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Anybody wish the SA was never released?

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I love the SA and I am looking forward to following updates and seeing a fantastic finished product. But overall, I love the mod much more and I think I always will. This is not due to one being more "finished" or "playable" than the other, it's more due to the community. This place is thrashed beyond all recognition. The thing that made the mod great was the fact that all the people adopting it early had a similar vision of what the mod was, and enjoyed the fact that it was a somewhat niche player base. Didn't matter if it was KoS arguments or whatever, those were always present, but it was different. It does not feel like that anymore, whatsoever. Now it's several thousand ill-informed newcomers who tend to assume they know what's best for this concept spamming the forums relentlessly about topics that have been beaten to death by the veteran player base, it's getting tiresome. I am not trying to sound like new players cannot give input that is useful, because of course they can and should, I guess all you need to do is flip through the forums and you will see what I mean. 

Well it's not like the forum is going to influence where the game is heading.

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Before stand alone came out my one hope for the game was that it would move closer towards realism and being authentic.


I was hoping the game would have ultra realistic properties to the weapons, realistic ballistic system with wind and proper muzzle velocities and bullet trajectories, realistic wounds and treatment but nope.


We instead are getting what appears to be a very mainstream game for the masses not the anti game that we expected.


Its been out, in what can only be described as a unplayable alpha, for a little more then a month.

The devs are even saying dont play it yet, so i think its far far far to early to come to that conclusion mate.

It took the mod well over a year to get to what it is today, let the game evolve for a year and we should talk this over again hehe.

I honestly think we will see alot of what you describe, in the game, over the next 1-2 years of development :)

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Its been out, in what can only be described as a unplayable alpha, for a little more then a month.

The devs are even saying dont play it yet, so i think its far far far to early to come to that conclusion mate.

It took the mod well over a year to get to what it is today, let the game evolve for a year and we should talk this over again hehe.

I honestly think we will see alot of what you describe, in the game, over the next 1-2 years of development :)



Well I was only assuming it was heading in this direction due to the new things being added.


New compensator that increases accuracy for instance.

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Well I was only assuming it was heading in this direction due to the new things being added.


New compensator that increases accuracy for instance.


True, but we are barely scrathcing the surface here.

I can almost promise you the game will look different in just 6 months, even though ive got nothing to do with the development.

It was the same with Arma 3, for example.

It has changed dramaticly, from the beginning of tha alpha to the full release :)

On the other hand i could be very wrong, but i doubt it.

BI arent known for making arcadish games, which cater to main stream needs tbh :)

And i would like to add, the current weapons in the game, especially the M4, are utter BS when it comes to accuracy.

Especially if you compare them to the exact same weapon in Arma 2.

I think atm they are just adding more content, serious bug fix and configuration of items (accuracy, weapon sway, etc.) will come at a later stage, most likely once we hit Beta.

Edited by Byrgesen

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I love the SA and I am looking forward to following updates and seeing a fantastic finished product. But overall, I love the mod much more and I think I always will. This is not due to one being more "finished" or "playable" than the other, it's more due to the community. This place is thrashed beyond all recognition. The thing that made the mod great was the fact that all the people adopting it early had a similar vision of what the mod was, and enjoyed the fact that it was a somewhat niche player base. Didn't matter if it was KoS arguments or whatever, those were always present, but it was different. It does not feel like that anymore, whatsoever. Now it's several thousand ill-informed newcomers who tend to assume they know what's best for this concept spamming the forums relentlessly about topics that have been beaten to death by the veteran player base, it's getting tiresome. I am not trying to sound like new players cannot give input that is useful, because of course they can and should, I guess all you need to do is flip through the forums and you will see what I mean.

It sounds like your forgot a little bit what the forums were actually like back in the early days, remember when the mod really boomed May/June ? The forums were rank :D of course the sa has injected a lot more into since then and community is larger and probably younger but it still has a good solid core. Just skip the fluff :)

Personally i prefer the sa even at this early stage and in fact loved it straight out the door, especially compared to where the mod ended up latish last year. Also looking at gaming in general and it really still is pretty niche.

One thing i have noticed is a lot of the old hands have made their presence felt again here which is much coolio.

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Since this is alpha... It's a pre-release, why some people keeps talking about it like if the game had just come out and sucked because it was all buggy and stuff... Seriously...

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True, but we are barely scrathcing the surface here.

I can almost promise you the game will look different in just 6 months, even though ive got nothing to do with the development.

It was the same with Arma 3, for example.

It has changed dramaticly, from the beginning of tha alpha to the full release :)

On the other hand i could be very wrong, but i doubt it.

BI arent known for making arcadish games, which cater to main stream needs tbh :)

And i would like to add, the current weapons in the game, especially the M4, are utter BS when it comes to accuracy.

Especially if you compare them to the exact same weapon in Arma 2.

I think atm they are just adding more content, serious bug fix and configuration of items (accuracy, weapon sway, etc.) will come at a later stage, most likely once we hit Beta.

Incorrect. Bug fixing and content are completely unrelated. Different teams of people working on these things.

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The community can change if there is a bigger challenge than killing other people. Which can only mean; more zombies in the game and make them more aggressive. 

I remember when I was playing the mod, sometimes me and my friends had to kill like 60 zombies in a row.

Edited by daank89

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Hm, some of you guys sounds like this mod. has been out for a decade. Arma2 was out 2009, the dayz mod. probably  about 2010? :)

I played beta in Shadowbane in 2002, or was a murderer in Ultima Online in 1998.. Perhaps,

some hardcore dudes have actually some experience about PvP and survival type of games, or even better how to balance

it properly.

In my opinion right now it's too obvious where new players or R.I.P players spawns - so it should be more random in

future updates. And I say this to protect unarmed characters before they vanish into the woods to hunt new items and food. 'berries?' ))

And don't trust anyone in game like this - unless you know what you're doing or have decent backup plans,

and I also recommend to watch Frankie youtube videos; he is very experienced about survival.


-by Frankieonpc -



Edited by Ori42

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I can offer a precedent from a different gaming franchise that is and continues to go through a similar transition.


Planetside - very niche MMOFPS, played by a minority who dearly loved its eccentricities, about since 2003, largely abandoned by Sony with a very very strong focus on teamwork.


Planetside 2 comes along, the community is very excited but it quickly becomes apparent that its a much more mainstream game and aimed squarely at the Battlefield audience.


The original community become shouty and aggressive due to the perceived bastardization of their beloved franchise, the dumbing down of the game and the extreme focus on unlocking shit ala BF3 and CoD. The new community starts to refer to the old community as 'bittervets' and they slowly become marginalized and the much larger new community becomes the loudest.


Now Planetside 2 is about unlocking weapons, pimping them out with skins and decals, kill death ratios and the vast majority couldn't care less how their faction is faring as long as they're getting a good kill ratio.


Many of the original Planetside players have quit and moved on.


The Dayz community seems to be going through a similar transition however Dean seems to intend to stick to his vision which is good for now as it was apparent that SOE had no vision really and just saw a franchise that they could milk for as much money as possible.


Hopefully Dean will stick to his vision for as long as possible, but he will find himself having to compromise things here and there I fear as the audience becomes more mainstream and want everything handed to them on a plate.


There is a terrible word that starts getting used when a mainstream audience swarms in on a game, it's 'accessibility' which I interpret as dumbing down every component of a game so that some whiney 12 year old can figure it out in a few seconds and he can 'own' elite veteran players because he's been gifted so many skill compensators to level the playing field.

Edited by Gimpylung
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great game should not be made because some a-holes play it too?


lol. are you listening to yourself?


haha i can't even.... this is so... ahahahahaha

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great game should not be made because some a-holes play it too?


lol. are you listening to yourself?


haha i can't even.... this is so... ahahahahaha


Not sure if you are referring to me tbh, but I'll assume you are.


I'm merely pointing out that when a community goes through a huge transition and expansion that the game development is likely to reflect that and is likely to greatly dis-satisfy the original players, in this case its the mod players who will feel that their game has been taken from them and is likely going to go in a different direction than they had hoped.


What was once a cool free mod is now a commercial enterprise than must stand on it own financial feet, this is highly likely to compromise the purity of the game and greatly disappoint the original core players of the mod as the demands of a more mainstream audience gets pandered too.


While I am not a mod player and merely a recent blow in, I can totally sympathize with the original mod players and how they are likely to feel more and more marginalized as the months roll on.

Edited by Gimpylung

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Im enjoying the alpha immensely and like being part of the process involved with making this game better. The community isn't nearly as bad as most people think, people choose to focus on the loud minority.

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I love the SA and I am looking forward to following updates and seeing a fantastic finished product. But overall, I love the mod much more and I think I always will. This is not due to one being more "finished" or "playable" than the other, it's more due to the community. This place is thrashed beyond all recognition. The thing that made the mod great was the fact that all the people adopting it early had a similar vision of what the mod was, and enjoyed the fact that it was a somewhat niche player base. Didn't matter if it was KoS arguments or whatever, those were always present, but it was different. It does not feel like that anymore, whatsoever. Now it's several thousand ill-informed newcomers who tend to assume they know what's best for this concept spamming the forums relentlessly about topics that have been beaten to death by the veteran player base, it's getting tiresome. I am not trying to sound like new players cannot give input that is useful, because of course they can and should, I guess all you need to do is flip through the forums and you will see what I mean. 



the hype wave led a lot of people here who do not find enjoyment in the same qualities you seek. fortunately, dean has remained very much true to his vision of the game, and it is safe to assume that it is a good deal closer to yours than the people you describe in your post. thankfully the game is not a subscription-model mmo. those people bought into the alpha despite caveats and, should they leave dissatisfied, neither dean nor the company will be negatively affected. in the end, the resources acquired through the early release will be used in part to scale up the concept to something we'll enjoy contributing to the development of and playing for years to come, long after those who don't get the ideas of the game move on to something else or modify their own versions to reflect their vision as they did with the mod. 


my only real concern is that the flood of willful ignorant-types contributes to such signal-to-noise ratio, that this forum and most other dayz-related communication channels are no longer a viable way for dean to receive feedback from the community or interact with it directly. the very idea of a 'community' has for the most part ceased here, subsumed by..well, what you find in any other popular or controversial game at any point in its development: frothing internet shitlords threatening to throw their toys out of the pram if their infantile demands are not met posthaste.


don't worry though. dean knew this would happen to some extent, at one point writing that he wished the hype would die down somewhat. hopefully the stress of dealing with 'the internet' won't drive him off the project and it will reach the full extent of what we'd like for it to be.

Edited by yessaul robinovich
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The name of the thread just pissed me off.


No. I don't.


You say you love the SA but wish it was never released. Contradictory words.


I think overall thanks for the support.

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What was once a cool free mod is now a commercial enterprise than must stand on it own financial feet, this is highly likely to compromise the purity of the game and greatly disappoint the original core players of the mod as the demands of a more mainstream audience gets pandered too.

i dare you to give even ONE example how this game is going downhill.


it's exactly the opposite. they can now work on this game for a full day since they are getting paid from it, and they can make this to be everything they wished the mod would have been.


how and why would this demand more mainstream players? the alpha has sold more than a million copies... they don't need to try sell this to anyone. it's selling itself as it is.

Edited by komadose

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Over time, the fickle people will either move on to another game, or learn to play Day Z without bitching about everything. I'm a noob, never played the mod, love this game, I "get it" and have 100+ hours so far. I would have eventually gotten Arma 2 and the mod without the SA, but it is here and I'm glad to be a part of it now. The SA is hot right now, everyone is trying it, but everyone isn't used to the early alpha game experience. The final communtiy that really sticks with this game to the end will likely have a lot less whiners and just be a bunch of badass hard knock survivors. Let's get there.

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i dare you to give even ONE example how this game is going downhill.


it's exactly the opposite. they can now work on this game for a full day since they are getting paid from it, and they can make this to be everything they wished the mod would have been.


how and why would this demand more mainstream players? the alpha has sold more than a million copies... they don't need to try sell this to anyone. it's selling itself as it is.

Hey, I'm not arguing with you man. Maybe you're right.


But I'll give you an example, 3pp and All day servers are likely to become the norm because thats what the majority seem to want based on the fact that those kinds of servers are always full.


Is that what Dean wanted? Maybe his vision of the game is far more realistic and hardcore, I dunno what he wants but it gets irrelevant. The dev team could spend a load of time fixing 'night' so that people can't gamma exploit and it's a level playing field but if 80% of players are only playing daytime servers and don't care about nighttime issues. Would that be wasted dev time, would the majority not be moaning that time is being wasted on issues that they don't care about and stuff they do care about is not getting the attention they expect. If they then stopped playing would that change Deans priorities?


BTW, I'm playing devils advocate here a bit. I hope Dean doesn't pander to the will of the majority, I'm just saying its very hard to resist those pressures.


Edited by Gimpylung

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In answer to the OP: No.


Now it's released, it's getting a great deal of user/load testing and the stats will be showing the Devs where the problems lie.


That's our best chance of getting the game Rocket and his team intended us to have.

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I think your post makes some valid points it's just the title is a bit troll-like


 I apologize, I just didn't know how else to say it. Not trying to troll, honest.

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