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Why I Am Friendly

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So...a lot of people ask me why the hell I am friendly when everyone just go blazing rifles killing every single thing that moves. Well...This game is pretty psychologic and emotional, so I know that if I just kill someone for no reason I will ruin part of the game because he will stop trusting players eventually and I'll just perpetuate a dumb way of play. I aprove bandits, that's part of the game and it's ok...but KoS, what happens in the game right know is just plain stupid.


When I meet some player and help them with a soda or some ammo, they faith is restored at least partially and that will help them to act the same way, I admit most of the time we get fucked by KoSers who are just camping with their Mosins or bandits that steal our trousers, but being friendly just adds more realism. I know people will freak out and rob on a zombie apocalypse but I know I would be pretty happy to meet another survivor (I might add we need tons of more zombies in the game for that to happen properly) so I'll try to work as a team at least for a while. 


And...that's the why I play as a friendly player...to add the co-op survival team-work the game needs. Is a long time commitment to earn a player's trust, but it's totally worth it :)

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a great post and even greater spirit. i hope you continue playing the way you do. yes KOS is a necessary part of the game you cant deny it; but interaction and superiority in numbers against a common cause id say is far more necessary in a post apocalyptic setting.


keep restoring the faith

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Im a friendly player who plays as a vigilante, rarely killing anyone when i solo, but i'd rather have full on PVP with military vs. survivor factions. I don't get the friendly stuff as things are now really as there are not enough "antagonists" in the game as it is and giving players food and stuff sort of takes away from the only other meaningful aspect of the game a little bit IMO which is the survival aspect.

Edited by Thane
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Good post!


*On a side note: I can't wait until Cannibalism is implemented so I can eat your fingers so you can no longer type this uplifting crap...and your face.

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So...a lot of people ask me why the hell I am friendly when everyone just go blazing rifles killing every single thing that moves. Well...This game is pretty psychologic and emotional, so I know that if I just kill someone for no reason I will ruin part of the game because he will stop trusting players eventually and I'll just perpetuate a dumb way of play. I aprove bandits, that's part of the game and it's ok...but KoS, what happens in the game right know is just plain stupid.


When I meet some player and help them with a soda or some ammo, they faith is restored at least partially and that will help them to act the same way, I admit most of the time we get fucked by KoSers who are just camping with their Mosins or bandits that steal our trousers, but being friendly just adds more realism. I know people will freak out and rob on a zombie apocalypse but I know I would be pretty happy to meet another survivor (I might add we need tons of more zombies in the game for that to happen properly) so I'll try to work as a team at least for a while. 


And...that's the why I play as a friendly player...to add the co-op survival team-work the game needs. Is a long time commitment to earn a player's trust, but it's totally worth it :)

And people like you who don't whine and rage into becoming a bandit are the true heroes of the game. As long as people like you are around, this game will be fine. I believe the number of heroes will slowly start to increase, and before you know it bandits will not be as much of an issue as they are now. I don't think there's anything wrong with KoS but I guess since there aren't many true heroes out there it seems to be a larger issue than it really is. 

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im a selfish asshole who will shoot you if i think you are well supplied and i can benefit from it.


why do i play this way? because its exciting to do something bad and profit from it. as i loot your body, maybe u have friends nearby? or maybe on teamspeak. maybe they are running at me as im crouched. 


if i get away with it, its like heroin coursing through my veins. i feel empowered. 


m4? ammo? mosin! long range scope?


but my high only lasts a little bit. i sulk back into the shadows and wait for my next victim. 


bottom line, its about my survival. 


maybe we'll cross paths one day. maybe we'll see each other. probably not tho. 



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I don't know why, but I get a thrill from hanging out at the airfields and shooting unwary looters. Why?

Because it's a gamble. I can go play Cs:Go, or Red Orchestra 2 and shoot and get shot.... but there is a thrill in making someone lose their hard earned gear while the odds are they have friends in the area who will wreck me. And me getting wrecked is a strooong possibility because I've been killed by ghosting a-holes at least five times now (I pin you in a house with one entrance, then that mofo somehow magically comes up behind me). And yes, each time it was the exact same person I was fighting because I saw them and unless it happened to be a guy with the exact identical gear down to the weapon mod... amywayh...

Outside of that, I try to be friendly to people, but this game makes it VERY hard, seeing as Bambi hunting is all most people do.

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Stay playing this way OP

I've been a good guy since the start of the mod and some of the best times were meeting up with and playing with total strangers

I can be your best friend or your worst enemy

If a survivor is nice I'll protect them, give them aid and try keep their mindset on being friendly

Betray me, kill my friends or attempt to kill me and I'll spend the rest of my time hunting you down relentlessly

It's just the way I play

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior
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Yes, this game needs to evolve more into a coop survival game for sure. Adding more zombies would be a good start, just so poeple will almost have to team up, just to repel the monsters.


As for KOS, it needs to slow down... somehow. I have played this game for over 80 hours. In those 80 hours i have killed 1 person. Reason being, he was killing some guy that just spawned(still in loading screen) who had full loot. But aside from that i haven't killed a single person. I am one of those that wants to help and have fun. Like you said above, this game is very emotional and phsycological. Which it is. Which is what gets me the most. I give everyone a chance. I help everyone i come in contact with. For example, I have been playing the same character for about 25 hours. I had everything you could ask for. I had loads of food and drink, medical supplies and self defense tools. I was near the coast for about the last 6-8 hours of play time. I was taking the equippment i had and giving it out to the fresh spawns. In total i would guess i helped about 30-40 fresh spawns, giving them a variety of the things they needed. I had a fair share of encounters with other poeple too... I hid in a spot and would just pop out when i saw somone passing. I would then offer them my goods... Even other fully equipped guys. I confronted everyone though, i never had my gun drawn. So i never appear as a threat. Well yesterday i helped out a group of about 3 guys. giving them all food and drink and giving them a medpac and saline bags, to use as a group. They were very thankful and went on their way. I then retreated back to my "hiding spot" and waited, but then 30 seconds later i was shot in the back by an m4... Never a warning, no voice and no chat. He just walked up and unloaded on me. Killing me on sight.


It's one thing to be a Bandit, but it's another to kill on sight. All i can say, is that those who KOS have a low maturity level and are probably emotionally unstable. How can you even KOS? This game has emotional and phsycological ties that killing should trigger. Though its just a game, your taking the life of some other person. In my case, thats 25 hours of nothing but friendly selfless play time. Giving away, in many cases, more than i could afford to. When killed you just ruined the day for me, as well as all the other potential poeple i could have helped. Fresh spawns are always there... most just kill them on sight. But these are in many cases, are new players that need just a bit of quick tips and resources. Give them a chance, run up to them and give them a few pointers and point them in the direction away form the coast. Seriously, everyone was a new spawn at some point.


KOS makes more KOS(ers), like CJ14 stated. As for myself, i will not let my good spirits vanish. I will continue to assist everyone in anyway i can. This is the first game to ever make my stomach hurt from nervousness and adrenaline... just because of the "trust or not to trust" aspect of the game. I will continue to trust and assist others. Until there is an alternative to KOS, i will continue to try and reinstall trust into other players harddrives.

Edited by MrJoeDirty
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I'm the real hero. I only kill people with guns. Plural. I have four of them...

i got 5 guns :>

M4, both shotguns, a revolver and fnx

all with ammo :>

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Good stuff mrjoedirty

This is exactly the kind of thing my group does, there's always some action from hostiles but we also meet some good people who are just very scared

We do what we can and I like to think that some of these people will do the same for someone else

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KOS is not part of the game, Banditry is, Anyone who says KoS is part of the game is a retard. It ruins it for thousands of players. We should worry about getting robbed not dying from some asshole sniping.

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The way the game is right now gives 0 reasons to be friendly...but I'm sure as it develops it will give us reasons to be, not necessarily teaming up, but we all try to survive...so, not died from another player is always a good thing :)

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KOS is not part of the game, Banditry is, Anyone who says KoS is part of the game is a retard. It ruins it for thousands of players. We should worry about getting robbed not dying from some asshole sniping.


Im not sure I follow this line of thinking. KOS is not part of the game? What the hell does that even mean?


So in a zombie apol, if I was hungry and you had food and there was a total breakdown of police, government and the religious state, I wouldn't do something rash to survive? I love how everyone thinks there would be the harmonious atmosphere in the air during the end of the world. I love it. We all hold hands, we chit chat- "got enough beans, my friend?"


We can't even shop in a mall in a civilized manner during Xmas, my friend. Get real.


Whether they kill you for loot, or for sport, its going to happen. Maybe the sniper went mad and he's flippin out postal style.

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KOS is not part of the game, Banditry is, Anyone who says KoS is part of the game is a retard. It ruins it for thousands of players. We should worry about getting robbed not dying from some asshole sniping.

And here you can see a post which makes no sense. So you're trying to force people to grow a neckbeard, wear a fedora and roleplay? Never gonna happen. You got a gun? You are a threat. And that is just a mere example. If i need food, its just much easier to shoot someone rather than go ask for a can with the chance of getting killed.

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Just because I have a gun and am running in the total opposite direction, not merely a threat, gives most of you players a reason to KoS? Its your guys line of thinking that is completely messed up.. Your pretty much saying if the world ended and zombies were everywhere you would let your true psychopath sadistic side out?

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Im not sure I follow this line of thinking. KOS is not part of the game? What the hell does that even mean?


So in a zombie apol, if I was hungry and you had food and there was a total breakdown of police, government and the religious state, I wouldn't do something rash to survive? I love how everyone thinks there would be the harmonious atmosphere in the air during the end of the world. I love it. We all hold hands, we chit chat- "got enough beans, my friend?"


We can't even shop in a mall in a civilized manner during Xmas, my friend. Get real.


Whether they kill you for loot, or for sport, its going to happen. Maybe the sniper went mad and he's flippin out postal style.

becuse people are stronger in groups maybe?. humans had never come so far if it was not  for cooperation.  your more effektive in goups. some hunt for food. some get wood some gard the village and so on. 

Edited by plation

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Im not sure I follow this line of thinking. KOS is not part of the game? What the hell does that even mean?

So in a zombie apol, if I was hungry and you had food and there was a total breakdown of police, government and the religious state, I wouldn't do something rash to survive? I love how everyone thinks there would be the harmonious atmosphere in the air during the end of the world. I love it. We all hold hands, we chit chat- "got enough beans, my friend?"

We can't even shop in a mall in a civilized manner during Xmas, my friend. Get real.

Whether they kill you for loot, or for sport, its going to happen. Maybe the sniper went mad and he's flippin out postal style.

I think the argument is, is that even in places (and through time), when civilization breaks down and anarchy takes hold, violence and might-makes-right does take over.

What doesn't happen, however, is a full out free for all death match where everyone murders everyone.

I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't KoS. I think it's boring and can be very obnoxious outside of military bases. It's just that using the, "if this happened in real life" argument can go both ways. As humans, we are social creatures. We tend to group up, not just go lone wolf and murder everyone.

The only reason I generally KoS in bases is because animations and lag make sticking people up incredibly risky. In real life, I could ambush you and make you keep your arms up while twenty feet away and watch for sudden movements. This game, sadly, has had instances where I try to stick a guy up and suddenly he sprints and starts rubber banding all over the place and suddenly shoots me while on my screen he doesn't have a gun out. My computer is pretty decent and my connection is the best money can buy; DayZ is still in alpha, the animations can glitch and people lagging / desync can cause weird movements.

Let's also not forget about combat loggers who quit, relocate and then jump back into your server to ambush you.

As it stands, trying to rob people is almost as risky to the bandit as it is to the one who wants to fight back against being robbed.

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gentleman bandit if the need arises...


but fucking your day up if you really need to fuck with ours...




The only reason I generally KoS

...you explain it with choppy graphics ? wow...

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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Most (not all) KOS players lack imagination. To them this is a game like a football (or soccer as we call it) match. Shooting people means they win and getting shot means they lose. That's why they keep score and brag about how many players they've killed. 


Other players really immerse themselves in the setting and play more thoughtfully. While there has never been anything nearly as catastrophic as the events depicted in this game, there have been major disasters and people did not start assassinating their neighbors to steal their supplies. Claiming that you are just doing what anyone would do in this situation is a false argument. 


I play RPGs with a small group of friends because I like the collaborative storytelling aspects of it. (You might be surprised by our group by the way. Far from being "basement dwelling neckbeards" it is composed of a Federal Patent Judge, Archaeologist, Graphic Artist, Psychologist, Speech Pathologist, among others. We all have careers and families.) We have a player or two that only seems interested in killing everything they can and looting everything they can carry. They have little to no imagination and really don't understand what the rest of us are trying to do.


I am not advocating that DayZ become a RPG, but if KOS players really put some thought in to the setting and were honest with themselves, I think less of them would KOS. I am always suspicious of those that make bold claims about what they would or wouldn't do in dangerous situations. The fact is that you don't know what you would do until you are in that situation. If you're being shot at, you might seek cover and return fire or you might piss and shit yourself or hide or run away. 


I am not against all KOS players and I think it must remain a part of the game. I just don't like the arrogant KOS players that make broad, sweeping assumptions about what they would do in a situation similar to the one depicted in this game.

Edited by worst2first

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