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Do you Think DayZ Should Port to Console?

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i don´t think consoles would be able to handle this game lol

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Nope. One: It would have to be severely dumbed down to even come close to running acceptably. Two: There are far too many keys.

I don't particularly care if it DOES get ported, I just don't believe it CAN.



  On 1/25/2014 at 2:13 AM, PleaseDean said:


I do think it should because then I could finally play this game!



You can already play this game. On a PC.

Edited by Irenicus

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Too be honest, the controls of DayZ or I should say the engine it runs on would most likely be too sloppy for a console.  There is way too many buttons and the only way I can see them doing it is by dumbing the game down to more of a CoD/BF level of control.

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The only reason i should say NO is that - porting a game takes time and work from developers and i want them to work on Dayz SA PC. 

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Porting this to consoles can have a really negative effect on Bohemia Interactive too.


Bohemia Interactive is a PC developer, porting this to consoles is a surefire way to alienate your loyal fanbase.


Not devoting all your time and effort to the platform that has kept the doors open can be catastrophic.


Bohemia also needs to remember its previous horrible experiences with console development.


Never forget the 2005 opflashpoint port.

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  On 1/25/2014 at 6:43 AM, weedmasta said:

I think we have enough console/COD kiddies as it is. Let's not make it worse shall we?  :P

Well. it all depends in the style of games you like. COD isnt made for "Kiddies" even though many are found in cod. COD is made for people whom like first person shooters weather it be fast paced or the little nooblet Trickshoters sittin at the back hopin not to be killed. I play cod, isnt my favorite, Id much rather a First person shooter/Survival game such as DayZ to play. 

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you choose your platform, you deal with the lack of titles. the console kiddies just need to get over the fact that some titles are/were never meant to be played on their TV.


for what the new gen consoles cost, you can buy/build a budget PC to game on anyhow, if you shop smartly.

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  On 1/25/2014 at 6:30 PM, Real Meatshield said:

you choose your platform, you deal with the lack of titles. the console kiddies just need to get over the fact that some titles are/were never meant to be played on their TV.


for what the new gen consoles cost, you can buy/build a budget PC to game on anyhow, if you shop smartly.

I just feel I should point out, I want a gameing PC and I know I could build or buy one for the price, but the fact that My Parents bought it for Christmas for me is the reason I have it. If I had 400$ Instead I would have a PC right now. but I have to wait and earn 400$ weather that means I et a part time job (Im 15) or wait to get money from christmas or my birthday.

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  On 1/26/2014 at 5:22 AM, PleaseDean said:

I just feel I should point out, I want a gameing PC and I know I could build or buy one for the price, but the fact that My Parents bought it for Christmas for me is the reason I have it. If I had 400$ Instead I would have a PC right now. but I have to wait and earn 400$ weather that means I et a part time job (Im 15) or wait to get money from christmas or my birthday.


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  On 1/25/2014 at 9:50 AM, gibonez said:

Porting this to consoles can have a really negative effect on Bohemia Interactive too.


Bohemia Interactive is a PC developer, porting this to consoles is a surefire way to alienate your loyal fanbase.


Not devoting all your time and effort to the platform that has kept the doors open can be catastrophic.


Bohemia also needs to remember its previous horrible experiences with console development.


Never forget the 2005 opflashpoint port.



Ignorance is bliss. BIS is not a PC exclusive developer. They have developed for consoles such as with Carrier Command Gaea Mission in 2012. They Have also developed for mobile gaming with ArmA firing range also in 2012 and ArmA tactics in 2013. Never seemed to hurt or alienate their fanbase in anyway. DayZ Mod however did split opinion in the BIS forums iirc.


Also the 2005 OFP port was actually pretty good imo, waaaay ahead of its time for a console game and limited by the spec of the machine it was running on. At the end of the day it encapsulated the essence and spirit of OFP if limited in scope and hampered by clunky controls. I mean it even had a mission editor that although not as good as its pc brethren, was actually surprisingly good and a feature that sadly is not seen in many games on both pc and consoles to this day.


Now all that being said I do think that the SA should be completed 100% before any decision is made to attempt a console port, I do feel that such is the scope of DayZ it would be a mammoth task to bring it to consoles whilst retaining all its fidelity and gibonez is right in saying doing both at the same time could be catastrophic.

Edited by TenBensons

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  On 1/26/2014 at 1:32 PM, TenBensons said:

Ignorance is bliss. BIS is not a PC exclusive developer. They have developed for consoles such as with Carrier Command Gaea Mission in 2012. They Have also developed for mobile gaming with ArmA firing range also in 2012 and ArmA tactics in 2013. Never seemed to hurt or alienate their fanbase in anyway. DayZ Mod however did split opinion in the BIS forums iirc.


Also the 2005 OFP port was actually pretty good imo, waaaay ahead of its time for a console game and limited by the spec of the machine it was running on. At the end of the day it encapsulated the essence and spirit of OFP if limited in scope and hampered by clunky controls. I mean it even had a mission editor that although not as good as its pc brethren, was actually surprisingly good and a feature that sadly is not seen in many games on both pc and consoles to this day.


Now all that being said I do think that the SA should be completed 100% before any decision is made to attempt a console port, I do feel that such is the scope of DayZ it would be a mammoth task to bring it to consoles whilst retaining all its fidelity and gibonez is right in saying doing both at the same time could be catastrophic.


How did all their console ventures get treated  ?


All of can easily be considered flops, BIs needs to stick what its good at.

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  On 1/26/2014 at 5:22 AM, PleaseDean said:

I just feel I should point out, I want a gameing PC and I know I could build or buy one for the price, but the fact that My Parents bought it for Christmas for me is the reason I have it. If I had 400$ Instead I would have a PC right now. but I have to wait and earn 400$ weather that means I et a part time job (Im 15) or wait to get money from christmas or my birthday.


Sell your ps4 or xbox one and use that money to build a pc.

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if they start doing it in 2016, then yeah, why not.


just as long as they don't start wasting their time on wondering how to dumb down certain aspects, even when the PC version is not even ready.

Edited by komadose

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If you wanne played with gamepad i don't mind.


Im hardcore PC gamer as long my favorite games won't suffer even 1% becouse its also on a console i don't care.


But if a game is limited becouse the developer also have a console in mind i 100% agains it.

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They wouldn't have to dumb anything down, PS4 could handle this game on maxed out settings. Controller mapping wouldn't be a problem, especially the Dualshock 4 which has a touchpad on it. For all the people saying why would you want an to play an FPS with a controller, I believe most people play this game on 3rd person.

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Good god no.


I'm a console gamer (ps4,ps3,xb360) but turned to the dark side (PC gaming) a year ago - coz I wanted a better Skyrim experience!?

If DayZ was to make it to a console, you may as well just set the game in a walled-off Berezino and call it 'Dayz of Duty'.


No matter how douchey some of the players are in this SA, on a console it would be 24/7 douchery.

Seriously, don't waste the effort - without a perk system they just wouldn't understand it.

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  On 1/25/2014 at 2:13 AM, PleaseDean said:

Please Leave a legitimate response to the following question,


Do You Think DayZ Should Port To Consoles?


Legitimate answers would look like this please,


"I do/do not think it should because(your reason here)and that would(how the port would affect you or the DayZ Community)"


Please answer truthfully! 


I do think it should because then I could finally play this game! and that would be great because I could experience the sometimes intense, every move could be your death feeling aswell as the "Forest-running Simulator 2014" Moments where im just running though a forest, or crouching around xD



Extra Details: I have a PS4 and hope it ports because My parents bought my console and I cant afford to buy myself a PC but I hope my parents buy me one for my birthday! :D



fuck no pcmasterrace

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  On 1/26/2014 at 3:36 PM, dejeffers said:

Good god no.


I'm a console gamer (ps4,ps3,xb360) but turned to the dark side (PC gaming) a year ago - coz I wanted a better Skyrim experience!?

If DayZ was to make it to a console, you may as well just set the game in a walled-off Berezino and call it 'Dayz of Duty'.


No matter how douchey some of the players are in this SA, on a console it would be 24/7 douchery.

Seriously, don't waste the effort - without a perk system they just wouldn't understand it.


Whoa there...


What exactly is it about people with PC's that makes them think they are so much better?

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  On 1/26/2014 at 3:25 PM, joeymp said:

They wouldn't have to dumb anything down, PS4 could handle this game on maxed out settings. Controller mapping wouldn't be a problem, especially the Dualshock 4 which has a touchpad on it. For all the people saying why would you want an to play an FPS with a controller, I believe most people play this game on 3rd person.

I have to admire your confidence in the ps4 or is it the confidence in the developers to super optimize the game cause well your ps4 as far as cpu power ( a major need of dayz arma) its pretty much  a low end old laptop and well they dont run dayz so well lol .(maxed out settings lol delusional people with 3 to 4 k spent on a gaming rig that makes the ps4 seem like a calculator cant run the game that well on maxed out settings.)


Im glad the new wave of consoles came out specially as so many developers do it for console first then port to pc so maybe pc will get some decent ports towards it .


I think they will have a mountain of a task to get it to run on a ps4 and most likely would have to dumb it down quite alot plus and this point is selfish but um FUCK wasting development time on a console port finish a good quality pc game first before catering to the kiddie console market ....

Edited by SoulFirez

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Having it on PS4 is unlikely, and if it does come, will not be for a long time.

DayZ won't be done for ~2-3 years.

Porting it to console would take even longer.

So if you're waiting for a PS4 version expect it in 4-5 years, if ever.


Optimizing DayZ for PCs is going to take a lot of work, because even great PCs have trouble running it.

So porting it to inferior hardware will hit it even harder. (This probably won't be an issue when the game is done, but you never know)

Also, if you've played DayZ or Arma 2 you'll know that almost every key is a command, you use the entire keyboard when playing.

Getting those controls over to a controller with a dozen buttons is going to require a lot of creativity or a lot of dumbing down, either way, it won't be good.



Don't expect it to come to PS4 within the next 3-4 years if ever.



  On 1/26/2014 at 3:25 PM, joeymp said:

They wouldn't have to dumb anything down, PS4 could handle this game on maxed out settings. Controller mapping wouldn't be a problem, especially the Dualshock 4 which has a touchpad on it. For all the people saying why would you want an to play an FPS with a controller, I believe most people play this game on 3rd person.


Um, you realize how sloppy DayZ/Arma runs right?

Top of the line PCs sometimes can't handle how clunky the optimization is.

A PS4 could probably run it, but certainly not on max.

Edited by FlyingPurpleHippo

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If it takes any man hours away from finishing DayZ: NO.


Otherwise I just don't really care what console gamers do or get.

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I love hearing what other people have to say. weather it be No they dont want  a console port. or Yes. I dont expect that if they do port for it to take a year or less. I think it would take up to 3-5 years. finishing the SA on the PC(not to forget any other minor patch(s) to fix it up all the bugs when there done)and then working to so called "dumb down" to a console version aswell. I would sell my PS4 to build a PC but it was a gift from my parents so they would be pissed. but I will always be working to join this so called "PC Master Race"

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