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Johnny Depth

If you like dying, come to BEREZINO.

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Am I the only one seeing humor in this? Give some random server, find a relatively safe spot and watch all the badasses converge on Cherno killing eachother :lol:

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Oh see some of us thought about that. I'm waiting till the IP is posted and making sure I know what the other guys look like

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1 - Make sure your in game name is the same is it is on here

2 - Get into cherno

3 - Post the ip



Then we shall see if there is any substance to your claims.

I think you are full of sh*t and I'm calling you out.

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Am I the only one seeing humor in this? Give some random server, find a relatively safe spot and watch all the badasses converge on Cherno killing eachother :lol:



Could be toped, if OP whould be fun and post a PvE server adress. :P

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You guys must like respawning lol. Just dead lifted 415lb btw :)


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I dont believ u, cherno is so dangerous even bandits avoid it.... only bloddy bambys with axes run into the town

Cherno is not as deadly as you may think. I'm more worried about zeds than a bandit book club. lol

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You probably haven't met any hardcore CS player to teach what headshot means.


If you play on European region post an IP and I'll teach you how to DayZ, and lift.


But before you join the server you better leave your ego in the drawer, 'cause it's gonna be hurt.

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Server IP and a good time you and your pansey friends will be on.  I'd love to take your books and burn them.

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1 - Make sure your in game name is the same is it is on here

2 - Get into cherno

3 - Post the ip



Then we shall see if there is any substance to your claims.

I think you are full of sh*t and I'm calling you out.


Just like you call out fresh spawns on the coast, huh?  


Tough guy.

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Hey guys.



A few guys and myself have set up around Cherno.  We like to shoot zombies and read books near the coast up on this cool little hill that we found.  


Also, we found a guy looting a building nearby, so we positioned ourselves around the building and waited for him to come out.  He finally came out and I chased him until I got close enough to get his attention.  I asked if he was friendly and he said yes. I told him repeatedly not to kill me to make him think I was the one who was inferior during the encounter.  I moved around him in such a way that he had his back to wear my group was.  I talked to him for a bit and gave him some food and he asked if I had any weapons I wouldn't mind trading for a shotgun he had.  As he was saying all this, one of my team members was running up behind him.



Things happened.




We shot and killed the fellow and I took my food back.  






Stay out of Cherno unless you're wanted to transform back into a bambi.  We do not take kindly to those who loot in our town.  





If you have any books, however, come on down and we can have a book club meeting up on the hill.  srs


Its like u think there is only one Cherno and one server in dayz, and u probaly do...oh man we laughing about ur post now haha!

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Went all through cherno. looted it up and even shot some people. for it being "your" town you suck at defending it.

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I'll post server tonight after gym. :)

Notice how he had to throw in that he also goes to "Gym"!! haha, he really must be compensating having to tell us all this very "manly" info! either that or he was dropped on his head a few times as a baby ;)  

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You guys must like respawning lol. Just dead lifted 415lb btw :)



Rhino ?

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