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About BuddyRP

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    Helicopter Hunter

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    United States
  • Interests
    Movies, Video Games & Animals

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  1. BuddyRP

    Fish FIllet's Incorrectly Labeled

    Thanks for bringing that up! I completely forgot to add that to this post; I hope that gets fixed as well. Getting two fillets again after a while of not just flat out made my day :)
  2. Hello, Short and to the point; "Cooked Fish Fillets" have shared the exact same item label & description as "Raw Fish FIllets" since nearly the fishing mechanic itself was added to the game and I am merely hoping to bring that to anyone's attention. I'm aware that it is nowhere near the top of the priorities list, however given how long it has remained this way through the games development, I just thought it may have been overlooked for forgotten. I apologize if this is not the proper section to post this as I did not know exactly where to report it. Thank you for reading. Evidence: Actual Raw Fish FIllet Cooked Fish Fillet
  3. BuddyRP

    Items That Don't Spawn Anymore

    I think that it might be... I've been wire hunting through sheds again and still no luck :( RIP my fishing net traps
  4. BuddyRP

    Sam Bauer's Story - (Cinematic TV Style Series)

    Amazing!!! Bring me that episode four baby!! ❤
  5. A lot of incredibly talented role players in this community. It's definitely worth checking out if you love DayZ and are looking for an experience unlike any other!
  6. BuddyRP

    Do I look pretty?

    or is about to have one against their will.. or is just very kinky
  7. BuddyRP


    Search function That's all :)
  8. BuddyRP

    Bollocks to being friendly!

    Couldn't hurt to express interest in grouping up with other players here on the forums who are also the friendly types like yourself. I'm sure then your survival experience will be at least an improvement
  9. bottom of your screen in server browser. open the filter settings and clear the max ping number apply and refresh~
  10. because alpha that's why. a friend of mine was shot dead right next to me. 1 mosin round to the neck. youd only think everything below that wouldnt be damaged.. WRONG! every last bit of gear aside from his m4 went from pristine to ruined condition in a matter of one bullet. indeed it does need fixing, however the devs have their sights on much more pressing bugs / fixes id imagine
  11. BuddyRP

    Alt Tab Death

    lol.. really there too? my bad then, havent been able to play in a good week or so. feel free to check cars again when they have gear...again :rolleyes:
  12. BuddyRP

    Alt Tab Death

    i would avoid tabbing out anywhere near towns then unless accompanied by another person who would protect you. also, check every car you find, map pieces are VERY commonly spawned in the seats / trunks
  13. all i can say in response is that with or without lag, its very common to see other players around you run through solid objects / buildings on your screen while on their own they are actually not. perhaps the person who came inside desync'd and rubberband'ed backwards in the lagspike or they indeed just logged out. no way to be sure unfortunately swallowing my words by saying this but.... alpha? :huh:
  14. BuddyRP

    Why I Am Friendly

    a great post and even greater spirit. i hope you continue playing the way you do. yes KOS is a necessary part of the game you cant deny it; but interaction and superiority in numbers against a common cause id say is far more necessary in a post apocalyptic setting. keep restoring the faith
  15. BuddyRP

    The Search Funciton

    it doesn't. i simply couldn't help but notice the amount of times new users are told to use the search function and i wonder every time "what if there was a way for them to know to use it without having to be told time and time again?" thus, resulting in me thinking about ways to try and help fix that and then coming here to share my thoughts with others; because that's what you do on forums. this is a suggestion section and i'm providing my suggestion. it would seem however that nowadays a civilized response is too much to ask for of some individuals.