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About onebadbasterd

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    Journey across the Wastelands...
  1. onebadbasterd

    Dramatic ?

    So everyone that had an axe wound in his life died instantly ? Interesting , wait a minute , i must call Surgeon General and tell him about this discovery.
  2. onebadbasterd

    Dramatic ?

    I never got asked to kill someone , i never encountered anyone whom asked me this. And that 1 shot with the axe is quite OP. It was very...unclimatic...very hummmm... Non-dramatic... That's the point Sir.
  3. onebadbasterd

    Dramatic ?

    Hell , there was more drama in spongebob. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ideIrtO6jQI
  4. onebadbasterd

    DayZ + Logic

  5. onebadbasterd

    KoS is acceptable for me.

    Damn , why do you play then if you only like the guns and the dead people... Get CoD or Battelfield ffs. If you think that the entire game sucks except for the killing then you are one weird guy...Why do you even play...Seriously?
  6. onebadbasterd

    KoS is acceptable for me.

    Happened to me once , never going to make the same mistake.
  7. onebadbasterd

    KoS is acceptable for me.

    +1 I second this. People just like to rage about their deaths , ''bad losers'' if you want... I learned the hard way that in DayZ if you want to survive , you have to be selfish and be ready to deal with ANY situations.
  8. onebadbasterd

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    1... He asked me to kill him because he wanted to respawn...
  9. onebadbasterd

    Weirdest player loot you have found

    I found a dead guy with 3 bundle of sticks , 2 can openers and 3 badly damaged medkits...
  10. onebadbasterd

    KoS ? Lol wut?

    I feel pity for ya'll getting KoS , cuz , seriously , i do not have that problem.
  11. onebadbasterd

    KoS ? Lol wut?

    Dont need a clan , get 1 friend or 2. I had great experiences alone , as a lone wolf bandit and as a bandit group (sometimes did hero group). Dont judge the game on few bad experiences , this is the first time DayZ gets so much exposure , people will soon ''adapt'' to the game. Give it time.
  12. onebadbasterd

    KoS ? Lol wut?

    LOL i'm supposed to go to sleep but still...I wander on these beloved forums.
  13. onebadbasterd

    KoS ? Lol wut?

    I seriously kind of hate it when i see frustrated players who just died a few times in game and come here to post a rant about KoS. (Many created their accounts just for that...come on.) Like seriously stop. Seriously :| It's pointless and frustrating since half the freaking threads are just about that. Most people here want to have a discussion about the game not hear about your frustration at losing a game. Do you see me raging and trying to contact the guy who made Solitaire available on computer so i can tell him that the game is shit , the cards are shit , the background is shit, it's an unbalanced shit ? No... Do you see me going on any forums for any multiplayer games to rage about my loses , my epic fails and when i just plain freaking suck at a game? No... Do you see me hating the guys at Nintendo for dying 100+ times in Majora's Mask when i was younger ? ...Huh noooooooo....... :rolleyes: Why do you think? Pointless , childish and noobish. I came up to 1 guy , ever and said ''Friendly''... Guess what happened ? *You are dead* From that death i learned : a.: Do not approach too much , stay near cover and do NOT engage conversation with ''Friendly''. b.: Better find a weapon , even a melee one before ever speaking with one. c.: In FUBAR situations , sing ''The Lion Sleeps Tonight'' over the mic , you'll see, it works. This is what you need to do. Make list of mistakes and never repeat them. People need to learn that these forums and all forums in general are there for meaningful discussion amongst the community , it aint called ''Personal Rage Board''. Please for this community's sake , try to do better than this guys , i know you can. And there is so many friendly communities out there already established since the mod, stop being antisocials and go out there and join one...It's not like there was none. Have a good time guys and watch some guys on youtube , i learned alot from guys like Sacriel , Ngotie , Dasquirrelsnuts...etc... Good day to all and have fun. :) BEANS , I FOUND SOME M'FN BEANS ! :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: EDIT : I rarely get shot on sight , either on the mod or standalone, i dont get how all of you guys are all dying...