct correlation between how long a man lives and how long his facial hair is lol

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At first, I thought the beard people were crazy. But I have come to understand the ways of the beard and agree.


The "reward" needs to be fairly light and inconsequential to game play or everyone will be paranoid of dying and kill anything that moves on sight. The threat of losing some deep skill tree or other nonsense would make any other living person not connected to you through blood-bond a terrible risk that must be eliminated.


With a beard though, its just a quick shave and a chance to grow out your majestic whiskers once again.

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I don't know what kind of rewards people are thinking about, but things like refining 'skills' such as running, wood chopping, fire making, etc seems totally reasonable to me.


Things that can be learnt over time should improve over time and practice, in my opinion.

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At first, I thought the beard people were crazy. But I have come to understand the ways of the beard and agree.


The "reward" needs to be fairly light and inconsequential to game play or everyone will be paranoid of dying and kill anything that moves on sight. The threat of losing some deep skill tree or other nonsense would make any other living person not connected to you through blood-bond a terrible risk that must be eliminated.


With a beard though, its just a quick shave and a chance to grow out your majestic whiskers once again.


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I was along the lines of having some kind of reward/progression towards bettering your character or "Skillz" as some would say..


But I say fudge that, because like the dude above me said, it would turn every single player encounter even more standoffish than it already is which would honestly kill the entire idea of Dayz.

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if surviving was hard I could understand wanting something for it but as it stands go get some food/water and sit in a damn bush for 3 months.

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I would like to just build skill sets, that's all. Apply better first aid, repair vehicles, that sort of thing. Make it more of a reason to stay alive longer!

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I would like to just build skill sets, that's all. Apply better first aid, repair vehicles, that sort of thing. Make it more of a reason to stay alive longer!


please no. this is not an RPG

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I would like to just build skill sets, that's all. Apply better first aid, repair vehicles, that sort of thing. Make it more of a reason to stay alive longer!

How would it be implemented though? It would provide unfair balance for all the new players going up those who have lived longer and started way earlier. 


Again, this is a survival game.. If we're ever going to have a rewards system, it will absolutely critical to keep and maintain balance between survival and necessity. If we don't, everything will become disproportionate and out of place. We don't -need- a rewards system. However, I can see some sort of cosmetic "rewards" system for gaining a highly competitive & hard-to-gain achievement of some sort. That's something I can see being done.


The problem is, there's not enough sustainable balance keeping all the logical components of what makes a survival game all about.

Edited by ImDeafDontShootMe

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I would like to just build skill sets, that's all. Apply better first aid, repair vehicles, that sort of thing. Make it more of a reason to stay alive longer!


The primary reward for staying alive is that the jerk that tried to kill you failed.

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Man this is a freaking Survival simulator...-.- just survive and shadap.. lol

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I believe cosmetics would be a nice reward, like the character getting diretier, scars, beard, hairgrowth etc. But also, being able to run for longer distances which would only slightly (really slightly) increase the longer the distance you covered, this is just how we humans work. Also, the more gear you carried could also increase this really slight incease a little more (so really really slightly would become really slightly). It the natural way for the human body to function and I do not protest that. 


However, I don't want faster reloading time or better at whatever, it is fine where those are atm. 

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right. if anything than beards and longer ponytails for ze womenz

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel
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I most definetly support the beard idea

maybe for female characters hair from under their hairpits?


Considering the style of DayZ, there is no way there will be a skilltree implemented, so maybe the community should let that subject rest.

I am however a supporter of slight improvements under the hood of your character by training.

As in better running through fitness, experience in hotwiring, piloting a chopper, etc..


I played the mod in deathmatch mode for a few hours now just to check it out.

Quite quickly I was able to jump in a helicopter and even though i needed to get used to the controls, it all seemed just too easy to fly this thing eventually.


Maybe on such occasions there could be parameters according to your characters experience that give you better balance, more accuracy, more speed in general actions.



On the other hand, I also believe that the experience you build up is more depending on the PLAYER and not on the CHARACTER.

The chopper example : with the first character i tried to fly it and i instantly crashed.

After a few characters I sort of spawned with my personal experience as a pilot attached to it and I flew off like a bird in the sky.


If you look at it that way there's barely any experience ladder needed at all, because of how the game is, the experience sits within you!

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the reward for surviving is not dying. i mean, really....



once cars and item storage are implemented, there will be more drive to survive, as you can store gear to make your next life easier. 

You mean less drive to survive, as your life has no value at all (you can go and pick up the gear from your base/tent).


DayZ is kind of a loot simulation. It's all about loot, loot, loot. Loot here, loot there. Loot is everything. Loot! It's no f*cking sandbox game, because the only thing you can do is looting and killing other players and zombies with your loot.



Considering the style of DayZ, there is no way there will be a skilltree implemented, so maybe the community should let that subject rest.

Skilltree? I don't think that anyone suggests a skilltree.



On the one hand you say "DayZ is a survival game" and on the other hand you say "DayZ is a sandbox game". A sandbox game has NO goal. The goal in DayZ is surviving, isn't it? Do you really want a sandbox game or a proper survival game, where it is about survival? I know that Dean wants a survival game, and this is why he is speaking himself of the importance of character value.

Edited by Wayze

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Surviving is the reward for surviving. The rest you make up as you see fit as you go along. Interaction with other players and the enviroment is all there is.

In reality? Sure. We die, and that's it. So survival-our continued existence, is it's own reward. In DayZ? Maaaybe we lose 45 minutes in gearing up again. So I can't accept that argument. We're essentially immortal, in game. Sure, someone steals all our stuff and dumps our unconscious form on the beach, but we retain our memories and our name. It's a tiny setback.

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Skills:no. What would stop someone from going on an unpopulated server for 20+ hours and padding time?

Would grant them a boost they don't deserve.

However, a beard would be a fun idea that wouldn't break the game.

If you artificially inflated your lifetime by camping out and cheated to grow one, that beard would know.

It would never look you in the eye again when you made love.

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Once you have gear, there is really nothing to do but to interact with other players


Wrong, you gear gets worned out and eventually will get ruined so the quest for loot is a continuous one!

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Wrong, you gear gets worned out and eventually will get ruined so the quest for loot is a continuous one!

So you seriously think that people will go on loot hunt, just to wait until the loot gets destroyed? If I find a M4, what will I do with it if not using it? Wait until it breaks. xD

Edited by Wayze

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This isn't an mmo or whatever. No skills. Just no

The game's trailer says it is an MMO. I think you might not be too well informed, here.

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Skills:no. What would stop someone from going on an unpopulated server for 20+ hours and padding time?

So let's remove loot, because people can go on unpopulated servers for 2+ hours to gear fully up and have an enormous advantage over anyone who plays the game normally.


And beards do not work. First thing, how long would the beard get if you want to differ from a 10 hours and 100 hours and 1000 hours character? And what if I hate beards? And what's with female characters? Nope, beards are cool but not at all the issue solver for character value.


And PEOPLE if you want to talk about SKILLS go over HERE:



This thread is just about the problem, that there is no point in survival in the game and if people would like to have this problem fixed.

Edited by Wayze

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Did you miss the numerous posts where people said that the point of survival is to stay alive? Similar to the point in real life.

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