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Played on a 1st Person server last night...

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I wish 3rd person had never been brought to any game ever other than ones that kinda need it like MMORPGs, dungeon crawlers, etc... It has no place in shooters or normal RPGs like Skyrim.

Well I guess it depends on your preferred playstyle. Some people like to play DayZ as a FPS like Call of Duty (1PV players), others like to play it as an MMORPG like WoW or SWTOR (3PV players).

Great thing about this game is that you get to do both. :)

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 i dont care what you or others care.


it comes to pvp on 1st and 3rd servers and you can do nothing against it.


so your point is not vaIid

My point is valid because not everyone cares for pvp, there for not everyone cares about the whole FPS vs 3PP superiority argument. Again if you want to use those servers for pvp thats fine but really leave everyone else that dosnt out of it. Its an open world survival sandbox for a reason. There should be NO LIMITS or restrictions for how ppl choose to play. There for if you choose to limit yourself thats fine.

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It was brilliant.


After playing in 3rd person in the mod and SA up till now, with only a few tries of 1st here and there mainly due to low 1st server populations (and a lack of trying to find high pop servers on my end) I finally saw the light. Its really really different, in ways which didn't quite occur to me until i spent a good amount of time with it. Heres a couple good examples.


-I was going through the [new] western apartment area and was at the hospitals/tech building, on the north/east corner of the south building up on the little slope. I heard a gun and rustling noise that seemed directional and it sounded like it was coming from the west. It seemed close and contact seemed like it was imminent or had already happened. So my first thought is to look for some cover and/or a hiding spot and start scanning that direction. I don't KOS unless im doing the coastal D-Day re-enactment over there with the other aging WWII veterans, so its better to avoid being seen, at least initially. I then see an overturned pickup truck on its side in-between myself and the noise which looks like good cover. I start moving towards it trying to see what i can in 1st person. This is the first point at which i notice i can't see jack s**t [more than i should] in 1st, i can't see much and i don't see anyone. This is also the point where it hammered home fact that if i haven't seen them, they haven't seen me yet and that was a great feeling. I got behind the pickup truck and an another great thing happened -I had no fucking clue what was going on. The fucking truck was in my way. Normally, i'd just use 3rd and see just about everything, instantly. Here i had to sit and let things develop/or not, deciding when and how to look out from cover not knowing what was coming. It might seem like you were more vulnerable, but i've noticed i actually feel safer when im careful, not in a bad way, its being rewarded for being cautious and the more cautious you transverse the environment, the more rewarded you are, which is authentically realistic, enhancing believability and thus hopefully immersion and enjoyment. It was also satisfying because i was in a spot that no one would likely be going past and no one would spot me with a flying eye-in-the-sky whirling around eight feet above them catching glimpse of me in the lower trench i was in.


-Going through Cherno and the aforementioned apartments was very different in a good way too. I was able to glance up at the usual sniper spots in Cherno and the tops of the apartments north of balota/Cherno and know, realistically that there wasn't anyone there or in the case of the tops of buildings with cover, know that no one was currently looking my way (now time to move across open ground, etc). Lovely...  Again, rewarding realistically cautious play -which in turn rewards immersion. Because its actually easier to look around in 3rd person out apt windows while zoomed in IMO, usually its nerve racking to go through the apartments because someone could pop up at any time, someone you can't possibly detect under cover.


-Small thing, but i found after raising the FOV to a more realistic level that i was more in touch with things in front of me, like I started noticing the detail in things. On the other hand there are probably a lot of low res textures in store for me...


Some fixable issues that i think would skyrocket enjoyment in 1st person mode. I think it needs a little help, because if i, as a realism junky can stand 3rd, i think it may be hard for normal players to dig it.


1. Fluid movement. Movement is clunky now and that it is going to be worked on, but i fear they may not take it far enough. Also, a lot of people exclaim that movement shouldn't be too easy as so many other and they are right IMO, but there is a lot of room for improvement and a lot of people don't consider how easy certain movements are for humans. Its not that it shouldn't be realistically difficult, its that the difficulty is slightly put in the wrong areas. For example, walking to a dead end in a narrow hallway in real life instead of turning around fully and walking out, you would walk out by leaning back, shifting your weight backwards


2. Precise lean control. If you are going to poke your head out around corners, at least give us the ability to control it so that it is slower. As it is now, it is too quick/jerky and give a lot of chance to be seen, when a in real life dangerous situation you would slowly peak out and just enough to see what you need to. Now you must jerk outward and if it wasn't enough, you go back up, then jerk outward again, and again and again if needed.


3. Lean out forward to look out windows, over edges. I think this would make the movement and the virtual world feel much more organic and real, not to mention interesting/fun to look straight down off of high places.


4. Arma 3 raise up stance. I don't know what you call it, in Arma 3 where you can go up on your toes as high as you can to look over stuff. Self explanatory. Maybe the ability to move stuff over and peek up over walls


5. Sneak movement mode. Movement is a key element of spotting things and because the existing movement animations are so fast, especially the acceleration into movement, even the slow ones, it would be so nice to have an even slower mode that would very much enhance the realism of sneaking around. The thing is the current slow mode animations ARE appropriate much of the time as it is, but not so much when the danger is imminent.


6. Turning and head panning speed. I think it is just too uncomfortable and unrealistic to have both body turning speed and panning speeds that slow, at all times. When your armed, the speed is fine . But with no weapons your panning speeds are too slow in most situations, especially head movement alone, considering that in real life your head and eyes are working together. As a side note: aiming difficulty could be harder while making panning/looking faster, using more gun/arm momentum, wind, etc.


7. Head bob. From modding head bob in games like Doom 3 and others, i've spent some time examining head bob in real life and i found that i don't really notice it outside of jogging slowly with a heavy pack. Its my guess that evolution has evolved us into not paying attention to it, focusing on important things like not tripping on things and poking our eyes out on tree limbs, finding prey, etc, but thats another forum. What i've found is that there is more of a sudden, quick, screen shake or tiny blur that occurs when planting the feet and the actually bobbing of the head is not noticed. Battlefield 2142 did running particularly well here, blurriness the screen ever so slightly with each foot plant with a barely perceptible bob. The amount should differ based on speed. Like riding a horse, the walk and gallop are much more comfortable than the annoying up/down trot. Same thing for motorcycles, my GSXR 600 is smooth riding at its top speed of 142'ish than at 100 or below.


8. Head bob when running. In real life, the faster you run the less head bob you have. In the game, its more so. Again, Battlefield 2142's example is the right way to go, IMO.


9. Aiming straight down/up. At the moment it is not possible. I think it would feel a little more organic if we could do this.


Bringing over some missed aspects of 3rd person:


10.Looking at your clothing better - I really miss not seeing my clothing. I can sort of see it if i go into the weapon-up pose and look down. I think if the menu system properly showed what your character looked it i would be much better. Right now the lighting on clothing in the menu is very very different and i go into 3PP to really see what clothing looks like.


11. Seeing your gun better - Another nice thing about 3rd person is seeing your weapon from different angles, the menu angles are nice, but i think it would really REALLY benefit 1st person if you had a key to examine the gun, moving it around, from side to side (rolling over) as much as you can with your hands still on the trigger and hand guards. They have done this already in a few other games.


Holy wall of text, no one is going to read this. Hope it fuckin made sense. Oh, good time to tell you about my sexual relationship with your mom...and her love of anal, muahahahahaha....

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3PP sucks, blah, blah, blah!,

FPP is the best, blah, blah, blah!

The bottom line is 3PP is a way to play DayZ, and it's not going anywhere.

I may not agree with DayZ being a 3PP game, but I have to except it.


You just have to look at it from the right perspective!


At least we have "Hardcore" servers. It's just to bad theres 10 times as many people playing on "regular" servers than "hardcore"

But that only shows just how many more people play DayZ with 3PP.

Which is crazy to me because IMO anyone that plays in 3PP is not getting the true DayZ experience.


I don't care what anyone says but that statement is true.


By using 3PP you are taking away from what makes DayZ so special, so much tension and realism is just gone!

IMO it's just lame to be able to stand next to a wall and fell comfortable knowing whats on the other side.

When you walk up against a wall, you should have the feeling of "what if someone is behind it waiting for me"?

Or when walking up the stairs in the jail cell, you shouldn't be able to clearly see whats upstairs before being in any danger.

You should have to be slow and quiet and listen for any footsteps andif you can see any shadows,

but on a 3PP server you can just stand halfway up the stairs and see everything thats up there.

It just takes away so much tension that FPP brings to the game.


It's still a good game in 3PP, but 3PP is a crutch, a tool that gives you a super human ability to look over and around things that your character should not be able to see.

Now if the game was coded better and the 3PP camera couldn't just go through walls then the problem wouldn't be as bad.

But the way you can stand next to a wall with a window and make it so the camera goes out the window letting you see everything thats coming is lame IMO.

3PP makes you fell way safer than you should.


I think alot of people that get upset over 3PP get upset because they know what everyone else is missing, which is a true survival experience.

You just miss out on so much when you use 3PP. What I mean by "so much" is a more genuine survival experience, the tension, the what if? that FPP brings to DayZ.

Of course the exploiting is another reason, but I just feel bad for people that feel like they need to use 3PP, and I don't want to hear,

"FPP makes my eyes hurt" That just a BS excuse, so many games are FPP only and I never hear that shit in any other game.


You can turn the headbob and rotation blur off ya know!


DayZ strives on being as realistic and authentic as possible, 3PP takes so much of that away.

IMO DayZ should be a FPP only game. It just makes sense in a game like this.

But....unfortunately 3PP is a part of DayZ and is NOT going anywhere.


I just hope they can fix the camera issue so that it can not go high enough to see over walls.

Or when your at a corner, the camera wont be able to turn to see around it.

There are solution's to the 3PP exploits. It's just those solution's are not a priority for the devs right now.

I just hope they get addressed someday soon.

In the mean time we just need to be patient and play on the servers that we enjoy.

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83
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My point is valid because not everyone cares for pvp, 

Uh you realize that you can't hide from pvp so I think you should care for it


Edit:  It'd be like someone buying BF and not caring for the pvp......

Edited by Caboose187

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Uh you realize that you can't hide from pvp so I think you should care for it


Edit:  It'd be like someone buying BF and not caring for the pvp......

Actually you can hide from the pvp if your smart enough and dont run into towns gun ho all the time lol.


And i know ppl that buy BF and COD games for only the campaign modes and dont give a rats ass about the multiplayer.

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Actually you can hide from the pvp if your smart enough and dont run into towns gun ho all the time lol.


And i know ppl that buy BF and COD games for only the campaign modes and dont give a rats ass about the multiplayer.

Ok, ya, no pvp, but you're still running around like an America hoorah killing lol.  

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Ok, ya, no pvp, but you're still running around like an America hoorah killing lol.  

And me being American effects the gameplay how?


Oh wait your CANADIAN enough said. >.>


I hope you enjoy Justin Bieber going back to Canada. Cause we sure the hell dont want him.

Edited by Deathlove

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And me being American effects the gameplay how?


Oh wait your CANADIAN enough said. >.>

miss quoted

Edited by Caboose187

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And me being American effects the gameplay how?


Oh wait your CANADIAN enough said. >.>


I hope you enjoy Justin Bieber going back to Canada. Cause we sure the hell dont want him.

Do you even know where Canada is?  And uh, Bieber is a pussy bitch.  Oh and btw, I was talking about the pve in BF, you're still running around killing and not playing shiny happy people which is what some people are trying to do in DayZ and then bitch about being killed.


Anyway, back on topic, 3rd person is bad and is for bads.  I can't wait for more hardcore servers where the playing field is even and no 3rd person players is getting the advantage

Edited by Caboose187

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3rd person is make combat into comedy situation :huh:


is suck credibility from game like dyson :D


nothing look more embarrass  than movie of some 'badass youtube pvp legend' dance around doing exploit to see over wall around trees etc :lol:


they don't realise how stupid this look to all guys who realise is game break mechanic they have no clue :huh:

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Well if you look at my profile it says where I'm from but most Americans don't know where Canada is.  And I was talking about the pve aspect of BF, you're still running around killing and not playing shiny happy people.  

Considering i live right next to your country i should know where it is since we get the most frequent Canadians on vacations.


Thats true but there also not players there NPCS. Players are more unpredictable than NPCs are but there are plenty of options to avoid player contact in this game as well while killing zeds.

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Considering i live right next to your country i should know where it is since we get the most frequent Canadians on vacations.


Thats true but there also not players there NPCS. Players are more unpredictable than NPCs are but there are plenty of options to avoid player contact in this game as well while killing zeds.

Heh, I've been playing on close to full servers and am rarely running into anyone.  Checking all the airstrips, major cities and not a single soul.  Now I'm just camping all the hotspots for server hoppers  B)

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Heh, I've been playing on close to full servers and am rarely running into anyone.  Checking all the airstrips, major cities and not a single soul.  Now I'm just camping all the hotspots for server hoppers  B)

Probably cause they all stay on the coast or near the new town from what i here. I still find allot of players running along the coastal areas at times.

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And me being American effects the gameplay how?

Oh wait your CANADIAN enough said. >.>

I hope you enjoy Justin Bieber going back to Canada. Cause we sure the hell dont want him.

Trust me, we don't like Justin Bieber anymore than you do. You can keep Celine Dion down there too while you're at it. :P

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WOW while you guys bitch at eachother, let me repost what you have pushed back with your douchbaggary.



The bottom line is 3PP is a way to play DayZ, and it's not going anywhere.

I may not agree with DayZ being a 3PP game, but I have to except it.


You just have to look at it from the right perspective!


At least we have "Hardcore" servers. It's just to bad theres 10 times as many people playing on "regular" servers than "hardcore"

But that only shows just how many more people play DayZ with 3PP.

Which is crazy to me because IMO anyone that plays in 3PP is not getting the true DayZ experience.


I don't care what anyone says but that statement is true.


By using 3PP you are taking away from what makes DayZ so special, so much tension and realism is just gone!

IMO it's just lame to be able to stand next to a wall and fell comfortable knowing whats on the other side.

When you walk up against a wall, you should have the feeling of "what if someone is behind it waiting for me"?

Or when walking up the stairs in the jail cell, you shouldn't be able to clearly see whats upstairs before being in any danger.

You should have to be slow and quiet and listen for any footsteps andif you can see any shadows,

but on a 3PP server you can just stand halfway up the stairs and see everything thats up there.

It just takes away so much tension that FPP brings to the game.


It's still a good game in 3PP, but 3PP is a crutch, a tool that gives you a super human ability to look over and around things that your character should not be able to see.

Now if the game was coded better and the 3PP camera couldn't just go through walls then the problem wouldn't be as bad.

But the way you can stand next to a wall with a window and make it so the camera goes out the window letting you see everything thats coming is lame IMO.

3PP makes you fell way safer than you should.


I think alot of people that get upset over 3PP get upset because they know what everyone else is missing, which is a true survival experience.

You just miss out on so much when you use 3PP. What I mean by "so much" is a more genuine survival experience, the tension, the what if? that FPP brings to DayZ.

Of course the exploiting is another reason, but I just feel bad for people that feel like they need to use 3PP, and I don't want to hear,

"FPP makes my eyes hurt" That just a BS excuse, so many games are FPP only and I never hear that shit in any other game.


You can turn the headbob and rotation blur off ya know!


DayZ strives on being as realistic and authentic as possible, 3PP takes so much of that away.

IMO DayZ should be a FPP only game. It just makes sense in a game like this.

But....unfortunately 3PP is a part of DayZ and is NOT going anywhere.


I just hope they can fix the camera issue so that it can not go high enough to see over walls.

Or when your at a corner, the camera wont be able to turn to see around it.

There are solution's to the 3PP exploits. It's just those solution's are not a priority for the devs right now.

I just hope they get addressed someday soon.

In the mean time we just need to be patient and play on the servers that we enjoy.

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WOW while you guys bitch at eachother, let me repost what you have pushed back with your douchbaggary.



The bottom line is 3PP is a way to play DayZ, and it's not going anywhere.

I may not agree with DayZ being a 3PP game, but I have to except it.


You just have to look at it from the right perspective!


At least we have "Hardcore" servers. It's just to bad theres 10 times as many people playing on "regular" servers than "hardcore"

But that only shows just how many more people play DayZ with 3PP.

Which is crazy to me because IMO anyone that plays in 3PP is not getting the true DayZ experience.


I don't care what anyone says but that statement is true.


By using 3PP you are taking away from what makes DayZ so special, so much tension and realism is just gone!

IMO it's just lame to be able to stand next to a wall and fell comfortable knowing whats on the other side.

When you walk up against a wall, you should have the feeling of "what if someone is behind it waiting for me"?

Or when walking up the stairs in the jail cell, you shouldn't be able to clearly see whats upstairs before being in any danger.

You should have to be slow and quiet and listen for any footsteps andif you can see any shadows,

but on a 3PP server you can just stand halfway up the stairs and see everything thats up there.

It just takes away so much tension that FPP brings to the game.


It's still a good game in 3PP, but 3PP is a crutch, a tool that gives you a super human ability to look over and around things that your character should not be able to see.

Now if the game was coded better and the 3PP camera couldn't just go through walls then the problem wouldn't be as bad.

But the way you can stand next to a wall with a window and make it so the camera goes out the window letting you see everything thats coming is lame IMO.

3PP makes you fell way safer than you should.


I think alot of people that get upset over 3PP get upset because they know what everyone else is missing, which is a true survival experience.

You just miss out on so much when you use 3PP. What I mean by "so much" is a more genuine survival experience, the tension, the what if? that FPP brings to DayZ.

Of course the exploiting is another reason, but I just feel bad for people that feel like they need to use 3PP, and I don't want to hear,

"FPP makes my eyes hurt" That just a BS excuse, so many games are FPP only and I never hear that shit in any other game.


You can turn the headbob and rotation blur off ya know!


DayZ strives on being as realistic and authentic as possible, 3PP takes so much of that away.

IMO DayZ should be a FPP only game. It just makes sense in a game like this.

But....unfortunately 3PP is a part of DayZ and is NOT going anywhere.


I just hope they can fix the camera issue so that it can not go high enough to see over walls.

Or when your at a corner, the camera wont be able to turn to see around it.

There are solution's to the 3PP exploits. It's just those solution's are not a priority for the devs right now.

I just hope they get addressed someday soon.

In the mean time we just need to be patient and play on the servers that we enjoy.

I hope it never gets addressed as its a feature ppl choose to use. There are servers specified for ppl tailored to certain taste. If they feel the need to bash ppl based off of said taste well thats just there problem. But if its not this ppl will find another thing to bitch about. You know it and i know it lol. If theres anything i can agree with you on is ppl just need to stop bitching and play the servers they enjoy.

Edited by Deathlove

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I hope it never gets addressed as its a feature ppl choose to use. There are servers specified for ppl tailored to certain taste. If they feel the need to bash ppl based off of said taste well thats just there problem. But if its not this ppl will find another thing to bitch about. You know it and i know it lol. If theres anything i can agree with you on is ppl just need to stop bitching and play the servers they enjoy.

The only way they can address the issue is to separate the two.  Mixing them into one server should be a no no. 

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The only way they can address the issue is to separate the two.  Mixing them into one server should be a no no. 

Well im all for more server options for hard core players. As long as i can make more than one character to be honest. One stays on soft servers and i can make one specifically for hard core to enjoy that side if i want.

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Well im all for more server options for hard core players. As long as i can make more than one character to be honest. One stays on soft servers and i can make one specifically for hard core to enjoy that side if i want.

Oh for sure.  Hell, I think characters should be server specific anyway.  That would kill the loot hoppers

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Tried 1st person servers too, yep, i know that feeling, it gets quite dangerous to sticking the head out or waiting for things to happen!! One thing is that you also get much more panaroid, always trying to watch over the shoulder at everysound you hear!! Love that feeling

The only thing i don't like is the war between the 1pp and 3pp people, there will be servers for one side and srvers for the other, its like a fish lecturing a dolphin that just because he lives underwater he also has to breath it!!

I prefer 1st pp but thats me but i dont mind playing on the others!!

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Tried 1st person servers too, yep, i know that feeling, it gets quite dangerous to sticking the head out or waiting for things to happen!! One thing is that you also get much more panaroid, always trying to watch over the shoulder at everysound you hear!! Love that feeling

The only thing i don't like is the war between the 1pp and 3pp people, there will be servers for one side and srvers for the other, its like a fish lecturing a dolphin that just because he lives underwater he also has to breath it!!

I prefer 1st pp but thats me but i dont mind playing on the others!!

This.  It's like the CoD vs Battlefield arguments.  I prefer Battlefield.  I can understand why some like CoD.  I don't agree with their reasoning nor do I enjoy the game, but it doesn't affect me in the slightest.


3PP and 1PP are two separate ways to play the games and give you separate characters for each.  If I'm casually playing, kicking back while none of my friends are online you bet I'm gonna play in normal.  When my friends are on and we're all surviving together, I play Hardcore and take that seriously.  Neither of those decisions affect anyone in any other way.


The way I see it, if you want to play 1PP only, play hardcore - simple as that..  I'm tired of seeing people bitch about other people using 3PP just because they play 1PP in normal servers.  Don't want to be at a disadvantage?  Want to have everyone be 1PP?  Play Hardcore and stop bitching about how other people like to drink their coffee.

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I love how "Deathloves" arguments more or less come down to "I like 3rd person why dosent everyone else"

lol quite ironic from someone telling us all to just "play the servers we enjoy".....

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