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Have you ever killed your friend/teamkilled by accident

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Of course this topic is directed at people do not play alone.


I did once. It was through miscommunications and I felt so horrible. It stayed for like the whole day and the next day onwards.



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Only once. That was playing the mod. It was a time where there were a literal shit ton of z spawns. We rolled into Stary in an armed vehicle intending to take out all the z's near the grocery before looting. My buddy immediatly runs around the grocery and enters from the rear without telling me as I was plugging away at z's. He was shot in the face through the window. :D 

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Yes both intentionally and un-intentionally. But the guys I run with usually team kill each other occasionally for hilarity. Not nearly as much in dayz though.

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Accident no. It was pure intended evil towards my friend. Watching him rage and shout all around the house was incredibly satisfaying.


I raged a lot towards him a few hours later though. when he shot at a zombie next to me to save me, thus almost hitting me . You know, fair play and stuff.

Edited by ploulaf

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Yeah, a few times, especially when they run in front of you when your shooting zeds

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well a friend of mine accidentially split my head with an axe one time... that was a bit stupid...

another time a friend fought with a zombie, he only had a baseball bat and was allready bleeding like hell, i rushed in to save him and he knocked me out for 30 sec or something like that.

After i had vision again i was hovering of the ground lying down... couldnt stand up or move. Logged out and back in and it was fine again.


But we both survived this incident...

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Not yet but due to TS miscommunication I was very close to. I was on a tower at the large airport covering my friend looting. He entered ATC tower without telling me, luckily for him railing in the window saved his ass. 

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yes, I've killed and been killed, specially with the firefighter axe swing, so annoying using the melee combat system. I'll stick to guns

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I've introduced five new people to the mod in the last two weeks and have been killed three times by them. The first one screams into TS, "There's some guy dead in the street and he has an awesome gun! I'm grabbing that shit". I had pulled a dozen zombies off him and had dragged them into a house where I was killing them off with pistol headshots. He comes running in and says "let me help with this new gun!". I yelled not to fire but he mowed down everyone in the room with his new M249.


The last time was laying in a small ditch waiting for a convoy of bandits to roll by and a different friend says, "oh cool, I can give you a blood bag" boom headshot, instant dead. As he's apologizing in TS the bandits had heard and drove over him and another guy we were with.

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I purposely shot a friend yesterday because he had nothing and was almost dead, so we handcuffed him and tried experimenting. FYI you can't inject people with syringes filled with random blood that you found lying on the ground (at least it wouldn't let me) and our other guys handcuff keys weren't working, so he started screaming that we were raping him and to just kill him. Not much you can do at that point ;)

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Many times, since the mod, especially when there was a large group of us playing in the same server. Funny the details I remember.


In the mod:


Once I was running through the woods near Dubrovka, there was a bunch of us on the server. I noticed some guy behind me, dropped to the ground, and as he came in shot him in the face. Then I realized I had been listening to him describe my every movement on TS. Ooops.


Another time I was lost somewhere near Staroye, comparing what I saw with the map and trying to rendezvous with a guy who was, he said, "near Elektro". I hear footsteps behind me, turn around and open fire. And the message in the bottom left says "Vanderie (the guy I was supposed to meet) was killed". Oops again.


Then I was in the forests on the very west edge of the map, coming back from NWAF to the coast and looking for camps and cars along the way. I stop in a pinetree to check my bearings, and someone comes running around the tree. Open up, kill, "Benito Arias was killed". Poor Benito, I had shot at him so many times in EVE Online, and when we play DayZ on the same side, I shoot him by accident.


In the standalone... I was looting Krastostav with a friend, when he noticed two guys coming up behind me just as they opened fire. I was wounded, we retreated a bit, and he decided to try to go around a house without telling me. He came at me from the direction then others had gone, I asked "is that you?" (not very specific), "no it's them", and I opened up. "Yea, it was me" :(  He survived my shots, but the blood loss meant he died in the next exchange of fire.


In the most recent case, some guy we killed came back and knocked out our sniper unconscious. I rushed there, started shooting my M4 into him as he stood over the body... and he died, but so did the unconscious sniper. Stray bullet, almost certainly.


The only thing I can say in my defense: I've never done it on purpose. But it seems I don't have to.

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I've introduced five new people to the mod in the last two weeks and have been killed three times by them. The first one screams into TS, "There's some guy dead in the street and he has an awesome gun! I'm grabbing that shit". I had pulled a dozen zombies off him and had dragged them into a house where I was killing them off with pistol headshots. He comes running in and says "let me help with this new gun!". I yelled not to fire but he mowed down everyone in the room with his new M249.


The last time was laying in a small ditch waiting for a convoy of bandits to roll by and a different friend says, "oh cool, I can give you a blood bag" boom headshot, instant dead. As he's apologizing in TS the bandits had heard and drove over him and another guy we were with.

That's terrible!

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I killed my partner once. In the mod.


We tracked a group of bandits who have attacked a medic team earlier from Novy Sobor to the fields between Vybor and the airfield. After half an hour of stalking and circling each other, we finally engaged. My friend was able to shoot one of them, but died to the other. I dropped into the high grass, and managed to take out the other one with small bursts from my trusty Mk.48. A third bandit was able to retreat, and we were not sure whether they were able to call in reinforcements.


I found me a spot in a bush, from which i could guard my friends body, while he started to run north from his spawn point in kamenka. The situation was pretty tense, the third bandit was still circling me like a vulture. We traded a few potshots from the distance, but none of us wanted to leave our entrenched positions. After what seemed an eternity, i heard our air support circling above. Knowing that the only Huey on the server was in our service gave me reassurance, but i was still shaking with adrenaline after the shootout. This bandit was my first kill after all.


Suddenly, i noticed a shadow behind me - hastily turning around, i just saw someone rising his hands as in an attempt to aim at me. Out of a reflex, i pulled the trigger and fed some 20 rounds from my Mk.48 to his face.


It was my partner, shining at me with his torch. Our chopper dropped him behind me after picking him up so he wouldnt have to run so long for his body. They somehow forgot to tell me though.


This was the day i killed my first bandit - and murdered my partner to top it off.

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well i have kinda been attacked by a friend/teammate through no fault of his own, but here's what happened:

(after about 20hours played)


I am in the cherno area, not sure which exactly part but i am there, server goes down for a reboot, rather than find the same server, i hop in with my friend as i think he is playing with some other friends and its not a super high pop server. so i decide as i am in cherno to loot some more, on the outskirts i had found an M4A1 and a mountain backpack in the industrial/building site. i am sitting in the hospital looking for gear and i hear voices, saying get on the ground, dont make us kill you and so on. being the friendly person i am, i comply. they are talking to me saying things i dont quite remember, then all of a sudden someone out of nowhere runs through them and axes me in the face! i have no idea what happened and am just typing stuff like: thats not very nice, :(. to this they reply; 'blame sky' (Sky being my friend who is called Skyman ingame). and i am just thinking, U serious and so i message him on steam telling him to bandage me and so on. they add me to the skype call, they also bandage me quickly enough for me to wake up although it is all blurry and very grey but whatever i am alive.


that is how my friend accidentally (kinda on purpose) axed me in the face

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Yeah it happened to me once. We were at a water well and I had just gotten done drinking. Alt-Tabbed for a a minute and when I tabbed back in my m4 decided it wanted to spit hot fire right into my friend's torso. He was dead and I remorsefully guarded his body while he ran back.   :P

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Yes and Oh my god it was hilarious.


Early after being fresh spawns moving our way west inland we had nothing so we had a strategy that one will distract the zombies and lead them away while the other searches. Made our way to Dolina where there can sometimes be 3 or 4 zombies there waiting to disrupt your searching.  Danger did the leading while I did the searching.  I might as well have found the Holy Grail because low and behold in the restaurant/bar house was a PRISTINE fire axe.


"DUDE there's like four of them on me HURRY UP" he screams.

"Awww shit I've been hit I'm bleeding"


I rush out with the axe to help my friend in need. The zombies are coming from all angles.  I run in a swinging.

One Zombie, Two Zombies, Three Zombies down. YES!!!


In the Chaos as I aim for the 4th zombie he runs in the path and takes an axe to the head.  Already with a ton of bleeding damage he's instantly knocked unconscious.

His body does that weird server thing where it just runs away from the point of death to about 10ms away and pops back.  It's impossible to bandage him or give him anything to revive.


"Danger has moved and you can't bandage him"


All I could do was morn his death.


We both laughed hysterically as I ran back to Solnichny to meet up again.

Hence why I need to get this recording crap to work LOL

Edited by DoctorWhy

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We both laughed hysterically as I ran back to Solnichny to meet up again.

Hence why I need to get this recording crap to work LOL


lol. Off-topic. Recording with what? I tried the NVidida recording thingy and it doesn't work. What are you using?

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Its really hard sometimes to spot who is enemy and who isn't.

Now I wear red bandana always when I play with friends so they can identify me more easily.

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We have all done it, some more than others, but one of the best was the inadvertent one...

Had a crew running around, and for whatever reason our rally point was the crashed helo to the west of rify. we got assembled, but were still waiting on a straggler coming northbound from kamy, so we had some time to kill... so we started a golden gloves competition on the tracks.

knockout, move to the next guy, knockout, on to the next, knockout, the first guy is coming to...

well the straggler shows up finally, comes running up the tracks right into the fray. (bear in mind, this straggler was a rulebreaker- he got overly attached to his gear.) i go right for him and pop him a couple of times, he starts raging so i stay on him and knock his ass out.

so we have 2 guys unconscious, 2 guys somewhat bled out, and 2 smart guys holding back...and a clusterfuck on ts haha.

then, the shooting starts.

one of the smart guys got flanked and executed, at which point the fog of war goes into effect...for us. the shooter had free reign, and proceeded to kill the 2 unconscious guys, then the 2 bleeders, before he skipped out.

5 guys down over a fistfight lol. And the funniest part? The rulebreaker quit ts, and quit playing the game for almost 2 weeks. Hes back playing now but refuses to come in ts with us anymore.

I have no remorse, the butthurt generated by this incident is what constitutes great success in my book :)

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I have no remorse, the butthurt generated by this incident is what constitutes great success in my book :)

That's pertty funny but is your group iRL friends? Wouldn't harming other group members incite negative feelings?

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Yes. Which is why I try to dress distinctively so my team mates know its me. I try to avoid the gas mask, wolf mask with green helmet at all cost since 90% of the players dress like that.


We play with this nervous friend and he shot me after I logged out to go piss. Literally spawned next to him having just saw me 5 minutes ago. Luckily, I spawned in Kammy and got my stuff back. But my .357 didnt work anymore. SOB didnt even offer me food for the lame ass kill. F!

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Of course this topic is directed at people do not play alone.


I did once. It was through miscommunications and I felt so horrible. It stayed for like the whole day and the next day onwards.


I accidentally killed DeathTaX once. We were defending ourselves against a bunch of new spawns that were swarming people running down the coast, and as I shot one (who was playing some creepy-ass music via voice communication), 'TaX ran into the line of fire as he was trying to escape another new spawn.


Yeah, I laughed. I didn't feel bad at all! And yes, it was an accident. Or was it...?



Edited by Grimey Rick

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In the SA, not yet.

In the Mod, tons of times.

I once backed over a friend with an SUV. I asked, "Are you in?" and he replied, "Yeah... just a sec." The pause was too long and when I heard "Yeah..." I gunned it in reverse not knowing he was accessing the gear in the vehicle and crouching back there.

I have shot friendlies who incorrectly told me their location. I have been shot for the same reason. I have shot someone while trying to apply a blood bag, bandage, or trying to access their backpack.

Probably the funniest was a miscommunication on a chopper pick up. My friend thought I was going to hover then take off right away and I thought he wanted me to land. I crushed him beneath a skid as he attempted to jump in.

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Friend killed me on accident when trying to give me food.. he had just killed a zombie that was attacking me and I was already near death. I got close so he could force feed me while I ate the food he gave me.. instead of force feeding he swung his axe.

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