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Does blood type change with new characters?

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Ive tested 5 of my characters so far and every time it comes back the same (O+), so im starting to wonder if blood type is account linked instead of character or is it just one hell of a coincidence?


Cheers. :)

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if they haven't changed it since the last time i tested, it's a coincidence. I've tested with different characters and everytime i got different results

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There have been quite a few posts about this already.


Blood type does change but it's based on real life chances 0+ and A+ are the most common.


I was O+ 4 times in a row and was beginning to think it was locked, then I tested my latest spawn and I'm now A+. So it does change.

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im currently the donor with o-








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It does change, i've had AB, o+, o- etc. 


My best experience with blood was that a friend said he had o+, before he died. Another friend missed the last part and stole a portion of his blood and so got someone else to inject it. 


He died, vengeance sure is sweet at times :)

Edited by Iemitsu

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Its change every fresh spawn, just for 0+ is highest chance (37,4%). A+ have 35,7%, rest have less than 10%.

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Im not convinced the blood type system is fully integrated. I remember reading a report of one character changing blood type after being alive for several days. Testing often on the same character would provide insight anyone has extra kits :)

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The only character I have tested was A+, I'm going to get on and test my current guy since I have two tests atm.


A+ again!

Edited by escobert

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