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atmaca (DayZ)

30 seconds is a joke, make it 5 MINUTES!

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I love this new logout timer, no reason to run to cities to find loot as new spawn, just run throug coast forrest and your fully equipped..

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not only combat loggers dropping tears, best part of the 30 sec is, all sniper-wohha-COD kids cry to...


i love it


learn 2 aim before crying rivers ;-)

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I agree with your DP on this, No! new rule don't miss!

15 minute gun fights... my longest gunfight was over after about 15 seconds. why should everyone be punished because 1 person might log on you out of every 30 gun fights and make you QQ, just let them be a bitch and log what real loss is it to you? you still won and you don't miss next time. done? done! lol that's my opinion on it anyways!


see someone, points gun on you, you both realize you're hostile to each other, that's when the fight starts. Positioning, trying to get a better view, checking for more enemies around, trying to keep eye or spotting again... all these things are in fighttime can be abused and ruined just by waiting 30 seconds in a corner. Fights usually take over 30 minutes for me. If you're only counting the actual BANG BANG moment ofc it's like 15 seconds.


Also, as for loss point: No. It's not done. He may easly ghost in another minute. So now you know someone knows your position and can shoot you back anytime. It's almost equal to losing everything. Also most hackers are harmless to other players other than collecting items instantly or teleporting during combat, so would that mean we should allow them?

Edited by atmaca

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I'm not cool with you being able to get back to lobby after 30 seconds. That's the point.

Then i won't. But next time you pay for the restaurant.


Gosh I should've listened to my mother.

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not only combat loggers dropping tears, best part of the 30 sec is, all sniper-wohha-COD kids cry to...


i love it


learn 2 aim before crying rivers ;-)


watch out ppl we got a badass hardcore gamer here

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Seriously, this is not WoW. Fights usually take more than 15 minutes, possibly half an hour or even way more. Sure 30 secs is better than nothing but still...


-mosin fired on you

-duck behind a tree

-log out while eating chips

-he won't even get another visual on you in 30 seconds even if he knew you're logging out and rush in OMGFFS panic...


-fuckin profit.


Hell I'm even ok with 30 minutes. Disconnected cuz bad internet? go get a coffee, have a quickie w your girlfriend, watch ponnies or whatever the fuck you do and log back in a while later... What's the damn big deal?

Huh i joined other server after quiting 1 that had no basic loot like food and there was 200 second timer before I could enter next 1 I chosen ... So yea there is your answer :)

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If combat logging is evidently the next world crisis, then why not just do away with logging out?  Just require a person to have their character camp in the woods and be vulnerable for the entire time the player is AFK or only allow a person to enter into a protected sleep (after a 1 hour long vulnerable time period) for 8 hours and after that the character just sits vulnerable.  Clearly combat logging is so irritating that it is on par with world hunger and ruins the game for everyone ... so the game should just ban all casuals and faux "real" players by making logging out impossible.   


Better yet, make death permanent for the entire account, if you die, you need to buy another account to respawn.  That would make it a lot more realistic and make sure that people would only enter into combat on rare occasions when absolutely necessary or VERY sure they will win.  I'm sure we can find even more extreme solutions to issues that "irritate" players.   



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Gosh I should've listened to my mother.

Why? What did she say?


5 mins for logging out? A little extreme IMHO. The current system "works" for the moment, ill be interested to see how the player base copes with it.





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I'm barely able to play 2 hours a day but I would be glad to wait a bit more. 

  • Disconnected because bad luck? well if you don't have patience to wait just 5 minutes to log back in, maybe it's not the right game for you. It's a slow paced game, get used to it.
  • Find this too much because you may disconnect in populated areas? then don't go to populated areas if your connection sucks. It's not game's responsibility to consider your bad connection.

You might wanna watch your character during 5 mins, its ok. But I'm strongly against taking back control once countdown begins.


geh und erschieß dich!

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So I'm not patient enough when my connection drops me 10 times in an hour to still try again at try number 11? But now I have a fucking timer added each time I get D/C'd awesome!


Go stuff it...A classic "It's works for me fuck the rest" attitude.



No longer than 30sec ever! If someone combat logs in front of you and you begin to jerk yourself off and stand in the same spot that's your problem.


All I can ask for now is the ability to see whats going on as you log and the ability to cancel your log out (not sure if you can or not atm).


No game should ever have a perpetual system of adding down time to your game time. Shit is backwards...


NO. Just, NO.


It isn't the fault of the rest of the world that you live in the Styx, nor should we have to accommodate you. If you and your connection don't keep up requirements, guess who it's tough shit for...


I'll give you a hint...


It's not me.

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If combat logging is evidently the next world crisis, then why not just do away with logging out?  Just require a person to have their character camp in the woods and be vulnerable for the entire time the player is AFK or only allow a person to enter into a protected sleep (after a 1 hour long vulnerable time period) for 8 hours and after that the character just sits vulnerable.  Clearly combat logging is so irritating that it is on par with world hunger and ruins the game for everyone ... so the game should just ban all casuals and faux "real" players by making logging out impossible.   


Better yet, make death permanent for the entire account, if you die, you need to buy another account to respawn.  That would make it a lot more realistic and make sure that people would only enter into combat on rare occasions when absolutely necessary or VERY sure they will win.  I'm sure we can find even more extreme solutions to issues that "irritate" players.   




I have to admit, I laughed.

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I agree with your DP on this, No! new rule don't miss!

15 minute gun fights... my longest gunfight was over after about 15 seconds. why should everyone be punished because 1 person might log on you out of every 30 gun fights and make you QQ, just let them be a bitch and log what real loss is it to you? you still won and you don't miss next time. done? done! lol that's my opinion on it anyways!


I think he's referring to the whole "standoff and maneuvering" element of the gunfight rather than the actual shooting, which in that case, yeah that's about how long our encounters go as well.

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5 minutes is too much. Max 45 seconds in my opinion... 


I agree with this. 45 seconds seems pretty solid in my opinion. IT's not quite a long minute, but more than 30 seconds to possibly get those little shits that try to combat log on snipers.

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I agree with this. 45 seconds seems pretty solid in my opinion. IT's not quite a long minute, but more than 30 seconds to possibly get those little shits that try to combat log on snipers.


Let's be honest, millenials, the idea of waiting 45 seconds is a pretty horrific penalty xD no need to make it downright torture

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The logout timer could use some adjusting, granted. But OP's suggestion- sorry, DEMAND- is ludicrous.

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I'm in cherno, in a random building... gathering loot... people are around, but not right in my location. I'm upstairs in a pub when all of a sudden... I lost my connection! If my character is stuck there sitting for 30 seconds or a minute... yeah, I'm not too worried. He'll probably be fine before he disappears... Wait, NOW IT'S 30 MINUTES!?!?! Someone will come across my character and he will be dead when my connection comes back. I think this is not a good idea for that reason.

Okay, so you are in two rooms looking down the hall from one another... in a fire fight. The other player logs... you're not probably not going to charge in, in 30 seconds, because you don't want to be caught out in the open in the hall, if he were to pop his head out. He'll be gone before you figure out he logged. How do we deal with that? Simple, when a player logs have their character give an on screen message... player disconnecting within 100 meters of your location.

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OP's excessive exaggeration takes away from his point, which i feel is valid. If i'm engaging a target at distance, i'm happy to sit and bide my time, so not seeing my target for 30 seconds -well it's not uncommon. 


On a side note, it's only just been implemented on stable servers. Give it a chance, it's a work in progress, this is step one, not "combat logging solved". 


i reckon a 10 second logout time with a cancel button, and THEN your character sits for 30 seconds on the servers. 

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this is all i can think about when i see this thread xD lol



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NO. Just, NO.


It isn't the fault of the rest of the world that you live in the Styx, nor should we have to accommodate you. If you and your connection don't keep up requirements, guess who it's tough shit for...


I'll give you a hint...


It's not me.



A classic "It's works for me fuck the rest" attitude...Nuff said to your comment.


Thanks for contrubiting any time or thought other than trolls.


Back on topic with the ones without tree branches up the bung hole. It's not a bad system but it could be allot better. Already gave my idea's.


Personaly though all this "Ghoster/CombatLogger" crap is well mostly cry babys.. I pointed my gun at them and they left the server. So be it, I'm still alive. They left the server and tried to ghost into a better position well, I'm already in the other part of town and headed out...

Edited by RyBo

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30 seconds to 1 minute is fine.


Once building construction/securing is added, sleepers should be added too like Rust's, that's such a brilliant system.

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I think it's okay to make it 5 minutes, I might just stay in my cantage point for 30 seconds waiting for him to peek again, and it being such a low time I could fool my enemy by staying in cover for 30 seconds, he will think I combat logged, and I go out and shoot him when he goes out

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Awful post.


So think of this scenario, you log off in a random bush, or a random building or somewhere which, looked perfectly safe. By pure coincidence another players runs through that forest and sees your sitting, unmoving character. You logged off 4 minutes ago, and now, your dead by coincidence.



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yes make people stand there not able to defend themselves for 5 minutes! OP rides the short bus me thinks.

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How about this; You log into a server and the longer you stay in that server the shorter the exit time becomes. How about something along those lines?

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