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Something is very wrong with DayZ

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I must have met at least 15 people today on the Hardcore servers. Not a single one was hostile.

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You improved your talk skill. Nice. :P

Edited by NoCheats
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Breaking news: Hardcore players are softhearted. 

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I thought I was the only one who encountered that and this is why I like playing on hardcore servers. It's more enjoyable to meet others instead of meeting a bullet to the face.

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Just because they prefer to play first person, doesn't mean they want to kill everyone they see. Why are you expecting them to be more aggressive? The people who support first person play style are purists anyway. These types of players are more likely to interact with players in positive ways. Why does this surprise you? It should be expected. Better players don't KoS. Hardcore = better players. 

Edited by Solopopo
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In fact, I killed the only person I saw killed. It was some guy duping their body in the group I was with, so I got a nice keyhole and took them out before leaving Elektro. Elektro. Friendlies in Elektro. When I was leaving, I met another group of 3. One punched me and knocked me out, but didn't take anything and let me go. Met yet another person inland and they gave me nice things.

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I don't know if it's something unique to hardcore servers, but last night I ran in to two friendly German(?) guys at NWAF. I fucked up, bad, and they not only saved my life but after a brief chat they gave me 20 rounds of 7.62 (which is why I was at the NWAF anyway).


Edit for Plot Twist: I actually had the chance to try gambling on taking them both out with my revolver while they were preoccupied, chose not to.

Edited by Ulfhedjinn
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I had no idea "hardcore" was meant to reference a less helpful player base... I would have guessed it meant tougher Zombies, less loot, things of that nature... TIL.... 

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I had no idea "hardcore" was meant to reference a less helpful player base... I would have guessed it meant tougher Zombies, less loot, things of that nature... TIL.... 


I think the implication is that the deathmatching types and the immature types seem less common on hardcore servers, maybe because they find them too hard.

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I met two players on hardcore today.

One didn't see me but was running like hell into a building, a zombie in tow. I left him or her to it.

The second spotted me from about 20 meters, thought for a moment then we both ran like hell in opposite directions.

I also managed to take a jog through Berezino without it turning into a re-enactment of level 1 of Duck Hunt.



Quite a different game dynamic on hardcore servers for me thus far.

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It really sucks that this is true, I enjoy playing in 3rd person.  But as stated, people on regular servers use 3rd person as an advantage in combat.  I would love coming across more friendly players.  DayZ is DayZ i suppose... thankfully we all know what to do now if people arnt so friendly.

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I must have met at least 15 people today on the Hardcore servers. Not a single one was hostile.

Yep. Sorry 'bout that. It appears the player base has indeed broken this game.

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It happened to me as well on a hardcore server, but a sniper attacked me -

so it's situational; we're all different I guess.  :rolleyes:  

Edited by Ori42

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