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Why DayZ is no survival game

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Magical items that work like plugging into the matrix and downloading the skill set, these items disappear after this.. magically.


Im not sure if this is realistic enough for a lot of people.

Consider them in terrible condition that break apart as you read them if you really have to. It isnt realistic for everyone to be ex spetznas either. Also, zombies.

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Consider them in terrible condition that break apart as you read them if you really have to. It isnt realistic for everyone to be ex spetznas either. Also, zombies.


I could consider that but its not realistic, perhaps breaking apart does not happen in such a fashion that it allows you to read all the content.

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Survive the lag in post-patch DayZ.


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Magical items that work like plugging into the matrix and downloading the skill set, these items disappear after this.. magically.


Im not sure if this is realistic enough for a lot of people.


How do people learn in real life? By doing actions and reading books. Now in game repeating actions can be exploited so I would prefer a book system.


I can accept reading a book will improve my skill level in a particular subject and they can have an in game representation of this. You can never have true realism in a game until we have a holodeck. The current game already simulates real life with gamey systems. I dont see why reading books and magically learning to be better at something is any different from eating some beans and drinking some water to heal. I would even say the book thing is more real.


My idea for the book skill system would be when reading you would have be sitting for 10-15 secs each read. Every time you read the book it uses up a certain amount of the available skill level. This makes you vulnerable when reading. Also finding better quality books means you can learn more from it. 


This is a basic outline but I think it makes sense. Everyone starts out as able to do anything but they can improve themselves by finding books. And some things would be very dangerous to do without some extra training, like Heli piloting. This would encourage people to team up more as well to make use each other varying abilities. 


Back to the original point, having some progression to your character makes you more involved in their survival.

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Unfinished. Fucking. Game.


I don't know how many times people are going to have to say it, stop fucking bitching about shit that isn't in the game that you feel "oh so super necessary" to point out that it's not in the fucking game. For all you know it's already planned and you're just making yourself look fucking stupid.



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1.Character progression is badly needed to help add some point in surviving, as there is none to most players. The Elektro deathmatch is proof of this, I think.


2. Any skill that improved by doing it a bunch of times is exploitable, and shouldnt be in game.


3. If skills are implemented, they should be tied to extremely rare loot that when used is consumed.

-if you want to fix that car, you better fucking learn how.

-you want to fly a chopper? better find that flight manual.

-you want to reach out and touch someone from 800m?, well fuck, you better learn how that scope works.

-want to properly draw/give/store blood without causing an infection? better find that medical text

-want to start a fire without matches? find a survival text

-want to clean your gun without fucking it up? better learn how


The reality of the situation is that most people dont know how to do these things irl, and this is supposed to be a survival game. Whats the fun in having every respawn be a child of John Rambo and Macgyver? Without some kind of progression, and some kind of real punishment for death there is no purpose to surviving. When/if base building becomes a reality the deathmatch mentality will only get worse.-if it rhymes it cant be wrong :)


I say all of this as a player that doesnt KoS, and doesnt go looking for fights. A firefight with another player should have some kind of real consequence, beyond your ticket to the coast.



Good points.... I think this would increase the gameplay.

But the die-hard mode got 1 big advantage you play either very cautious and realistic of fuck it and get killed. As more you soften up the diehard mode with character development more the players play more recklessness, just getting this or this manual / skill and give a fuck if they die, cause the the character development will last... And I think the zombies and the military loot must be a real deal... right now who the fuck cares.  I know they got some technical problems with hordes of zombies, but i think it would be cool if you enter AS and you think you such a cool dude headshooting zombies and all the sudden you got spawnd by 20 around you... :)

Edited by INOS

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Now I ask you, what would be the point of running 10km? What would be the point of wasting 1 hour of my life just to do something I can reach within 2 minutes? And the best part, I do not lose ANYTHING. It is not the players fault that he is talking the most intelligent way to do something.

I make the run because of what could happen along the way. Because of what could happen to my buddy before we connect. Most times, not much happens but sometimes ... well, sometimes I experience gameplay unlike anything I've ever experienced before.


Sounds like you neither have considered nor care about this. That's fine. You should play the game only as you would like, but, on this point, DayZ is fine the way it is.


Just my two cents.

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1.Character progression is badly needed to help add some point in surviving, as there is none to most players. The Elektro deathmatch is proof of this, I think.


2. Any skill that improved by doing it a bunch of times is exploitable, and shouldnt be in game.


3. If skills are implemented, they should be tied to extremely rare loot that when used is consumed.

-if you want to fix that car, you better fucking learn how.

-you want to fly a chopper? better find that flight manual.

-you want to reach out and touch someone from 800m?, well fuck, you better learn how that scope works.

-want to properly draw/give/store blood without causing an infection? better find that medical text

-want to start a fire without matches? find a survival text

-want to clean your gun without fucking it up? better learn how


The reality of the situation is that most people dont know how to do these things irl, and this is supposed to be a survival game. Whats the fun in having every respawn be a child of John Rambo and Macgyver? Without some kind of progression, and some kind of real punishment for death there is no purpose to surviving. When/if base building becomes a reality the deathmatch mentality will only get worse.-if it rhymes it cant be wrong :)


I say all of this as a player that doesnt KoS, and doesnt go looking for fights. A firefight with another player should have some kind of real consequence, beyond your ticket to the coast.

Like I said before, if skills are tight to extremely rare loot, the game will simply be unbalanced. Found a 800m scope? Well you have to find a manual that is even more rare. Want to start a fire without matches? Go and find a survival text.


You know, if it is extremely rare, most people won't find it. If it is not extremely rare, people will just store it somewhere. (permadeath =/= permanent)


If there are really extremely rare items, people will buy DayZ a second time and store the items on a character that is never used. (I mean, if it is really rare not juste like "run around for 2 hours to find it")

The problem is, how rare do you want to make it? If you need 100h+ to find it, well then people won't search for it.

Now the important part, which is crucial:

If all these things are extremely rare:

People won't give a sh*t about their characters life, until they found one of these things. Meaning, they search for 20-40hours and until they find it, they will act like rambos. But if they do find it, they will be careful, store it or do whatever they want with it. Until they die...

Same again, 20-40 hours rambo mode "oh I found a super survival text!!", survival mode activated. If you have constant progression over time, people will have to be in survival mode from the beginning. They can't just wait until they have luck. They have to actually do something for it. And if they screw up at any point of the progression, they will have to do everything from scratch. Sure, people won't care much the first 2 hours, but after that, they know they would have to train for full 2 hours to reach the same point. Same as Flappy Bird. You want to go further and further. The more you had before you died last time, the more you want to have next time. You can't just chill out on 20 if you had 100 before, you have to do all the 100 steps again. And in Flappy Bird it worked, as I think it would work in DayZ. (hopefully)

Edited by Wayze

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1.Character progression is badly needed to help add some point in surviving, as there is none to most players. The Elektro deathmatch is proof of this, I think.


2. Any skill that improved by doing it a bunch of times is exploitable, and shouldnt be in game.


3. If skills are implemented, they should be tied to extremely rare loot that when used is consumed.

-if you want to fix that car, you better fucking learn how.

-you want to fly a chopper? better find that flight manual.

-you want to reach out and touch someone from 800m?, well fuck, you better learn how that scope works.

-want to properly draw/give/store blood without causing an infection? better find that medical text

-want to start a fire without matches? find a survival text

-want to clean your gun without fucking it up? better learn how


The reality of the situation is that most people dont know how to do these things irl, and this is supposed to be a survival game. Whats the fun in having every respawn be a child of John Rambo and Macgyver? Without some kind of progression, and some kind of real punishment for death there is no purpose to surviving. When/if base building becomes a reality the deathmatch mentality will only get worse.-if it rhymes it cant be wrong :)


I say all of this as a player that doesnt KoS, and doesnt go looking for fights. A firefight with another player should have some kind of real consequence, beyond your ticket to the coast.

Here you unknowingly hint on what many people are finding lacking at the moment. This is the Alpha. Lets fast-forward and make a couple, not unreasonable assumptions.


1) You can get sick when you drink unfiltered water/stay out side in the rain and in the cold.


2) To get a working car takes a little luck, a lot of parts, and you have to bring them together, costing time. 


3) Zombies are more dangerous by a factor of two, food is harder to find, and always by zombies.


Using only these examples the loot system, and the health and status systems of the game, completely replace the need for a skill system. The skill system becomes a needlessly complicating factor.


The loot suddenly has value because the survival aspects of the game become a serious threat. Imagine not being able to drink out of rivers and lakes, without getting sick. By lowering the number of well's you create a situation: Do i go to the well and drink, possibly get killed by other players/zombies, do I take my chance with dirty water, or do I find what I need to purify my own water? What do I do until I find the way to purify water?


I was caught trying hook up this wheel to the car I was building, the bandit shot/stole from me. The last 3 hours I spent working on fixing the car no longer have meaning.


Loot progression is easier and more fair than 'character skill' progression. It also doesnt limit your ability to play the game (have all car parts no mechanic skill.)

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Forget skill trees or skillpoints. Hidden skills!

In Dayz every action goes together with an item. You got hit, you bandage yourself, item depleted. Be wise and find some more of these!

But why shouldn't you be quicker, more precise after you have applied 100 bandages or similar?


Because you assume the character sucked at applying bandages when the apocalypse started. What if they were already a doctor? Their skill might decrease because they're not in regular practice anymore.


There's also still the problem of people 'boosting' their skills. If I improved bandaging, wouldn't it be wise to find bandages and then let a zombie hit me over and over to use them all up and rank up my skill?


Players aren't stupid, you can hide the skills, but people will figure them out and figure out how to boost them.

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Here you unknowingly hint on what many people are finding lacking at the moment. This is the Alpha. Lets fast-forward and make a couple, not unreasonable assumptions.


1) You can get sick when you drink unfiltered water/stay out side in the rain and in the cold.


2) To get a working car takes a little luck, a lot of parts, and you have to bring them together, costing time. 


3) Zombies are more dangerous by a factor of two, food is harder to find, and always by zombies.


Using only these examples the loot system, and the health and status systems of the game, completely replace the need for a skill system. The skill system becomes a needlessly complicating factor.


The loot suddenly has value because the survival aspects of the game become a serious threat. Imagine not being able to drink out of rivers and lakes, without getting sick. By lowering the number of well's you create a situation: Do i go to the well and drink, possibly get killed by other players/zombies, do I take my chance with dirty water, or do I find what I need to purify my own water? What do I do until I find the way to purify water?


I was caught trying hook up this wheel to the car I was building, the bandit shot/stole from me. The last 3 hours I spent working on fixing the car no longer have meaning.


Loot progression is easier and more fair than 'character skill' progression. It also doesnt limit your ability to play the game (have all car parts no mechanic skill.)

Loot progression is not at all more "fair" than character skill progression. It also does limit your ability to play the game. Trying to explain:

Loot progression is purely based on luck. In that matter it isn't fair at all. Someone can search for 4 hours and have the same progress as someone who did the exact same thing as you within 1 hour.

It isn't fail in matters of PVP, because it is purely based on luck. Whoever has the better gear has a higher chance to win. The harder it is to obtain it, the more unbalanced the game gets. Someone with good gear is alway OP. Sure you can argue it is based on skill, but equal skill vs better gear it will be the one with better gear that wins. In that matter, both character progression and skill progression are the same, just that in character progression you get constant progression that is not based on PURE luck.

And yes, the loot system does limit your ability THE SAME WAY skills do. If I do not have all car parts, I cannot build a car. The one guy who is more lucky than me, will be able to repair the car, even though he maybe searched for 5 mins and I did the same for 20 hours. Luck. Luck. Luck. The more rare a part is, the more it is based on pure luck. THe more unbalanced the game gets and the more OP player there will be. Make loot rare and there will be a small amount of people that dominates all of the weaker ones. Same as capitalism. Fewer people that get richer and richer and more people who get poorer and poorer.


Yes it's harder to implemented (very easy to be honest), but it does actually give the players who want to play a survival game, not a "loot this and that game" another goal. A real goal. A goal that increases joy for them. And the problem I have with loot is, it will always be storeable. At some point you will get to end game where you have your server with your buddies and a gigantic base that has everything. At that point you are immortal. You die? Who gives a f*ck, go back to your base (maybe even spawn there?) and gear up again. There is no permadeath in endgame. This causes people to get bored and do deathmatch. Which will, in a lootsystem that is based on super rare items, be fatal for people who do not have anything. They will just run around and like I said before, dominate everyone who is weaker (which will be the absolute majority in the game).


Just make hardcore servers with character progression, it's alpha, we'll see if there are enough who enjoy it. And it's really not that hard to implement.



Because you assume the character sucked at applying bandages when the apocalypse started. What if they were already a doctor? Their skill might decrease because they're not in regular practice anymore.


There's also still the problem of people 'boosting' their skills. If I improved bandaging, wouldn't it be wise to find bandages and then let a zombie hit me over and over to use them all up and rank up my skill?


Players aren't stupid, you can hide the skills, but people will figure them out and figure out how to boost them.

You didn't really pay attention to the development, did you? Exactly this will be the case. But in future, if a zombie hits you, there will be a great chance of infecting you or hurting you badly. Meaning that letting you hit by a zombie over and over again will simply result in death. And do the same with your buddy, same effect. He stabs you, you will have a chance to get hurt badly and that's the end of it.

This is how it will work and there will be such a system implemented, as Dean already said. The same as people think they can use it to their advantage, the same there are ways to prevent them from doing that. Not that hard to do, you just have to think for a moment.

Edited by Wayze

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Why not server progression?  I know nothing about programming or games.  I was just wondering if there is a possibility of making a server >100-<500hrs... >500-<1000...>1000-<2000hrs. and so on.  You would eventually wind up with elite vs elite, novice vs novice. You WOULD want to survive. teams could join the server of it's highest member when that person is online, thus creating a leadership role.  Don't know if it's possible, thought of or what as I am new to dayz and computer gaming as of last week. 

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Why not server progression? I know nothing about programming or games. I was just wondering if there is a possibility of making a server >100-<500hrs... >500-<1000...>1000-<2000hrs. and so on. You would eventually wind up with elite vs elite, novice vs novice. You WOULD want to survive. teams could join the server of it's highest member when that person is online, thus creating a leadership role. Don't know if it's possible, thought of or what as I am new to dayz and computer gaming as of last week.

Cool idea.

Sorry to see this thread brought back from the dead. Icky necromancy.

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- (Server Hive Idea) A player joins a hive server and that is the only server he can play on until he dies. Once he dies he gets to choose another server and he cannot come back to the old server for a very long period of time (Weeks, Months, etc.)


The Result: When persistent loot, barricading, and vehicles are implemented people will do whatever it takes to stay alive. They do so because dying would actually have a price. All of your progress would essentially be lost. Suddenly everyone has a reason to live through a broken leg. Nobody is willing to suicide to spawn near a friend. Firefights would create an even bigger adrenaline rush. Just going through a mid-size town would put players on edge. Constantly worrying about taking a bullet from a window somewhere. Repairing a vehicle without dying is an actual accomplishment with a reward. Tents are no longer just "re-gearing" stashes for when you die. Keeping your friends alive during battle will actually be a priority rather than just "don't worry i'll just watch the body if you die". Death would actually have a price and survival would become priority number one.


Now of course the community will cry every tear it can muster up. "What will I do if I have lots of stuff and my friend dies?" Well, you either choose the progress you've made or you decide that living just isn't worth it without your friend and you suicide. Suddenly jumping off that building isn't so easy now is it? "It makes the game too hard and puts me on edge." Welcome to DayZ, the apocalypse simulator. If too many people dislike it due to the harshness, give them a choice and make it for hardcore only.


It would add a lot to the game in terms of emotion and prioritizing staying alive. However it will never happen. Even if the community decided for it, I doubt the devs would ever take that risk. Hopefully one day someone will implement it on private hives or on a modded version.

Edited by Hikurac
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DayZ isn't a survival game because they haven't added any survival elements.    :rolleyes:


That's like saying, "That's not a house" when all that's been done is a hole being dug.  

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I have three things to say:


  1. It's alpha. You agreed to buy this game knowing that it would be very incomplete. 
  2. Quit your whining. If you feel so neglected by the devs, go play WarZ or some other garbage. 
  3. Alpha Definition: Alpha software can be unstable, incomplete, and could cause crashes or data loss.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle#Alpha

Edited by Loopest

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- (Server Hive Idea) A player joins a hive server and that is the only server he can play on until he dies. Once he dies he gets to choose another server and he cannot come back to the old server for a very long period of time (Weeks, Months, etc.)


The Result: When persistent loot, barricading, and vehicles are implemented people will do whatever it takes to stay alive. They do so because dying would actually have a price. All of your progress would essentially be lost. Suddenly everyone has a reason to live through a broken leg. Nobody is willing to suicide to spawn near a friend. Firefights would create an even bigger adrenaline rush. Just going through a mid-size town would put players on edge. Constantly worrying about taking a bullet from a window somewhere. Repairing a vehicle without dying is an actual accomplishment with a reward. Tents are no longer just "re-gearing" stashes for when you die. Keeping your friends alive during battle will actually be a priority rather than just "don't worry i'll just watch the body if you die". Death would actually have a price and survival would become priority number one.


Now of course the community will cry every tear it can muster up. "What will I do if I have lots of stuff and my friend dies?" Well, you either choose the progress you've made or you decide that living just isn't worth it without your friend and you suicide. Suddenly jumping off that building isn't so easy now is it? "It makes the game too hard and puts me on edge." Welcome to DayZ, the apocalypse simulator. If too many people dislike it due to the harshness, give them a choice and make it for hardcore only.


It would add a lot to the game in terms of emotion and prioritizing staying alive. However it will never happen. Even if the community decided for it, I doubt the devs would ever take that risk. Hopefully one day someone will implement it on private hives or on a modded version.


I'm not sure how that kind of feature would be modded in with any significance. If it were really to work, it would have to apply to all servers rather than just a few, because the servers that did have it would have less people join and would shorten out in extremely quick periods of time.


It's an interesting feature but you'd have a hard time convincing people to play with it. There were permadeath-like servers in the mod (I can't recall any actual permanent ones, but some would make you wait until the next restart or a set amount of time. This also happened on custom mods like Battle Royale, which wouldn't allow you to rejoin until the match had ended) As I've said before, the big problem with most of these (save for the ones built around it like Battle Royale) were that people tended not to come back even once their death timers had expired. You had a few dedicated people, but those were mainly ones who had survived for long periods of time or were just extremely into that style of play.


Plus, sometimes I do like the liberty of having access to some unrealistic features such as respawning and continually playing in the same area. I'm all for making survival the #1 priority in DayZ, but in no way is DayZ simulating, or attempting to simulate, a post-apocalyptic environment.

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I totally agree.  We do not need the "Morrowind style of run around and increase athletics because you are running around" lol.  This game is based all on player skill not some special stat that you get to increase by time played.  This idea should just be thrown in the trash.


Well I was under the impression that if somebody "runs around" they get fitter. If you spend weeks running around with a heavy pack on I suspect your gut might suck in and your calves ballon out but hey this could be a "crazy stat".


To many 'this be Alpha your concerns are irrelevant'. So instead of some personal insult leads have a look at the facts!"Survival" and "immersion" is "our focus" from Deans lips himself,

Will this be acheived? Because right now it isn't realised...


Summary of topics of the road map


Things that effect PvP more than survivial (imo)

*Loot distribution based on quadrent activitiy

*Throwable items/bullet physics

*Player controls (dexterity), physics movement/ragdoll

*Cars/upgradedable components (stealing parts from helicopters off other servers)

*Barricading, good for both


Things effecting survivial more than PvP (imo)

*Player statistics/acheviements ("you have been alive for X amount of days")

*Advanced weather (effects player and ballistics)

*AI pathfinding

*Animals (prey/predator)

*New zombie behavior

*Horticulture (growing plants/harvest)

*Animal husbantry


*Advanced Social Mechanics (spawn control, trading, clan identification)



*Player customisation. Beards mentioned!!!

*Improving lighting for night time Ditching DX9 going to DX10-11

*Rivers, not on roadmap but being tested

*Accelerated hunger option for admins

* Q)"Have you sacrificed fun for realism?"

"A)Yes, but we try to strike a balance"


It's clear that the team has a bright future in mind for solo survival...


Statistics tracking, cooking, planting, predators/prey, potential for animal husbandry, improved social interaction and clan ID AND light zone control of spawn points! That last one is AMAZING it reeks of, "GET OUT OF HERE STALKER" ...*drools*. ...if the UI supports it the sky is the limit for player interaction and survivalists!


But to your detractors I have to agree that creating attachment to a character through stats is good for boosting survival gameplay. Incremental increases to stats, actions and aesthetics connected to survival makes sense. Picture the clichéd grizzled (bearded) outdoors veteran who has tons of tricks to make life easy. Tricks they learn through experience.


Open enough cans with a screw driver and eventually you should get 100% yield. Higher endurance/sprinting distance at rest because you’ve previously run 200 kms with a pack on.  Sporting a crazy survivalist beard that has grown with you through trials and tribulations. All of these create emotional/practical connection to your character outside of your gear. You are entirely definied by it and nowhere was it suggests that a bullet should or would do less damage to you despite increasing stats.


Right now gear is easily found. The stakes in PvP aren't high enough. Adding the potential loss of a grizzled vet character makes a gunfight less incentivised. Nobody suggested perks or crazy unlocks… small incremental increases over time/use make sense. 



I have three things to say:


You don't have 3 things to say. You have nothing to say.





I really don't get this.


"Hey everyone couldn't be bothered to read this but I wanted to take the time to draw attention to my non involvement" Are you so hard up for attention?

Edited by Trizzo

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Open enough cans with a screw driver and eventually you should get 100% yield.

Wrong, open enough cans with a screw driver it becomes dull and rusted and you should get tainted food

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Wrong, open enough cans with a screw driver it becomes dull and rusted and you should get tainted food


Well if you want to go down that route (not sure if poes law is at work here) rust only develops if fluid is left on it so now we add a deeper hygiene mechanic and we can dry and clean our tools. What if it is rust proof? Tool repair kit etc...

Edited by Trizzo
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Well if you want to go down that route (not sure if poes law is at work here) rust only develops if fluid is left on it so now we add a deeper hygiene mechanic and we can dry and clean our tools. What if it is rust proof? Tool repair kit etc...

Yes, oil that screwdriver up and shove it into a can of beans.  Btw, I can open a can with a spoon and not spill anything.  Also, the mechanic of the screw driver getting damaged is already in game.

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Yes, oil that screwdriver up and shove it into a can of beans.  Btw, I can open a can with a spoon and not spill anything.  Also, the mechanic of the screw driver getting damaged is already in game.


Who said anything about oil (as in engine oil)? And it's sad to detail a thread over something so small, which was just meant for illustrative purposes, by inventing nit picks one after the other. Vegtable oil, fat, beeswax, etc are fine at preservation and all natural.


Thanks for another non contribution.

Edited by Trizzo

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Agreed to most of the above points, especially ammo rarity.

The odd full clips should still be available here and there, but hopefully become the exception. I would hope for single rounds (or a few rounds) in a room, under a table, on a bookshelf and so on.

Collect these rounds, cherish them, and slowly fill up that clip. All come in various states ranging from pristine to badly damage. You decide, your M4 with a full clip and a higher risk for misfires and jams, or just these 9 pristine rounds.

We could even get hurt quite badly if your Mosin goes “boom” instead of “pang”. Shitty round in the chamber, can only blame yourself !


Ref progressive skills. If I had any say in it at all, I would limit to crafting and experience gained. Make a stronger fishing rod, a lasting fire camp and so on. Results are the equivalent of Pristine, … damaged and so on. Different vocabulary I suppose.

Better aiming skills, faster reloading, and enhanced stamina seem a little uncalled for.  


Weather is already planned to be vital in future gameplay, isn’t it ? I’m all for weather having consequences on our char. Just worried about being a bambie with a t-shirt, top of a mountain on a rainy winter day… Could be a downer.


Animations & body language. The more the better J



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