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So does this game run smooth yet?

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Meanwhile I'm enjoying games that actually take advantage of my gpu



I don't mean perfectly smooth since its an alpha, but any better? (NOTE: My definition of smooth is 60fps, just because you don't mind running 20-30 doesn't mean the game is performing well)

Edited by Frell

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Runs smoother than any other game I'm playing right now, actually.

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No but its better since patch

I didn't mean perfectly smooth but is it really better?


Searching houses in cities was the clunkiest bullshit I've experienced in a while




Runs smoother than any other game I'm playing right now, actually.

I take it you don't game much
Edited by Frell
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If your GPU was willing to be taken advantage of then you'll probably find it be smoother than a frigid GPU

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If your GPU was willing to be taken advantage of then you'll probably find it be smoother than a frigid GPU

are you implying my gpu works a corner

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No but its better since patch


It's been worse for me, unfortunately.  Running in a forest drops me to 15fps sometimes...  :(

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It's been worse for me, unfortunately.  Running in a forest drops me to 15fps sometimes...  :(

ill take that as a no then

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Client performance is not better since the latest patch, thats garbage. Server performance was improved and atleast for me it is better now.(server side)


Dean Hall said in one of his tweets that AMD/ATI, Intel and Nvidia gave him some advices how to improve performance, so hopefully the next few months there will be some client performance updates.

Edited by deewd22

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Client performance is not better since the latest patch, thats garbage. Server performance was improved and atleast for me it is better now.(server side)


Dean Hall said in one of his tweets that AMD/ATI, Intel and Nvidia gave him some advices how to improve performance, so hopefully the next few months there will be some client performance updates.


I heard Dean talk about that in a live stream the other day... he said something like "based on their (nvidia et. al), there's a lot of room for optimization.".  I hope he's right.  Playing on "very low"/"disabled" for almost all the settings is making me sad, especially considering that almost all other modern games run at high/very-high/ultra without any performance issues for me. 

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Meanwhile I'm enjoying games that actually take advantage of my gpu



I don't mean perfectly smooth since its an alpha, but any better?


// creepy stare //


I'll take advantage of your GPU.


...wait, what? Sorry, I thought GPU was slang for your peewee.


// vanishes //

Edited by Grimey Rick

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If you're going to post a thread about performance, putting you PC specs in it is a start.  I for one don't have any issues with performance and I run it mostly on the highest settings

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No, it's not any better but server side, yes. I have a 780 Ti and 4770K and I get like 20 FPS in the cities on max settings. xD

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No, it's not any better but server side, yes. I have a 780 Ti and 4770K and I get like 20 FPS in the cities on max settings. xD

Start fiddling with settings and find out which ones are causing performance issues.  Post those issues in the proper section of these forums after  :)

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If you're going to post a thread about performance, putting you PC specs in it is a start.  I for one don't have any issues with performance and I run it mostly on the highest settings

i7 3.4ghz quad with a GTX 770


you probably do have issues with performance, you're just one of those people who manages to tolerate 22fps

Edited by Frell

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  I just upgraded from a fx 6200 / GTX 460 to a 4770k / GTX 770.   I went from about 18 - 22 fps in the city, 45 fps in the woods with really bad fps drops to now getting 33 - 40 in the big cities and 70 - 100+ in the woods and smaller cities.  I'm also not experiencing any more fps drops.  


  That being said,  I hope it improves drastically in the future,  although I'm not counting on it.  BI games don't exactly have the best track record when it comes to optimization.  

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Most of the map runs pretty smooth.. The new town up north that me and some of my buddies call the New Berenzino, that town runs really bad. Worse than Elektro on the mod.

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i7 3.4ghz quad with a GTX 770

you probably do have issues with performance, you're just one of those people who manages to tolerate 22fps

i7 3770k@4.2 - 16gig 1600 ram - Sapphire 7850 2gig - 1920x1080 40 fps Edited by Caboose187

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Most of the map runs pretty smooth.. The new town up north that me and some of my buddies call the New Berenzino, that town runs really bad. Worse than Elektro on the mod.


 I found that as well.


 My fps since release seem to be actually getting slowly worse.  Had an hour session on Saturday and it was the worst fps and stutter/lag wise that i have seen in a long time. Hoping they really start doing something about optimizing soon.

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I'm running a three year old rig.


i7-2600K @ 4.6GHz

8GB 2133MHz


Vertex 3 (x2) RAID0


Unfortunately I can only run one video card as there aren't any properly optimized drivers for SLI out yet, but if I put everything on High, it runs pretty well. I get 40 minimum frames per second.


I like to turn my settings down a bit to make other players more visible, though. When I do that I am sitting on a consistent 60+.

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I find it interesting how many people seem to get bad frame rates in cities and excellent frame rates in the woods... I'm the opposite - in the woods my frames drop to as low as 14fps and in cities, it averages around 25fps and about 30-35 on the coast.  I don't plan on upgrading my laptop any time soon (it's not even a year old!), so I'll keep dropping pennies into the wishing well and hope this optimization happens in the next year. 

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this game will never run smooth, the engine is what's to blame.


The arma 2 engine (that was the one SA was made upon) is a pile of pig shit compared to any other engines out there. it renders EVERY object in the cone in front of you when you look at some direction.


And by EVERY, i mean ALL objects till the end of the map.


Try to look towards the sea and you'll see your fps going up to 70~80 easily, no look inland and you'll get 30 or less fps.


Well just have to accept it.

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The engine is garbage I agree. BiS has a horrible reputation for not optimizing their games.


I'd prefer if dean stopped working on features and focused some time on the clunkyness so alpha testing in the future is much easier


i7 3770k@4.2 - 16gig 1600 ram - Sapphire 7850 2gig - 1920x1080 40 fps

No wonder you run smooth, thats overkill. Especially the CPU.


We shouldn't need specs like this to run a game as ugly as DayZ smooth

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For anyone who still has frame problems:


Everything else very low or disabled


Set video Memory to max.



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