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About Kushko

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  1. Interesting that you talk about reading and reading comprehension when you obviously did not read or comprehend my post. So i'll try to make this simple for you; I did read the dev blogs but what i was saying in my post is that the game has not had any actual progress, not that no progress is being planned or worked on by the team. You see, for a player there is a pretty substantial difference in what was done in the 3months (or for that matter in the 6+months since i started following dayzs progress) and what has been worked on or is planned in the distant future. One is a tangible experience, while the other is pretty much all hopes and dreams. Also in response to someone earlier saying game development isnt like building a house. I'm not a programmer myself, but the 2 friends i mentioned in my original post are actually both game developers, and we all agree that game development actually is exactly like building a house. And in DayZs case the foundations are build over a swamp and the walls are cracking and so far most of the "progress" that has been made (again, not something they are working on, but what has actually been done and given to the players to experience) is the equivalent to new fancy furniture being added in to a house that is falling apart around them.
  2. I would post there if i actually gave up, thought the game was bullshit or wanted my money back. But since i dont feel like any of the mentioned, i decided to make my own post for my own opinion. I'm not just randomly raging and i still fully plan on spending more time in the game once it gets on its way, but i felt like expressing my disappointment with the progress that has been made on the core gameplay (not the lack of items or new towns or anything like that, but the actual performance/stability and glitch/bug fixing).
  3. ...not only has the game not gotten any better (bugs and performance wise) but it has gotten worse. I am fully aware the game is in early access and i have no problem with that. My friend and i took a break 3months ago because the game was quite enjoyable but the overall performance and polish was lacking, so we decided to give it some time and try again later. That later was today. When we finally got in to a server (after a couple failed attempts on different servers) the first one we got on was unplayable because of lag (even though we were picking low ping servers), so we go in search of another server. Find a new one, working ok for me but my friend cant interact with any objects after 20minutes and a relog (he even had steam check his install if any files were corrupt). Finally around the third relog and switching to another server a glitched and invisible (to him) zombie killed him before i got there (i was checking loot around while he was fixing his problem-or trying to). Earlier a third friend glitched himself off a ladder and fell to his death...how does that still happen after all this time? Half the items in my backpack dont have icons anymore and the only way i can tell something is actually there is by the slightly darker shade of gray or by mousing over it. Oh and for some reason you literary cant outrun zombies anymore, even at full sprint as a fresh spawn they keep up and somehow manage to hit you on the move... I could go on, but i think i made my point. *edit* Just to add; all 3 of us have high end machines and broadband/fiber-optic connections with reliable providers so none of the problems originated on our end. How has the game not improved at all in the 3months? Granted we got some new items which mean absolutely nothing if the game is borderline unplayable to actually use/enjoy those items. Every time i check up on dayz theres talk about how they're putting in animals and cooking and all the great things none of us will get to enjoy until fix the games core problems, it just kills my excitement about the game (the little that is left at this point). I want to love this game, i know it has amazing potential, but when theres little to no progress or even some regress in all the places that matter its just starting to be impossible to keep faith in the game and the team making it. Enough time has passed for them to have no more excuses left for this game feeling like it was made in a garage by a couple people having their first go at game development. For gods sake, this is a high profile, high budget ($40+mil from early access sales alone) game. It should not be in the state it is.
  4. Kushko

    Why should street lights work?

    The power plants are powered by all the violent deaths in electro and maintained by zombie workers.
  5. Kushko

    Another funny Bandit encounter.

    I'm curious...what makes you think they were actually bandits? At first you thought one guy was chasing another and you went in to attack him but when it turned out they were together it was actually you attacking them and them defending themselves. :P *edit* Oh, i see Airgrafix beat me to it. :)
  6. In two live streams ive listened to Rocket asking why the game even needs slow vault (not sure if thats how you spell it...) and him considering removing it, but i have a suggestion for it. First of all, should make it so that if you do a vault while moving at any speed you should do the fast hop over type and only do the slow one if you are standing still in front of an obstacle. Now my suggestion for the use of the slow vault would be to be used in situation where stealth is needed. Make it so the fast vault would make a noise and be used when you need to get over an obstacle fast and make slow vault produce little to no sound so we can use it to get over obstacles when a more quiet approach is required.
  7. Kushko

    Bipod question.

    Thank you sir, have some beans for that! :)
  8. Kushko

    Bipod question.

    Is there any downside to just having it deployed all the time? Like when you're not prone to use it properly, is there some kind of penalty? Cheers!
  9. Kushko

    I'm sick

    I believe its black and white for when you are low on blood and blurry for when you are in pain (but dont hold me on that). When you are hydrated and energized you will start to regenerate blood but im pretty sure it wont cure your food poisoning. Ive never personally ate rotten fruit, because its you know...rotten. :p But from what i hear, without charcoal tabs its eventually fatal.
  10. Kushko

    why does my character eat so much?

    Some people stress eat...you should try to calm your character down. Sit on the beach and watch a sunset or something. ;)
  11. Kushko

    I'm sick

    Pristine condition does not really make a rotten fruit any less poisonous. :p The only thing that will help you afaik are charcoal tablets...those cure food poisoning.
  12. Kushko

    Faith in Humanity tested

    Indeed a great idea. Have my beans sir! :)
  13. You really should report him. The way you do it is; you find the server you were on, click on the server details and than send the IP to one of the following: Multiplay: support@multiplay.co.uk Vilayer: abuse@vilayer.com Fragnet: abuse@fragnet.net GamingDeluxe: admin@gamingdeluxe.co.uk Gameservers: support@gameservers.com If it's unclear which provider, send them to all five. I reported 9 servers today alone because im getting fed up with admins treating their servers as private playgrounds and kicking people for no other reason than joining their server. As long as all servers are linked to the public character hive there is no such thing as a private server.
  14. Kushko

    [Idea] Flare Gun

    But but...DayZ has taught me that no one is my friend and everyone will shoot me in the back the first chance they get. :(
  15. Kushko

    Military Gear lootspawns need immense reductions

    As long as one can hop from one server to another to loot the high abundance spots over and over (lets be honest 5mins to wait is not that long), anyone that really wants to gear and has a lot of time on their hands (and doesnt mind exploiting a little bit) will still be able to gear up even if military gear and ammo spawns less often. Reducing the ammo and military spawns will only widen the gap between the casual/nonexploiter and the toomuchfreetime/exploiter players. What i think should happen is slightly more of a decentralization and randomness of firearms and military/police/hunter clothing. Military bases should still be the best source of gear since those provide hotspots for action to occur but there should also be a chance that i enter a random home and it turns out someone from the military died there and left his gear or came home when the shit hit the fan or just had gear stored there for whatever reason. Every house, every barn, every shed should hold promise of even the best military loot (smaller chance than a military base of course), because as it stands now, once i get the starter melee weapon to fend of zombies and some food/drinks i have almost no incentive left to search homes instead of trying my luck at an airport/military base. Also on a side note; if possible it would be great if the server hop penalty somehow increased the more you hopped. For example if i log on to a server and log off within 10minutes i get a 5min log in timer, if i log off from the next server within 10minutes that becomes 10minutes and if i log off from the third one it becomes 15mins and so on, capping at 15 or 20minutes (because thats about as long as it would take a player to run to the next area with good loot). To prevent nonhoppers from being punished maybe make it so if you log on within 30 or 45s of coming in it does not apply the penalty (so we dont get it when some d.bag kicks us from their "private playground" or if something crashes during login).