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About Adaedin

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  1. I got over 200 hours worth of entertainment (and agony) out if this game. Thirty dollars well spent, even if the doomsayers are right. I think my purchase was a wiser decision than a AAA single-player title with ten hours of gameplay priced at sixty dollars.
  2. OP's asking cause he's thirsty as hell
  3. Adaedin

    Why the dayz formula will ultimately fail

    The current state of the game in no way resbles the develops vision. Ever heard of the term, "alpha"? Besides , when it eventually does become more 'realistic' and actually difficult to traverse and survive Chernarus, it'll weed out the denomination of players that are in it for the death match.
  4. Adaedin

    Hatman strikes again.

    My prayers have been answered
  5. Adaedin

    Hardcore Character keeps erasing

    Are you logging out somewhere safe? If not, you're getting killed because of the new mechanic where your character stays on the server for thirty seconds, despite logging off.
  6. Adaedin

    Leather jacket?

  7. Adaedin

    30 seconds is a joke, make it 5 MINUTES!

    The logout timer could use some adjusting, granted. But OP's suggestion- sorry, DEMAND- is ludicrous.
  8. So plain and simple, I'm curious as to what everyone's craziest firefights and player encounters, or anything reminiscent to that. With a game that offers as much flexibility as DayZ, I know someone has got to have a wild story or two. Personally, I haven't been in that many out-there situations until recently due to my friends buying the game, despite having over a hundred hours on the game. Two nights ago my friend and I were playing on a 40/40, all-day server. Fully kitted out, we decided what sort of trouble we could get into, or at least watch, as we headed towards Elektro. Crawling through the brush on the hill that snipers frequent, we began to scan the area for players. Seeing several relatively fresh spawns scurrying about, what caught my eye were two mosin-wielding gentlemen atop the hospital. However it just do happened they saw us, just as we saw them. Wielding M4's, we weren't as well-equipped despite having bipods and the pristine magpul stocks. This however, seemed to set off a violent chain reaction. An axe-wielding player with no pants and a raincoat rushed to the top of the hospital and began to hack away at the the snipers while we began to take M4 fire from behind. Scrambling for cover, we suddenly realized that the person behind us managed to get into a firefight with two -other- people behind us. A melee also broke out in the streets, a total of what seemed to be upwards of 17 players taking part in the vicious bloodbath. We decided a tactical withdrawal was in our best interest and ex filtrate the area north, billets flying every which way, the screams of dismembered players blasting through VOIP. So, what's your craziest moment?
  9. Adaedin

    Change my name that people see.

    When you're at the main menu, just click your name and you'll be able to type in whatever you want.
  10. Adaedin

    Pair of Issues

    Holy crap, haha. Thank you so much. That was the problem. XD
  11. I'm having the same problem too. :L