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Bambi's Knocking Out Geared Players.

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Haha, I see it coming. After bambis have cried a lot in the forum about kos. No bandits start crying about pos.  :D


Yup, they sure do. And I am loving every minute of it:


No, this needs to be removed, fuck everyone who thinks it is a good ability.


Not everyone is Mike Tyson. When I'm wearing a helmet and gasmask, there is no way you can knock me out with one weird punch you swing at me while you run at me. There is no fucking way.


This "feature" makes it so that freshspawns aren't defenseless, which defeats the fucking purpose. The game is supposed to be harsh and making it so you can one-hit knockout fully geared players defeats the purpose.


Also, I've never been knocked out with a one hit punch, mainly because I either avoid or shoot defenseless assholes due to fucks like you.



Here, Insane Aradia, have a video. Fast forward to around 2:30 and watch a m4 armed player like you get beaten by a freshspawn, no knockout punches even, until the coastbandit has to combat log in shame. Like your kind usually do when faced with the consequences of your actions:


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People who are afraid of fresh spawns need to

A. Stop camping them and

B. Wear a motorcycle helmet.


Typically if I'm a fresh spawn being threatened by someone with a gun, the only reasons I managed to punch them out are because of the lack of motorcycle helmet (keep one in your backpack and switch to it for interaction, its not hard) and the fact that they are looking for trouble (or batteries) in a place they shouldn't be hanging around (after about 10 fresh spawn hold ups Id be surprised if you're not knocked out).


Also if you're going to coast camp, be more aware of your surroundings so fresh spawns can't sneak up on you and take some target practice. I can't tell you how many times I've punched out m4 campers that fire at least 40 (out of a 60 round clip) and not hit me once.

Edited by Maia

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Also until the game and servers are more stable people will always be able to lag kill you by running and zigzagging etc

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If you allow someone to get within melee distance, you might as well save them the trouble and punch yourself in the face.

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Freshys need to keep the ability to knock you out.


If you wear a helmet..ok..fine. But only the motorcycle helmet should offer a certain degree of protection ( tied to the state its in of course )...NOT the combat helmet..

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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Typically if I'm a fresh spawn being threatened by someone with a gun, the only reasons I managed to punch them out are because of the lack of motorcycle helmet (keep one in your backpack and switch to it for interaction, its not hard)


I don't really find that to be a rewarding gameplay. Having to have a helmet to combat something overpowered.


If, on the other hand i was able to block a hit, or deflect it, then i would be all okay, with the 1-2 hit to the head knockouts. But currently, as long as his aim is true, a hit will always land. In reality it is more like 1 out of 10 swings that land clean.


Not to talk about the hits always landing at full force regardless of circumstance 

Edited by Firstbornchicken

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There was one time when a bambi tried to attack me with their fists and all I had was a pipe wrench. He obviously wasn't as good or as accurate at punching and couldn't get one hit on me, so I knocked him out with my pipe wrench and left him for the zombies.

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I don't really find that to be a rewarding gameplay. Having to have a helmet to combat something overpowered.


If, on the other hand i was able to block a hit, or deflect it, then i would be all okay, with the 1-2 hit to the head knockouts. But currently, as long as his aim is true, a hit will always land. In reality it is more like 1 out of 10 swings that land clean.


Not to talk about the hits always landing at full force regardless of circumstance 



The person has NOTHING but their fists. And you sure should have the ability to win while beign "fully geared" . If you dont...well...you either got tricked or you got careless ( tho they go hand in hand ).

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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OMG people are complaining about this? Really?!

OMG I went to the beach to kill unarmed players, knockout is totally OP!

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OMG I went to the beach to kill unarmed players, knockout is totally OP!

Do you really think that killing unarmed players is the only reason to be armed near the coast?


That's sad.. 

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pos is actually my bambi gear up tactic.. i run up to someone geared and one two punch them on head and they go down.. i loot the gun and finish them off


this works best when they don't know you're there.. but it works just as well since you run much faster then someone trying to take out a weapon.. 


this is how i gear up.. i don't loot.. i pos.. if i die which happens too.. oh well.. try again


im a scumbag.. yes


two days a go i saw a guy run in a house in electro.. i ran in after him.. he must have heard me coming.. as he was crouched on third floor end of hallway with m4 drawn and aimed..


i yell yolo and run up anyways.. he shoots me.. i punch him twice in head.. i go black and white but he goes unconcious.. i loot the m4 and game over for him


pro tip for you other scumbags.. if you play 3rd person.. aim higher then head or you will never punch the head

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I REAAAAALY think this needs to be adjusted. Not because of gear loss, or realism (its absolutely possible), but because people are starting to do THIS, instead of "playing" the game.


Are we really going to have this conversation again? Just because it's not how you play doesn't mean it's not playing the game. If you don't want your face punched occasionally, don't let your face get in punching range of random strangers.



And the fact that some people can manage to do this to THREE armed players working together, or 2 people who are holding down a CORRIDOR? Sorry, but this is ridiculous.


That is ridiculous. Who are these players and why do they suck so much?



Its going to turn this game into an arcadey mosh pit game with survival elements... 


Ahh, here we go. The "it's going to turn into" argument we've been hearing since May 2012. So far, none of these predictions have come true. The game isn't going to turn into anything  just because some people choose a style of play that you find a bit odd.


As in real life, simply adopt a general policy not hanging around people who randomly punch you in the face. It works just as well in the game as it does in reality. If you want to make friends, choose people who don't use their body parts to smash your body parts. It's really not that complicated and it entirely solves the problem.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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If I'm a fresh spawn and you get close enough to me while we small talk, it will come to fisticuffs. So far I've taken out 15 geared guys with one Mike Tyson blow to the raisin case. Am I alone in this practice? Punch on sight.

i have bad news for you. i'm afraid you might be a noob.

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this is how i gear up.. i don't loot.. i pos.. if i die which happens too.. oh well.. try again


im a scumbag.. yes




over a years worth of game dev. time ruined in a single post..

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over a years worth of game dev. time ruined in a single post..


'cause somehow what he chooses to do in the game matters to everyone or has any impact whatsoever on what the developers have accomplished. Because, I don't know? You said so. Or something.

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'cause somehow what he chooses to do in the game matters to everyone or has any impact whatsoever on what the developers have accomplished. Because, I don't know? You said so. Or something.


It's clearly his opinion.. Cool the attitude.


I for one agree with him. Currently hitting with your hands is far superior to what i feel fitting relative to the rest of the game. And before you go raging again, no i am not claiming this is some ultimate truth. Using this as your main approach to gearing, is right up there with things like server hopping

Edited by Firstbornchicken

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i only do this on regular servers since hardcore is for my serious play.. but sometimes you need a break from the seriousness and just make a regular hive char and not give a shit.. it's quite an accomplishment to pull this shit off .. try it

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It's clearly his opinion..


What does that even mean? Yes, it's his opinion. I was responding to his goofy opinion. Just because something is someone's opinion doesn't mean it can't be weird or stupid.



Cool the attitude.


Haha, yeah. Okay. 34 years of being a sarcastic ass and this is what's going to turn it all around. "Well, I was a real pill until Firtbornchicken told me to cool it one day on the DayZ forums and ever since then I've been a straight-laced, no-nonsense kinda' guy!"

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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What does that even mean? Yes, it's his opinion. I was responding to his goofy opinion. Just because something is someone's opinion doesn't mean it can't be weird or stupid.




Haha, yeah. Okay. 34 years of being a sarcastic ass and this is what's going to turn it all around. "Well, I was a real pill until Firtbornchicken told me to cool it one day on the DayZ forums and ever since then I've been a straight-laced, no-nonsense kinda' guy!"


So your fine with being an unproductive sarcastic ass?.. Welcome to my ignore list you waste of space.. Don't bother to reply, i wont see it. Typical fucking americans

Edited by Firstbornchicken
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Typical fucking americans


Ahh, yes. Firstbornchicken's brain, where being a little sarcastic is an unforgivable sin but profane xenophobia insulting an entire nation of people is just fine and dandy.


Typical, I don't know, Ivory Coaster? Brazilian? Just wild guesses here because I don't have weird prejudices about other countries bumping around in my head.


Also, is there even an ignore feature here?

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Getting PoS'd is easy to avoid. No need to nerf punching for everyone, when some players just need to buff their own critical thinking.

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