PhillyT 554 Posted January 24, 2014 You that hard up for hard drive space? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SyL3X 51 Posted January 24, 2014 These comments are horribly rude. Yes, he doesn't need to make a post, but at least he recognizes that he can just wait till the game is fixed instead of asking for a refund. This is your community guys... It is what you make of it. People here crave for shitthrowing for any reason any time. We need more people with a mentality like yours. Have my beans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Falynth 6 Posted January 24, 2014 Alpha bro. Calm down. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quo 3 Posted January 24, 2014 That gear takes 2 hours max to get :) Goodbye, thank you for your 30 dollar donation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Window Licker 504 Posted January 24, 2014 Think im gonna quit this game untill the server problem is fixed. Just logged on a server and spawned completely new without any stuff. Tried on 10 Servers and its the same problem my equip : its just frustating to lose all that good stuff just because of a you do the mature thing and people come out to troll you, say's alot. I don't think the server bug will be around for too long but enjoy the whatever you do while I run a tread mill of re-gearing characters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quo 3 Posted January 24, 2014 wow you do the mature thing and people come out to troll you, say's alot. I don't think the server bug will be around for too long but enjoy the whatever you do while I run a tread mill of re-gearing characters.Please do explain how the mature thing is complaining about losing stuff in an alpha which clearly states YOU WILL EXPERIENCE THESE THINGS. The mature thing would be to shrug it off, and start over again, thats why you bought the game in the first place, testing, stresstesting, running around getting gear, die, redo. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mdogg2005 447 Posted January 24, 2014 (edited) Think im gonna quit this game untill the server problem is fixed. Just logged on a server and spawned completely new without any stuff. Tried on 10 Servers and its the same problem my equip : its just frustating to lose all that good stuff just because of a bug.. I'm gonna scream alpha here, obviously, but also the server bug is pretty bad. Just wait until it's fixed. I personally don't care too much since it gives me a chance to experience the coast a bit more (Day 1 of alpha I've been up north surviving instead of DM'ing at the coast), though it is definitely annoying. As I said, wait until it's fixed or just don't play - as you've said. Either way it's alpha and you can expect this sort of thing to happen once in a while. Edited January 24, 2014 by Mdogg2005 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
horrorview 56 Posted January 24, 2014 I think I'm going to quit doing hamster style.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tizzle 90 Posted January 24, 2014 Sorry to hear it, but you knew what you were buying/playing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted January 24, 2014 Hello there Im not overly font of these "i dont like XXXX so Im XXXXing" posts as they are essentially a rant which we dont allow and they tend to dredge up only sarcastic remarks. Im not closing at the moment, but am a hairs width from doing so. Lets see what happens. Rgds LoK 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BuddyRP 41 Posted January 24, 2014 For those experiencing this problem where you have your loadout on one server, switch to another and get wiped;Simply exit that server and rejoin a previously joined server (last joined) where you had everything on you to begin with. It will give everything back and try again (elsewhere) to playThis happened to me several times last night and it worked each time I went back to the first server 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Combine (DayZ) 247 Posted January 24, 2014 Orlok has some point. On another note (kind of sarcastic, herp): Why do people treat this like facebook and post their "status updates" ? This is "General discussion". Topics should be for discussion, not telling the (DayZ) world how you feel (in such a manner, at least). The forum would be cluttered if all posted threads like this. At least make one thread for this stuff, not clutter it all. In short, and somewhat rude, just to get the point across of course: "Don't like XY, so I will X / I just did XY" Elaborate, turn it into discussion or else. But not like this, because no one cares that way. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Window Licker 504 Posted January 24, 2014 Please do explain how the mature thing is complaining about losing stuff in an alpha which clearly states YOU WILL EXPERIENCE THESE THINGS. The mature thing would be to shrug it off, and start over again, thats why you bought the game in the first place, testing, stresstesting, running around getting gear, die, redo.He's doing the mature thing by realizing that he's not prepared for doing this and is instead going to leave the game for a while. Some people here have instead clogged the forums with repeated posts on the same topic or the immature option. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bubbajones 238 Posted January 24, 2014 This isn't an online Diary for your brain-farts. The world has facebook for brain-farting. if you want to comment in a discussion forum, expect comments to your comments. if you want to brain-fart your emotions, get a blog and disable comments. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hatesauce 99 Posted January 24, 2014 (edited) Sarcasm aside OP, a lot of us are in the same boat. I logged in last night found I had gear from 2 weeks ago on some servers, while I was naked on others. Every server I joined was pitch black night time. What did I do? Logged out and did something else. The devs will or do realize what is going on, it is plastered all over the forums and visibly noted in game. Without sounding redundant, we are in the early "test" phases of the Standalone and we should embrace it as such. You should feel proud to have contributed this early on, you are assisting in the success of this community and game. We are all pioneers here, whether you are a dev or a bambi just starting out; everyone contributes something (an update, a bug fix, a bandit story encounter). But quitting posts are passive aggressive and counter productive. We are all playing the same game here, it boils down to HOW you choose to play it. Edited January 24, 2014 by hatesauce 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mtace93 1 Posted January 24, 2014 Someone's got their knickers in a twist. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wud 143 Posted January 24, 2014 what about, not play& test and report ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
komadose 190 Posted January 24, 2014 expect random shit to happen in alpha. seriously. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
s1rGr1nG0 81 Posted January 24, 2014 Want some cheese to go with that whine? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
unicornsmustdie 32 Posted January 24, 2014 I think I agree with the original poster. Look, the way I see it, we paid to join an alpha. Fine. But so did one MILLION other people. And that just changed the game (as in marketing speak, not the actual game lol). And if the execs at Bohemia have half a brain, they understand too that this can be a golden franchise long term for them. Because you all know that 60% (yeah the KOS pukes) are from a wholly different generation and game universe that pays for about anything including clothes for avatars on xbox bloody live. So, if my guessing is right, Bohemia will soon open one, no two cans of devs and pour them on top of things, and Dean can do what he does high level -but not worry about micromanaging his whole team like he eluded to in interviews (more devs means more work and slows you down). Bohemia have a chance to put this amazing anti-game back on track and ensure a happy, growing base (for god sake, I saw the MSM already whine on video games about murdering, this game will go platinum 20 times over, plus every old recurgitated map will sell as DLC for 5-10 bucks. You can even sell them bloody red military boots I bet.) I just want to make a point that Dean isn't building a mod anymore. He sold it, got paid very well, and he's an employee now in a software company (is Bohemia really a gaming company?). He made Bohemia $25M real quick, and now it's time for them to act to ensure they won't lose the other additional $50M in future spin off to Battlefield 5 or that Rust game I keep hearing people about. ok rant over. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted January 24, 2014 Hello there The thread hasnt moved on from rants or sarcasm, so as warned, Im closing. We like all views, both positive and negative, but we need proper discussion not this. Closing. Rdgs LoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites