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How Many People Were Killed By You?

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Not sure how many in 55+ hours. I mainly play on my friends server and if you are on the server and we don't know you, you will be KoS (fresh spawn/geared) I am fully geared and have only died in one firefight. All my other deaths have been from falling off of ladders, sliding off roofs, or clipping through tall buildings. I generally try to help my friends gear up and show them the ropes.


Tonight, myself and 2 friends were at the NEAF helping gear a friend that just purchased the game. I stepped out of the prison with my ax ready because there was a zombie close by. As soon as I got close to the zombie, a random player walked out from behind the hangar. He immediately stepped back into hiding. There were 2 randoms on the server and one of them was named "Heroes Suck". I was pretty sure he was a bandit and I rushed for the side of the hangar and took cover. I worked my way to the edge and could see him around the corner waiting for me. I told my friends in TeamSpeak and they ran behind me to cover my 6. Now the player has gone prone and has his Mosin pointed in my direction as if he thinks I'm going to come rushing after him. While my friends work their way to the other side of the hangar, the random player gets up and begins walking backwards. I inform my friends of his position and direction he was headed. Gunfire breaks out, the random player turns toward my friends, I swing around the corner and burst fire my M4 a few times until the player drops. Turns out there were 2 guys and the second one was trying to get into position to flank me when he ran into my friends. Our newest friend is dead after we just got him some decent gear and an M4 but we all have adrenaline pumping through our veins.


Sometimes I get frustrated with the game because of the alpha bugs. However, the heart pounding feeling that I get when in a firefight in this game is different than any other. That's why I continue to play this game and look past all the broken bugs that I agree to every time I log in. 

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Eight. Mostly armed people with a reason even though once the guy had a friend with melee.

I also got a lot of murders that don't matter such as a crazy fresh spawn who sprinted around me and tried to knock me out.

Edited by Sutinen

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I've spent about 50 hours in SA and I barely killed someone... I prefer to avoid encounters if possible.

Why should I kill someone who is not even walking into my direction and neither knows I'm there, with a sniping rifle... doesn't make sense to me.

There are some occasions where I'm looting a Hotspot and face myself in Close-Combat... that's where I have no choice most of the time.


I would say that I killed about ~8 players, all of them in self defense.

Edited by YassirX

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  On 1/31/2014 at 9:54 AM, MrJoeDirty said:

Actually, anytime somone says actually, they are actually probably lying about something and/or may actually be telling the truth...actually. As for myself, i have actually killed just 1 person ~80 hours of play.

That's a lot of actually.......are you prepared to take a lie detector :)

And no, I'm telling the truth

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I figure about 10 ... mostly for neutral reasons (self defence, came under fire first, wrong place wrong time) and twice where I put down an irritating (to me) new spawn.

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120hrs played, 0 kills, 0 shots fired at players.

Death by players: 3

Death by hive: 11


The Red Queen is my most dangerous foe.

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  On 1/31/2014 at 11:58 AM, dejeffers said:

120hrs played, 0 kills, 0 shots fired at players.

Death by players: 3

Death by hive: 11


The Red Queen is my most dangerous foe.

Nice, but I think sometime you have to kill someone if you want to live.

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  On 1/31/2014 at 12:43 PM, ColByKid said:

Nice, but I think sometime you have to kill someone if you want to live.

Think I'm too much of an optimist. I know there is good out there... there has to be... but a few more "no talking, gamma fiddling KoS'ers" might change my mind!

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In 130 hours I've killed about 50 players for one reason or another, all of them geared. But, I've let more people go than people I've killed.

Edited by Solopopo

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I was training my aim. Only a few fresh spawns.

My aim still sucks on moving targets, so there will be about 50 more. When I am confident winth my ranged aim I will go explore the map. See ya all in game, well you probably will not see me :D

Btw I die a lot to, so fair enough I think..

Edited by Nienko

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One lol


We were both friendly at first then he tried to axe me, so I reciprocated and somehow won. But iv spent most of my 20 odd hours scouting new campsites, and exploring, up north. All three of my other encounters went well, no one wanted to trade but we both walked away every time :)

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Zero, I have 12hours of game time. I have seen about 20people ran around with some enjoyed my time talking to people and looting around, you learn a lot about the game talking to people and find cool things.

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Too many to count, I've killed 3 at a time dismantled whole groups, in some occasions I have been guilty of killing bambi's not before some interaction though. Hopefully in the future they set up some kind of stat system but I guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed for that.

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  On 1/31/2014 at 1:32 PM, Nienko said:



I was training my aim. Only a few fresh spawns.

My aim still sucks on moving targets, so there will be about 50 more. When I am confident winth my ranged aim I will go explore the map. See ya all in game, well you probably will not see me :D

Btw I die a lot to, so fair enough I think..

What kind of weapon do you use? (Mosin, M4, Shogun....)

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Mosin 600 and more meters. M4 up to 500 meters and close fights. In close fights I usualy die, coz I suck when shooting moving targets. Oh and I just hate Magnum, it only works if I shoot someone from behind..

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55 Hours, Like you... no kills! I have met many friendly players though. I stay off the coast.

Edited by Gangrene

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Not so keen on bambies, because they just run like crazy side to side. Its fun watching them in Electro running with fists up for 5 and more minutes up and down the street. I just dont get why they do that. They would be less noticible if they use cover and move slow.

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  On 1/31/2014 at 4:02 PM, Nienko said:

Not so keen on bambies, because they just run like crazy side to side. Its fun watching them in Electro running with fists up for 5 and more minutes up and down the street. I just dont get why they do that. They would be less noticible if they use cover and move slow.

I think its because if they find a geard person one good punch there knocked out and its free gear for them, this is why i have no trust any more after some one tried this on me when i was trying to help, i kill on site if alone if with friends i will hold you up rob you take your stuff feed you rotten fruits then clean your system by giving your disinfectent then leave you in middle of road with a sack on your head.

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