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What do you think of people calling Kill on Sight players ... "kids"?

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KoS is a part of the game! If you want humanity and the good of people play Walking Dead because you will grow attached to all the characters in this game. DayZ on the other hand is not about a story, it's a sandbox with infinite player choices.

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KoS is a part of the game! If you want humanity and the good of people play Walking Dead because you will grow attached to all the characters in this game. DayZ on the other hand is not about a story, it's a sandbox with infinite player choices.

But you should only KOS if they have a gun. Killing a fresh spawn is just down right cold. 

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But you should only KOS if they have a gun. Killing a fresh spawn is just down right cold. 


I disagree, it's unsporting and a dick move, but not "cold", they're being a douche and wasting someone's time, not drowning puppies.

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i only KoS at airfields.... everywhere else I would much rather engage in conversation to establish intentions before acting.


If you catch me at the airfield though.... you're gonna meet a few friends of mine at 1000fps

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But you should only KOS if they have a gun. Killing a fresh spawn is just down right cold. 

I may agree with that, but you are allowed to be down right cold in DayZ.

There is no right or wrong way to play DayZ.

I to think to myself when I get sniped as a fresh spawn'

"man that guys a fucking douche for killing me with no weapons and no threat to him"

But that's DayZ, you have the choice to be whatever kind of player you want.

Honestly, without that fear of being KOS at any moment. DayZ wouldn't be half as fun to play.

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KoS is a part of the game! If you want humanity and the good of people play Walking Dead because you will grow attached to all the characters in this game. DayZ on the other hand is not about a story, it's a sandbox with infinite player choices.


Calling people whatever you feel like calling them is also part of the game.  People can KOS and people can complain about being KOS'd.  You know..."infinite player choices" and all. 

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Calling people whatever you feel like calling them is also part of the game.  People can KOS and people can complain about being KOS'd.  You know..."infinite player choices" and all. 


You're right! Haha. I don't mind being called a kid. I just see this as hilarious.

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But you should only KOS if they have a gun. Killing a fresh spawn is just down right cold. 

It's not cold when the fresh spawn is making a b line for me to KO me and steal my gear. I do it all the time as a bambi. Get over it. People who call KoSer's kids or whatever else, their tears add bullets to my gun, and nourishment to my in game body. 

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Its the internet, and as long as people are trying to act tougher than one another they will call eachother "kid".

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Its the internet, and as long as people are trying to act tougher than one another they will call eachother "kid".


Then again, some of do it because we're 2-3x the average players age.  :D

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Most of the "I'm only doing KoS" threads have been from kids, or at least from people who seem to think like kids.


"Oh my God, I had a bad experience so I'm only going to act this way because I want to avoid that bad experience at all costs; even though logic and reasoning would dictate that I can mitigate most risks and make more nuanced decisions, but that would be hard so I'm just going to KoS."


It's the same reaction you get from a kid, or a dog that was beaten once too many times. Now whether or not the attempt at black and white reasoning is right or wrong depends on whether it improves the player's (the player who is doing the KoS) experience or makes that experience worse.


That's my opinion on it any way. Most people will look at what risks they are or are not willing to take, and will act accordingly. Deity's decision to shoot new spawns that are running for him is one of those risk management decisions that most players make in DayZ.

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It's whatever to me. Let me ramble about my thoughts on it. I don't typically try to go out of my way to kill fresh spawns. If i'm sitting there camping freshspawns purposely, that's one thing. I would call someone doing that a huge pussy. It isn't cold at all, but let's be honest, it is pretty lame. However, you should always be weary of anyone's intent in this game. As one of the above posters said, many will try to B line and punch you out.


I've had different reactions. In my experiences, I've tried to be nice to quite a few freshspawns by dropping gear for them, my gun included and they've tried to knock me out in the process. Every time that's happened, I've just picked up my gun and blew them away. If you're going to be a dick when i'm trying to be nice, respawn and enjoy the time you just wasted. That's just my lesson given on being patient. I've also had people that were downright appreciative of my offer and we're really cool with everything. I've never personally had anyone I've given a gun and bullets to ever turn around and kill me because of it. Maybe it's because they thought that if I had gone that far to willingly give up a deadly weapon, I would give them whatever else they needed if they just asked. They have, and I've been cool with parting with half of my stuff to help them out. That's me feeling nice. That's a chance you take.


However, one bit of reasoning that stuck with me through that mod was one tough bastard that taught me how to play the mod. His reasoning, which is still absolutely correct is: "Why would I let the fresh spawn go if there were loot around? Who is to say that if I'm nice and let him go, that later he won't find a weapon, stalk me and then murder me and take all of my shit? I don't want to take that chance and have it be on me." So, I stick by banditing most of the time because of this fact, and well, punching. KoSing for that reason alone is justified, no matter who it is. It's just the safer alternative. Either you or him.


It's really up to you whether or not you want to take a chance with people. I do it all the time. I've had it end up poorly sometimes, but usually if your approach is well-mannered, sometimes it does make all the difference. I've actually been geared to the gills running around with 4 other fresh spawns without any of them trying to kill me. I told them i'd give them a hand to get geared up, and fight off anyone who tried to stop us. All of them were cool with it. It really depends on what risks you're willing to take from anyone. Be it the geared up guy, or the freshspawn thinking about jacking their shit. Sometimes you get assholes, or people that don't want to take a chance, and sometimes you get people that are pretty cool with teaming up or letting you help them. There isn't just a black and white to KoSing, unless you see a sniper on the coast shooting bambis... that's kind of an obvious thing what they are doing there lol.


One thing is true for this game though, as it was in the mod: Strength is definitely in numbers. Both with people and weapons. So, if you're fortunate enough to team up with a fair amount of people, let's say 6 people, and make a common goal not to kill but to help each other, move together and manage to get geared up together, you can more or less decimate any KoS people in your path. I'm really surprised and don't understand why more people aren't taking this approach. It's been tried and true in the mod. 

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You're right! Haha. I don't mind being called a kid. I just see this as hilarious.


I always laugh when called a kid, I just tell them nah I am just still a dick at 30. 

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I just want to say, that people who KoS on servers that are literally labeled "NO KOS SERVER" Are d-bags. They just snipe you for the fun of sniping you, as a fresh spawn, or as a dude who has some stuff. Just lost a mosin to somebody doing that on a no KoS server with like.. 6 people on it. What are the odds..

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Who cares what they call me after I kill them. Most of the time they are probably pissed. I would just laugh.

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Because they want to find a reason for making themselves feel better. They got KoS'd and they didn't like that. It's a natural response to insult the other player to make yourself feel better.

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i think you're misinterpreting the term. 


as far as i know - CoD Kiddies = People whose only interest is to get a gun, and then sit in one of the coastal cities in order to shoot anyone and anything they come across, then die, and repeat. 


going up north and shooting everyone you see is entirely different, it's taken 3+ hours to get all the gear, and fuck getting sent back to the coast once you're there, you've actually got something to protect.  


i might be wrong though, it's a forum term with probably various meanings to various different people. 


also, there are no such things as "no kos" servers. 


we need a few thing stickied on the forums:

1. vehicles will come, they will not be numerous

2. "no kos" servers don't exist

3. sanity/anti kos systems are not going to be implemented


just a couple of things that people seem to create forum accounts specifically to ask for, ending in 30 topics with the same general idea. 

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Fuck this thread.... I'm old, your all kids, a 15 year old calling a 13 year old kid is dumb.. You both still live with mommy, get over yourselfs..

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Someone killed them and now they're all butthurt and mad over it.


Thats why.


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I think it's a perfectly fair trade, you get to call me all the names you want, if I kill you.

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Im old. I dont care about getting called kid, but its starting to bother me that 1 in 3 people I run into sound like their balls havent dropped yet. Makes me feel too old for this shit.

Edited by Solopopo
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Calling people whatever you feel like calling them is also part of the game.


There's a very obvious difference between killing an avatar in a game, and calling an actual human names. I'm not murdering you, I'm murdering your character. When you run to the forums or reddit to call me names, you're not talking about my character. You're talking about me as a person. So, no, it's not actually "part of the game."


I think it's very telling that the "KoSers" are supposedly the immature, childish "kids" but 99% of the name-calling I see comes from so-called heroes calling people "assholes" or "douchebags" for "ruining the game."

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I just want to say, that people who KoS on servers that are literally labeled "NO KOS SERVER" Are d-bags. They just snipe you for the fun of sniping you, as a fresh spawn, or as a dude who has some stuff. Just lost a mosin to somebody doing that on a no KoS server with like.. 6 people on it. What are the odds..


where did you die?

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